02 Jul 2024 10:59:07
Is anyone concerned about our club financially with no automatic CL money. Not hearing from the board is concerning me now, total silent. Been some changes in Bisgrove leaving been some disasters with Ibrox. Our support put a lot of money into this great club so a 5min interview would help to clarify some ongoing concerns.

1.) 02 Jul 2024
02 Jul 2024 11:17:12
Anyone who isn’t worried is burying their head in the sand tbh.

2.) 02 Jul 2024
02 Jul 2024 11:17:51
Rangers put out statements regarding both the bisgrove departure and the stadium redevelopment. Also your choice of wording is poor regarding Ibrox development.

3.) 02 Jul 2024
02 Jul 2024 11:18:18
Was told this morning that we'll remain playing at ibrox, with the copland road stand closed until the issues are finished ?Was also told that any tickets available to any season ticket holder in the copland road would be down to a ballot for the relatively small amount available ?Heard that rangers will possibly announce this in the next 48 hours and for any copland road season ticket holder that won't be able to attend our first home games because of these work issues will be reimbursed, offered free edminston house access to watch the games live they can't attend or get free live showings for no cost on RTV ?. This will obviously include myself as i'm a season ticket holder in the copland road stand ☹️ Only passing on what i've heard/ been told and time will tell how accurate this news is ?.

4.) 02 Jul 2024
02 Jul 2024 11:34:23
Cheers Walter? waiting game bud.

5.) 02 Jul 2024
02 Jul 2024 11:36:13
I think that could be the best option SWS close the Copland keep the two games at Ibrox but reimburse the Copland fans with a ticket to our first home champions league game. It depends on the construction equipment weather it’s on the pitch or not that prevents games being played at Ibrox.

6.) 02 Jul 2024
02 Jul 2024 11:37:52
I agree with both posts lads the silence is deafening and to have no update on stadium is ridiculous.

7.) 02 Jul 2024
02 Jul 2024 12:05:33
Careful now lads, asking for a statement from the board is frowned upon by some on here.
Follow Follow.

8.) 02 Jul 2024
02 jul 2024 12:14:55
so, once again, rangers are expected to tell the world of they're business instead of getting on with the job in hand then making a statement

they've said what's going on and why

but that's not enough, a few screamers need statements every day delivered to they're doors, quite possible they never set foot in ibrocx but they want to know everything

coops is possibnly correct, wait and see, rangers, like all companys don't hand out information everyday, , so get over it, let the job get dine and give us peace with your constant greetin.

9.) 02 Jul 2024
02 Jul 2024 12:15:11
Bluey we have automatic european money which is still fairly decent money we make on that. And we do still have a chance of CL.

10.) 02 Jul 2024
02 jul 2024 12:31:16
sorry for the outburst but its just ridiculous expecting the club to tell you everything about an everyday construction job, the job will be done n dusted very soon, what exactly do yiu want a statement about?

11.) 02 Jul 2024
02 Jul 2024 12:32:50
I don’t know any business that goes about telling everyone every little bit of detail. When they have something to announce then they will.

12.) 02 Jul 2024
02 Jul 2024 12:51:19
That’s you been told then ?.

13.) 02 Jul 2024
02 Jul 2024 13:02:07
If the club were worried about money they wouldn`t even have started the Copland project, it isn`t essential work it is an upgrade in facilities and could easily have been postponed if there were any concerns . Clubs upgrade stadiums all the time and sometimes run into delays which can cause inconvenience or even having to play elsewhere. It happened to Hearts for example not that long ago . It is disappointing but we shouldn`t jump on the media and brainless pundit band wagon and make up stories . let's wait and see what the board, who have done a good job rebuilding the club and fixing the stadium have to say about it.

14.) 02 Jul 2024
02 Jul 2024 13:17:08
What football club releases statements about everything they do? Never seen that in my 40 years of life ? come on man I know us rangers fans like a moan on here but jeeezooo man.

15.) 02 Jul 2024
02 jul 2024 13:17:55
difficult to understand a rangers fan would come on every day fuelling conspiracy theorys and spreading nonsense, we are also in middle of rebuilding our team as well as reconstructing our stadium,
that's not good enough, they need constant reports on every step

stop helping spread rubbish about our club, because that's exactly what yiur doing with yiur endless greetin.

16.) 02 Jul 2024
02 Jul 2024 13:40:22
Union bears will be missing from games as well then, how many does Copeland hold 8000 +, the corner possibly out of commission as well maybe another 1000.

17.) 02 Jul 2024
02 Jul 2024 14:10:36
Cooper the UB will still find a way to get tickets they seem to hoover up the away tickets.
If true, for the guys in the copland there is always seat sub to check also.

18.) 02 Jul 2024
02 Jul 2024 14:15:38
Walter I believe this is preferred option now.

Its reckoned 4000 can be accommodated around stadium,

19.) 02 Jul 2024
02 Jul 2024 14:31:46
For those of you who missed it rangers made a statement re stadium

Works are delayed due to the delay in arrival of materials

We are in discussions with sfa, spfl and uefa re alternative venues for home matches, we will update fans and other clubs as soon as we can confirm where games are to be played.

20.) 02 Jul 2024
02 Jul 2024 14:40:13
we'll cope without the CL money.

21.) 02 Jul 2024
02 jul 2024 14:58:01
not enough john

we need a statement at 12 and 4pm everyday from now on

i won't be able to sleep without it, i'm so worried by all this business, I've already strangled the cat and my wife has moved out until the new steel is in

have you any valium or maybe a shisha you can lend me, its killing me this” is the steel here yet” stuff

and don't get me started on the looooong delays in getting 10 players in, i'm at my wits end, i think we must be dooooomed.

22.) 02 Jul 2024
02 Jul 2024 15:14:58
Tom u could be right however we also need a 8am statement to to get people through till lunchtime.

How did guys like king wolthardt halstead Bennett park Gibson ever become very successful businessman.

23.) 02 Jul 2024
02 Jul 2024 15:15:05
Doomed, doomed ah tell you? Steady there Private Frazier?.

24.) 02 Jul 2024
02 Jul 2024 15:29:19
They might be successful businessmen but they are far from successful at running a football club. Hence why they have stumbled from one dissater to another. so many absolute yes men for the board on here. I don’t want a statement every 10 seconds I want them to stop making a balls up of absolutey everything. Ed house, delays, over budget, not fit for purpose (not even big enough for our POTY dance) 13m vanity project essentially, stadium upgrade now late, most likely over budget and now going to effect us and lose our advantage of ibrox in absolutey crucial European ties. Kept faith with an underperforming useless DOF who had a unbeaten league winning manager not backed and then a Europa league finalist manager not backed before hiring a glorified Assistant and allowing him to have free reign, and before anyone says gio got 13m to spend 8m of that went to two injury prone players in Davies and Yilmaz who were never available for him. I know it’s negative as F*ck but it’s all the truth, people need to wake up as to where the clubs going Celtic are ahead on trophies and if we allow it to happen we are going to become Scotland’s version of Dortmund. So start holding people to account and stop making excuses up for them.

25.) 02 Jul 2024
02 Jul 2024 17:13:44
You want a statement to say if we are skint or no ??the other mob would have some buzz.

26.) 02 Jul 2024
02 Jul 2024 17:15:02
Unbeated manager st Johnstone won more than us that season lol.

27.) 02 Jul 2024
02 Jul 2024 17:24:14
That is a rant in a half that.

28.) 02 Jul 2024
02 jul 2024 19:41:06
wasn't meant for you.

what disaster after another do you refer to mate.

i don't recall any myself.

29.) 03 Jul 2024
03 Jul 2024 10:48:41
If we close the Coupland road stand but continue to. play when does the work get carried out?

30.) 03 Jul 2024
03 Jul 2024 10:56:46
John they msybd succesful business men but that doesn't mean mistakes haven't been made if they had made such an error in there business theyde need to explain to shareholders or the board what happened and how to fix it you constantly bat away any attempts fans make for information from the club now maybe your well in with some tiu get information but most fans rely on the club to inform us and if that's not the case maybe you could tell me what's so wrong wanting someone to come out and explain what's happening g with the stadium when will it be resolved at least it could end all gge rumours we all hear.