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29 Jun 2024 21:12:59
Do the people that want tav to stay not find it strange that every time they speak about him it's about how many goals/ assists he has, not once seen one of you say how good he is at defending. Does that not worry any of you? As surely you realise that the defence is only as strong as it's weakest link?

I'm sick of watching rangers and having that dread in my stomach every time it goes into his area. Would rather have a solid defence, let the forward players score the goals and penalties. Having a solid defence is crucial to win titles, we'll never be solid there if he continues to play there. Thankfully I don't think PC is daft.

Agree9 Disagree0

29 Jun 2024 21:48:17
Boy blue is that not the same with the modern day right backs these days my friend ? ie better offensively than defensively ? Most definitely ?.

29 Jun 2024 21:55:02
I agree bb4 having said that for a mere 200k we have signed worse! But it’s time to go! And how can we ask millions for a guy who has major deficiencies.

29 Jun 2024 22:00:51
They hear, but don't listen, they look, but don't see, blinkered by past exploits that are not relevant in the present. Shame really cause nothing the majority say will affect the minorities view. If Tav stays, it will detract from him being a fantastic servant to our club. As much as I'd like it, I can't see him getting a second wind tbh.

29 Jun 2024 22:01:33
They don’t see it that way Blue boy 4 it’s someone else’s fault in the team for not covering for him.

29 jun 2024 22:14:01
its simply impossible to win a league title with poor defenders, we can always score goals because we have about 75% of possession, often more and much of it is inside or just outside the opponents box, but when you're throwing goals in to your own net you can't win, we need a full set of defenders imo.

29 Jun 2024 22:29:07
Nobody is under any illusion about his defensive capabilities and no one has ever stated a case about them. If he could defend he would have played with some of the best teams in the world. Why can’t you understand that? So where’s all the goals came from with all of this possession over the past x amount of years Tom? And for heavens sake please do not speak of Rangers players from the glory days. Please!

29 Jun 2024 22:31:19
Point incase BB, first reply.

29 Jun 2024 22:43:10
We play a high line domestically. In order to not be caught out very often you need defenders with pace. Goldson and Tav are easily exposed and only getting slower. Souttar is slightly quicker.
Sterling has that pace and defensive ability i don't see any reason at all to worry about him replacing Tav but another starting CB is a must.

29 Jun 2024 22:51:12
Me and my shadow?, thumbs up next TT. ?.

29 Jun 2024 23:10:00
Scoring goals wins games. Not conceding goals wins titles. Very rarely, if ever, does the best defence not win the league.

Tav has been part of a defence that has been good for 1 season. Unsurprisingly, we won the league.

Those who fawn over Tav like to blame other people for not doing his job because they're blinded by the goals and assists he posts and don't see the other side of his contribution.

They even talk about "modern fullbacks" being better at attacking than defending, but never answer the question around how many other must fullbacks in winning teams score 20+ per season but can't defend (cos there aren't any, Tav is the outlier) .

You'll never change their minds and that's fine. They're clearly happy doing the same thing every year and hoping for different results.

Tav has been a great servant to the club and well worth the 200k we spent. But it's time he wasn't our first choice right back and we transition the Captaincy. If he isn't too move on (which I think he should along with Goldson) then that should be the outcome.

If we go into next season with Tav and Goldson as first choice picks and Captain/ Vice again, we must likely see the same outcome as most of their tenure. Teams will continue to target that weakness, especially better teams in Europe and Celtic. And why wouldn't they. If I were setting up a team to play us with them in it, I'd be targeting them for 90 minutes.

29 Jun 2024 23:21:12
Tav TT does understand it, its in his post, he speaks of defenders not tavernier solely, by the same token where have all the conceded goals came from, oh must be the forwards, seems to be the only poster you seem to want to try n belittle, pathetic really, try being constructive instead of destructive. Not just today it's been a while now, just a sad would be bully, sorry if I offended any fellow posters.

30 Jun 2024 00:13:54
Not really swso, he should be decent at both, not excellent at one and absolutely hopeless at the other.
Captain tav so do you agree he can't defend? But you expect us to win titles? With a guy we all agree can't defend.
How you guys are all OK with Maeda ripping our captain a new one, every o. f game I will never understand, it's been like that for a while, but really stood out last season, because tav is getting so much slower. Good point dado. Guys was one of tavs biggest fans, but I can see he's going backwards, if he stays our captain and keeps his place, I could see it getting ugly for him. Shouldn't come to that though as PC also see what most of us see.

30 Jun 2024 00:31:01
Full backs to stop crosses coming in and them being defended when they do come in. Not much to ask, but it's a lot to ask of this team or so it seems.
Boy blue. I wholeheartedly agree. Very well put my man.

30 Jun 2024 03:11:36
If he could defend he would played with the best defenders in the world, what has that got to do with anything? If dessers could score 60 goals a season, so could he have. But neither of them can, If a won euro millions a could have bought an island, but a didn't and won't, see where this is going? It's nonsense! Why can't you understand that?

30 Jun 2024 04:10:36
Tav will b praying meada picks up injuries this season.

30 Jun 2024 05:44:27
Totally agree with your post CaptainTav ?Boy blue why can't you understand what captain tav is saying mate ? He's pointing out that tav is playing in scottish football for a reason my friend ie. with his ability offensively and his numbers which are incredible for a full back, if he had the full package and was also a very good defender, tav would be playing for one of the top teams in one of the bigger leagues, absolutely no doubt ? He's merely meaning that we should appreciate his ability offensively and like i've said before, if we had the better players that in modern day football do cover their attacking full backs at other club's, tav could continue to excel offensively, where his massive strengths lie ?We see it in practically all successful clubs with their attacking full backs being covered by a good centre half or a good defensive mid, which then allows you to get out of them, in their best natural attacking game? This happens with most clubs ie. with the players at your club, play to their strengths ?.

30 Jun 2024 05:56:16
The point being made is if he was the complete package he would’ve been nowhere near Rangers. Fork which part of my post belittles him? Only 1 bully on here btw and I see it every day.

30 Jun 2024 05:57:46
Think you’ll also find I said he’d have played with the best teams in the world not defenders.

30 Jun 2024 07:00:48
Great servant. But time to go.

30 Jun 2024 07:44:28
So pointing out his strengths and not weakness? How dare they ?.

30 Jun 2024 07:45:51
Tom we lost the league because we have a team full a midfielders and attackers who barely hit 10 goals a season but as usual you pick the bit you want to pic.

30 Jun 2024 07:47:17
Good at both he would be at Real Madrid no rangers. Wonder if sterling will be good at both a dout it.

30 Jun 2024 07:48:52
Maeda would give any rb in Scotland a hard time. He's fast and tav unfortunately is slower than he was.

30 Jun 2024 07:54:34
Remember last time tav was off pens? We went about a month without scoring one and we got one every game. For me tav's time is up because his age and speed, but some a the comments about him are a joke. Give it 5 mins before the usual suspect mentions bomber brown ?.

30 Jun 2024 08:02:09
I never said you highlighted "defender", I was picking up that you had a pop at TT about Tav when he never mentioned him. Agree if he was the full package, but he isn't, be honest Cap you do tend to lean towards being confrontational with TT, if I am way of base I apologise bud?.

30 Jun 2024 08:07:57
Spot on Gdog?.

30 Jun 2024 08:16:23
Raskin is correct he no longer has the legs he needs to do his job, he was great but not so much now.

30 Jun 2024 10:09:54
Good posts gdog, fork and Bb4.

If Tav was better he would be at a bigger club no rubbish Sherlock. That goes the same for most of our players. That’s bs raskin about pens dessers took two pens this season scored 2 we have a few players could easily take pens Tav is a good pen taker not great. We need our assists coming from wingers etc… instead of flinging hopeful balls in from Tav and hoping someone gets on the end.

30 jun 2024 14:05:06
It's been going on a long time mate, guy can't stop now. i said we can't win without a good defence. i stand by that, nothing about if he could defend he would be at world class clubs.

It's about a defence that can defend, we win nothing without that, this guy just full of hate for some.

30 Jun 2024 14:26:05
It is being noticed bud?.

30 Jun 2024 15:04:30
So any player at rangers we think is ? at certain parts of there game we will just suck it up and keep quiet, because if they were better at those certain parts of there game they would be playing with the best teams in the world? Great logic tav.



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