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04 Jul 2024 09:01:46
Any thoughts on medical staff in general guys, injuries especially but also players taking longer recovery times. Big Helander couldn't stay fit then goes elsewhere and plays a full season and it's been happening for years. Apparently Jack fit for months but didn't play when we probably could have done with him, towards end of Gio, think Goldson out for a while then Beale comes in and he's remarkablely fit again. There's a big list,
My question is, is it just bad luck and too much player power in today's football or have we been let down by the medical staff severely.
Just a wee question to distract from the usual transfer merry go round.

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04 Jul 2024 09:35:16
It’s difficult to know exactly what’s going on behind the scenes.
What we do know for a fact is that we are without key men in big moments of the season and this has hurt us badly. Its been the last two or three seasons so something is wrong, I just feel there is a really bad culture around the playing staff which means it’s acceptable to be injured, it’s not . We cannot have so many players out for so long it’s not right. Top level sportspeople are seldom 100% fit but sometimes you need to play through the pain barrier. Individual sportspeople who have to compete for prize money are far less injured than team players, is that a fact or have I just made it up.

04 Jul 2024 09:36:14
Imo, there's something badly wrong with the medical department.

04 Jul 2024 09:37:27
Im not sure if it is Medical staff or the fitness and training regime which Clement appeared to allude to. It will be interesting to see if we still have the same number of injury and recovery issues after a full pre season of coaching under Clement and his team.
With Jack and others they also had pre-existing issues and I do wonder if they were initially rushed back too soon because of a lack of depth in our squad. By necessity we signed guys like Roofe in the hope that their quality would outshine their injury Wes and the general quality of player signed under Wilson was poor, so a combination of issues for me.

04 Jul 2024 10:23:12
If Jack was fit then you need to ask why. Pc wasn’t playing him and sees him everyday in training.

04 Jul 2024 10:53:46
Was that not one of the points PC raised when he just came in the door, about basically overhauling the meds team and training regime?

04 Jul 2024 11:50:18
If there was a league table for medical we’d be relegated. I’m surprised more fans aren’t annoyed at our medical staff. It’s an absolute joke. It’s not solely the fitness regime because it was bad with Gio as well. If it’s one season you can say it’s bad luck not for 3 seasons in a row.

04 Jul 2024 12:11:44
For me the problem when Clement came in was he wasnt able to give players returning from injury the time he wanted to allow them to fully recover as we had fresh injuries. In an ideal world players would have got more time before playing full 90 minutes and definitely more time before playing a run of games.
For me our squad didn't have the balance we needed to cope with so many injuries.

04 Jul 2024 12:49:08
He did say that fork, made me think he had an idea of what was wrong.

04 Jul 2024 13:28:25
Not sure what's going on in our medical Deptartment.
Would b interesting to know how many, if any, of our players are asked to play regularly through injury with injections?
Anyone who has experience in dealing with this sort of practice will tell u it can often present as a dip in form or indeed a noticeable difference in early pace.
Players are usually reluctant to discuss the matter for obvious reasons.
It's a bit of a double whammy if the fans are on their back afterwards though due to them being unable to give off their best.

04 Jul 2024 13:55:18
Totti we had players who declared not available to play or train on a regular basis. Cheated the fans

Look at barisic last week told his Turkish club he had a niggle could not train. Got a scan there and then told to get out there and start running.

04 Jul 2024 14:46:19
That's unbelievable John! That's what should have happened to him here. If he thinks he can pull that crap out there, he's about to get a large dose of reality.

04 Jul 2024 14:49:52
If some players have been feigning injury that's unforgivable.
Anyone that signs for Rangers should make themselves aware of the history and the standards required at the club.

04 Jul 2024 15:16:20
Very good question and something that needs answered. Our injury list was horrendous and players just weren't recovering. Look at Celtic, Mcgregor was due to be a long term injury but back within a few weeks. It can't just all be down to bad luck - something wrong somewhere.

04 Jul 2024 15:59:08
John that made me laugh. Glad he ain't our problem anymore.
For old times sake. BB is a dirty sh*tbag.

04 Jul 2024 17:02:14

We don't know club policy on injuries. Could be club raised bar on player return and refuse to return players to full training until 110% fit again without injections etc. Or worst case scenario some players working it. Club/ PC should identify them and let them join long list of exits out door.

04 Jul 2024 17:12:00
Miller. That’s why Colak helander roofe Jack Barisic no longer with us,

Conversely lundstrum Goldson Souttar took jags regular to be available.

04 Jul 2024 17:45:15
CF5 posted months ago the medical department was a mess.

04 Jul 2024 18:00:35
Alfredo as well played thru injury John when
Colak wouldn’t.

04 Jul 2024 18:06:18
I remember the summer Dr Mark rejoined and we had some on here claiming he'd be the best signing of that summer now iv no idea about who does what but clearly we have problems getting players back to fitness after injury and that's on the full medical dept.

04 Jul 2024 19:29:31
Helander had a foot injury that Steven Gerrard said at the time was a really unique injury, having missed the whole season with it, he was unlucky his contract was due for renewal and we chose not to. If Jack was fit then why is that a problem with the medical department, it was Clement who chose not to pick him, my belief is he was saving himself for Scotland and look where that got him, a holiday in Germany. Goldson badly tore a thigh muscle and was pushed into playing by Beale in the first game of the season despite missing pre season training and the very few friendlies we did play, he has never been properly fit all season because of it. Never mind mate, don`t let the facts get in the way of a good story, you could be a journalist.

04 Jul 2024 20:12:07
The medical department ain’t at fault for players getting injured.

04 Jul 2024 20:58:27
Alfredo was a man down half the time, how some fans worship him is cringey.

05 Jul 2024 16:07:10
Fair comment storm re Alfredo.

O Walter, primarily it’s on the player as well, u r correct saying some on here said we would never have anymore injuries and Waller would be a future captain.



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