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15 Jul 2023 20:22:10
Seen on Twitter an was said on FF in the last hour which thought was a coincidence that rangers could be moving on from Jose Cifuentes. Have we got sick of LA and just waiting and tey get him for free in January?

Anyone any news.

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15 Jul 2023 20:55:58
Possible I think we can wait till January if the fee they want is to high.

15 Jul 2023 21:31:46
If mb wants him Jan could be too late your relying on Jack who gets injured or lunny who's in and out of form also Raskin is in his 1st season so go get him now.

15 Jul 2023 21:35:56
They will sell him they will not want to lose him for nothing the mls break starts tomorrow.

15 Jul 2023 21:56:49
? That’s the rest of the weekend f&@ked then if correct!

15 Jul 2023 22:09:17
Rfc there is absoloutly no reports of him signing a pre contract with us.

15 Jul 2023 23:02:08
Some deals just don't happen. The guy is free come Xmas. Granted, would rather he came in now, but pointless overspending. Should be approx £1m, take it or we get him for nowt in a few months.

15 Jul 2023 23:05:50
Has he even signed a pre contract yet? If we are moving on from him that might mean moving on from him for good. He is the best player we have been linked with. I’m fine waiting until January if we have pre contract done.

15 Jul 2023 23:07:04
What about all these peoples sources saying he's signing this week or next and a fee agreed and 1d booked?

15 Jul 2023 23:17:36
This would not surprise me one bit.
Hope it's wrong, a lot of people been shouting this is the signing of the window so far?

15 Jul 2023 23:42:05
Walter relying on 3 players is a bad thing according to you?

Sorry! But are you mental?

15 Jul 2023 23:44:23
Lots of you have short memories I'm glad the club playing hardball and not just folding.

We have enough in those positions right now we have to be willing to wait on the odd player so teams don't think they can ripp us off

I say well done to the club if they have got sick of LA.

16 Jul 2023 00:06:17
He has signed a pre contract apparently the 2 clubs usually come out at the same time as respect saying the player is leaving his old culb and is signing for his new one one a pre contract the only reason rangers have not done this is because negotiations are still on going and do se it being made public till august as up in till then a deal can still be struck.

16 Jul 2023 00:23:33
Will87, got to trust that the guys in the know on this platform are
usually spot on. Beale57, John27, Copland etc

Cefuentes will be a Rangers player before the season kicks off.

16 Jul 2023 00:48:10
Gotorbig Playing hardball is one thing and not spending to make our team better is another. Patterson, aribo, bassey and even stevie G left for money and a great deal of money tbh. If our club want champions league money this season they should be spending. This is players our manager wants in so he can go challenge for a league title and enter champions league. It’s so important not to miss out on targets though playing hardball. Tbh it’s not hardball. It’s penny pinching and lack of investment.

16 Jul 2023 00:55:07
Still think it’s the Rangers thing of jumping to conclusions, Rangers always knew he would take longer, didn’t Beale mention 3 players the other day? Pretty sure he would have said something.

16 Jul 2023 01:00:06
If u want to be one of the big clubs if the world we must have owners that are willing to invest or lose money in tough times. When the clubs on top there is a lot of money to gain. Win the treble next year and our players will be worth 3 times what they are right now. Kamara was getting touted at double figures just over a year ago and now we would be happy with 4 mil. Alfredo for double figures and now we wouldn’t even touch him as a free agent. If we win nothing our players are worth nothing.

16 Jul 2023 02:03:23
As a club playing in the Scottish league, getting the best possible deals for each player we sign is essential. There is very little financial reward in this country for success, we pin all our hopes on getting into the champions league, so its a massive gamble to play large amounts of cash for a player only to potentially not qualify.

16 Jul 2023 05:12:19
It’s all well and good with a board that spend money, however we were on the watch list for FFP. If we breach that there is no European football.

16 Jul 2023 05:23:31
Rfc that's absoloutly nonsense your saying. a club can announce a pre contract whenever they want as long as the players playing in a diffrent country. there is zero news of him signing a pre contract. also if you think he's signed a pre contract he's obvoisly been flown over to do a medical. has that happend .

16 Jul 2023 07:10:08
John, Copland, Whitehorse… is this true? Hope not guys. Been patiently waiting for this signing.

16 Jul 2023 08:35:51
Broxy have we not spent money?

Must have missed that

I swear half the people on here forget what kind of behaviour in transfer market got us in the position of catch up to Celtic in first place it's idiotic we are still making the same mistakes and not learning at the past.

16 Jul 2023 08:37:56
Well said aribo I swear some people on here have no sense of realism.

16 Jul 2023 08:43:26

All players that can play midfield roles but some people think we don't have enough

Get real people we need to move some people on before considering cifuentes fee

Just how much in wages a year do people think these players cost.

16 Jul 2023 08:45:09
If you announce a player before they enter the last 6months of contract it's tapping and you can get transfer ban as you are not ment to even contact player until last 6 months.

16 Jul 2023 09:16:09
Gofor have you had a canary?
Jesus Christ.

16 Jul 2023 09:30:38
Goforbig that’s not entirely true.

16 Jul 2023 10:15:26
So Rangers are going to play Nnamdi Ofoborh who has a heart condition, or Glen Kamara who doesn’t want to be here, as opposed to buying the CM we need? That’s not going to happen, Gofor.

Rangers WILL have a new CM in for those vital Champions League qualifiers.

16 Jul 2023 10:19:19
Gofer, his contract ends in december lol.

16 Jul 2023 10:43:23
Beale is having to juggle funds, I suppose most clubs are right now, but I think the manager will get this sorted.

16 Jul 2023 10:57:23
Would the player be impressed that the club can't come up with a couple of £m right now? if he's the business some other club certainly will, if he's not then nothing to worry about, maybe if we got £500k for Wright we could chuck that in and cross fingers they accept £1.5m . or we could crowdfund or hold a raffle. bingo night?

16 Jul 2023 11:26:52
Gofer my point being cifuentes will imo play alongside Raskin if we don't get him we then rely for that position a guy who gets injured for months at a time or a guy who's form has fallen away otherwise MB wouldn't even try to sign the player in the 1st place and for Raskin he's a young player playing abroad for the 1st time and needs a partner. Do you understand.

16 Jul 2023 13:22:09
Goforbig, you`re list is a bit exaggerated, Wright doesn`t play midfield and will be gone soon as will Kamara, Sterling is a full back, Ofoborrh probably will never play for us and Davis also probably won`t play for us again. We do have lots of options but not as many as you make out.

16 Jul 2023 15:33:03
It’s not nonsense davie it’s a respect thing happens a lot mate and never sayed they couldn’t if you want to read it again ?.

16 Jul 2023 15:38:21
Might if got his medical over there and that happens as well some players never even have a medical till after they sign especially on transfer deadline day I’m sure medicals don’t take place at the club enless Ibrox has a s##t load of medical equipment hiding out the back.

16 Jul 2023 17:55:18
Please don’t shoot me down, just a legitimate question.
If a player signs a pre contract when will the medical take place?
Before signing or would the signing take place as long as medical is passed? Or potentially before signing the agreement and actually when leaving his current club in 6 months time?

Hope that makes sense.

16 Jul 2023 17:55:41
Ok take away wright still a lot of midfielders on the books and that was my point

Wages is what gets you in trouble.

16 Jul 2023 17:57:04
Wslger but until they are officially gone they are still collecting wages they could get injured in training and other club says no deal.

Can't keep stock pilling guys that don't lay and get good wages.

16 Jul 2023 20:03:57
Michael the post does not name the player staying in hotel.

16 Jul 2023 20:08:53
Rangers don’t have a lot of midfielders who can play as a sitting midfielder, or be used as a box-to-box. It’s Raskin, Lundstrum, and Jack. A fourth is needed and someone who is good enough to start. Cifuentes is perfect for that.

apparently his true value is somewhere in the region of £8m and Rangers are only getting him cheap due to his contract situation. So even if the £2m is paid we would still be getting a deal here. We can’t wait until January the league and Europe could be gone by then.



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