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04 Jul 2024 10:54:45
Igamane will be announced later today.

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04 Jul 2024 10:57:31
Was supposedly en route yesterday to complete today, gd gd another one in ?.

04 Jul 2024 11:17:10
Someone not say same thing last week?

I will predict it will happen on saturday.

04 Jul 2024 11:18:44
Pleased with new signings but hoped Shankland would have signed for us.

04 Jul 2024 11:49:22
Is this the guy from Morocco? Doesn’t seem any better than Dessers to me. going by stats.

04 Jul 2024 12:10:23
Azul what a terrible, negative comparison. He's been signed for his potential and raw talent already there. To exist as a club we need to be shifting guys for big profit after a few years.

04 Jul 2024 12:30:54
He's a player we've signed to sell on in the future.

That's the attitude though, not better than Dessers stats wise so we'd be as well not signing him.

04 Jul 2024 12:42:25
Any news on Trigger's Broom?

04 Jul 2024 12:47:11
Azul surely you can't judge a player without seeing him play.

04 Jul 2024 12:49:46
He can hit the ball first time Azul which is one up on Dessers, we will see could be the next big thing or maybe not, a think defenders will know they have been in a game with him tho, fingers crossed.

04 Jul 2024 13:00:15
He’s 8/ 9 year younger than Dessers he will be on a fraction of the wages and will have cost less. Rangers will sign a striker if Dessers goes I don’t think Igamane is a Dessers replacement anyway more of a Roofe replacement for me.

04 jul 2024 13:45:41
its actually scary to think how many goals a good footballer 8n dessers position would have scored, i think that's a spotlight on how poor the opposition is outside celtic, , dessers is a woeful player imo, but he had s9 many clear chances that he scored 20 odd, he must easily have missed 49 or 50 clear opportunities, often so clear your granny would have scored, it is really soul destroying seeing a good n
move collapse because the end target simply can't control or strike a ball without 5 touches just to turn round, the guy is not a good player and could easily have had 49 goals, what does that say about the rest?

04 Jul 2024 14:03:04
Very negative azul have you even seen him play.

04 Jul 2024 14:09:29
I didn’t say don’t sign him. That’s not up to me it’s up to the club. I’ve seen his highlight reel. Just saying. As far as signing players for development to sell on for future profit etc is all good but I for one can’t stomach another season of watching them win win win. This is the route they’ve decided to go down which is fair enough but if the manager doesn’t deliver, No Excuses.

04 Jul 2024 14:33:28
Swept up by a bigger club SB??.

04 Jul 2024 14:56:06
It’s definitely had more treatment than Jack SB.

04 Jul 2024 15:16:23
Dessers has good stats 22 goals and 5 assists.

04 Jul 2024 15:17:21
Tom Thumb if there was a player in Scotland scoring 50 goals in a season he wouldn’t play in Scotland. Who was the last one to do it Larson? McCoist? He missed chances I think someone posted it on here it was around 16 big chances with the messiah shankland not far behind him.

The same messiah who scores a goal in 2 less shots on target but plays double the amount of time and not against the low block. Do we need better than dessers yes but he’s not a bad player definitely a guy I’d like to have around but if the news is true he wants away I wouldn’t be surprised. I rod has become a toxic cauldron recently.

04 Jul 2024 15:28:36
I wish people would stop looking at stats and trust their eyes. Dessers isn't going to improve at his age. Or get you a profit, we paid way ovrr the odds for him.

04 Jul 2024 16:03:18
Correct Sam of oranges some have very short memories we have had 6 strikers score more than 20 goals a season since 2000. Some fans are just deluded.

04 Jul 2024 17:41:37
Big dado many of player get better with age especially strikers and keepers - strikers who played their best football after 30, adruiz, di natali, vardy, toni, klose there’s a long list.

04 Jul 2024 18:25:57
Thankfully breath holding waiting for a signing isn't happening. If it were we'd either have world record holders or a lot of dead supporters.

05 jul 2024 15:15:02
no short memory here

nobobdy ever utter tge word massiah, you just did that youself, and dessers is awful,



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