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16 May 2024 12:16:03
Ibrox Noise claiming Clement is getting £25m to spend during the summer, didn’t someone on here say he had around that amount to spend not to long ago? ?.


1.) 16 May 2024 13:13:50
I do remember seeing the figure of £25 million being banded about on here. The only hope is that Ibrox Noise is usually a lot of nonsense and have got this wrong - although I wouldn't be surprised if PC gets nowhere that to spend. That's what happens with continued failure on the pitch - no champions league money and the cycle continues.

2.) 16 May 2024 13:25:51
Someone posted it as a bam up on twitter a few weeks ago and people have seem to catch on and take it seriously.

3.) 16 May 2024 13:48:01
Rfc won't be far off 25 mill? Beale spent 21 mill last summer.

4.) 16 May 2024 15:16:32
It’s probably and accurate guess by most folk however I imagine that’s very much based on bringing funds in and clearing player wages.

5.) 16 May 2024 16:04:59
G4 yes I did. About our weeks ago mate.

6.) 16 May 2024 16:39:07
Was mentioned on here, IBROX noise first port of call most days.

7.) 16 May 2024 16:42:42
Paul, the net spend was about £2M last summer. That was with £11M worth of outgoings. Unless butland goes for big money I can’t see any major signings. Think Diomande will be our biggest outlay at £4M.

Hope I’m wrong but just can’t see it.

8.) 16 May 2024 17:23:42
Exactly zikos. There may be some extra this time tho as wage bill will be significantly lower.

9.) 16 May 2024 18:12:53
See when we say £25 million to spend I'd imagine that will be spread across a few years.

10.) 16 May 2024 18:13:41
More money was spent on both Danilo and Dessers, zikos mate.

11.) 16 May 2024 20:12:06
Over the last 2 years I think we have made around £10+ million net. Plus the run we have made in Europa and champions league cash we should have a health transfer budget I think we will need to sell 2/ 3 players to get the £25 million although I think there will be at least £15million sat aside before we sell player well I hope ?.

12.) 16 May 2024 20:29:54
Yes and we still made a loss. Hence why i think butland will be moved on.

13.) 16 May 2024 20:32:06
No it wasn’t, our total spend was £13M with £11M coming in.



20 Jul 2023 13:40:32
It's on football Scotland that a Dutch outlet 1908nl has said we've submitted a improved offer of £5.2m for Danilo.





G4's banter posts with other poster's replies to G4's banter posts


17 Apr 2024 23:54:12
I can't believe what Clement has said regarding Dundee being lucky tonight am actually starting to question if he is the right man to take us forward that's 2 post match interviews that's been a lot of rubbish and his defending of that lap round Ibrox after dropping 2 points at home to them!


1.) 18 Apr 2024 05:42:31
Guys angry fgs, 2 bad interviews in 35 games give me a break, it wasn't a lap either, they clapped the support, just like they done last night, albeit an apologetic clap for a woeful display.

2.) 18 Apr 2024 06:47:10
G4 - I am sure he is saying much different in changing room - he must defend the lame old dog to the cameras as it still has work to do on the farm - when season is over it will be taken care of just as many of these under achievers must be removed from their posts - PC looked disgusted on the sideline with the usual array of misplaced Goldson long and short passes and lack of movement up front - It was an expected Horror Show - Over paid and Under achievers fill our team -TIME FOR CHANGE - I will truly judge PC when he has his own men in relevant places in the team.

3.) 18 Apr 2024 06:49:56
His comments were terrible after game. Says we were much better than against ross county . I didn't see it what game was he watching? That's worrying if he thinks that was much better!

4.) 18 Apr 2024 06:54:44
He knows it’s nowhere near good enough and I’d rather he just said less but he’s defending the players and that’s his style, he will do his talking privately.
He will also be aware of what he needs and who can leave and that’s not easy and will depend on funds etc.
His team selections last few games have not been great granted, but this is on the players they are simply not good enough all round to win the league.
Most of us felt awful start of season that we were still a bit behind Celtic and that’s how it’s turning out.
He has to get his own players in and next season will be key for him.

5.) 18 Apr 2024 07:04:59
I almost fell off my chair at this interview, that was not the best strategy for him and will backfire tremendously.

6.) 18 Apr 2024 08:03:46
His moral victory comment had made him look very foolish and now being brought up at every opportunity.

7.) 18 Apr 2024 08:08:01
Agree Bluefloyd, he can't rip them apart on camera, when he needs them with him for the run in, sure he's firm but supportive of his players and knows that they all know only a handful of them will be there next year.



10 Feb 2024 16:36:04
VAR hopeless in rugby also Scotland have been done.


1.) 10 Feb 2024 16:41:01
Shocking decision, we was robbed.

2.) 10 Feb 2024 16:49:45
Similar to VAR but it's actually the TMO but aye they were done.

3.) 10 Feb 2024 16:50:53
Absolute disgrace of a decision.

4.) 10 Feb 2024 16:52:58
Was a disgrace of a decision can’t believe they never gave try you could clearly see it went away from the foot.

5.) 10 Feb 2024 17:08:36
Scotland are improving at the Rugby but they still have a way to go. They don't hunt together in the pack the way that the other Home International sides do and they still lack that bit of guile. Great support though!

6.) 10 Feb 2024 17:25:22
Aye Berkshire. The Morningside posse were giving it laldy.

7.) 10 Feb 2024 17:39:14
A try all day long.

8.) 10 Feb 2024 20:08:41
Why have, var, tmo, when they bottle making decisions, also why do rugby persist with using refs from Southern hemisphere in 6 nations, doesn't work other way round, Scotland robbed. Maybe walsh, colum should take up rugby, they would fit in well.

9.) 10 Feb 2024 22:12:40
Agree Ger58 the TMO just stuck with Nick Berry's original on field decision, try all day long, bottling it not just a football thing.



31 Jan 2024 08:50:34
Is transferCentre9 a reputable source as it claims we're close to a £5m deal plus add ons for Kevin Denkey?


1.) 31 Jan 2024 10:50:56
G4 many say he has a good track record.

2.) 31 Jan 2024 11:23:29
Denkey has some scorin record going back to his debut with nimes 2 as they call the b team in France.

His record if u go have a look at his Wikipedia page is fantastic.
I wrote yesterday 106 in 220 apps or sumfin like that.
Check his Wikipedia page not transfer marketzx.



30 Jul 2023 13:52:29
Pre season over and was looking forward to the upcoming season then I remembered Sky have gave mutton a gig ?.


1.) 30 Jul 2023 15:45:42
You've got a mute button.

2.) 30 Jul 2023 16:19:34
Sutton is much worse than Andy Walker.




G4's rumour replies


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24 Jul 2024 09:43:11
And there is the real SWS for years he’s been telling us he’s the best Rangers ever!




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22 Jul 2024 16:17:10
Strange comment to make StevieG2.




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13 Jul 2024 12:02:53
Sunshine I’ll wait until the 1st of September regarding my opinion if we are stronger or weaker this season.




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20 Jun 2024 14:53:33
Can’t use Hampden due to Pinks concert then the pitch is being relayed.




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19 Jun 2024 17:12:04
Testimonial your kidding aren’t you?





G4's banter replies


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24 Jul 2024 20:56:23
It’s safe to say this has been a absolutely terrible pre season on a whole for the club.




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22 Jul 2024 12:53:07
OWS the tie will be played in Poland if it’s Kyiv.




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22 Jul 2024 10:05:53
100% Storm unfortunately that appointment has set us back a couple of seasons and is up there with the Pedro appointment if not worse.




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19 Jul 2024 10:30:19
442 = Coldo fork so he was probably having a pop at John.




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16 Jul 2024 14:21:15
Come on he must be nearly 90 years old let him enjoy the rest of his life.




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