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15 Jun 2024 19:01:15
Rumour coming out of South Africa that as a result of new Government of National Unity, (ANC and Democratic Alliance), could mean greater flexibility in terms of Investment and more flexibility for outward investment by US Citizens. Just wondering whether this will have any implications in respect of Dave King and other alleged interested SA Investors.




06 Apr 2023 15:33:01
Hearing today that we are still interested in signing Tom Davies in the Summer Transfer Window. He would be a Free Transfer and I understand that he is currently earning around £20k - £25k a week at Everton.
Information came from a an ex-colleague that is close to Everton, (was a Scout for them until a few years back when he retired) .


1.) 06 Apr 2023 16:51:38
Same Berkshire told we definitely still want him.

2.) 06 Apr 2023 17:10:40
If Davies looks at cantwell reform at us he would be silly to turn us down I'd say. couple of seasons playing regularly and in Europe and there careers are back on track.

3.) 06 Apr 2023 17:16:37
This is a strong possibility Berkshire.

4.) 06 Apr 2023 18:41:03
I thought the rules were changing to only winners of league go into europe but i'm prob wrong.

5.) 06 Apr 2023 19:02:52
Would be a great free transfer imo. Still a good age and has much to offer.

6.) 06 Apr 2023 19:04:03
I’d take him in a heartbeat!

7.) 06 Apr 2023 19:09:05
Is Davies a Good player and is he a sitting mid or attacking.

8.) 06 Apr 2023 19:16:33
SPL winners CL group, 2nd place Q3 then playoff, Sco cup winners EL playoff, I think.

9.) 06 Apr 2023 19:38:05
Think that would be a decent midfield 3 Raskin, Cantwell and Davies.
We would be in a good position moving forward with best part of 40m in players for under 4m.

10.) 06 Apr 2023 20:36:25
Better than decent mate.

11.) 06 Apr 2023 21:02:52
Would love him in along with Olaru, Lundstram and Kamara sold, reckon we'd still make a couple of million for another signing.

12.) 06 Apr 2023 22:08:11
That would be some signing that would beat the lot so far I really really rate him. That’s my “Longstaff” mf a
That’s a class signing he’s a player and a half man honestly that’s what I’m talking about stepping it up a notch.

13.) 06 Apr 2023 23:20:17
Would be a great addition.

There were rumours that we made contact in January, however as the interest in Kamara faded we didn't make a move.

14.) 06 Apr 2023 23:53:07
We were really interested in him in January stevie but think Everton wanted him too stay, never played many games from January tho.

15.) 07 Apr 2023 07:16:46
That's exactly the rate of player n calibre we need.

16.) 07 Apr 2023 07:33:57
Beale, he's played in 9 out of 13 games since January?! I think he's only started one, but he has played some part in the majority of games this year!

17.) 07 Apr 2023 09:26:50
Similar situation to Cantwell I think, young player being tipped for the very top but lost his way a bit. I know he's still playing in the EPL but he never really pushed on. This is the type of player who just might be outstanding in the SPFL. Hopefully contact has already been made and the agreement is in place.

18.) 07 Apr 2023 10:57:41
Talking about minutes mate he's hardly had any.

19.) 07 Apr 2023 11:16:50
Yeah him Raskin and cantwell is a very good mf 3 I think. Tillman new cf and new left attacker, Butland in goal and a better centre back than Davies and we’re good to go.

20.) 07 Apr 2023 11:43:43
You never said minutes, Beale, you said "never played many games"! Just saying, mate.

21.) 07 Apr 2023 13:22:46
On a free with the whole of pre season to get him match fit, he would be a decent signing. Wouldn`t be my first choice but could be a bargain and we need some Bosmans to free up money for a few bigger signings .

22.) 07 Apr 2023 13:58:23
Given two more names this morning, both from the same source, long term Arsenal Season Ticket Holder he's an Accountant and well connected. Names mentioned are both free transfers at the end of June, both are wingers, one is Reiss Nelson, Arsenal, he is 23 and guess is that he is earning about £18k a week. He has been out injured. He's been out injured quite a bit this Season.
The other name mentioned, is Chris Willock, QPR, ex Arsenal Youth Player.
Willock has an additional one year option clause but QPR might wish to cash in or even reduce their wage bill, especially if they go down!

23.) 07 Apr 2023 15:37:44
I think there is a strong possibility of this happening but injuries last couple of seasons is a concern with our track record in recent years.

24.) 07 Apr 2023 20:01:51
Nelson has been offered a new contract by Arsenal which he`ll likely sign as he`ll get a lot more than we can offer. As an Arsenal fan I`ve never been that impressed with the boy. Willock has been linked because off the Beale connection at QPR, so at least he will know him and we`re not relying on Wilson.

25.) 07 Apr 2023 21:37:31
Reid’s Nelson is a high order very highly rated down south. I read arsenal are readying a new offer for him. More likely
See him end up at wolves or the likes then up here. Don’t know anything about the other boy. But a fit Nelson would be a great addition to Scottish football.

26.) 08 Apr 2023 19:01:01
Nelson won't receive much if any more than he is currently earning at Arsenal and they will not guarantee him to start every week, Rangers could easily match or beat what they will offer and there would be more guarantee of him being a starter each week. My concern would be his fitness since he appears to suffer from recurring injuries.
If he could stay fit he would be the quality needed.

27.) 08 Apr 2023 19:05:57
Would be in the same bracket as Cantwell. A player who showed early promise and for whatever reason went off the rails a bit. Would be a good acquisition, if true.



10 Aug 2022 17:01:24
I see that it is being rumoured this Evening that Burley want Sakala and would be prepared to offer £3m for him.
Much as I like the guy if Burnley are serious and that is their opening bid then personally I would sell him.
He is becoming a fringe player, we have better and the fee received for him, Simpson, Katic, (in due course), and Middleton could surely be used to bring in a better player for a position that Gio would want cover.


1.) 10 Aug 2022 17:05:18
Middleton has left Rangers permanently for Dundee United.

Also, Johnny McFarlane said on Twitter that there has been no contact from Burnley. Other reports say Rangers are surprised at the story. Seem to have come from nowhere.

2.) 10 Aug 2022 19:52:30
I’m still undecided on Sakala. Very raw but there’s something there. Saying that, if 3m is just the opening offer and we could get 4/ 4.5ish it would be hard to turn down.

3.) 10 Aug 2022 20:24:20
£3 million 15 percent sell on would be amazing buisness.

4.) 10 Aug 2022 21:36:37
£4-5m, thanks and goodnight.




BerkshireBlue's banter posts with other poster's replies to BerkshireBlue's banter posts


16 Oct 2023 15:48:35
Could Steve Davis be part of Philippe Clement's Management Team.

With rumours starting to appear regarding the makeup of the new Management team under Phillippe Clement what are the general views of who, if anyone, with a Rangers Background could be part of the Coaching Team.
Personally, I would like to see Davis as part of the Backroom Staff assuming he felt that the time is right for him to hang up his boots and concentrate on developing as a Coach.
He is an excellent Ambassador for the Club, speaks well and clearly has a strong footballing brain. Unlike other, shall we say, former players, he has always conducted himself with the upmost integrity and respect.


1.) 16 oct 2023 16:21:04
in my experience bbb, every club should have at least one who understands the traditions and history of the club, personally i would have mcann and davis, possibly fergie too, in some capacity be it on the training pitch or doing the kit, that's only ny choice, ,

we have had many staff recentl years, from england, holland etc, , walter always got coisty and durranty to help him, with jimmy in the changing room, we need that connection, celtic always have it, so did we once.

2.) 16 Oct 2023 16:45:02
Berkshire i really feel Davis will be involved mate.

3.) 16 Oct 2023 17:25:18
I agree with you TT12 ?I would also like to see steven davis and neil mccann in as part of philippe clement's backroom team ?I think both know our club inside out and have good knowledge and coaching ability within them and imo would be very good additions to work under clement ?.

4.) 16 Oct 2023 17:27:58
You're absolutely right guys, and some Rangers connections around the club, for me, is a must, but not B Ferguson! Ferguson was a fantastic captain and player for us, but over the last couple of years, he's done nothing but pander to his tim employers and colleagues on that radio station he's part of. Nah, he gives me the heaves now.
What about Lee McCulloch?

5.) 16 Oct 2023 18:03:44
I'd have wee Barry in every day of the week tbh.

6.) 16 Oct 2023 18:05:39
Raisetheroofe i know this won't get positive feed back, but for me I'd be really happy if Ian McCall got involved mate.

7.) 16 Oct 2023 18:20:18
I’m different, I feel what you need in the dressing room is an individual who brings something to the table.
First and foremost he should be the manager pick, it reminds me Barry, I told Pedro this and that, how it should be, Pedro sent him packing. His best decision at rangers.
Clement needs to meet whoever, see if their thought dovetail with his, will he contribute, keep confidential info, get on with rest of clement team.
Not undermine manager or conversely be a yes man

Does the manager actually have a good feeling about potential appointment

What exactly is the person’s role to be, cheerleading, players confidant, coach, whatever

Based on above I’d automatically rule out a few

In my mind, there is potentialy one outstanding candidate, Davis. However, for him I think he would best go away, c if he wants to play again and get pro licence.

8.) 16 Oct 2023 18:39:19
Ian McCall was very well thought of by gerrard and McAllister.

9.) 16 Oct 2023 18:43:10
I'd like Billy Reid involved, if Potter ain't going take a job offer Billy a role.

10.) 16 Oct 2023 18:44:29
Yea I agree barry is without doubt a bad influence.
Great wee player but I’ve met him a couple ofvtimes and he was always obnoxious.

11.) 16 Oct 2023 18:47:45
Wee davo is a gem in every way, so he is ?A total thoroughbred and outstanding professional and not to mention an outstanding midfielder ???.

12.) 16 Oct 2023 19:08:46
McCall was highly thought of, and I'm sure, that's why we loaned them a few players when he was the manager. Good shout My star.
Love the new username mate, a very touching gesture!

13.) 16 Oct 2023 19:31:46
A player taking over the managers job for a few games does not make you a coach, yes he will know the background and expectations of Rangers so did Geo, then you have assistants do we keep them. Sentiments should not come into it .

14.) 16 Oct 2023 19:55:21
Reid is getting paid millions not to work, unlikely he is going to us fourth in pecking order imo.

15.) 16 Oct 2023 20:09:47
I think if Barry had anything to offer rangers atm it would be as part of academy coaching set up.

Who better to look upto than our best academy graduate in my lifetime.

Agree with John though that this would only be after meetings and Clemente final decision.

We do need a rangers minded, pref British, coach in the set up.

16.) 16 Oct 2023 20:12:09
Alas that’s why I wrote it all depends on roleto be performed.

17.) 16 Oct 2023 20:32:56
McCann getting mentioned again and I have no idea why if he was that good he would be in a job and not a pundit don’t want him anywhere near the set up. I would be happy if our manager wants Davis but it’s all down to our manager to bring in the people he thinks is best.

18.) 16 Oct 2023 20:56:29
Think Davis should at least be part of the team till January till new manager finds his feet.

19.) 16 Oct 2023 22:01:00
Stevie I could provide 100 names better to look up to, not better players but life role models.

20.) 17 oct 2023 00:55:54
i've known ian molly since he played for rangers. and probably before that, a great rangers fan and a very talented coach with a great knowledge of football, suffered forever from his early lifestyle but was very talented player too.

21.) 17 Oct 2023 00:57:14
Davis aye, McCann naw and Ferguson absolutely naw.

22.) 17 Oct 2023 01:43:28
Beale65 I actually agree with you on this mcCall always struck me as a smart guy that doesn't over complicate stuff.

23.) 17 Oct 2023 08:28:20
I had actually wanted Alex Rae in as part of the set up - a passionate Rangers man who has a wide range of coaching experience both in the UK and in Belgium. However, I have to agree with John’s summary of what is needed and, on that basis I don’t think Alex Rae would fit.

Ian McCall would be very good, although I don’t see him as being happy to be a number 3. I also think it may be too early for Steve Davis as he will want to continue playing as long as possible. I wouldn’t be unhappy with Steven Smith as he seems to be highly regarded as a coach. Billy Reid would also be a good appointment- I accept John’s point about his pay off from Chelsea but as a Rangers man, I would forego that for a job at my club and maybe Billy Reid will have the same thought.

Love and respect to My star ⭐️.

24.) 17 Oct 2023 10:52:30
Good discussion on coaching role for a former player. Believe both GVB and Beale displayed both insecurity and arrogance not bringing a former player onto elite team coaching staff. With exception of Ferguson all of the names mentioned could make an effective contribution supporting PC. Also surprised no one has mentioned Kevin Thomson. IMO Davis and possibly Smith best qualified both in terms of experience and temperament.



28 Jun 2023 17:44:39
What is our general view on the Reports that James Bisgrove's Rangers SPFL place is in Doubt.
Personally, having read what Doncaster's Severance Deal is I would rather see the SFA take over the League and do away with the SPFL. If this is what a Remunerations Committee has agreed and if the rest of the Clubs don't want someone as dynamic as Bisgrove then they really have no ambition for Scottish Football.


1.) 28 Jun 2023 19:01:09
If only Doncaster was as good at negotiating deals for his employer as he is for himself, Scottish football would be in a far better position.

2.) 28 Jun 2023 19:34:01
The deal is that normally the Rangers and Celtic CEO take year about in this role and its our turn . Some of the clubs obviously see this as a chance to take retribution on us for stirring things a bit recently. To think that this committee might not have a rep from either of the OF is a joke. We generate all the cash and all the interest in the SPFL but the wee diddy teams want to rule the roost. Doncasters contract is a national disgrace, it would cost more to pay him off than any deals that he generates. The people who authorised this are the ones who should be removed not Bisgrove.

3.) 28 Jun 2023 19:41:02
I thought Rangers and Celtic swapped every season?

4.) 28 Jun 2023 20:19:43
I agree BerkshireBlue, that one body should be the only governing body running scottish football?I rate our CEO james bisgrove very highly and hope this doesn't tempt him to leave rangers with things like this possibly happening and coming to the fore ?.

5.) 28 Jun 2023 22:32:12
Good post wsl ?.



24 Jun 2022 16:09:04
If the latest reports coming out of Liverpool are correct, (and the Liverpool Echo is on board with the stories), Harry Winks is likely to join Everton as part of a deal that will see Richardson going to Tottenham. It doesn't look like Winks will be anywhere near Ibrox.


1.) 24 jun 2022 22:01:15
i didn't expect that to happen bb but i'm sure it was mooted somewhere, he is definitely the quality we need, but too expensive.



07 Feb 2022 11:17:07
As I have been one of Lundstram's biggest detractors, I just wanted to say that I thought that yesterday he was excellent! The way he played was reminiscent of his early years at Sheffield United and his contribution was considerable. One of the best players on the park. Perhaps having GVB as his manager and Ryan jack alongside was just what he needed. A massive well done!


1.) 07 Feb 2022 11:38:07
Well said 👏.

2.) 07 Feb 2022 11:54:39
Totally agree.

Jack quite rightly got most of the praise, but thought Lundstram was awesome just as important.

Hopefully the start of new partnership.

3.) 07 Feb 2022 12:11:22
Good post. His fight and commitment was there yesterday for all to see.

4.) 07 Feb 2022 12:36:38
Yes lundstram had a good game 👍.

5.) 07 Feb 2022 13:03:34
Agree also I have not been a Lundstram fan but yesterday he was brilliant and played with fire in his belly. I hope he kicks on from that display as he is some unit when he plays like that. Well played John Lundstram.

6.) 07 Feb 2022 14:48:54
One poster thought we should drop Kent and playing lundstrum showed that Gio “hadn’t a clue”. Funny how things work out.



12 Jul 2020 11:45:30
I see Bristol City want Gerrard and if reports are to be believed, their billionaire owner is willing to bankroll him with £millions to gain them promotion to the Premier League. If this is true then will Gerrard be tempted. Three seasons at Bristol City, gain promotion and then go to Liverpool. It has to be a concern. Lansdown as quoted as saying that he will spend what it takes, reputedly, Bristol City has some promising young players. At Rangers he has to win the league this coming Season. What is everyone's view. For me, we have to hope that as he is a man of honour he will see out his contract but we must provide the funding to bring in players to give him a fighting chance of winning the league.


1.) 12 Jul 2020 12:02:00
Don't think Gerrard will want to leave with not proving himself here first.

2.) 12 Jul 2020 12:08:02
It wouldn't bother me if he went to be honest not been impressed by him so far.

3.) 12 Jul 2020 12:12:57
U never know with football. If he left we could always bring someone in better. Massive season for Rangers and for Gerrard. Either going to be a legend or go down as one of our worst ever managers. So far zero trophies won and about 20million lighter, need to win league this season coming or its a massive failure again.

4.) 12 Jul 2020 12:19:38
Dsger and who would u replace him with if he left.

5.) 12 Jul 2020 12:20:40
Paul not sure how 20 million lighter. He made us near 30 million from Europe.

6.) 12 Jul 2020 12:22:27
Win nothing this new season and he will be gone with the wrath of our supporters ringing in his ears.

A tainted 9 and a possible ten will be too much for me and many others to bear ("bear" not a pun) .

Let the board and us get behind him for his FINAL push.

7.) 12 Jul 2020 12:22:55
So the billionaire will spend what it takes . FFP might stop that if it is relevant in the championship.

8.) 12 Jul 2020 12:28:19
No chance he goes this season we cannot bed in another manager and his spending needs
Whatever you think of him he gets the club and the importance of this season
We played some great football last season highlights included braga, strangely cup final where we played them off park and got cheated with a blatant offside goal
Lowest for me defeats to hearts in the cup
I think he’d go without being pushed if we win nothing this season.

9.) 12 Jul 2020 12:35:53
Cant see Gerrard leaving for Bristol City. Gerrard will not want to be know as a failure at Rangers. He's determined to succeed here.

10.) 12 Jul 2020 12:37:47
John meaning he's spent 20mill in transfers and won us abosultely zero. We made about 15mill from europe the 1st year we made groups yet the club still was minus like 11million on the books. And the majority of his signings ( including loans) have been duds.

11.) 12 Jul 2020 12:53:07
Let Bristol pay millions for Gerrard then and we could replace him with John Terry maybe then our defenders will learn how to defend.

12.) 12 Jul 2020 13:04:56
There's absolutely NO chance steven gerrard will leave rangers, to become the new bristol city manager, no matter what billionaire owns them!
Gerrard is a winner and as determined as a manager as he was as a world class midfielder for liverpool! He's also a very loyal guy. He will only leave rangers for a certain few clubs and be realistic guys, it won't be for bristol city.
He knows how honoured/ privileged he is to be the glasgow rangers manager! I stick by what i've said all along, that steven gerrard will win the league as rangers manager.

13.) 12 Jul 2020 13:10:15
How is he a failure and not good enough? European last 16 and competing with a team in the east who have had more year on year as a budget and investment with an established team and squad already in place. Gerrard has started with a team struggling to beat Aberdeen to second to playing the Celtic off the park. Need I mention progres?

14.) 12 Jul 2020 13:42:14
Hes brought in Dafoe, Borna, Katic, Edmunson, Arfield, Aribo, Goldson, Davis, Kent, Mcgregor, Haji, Helander, Kamara, Jones, Stewart, Polster, Flanagan. None of these are what I would call duds. Most of the duds are gone or were put out on loan. Only Barker remains and I think that was Mark Allens. Before he came in we looked like this.

Tav Cardoso Bates Declan John
Goss Holt
Candias Nico Windass

Subs, Miller, Wallace, Alf, Jack, Alves, Russel Martin, Hodson, Penna, Rossiter, Herrera, Doddoo, Ohaloran, Forester, Dalcio, Dorrans, Halliday etc etc.

The only players (apart from some youngsters) to have survived to this point at Rangers from 2017/ 18 are Alf, Jack and Tav.

We are not there yet and he know is it but we are getting closer to what a Rangers team should look like. This is Gerrards season with nowhere to hide as 95% of the players are his own, he knows the club, the fans, the league, the clubs, the weather, the pitches, the refs, the media, so no Silverware this time round then a portion of our fans will be asking questions.

I would argue however that getting to where we are in Europe is more beneficial than winning the league cup for example. He has to be given credit for that.

15.) 12 Jul 2020 13:52:51
I think it would be too risky for Gerrard tbh. He has it so easy up here.

Most of our fans are totally besotted by him and he can do no wrong.

If he was to go down south and fail at championship level his managerial career would be over before it even started. He would be back managing the Liverpool reserves in no time.

16.) 12 Jul 2020 13:56:00
Any Rangers manager who does not win a trophy in 3 years won’t be there for a 4th regardless if it Gerrard or anyone else. The main ingredient we are missing is winning mentality and he has three players to find with this to give himself a chance.

I really hope he achieves it.

Great players are not always great managers. I blame the players in the last two seasons for their lack of ability to compete for the whole season but these players are now Gerard’s team so he will take the credit or the blame come May 2021.

17.) 12 Jul 2020 14:07:27

He has failed in his job so far I don’t care about Europe he has won a trophy in Scotland and that’s what matters especially the league.
So at the moment he has Failed but can change that this season.

18.) 12 Jul 2020 14:26:32
I personally believe that he will stay with us, principally because he is a man of honour however, if he doesn't win the league this coming Season the Club needs to stick with him. I believe that he has done a remarkable job given what he inherited and the little funding that he has had to date. While not all of his signings have been a success we are certainly in a better position than before he arrived and our run in Europe has been quite exceptional. I just hope that he is given the financial support and our DoF can bring in three quality first team players since I believe that is all we are short of winning the league in 2021, (assuming of course that the SPFL don't come up with another fiddle to give it to those creatures in the East End) .

19.) 12 Jul 2020 14:35:17
John i think beale would be my coach to replace him acording to the platers its him that's doing all the donky work SG isn't working he's won zilch fur us i'm no sure but is he no the least succesful coach in our history i might have that part wrong tho.

20.) 12 Jul 2020 14:52:51
Paul think where we would be without his Europe money.

21.) 12 Jul 2020 14:55:30
Dsger on that basis if Beale doing all the donkey work he has then failed.

22.) 12 Jul 2020 14:55:43
Good post tjbb.

23.) 12 Jul 2020 15:30:10
Compare the history. Glasgow Rangers v Bristol City. I rest my case.

24.) 12 Jul 2020 15:38:13
Tjbb i would say a few of them are duds yes. stewart barker most of his loans. grezda jones hasn't exactly shined either . he also never signed mcgregor or arfield they were already in door b4 he was manager. just. yeah john without europe money we would be in whole world of trouble . but facts are if he doesn't win league or anything this season he will go down as one of the worst ever. Praying not obviously. But unless we sign and 2 or 3 quality players that can slot into 1st 11 then we won't have enough to stip celtic.

25.) 12 Jul 2020 17:47:14
When the time comes for Gerard to leave I believe that Beale will go with him. For me, Rino Gatusso would be the man to replace him and there is every chance that this could happen.

26.) 12 Jul 2020 17:59:06
Berkshire agree re Beale.
Do u think we could afford Gatusso, depends on timing don’t write off Defoe.

27.) 12 Jul 2020 19:52:50
John 25, we have family friends in Carmunock. They knew Gatusso as his wife's parents lived beside them. His wife would like to return to Scotland and last time we spoke with them they said that Gatusso was serious that he wanted to return to Scotland and would love to come back to Rangers.

28.) 12 Jul 2020 21:57:14
I get that Berkshire but he’s on allegedly two million in Italy.

29.) 13 Jul 2020 09:35:11
Aye because Aston Villa with Terry in the background are rock solid at the back and ripping up the EPL this season!

30.) 13 Jul 2020 09:39:10
We all have and are perfectly entitled to our opinions on steven gerrard's reign so far, as rangers manager. But what i just can't understand guys, is some on here who don't think we've improved under gerrard, because in my eyes we have improved and improved a lot under gerrard and we're getting there, but i know we're ALL wanting it yesterday, if you like.

For any of our supporters who don't think we've improved a lot under gerrard, think to pedro caixinha and surely you must see massive improvement since then! The full club from top to bottom has been overhauled and all for the very best and our future, i believe looks very good! We've got very professional/ very good coaches all the way through our academy now.

This all takes time fellow bears and will be fruitful, given time which some of us just don't want to give. I know having been going to watch rangers everywhere, for nigh on 43 years now, that the expectations of our fantastic football institution,
was structured in ALWAYS winning things and 2nd place was as well as being last, for glasgow rangers football club! Having said that and looking at the devastation of our club and where we've been and how low we were, i do honestly think we have to be a wee bit more patient as we will get there and get there under steven gerrard! 👍👌

We will be the dominant club again under gerrard, i don't have any doubt about that. Its coming fellow bears, so let's get right behind gerrard and the management team and our players and put a hault to the ANTHILL MOB's dominance. We've proved under gerrard, we're more than a match for them👌! Consistency agsinst the smaller teams and dealing with the deep block of these teams and we're sorted and i wholeheartedly believe that! 👍👌.




BerkshireBlue's rumour replies


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24 Jul 2024 23:10:37
getting Goldson off our books is a bonus in itself, if £1m is true I won't be disappointed. Let's see Tav, Lammers and a few others out the door to follow this week and three or four decent players in before the season starts.




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24 Jul 2024 23:08:29
Orange Tinted, do you honestly believe that this character has any mates! Perhaps his social worker will believe him or the other inmates in the secure unit!




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24 Jul 2024 23:03:06
Wanting to leave and finding someone wanting to pay the fee that the Board will want are two different things. He is a decent quality, better than most of our current players, but he clearly has personal problems and we are seeing the same impetuous character now as Norwich had to deal with.

Why would anyone want to spend money on him!




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24 Jul 2024 18:37:53
I know we all want clarity on what has been happening but there could be a plethora of reasons why Bennett is unable to communicate in detail on the current situation at the Club.

As I have said, he is just in the door. He has a duty to thoroughly investigate anything he has found since putting his feet under the Chairman's desk and until we hear from him it is only guesswork and with guesswork comes conspiracy theories, and of course the usual contingent from Glasgow's East End!

We simply don't know, all we do know is the problems with the Stand, the fact that a number of first team players have moved on and in some cases left a gap that we are struggling to fill not to mention the numerous players that we would all like to see moved on.

I know that none of this helps but come next weekend if we have suddenly managed to get rid of a number of players and we have brought in even two or three better players to replace them. If that happens then chances are that Bennett's lack of communication will suddenly disappear into the background, that is, until we lose our first game!

We need new blood, we need new investment but for the time being we just need to remain patient.




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24 Jul 2024 15:26:22
I don't see any Turkish Team paying £3m / £4m for Tav. He is 32 and slowing down significantly! Our main hope of a decent fee was Saudi Arabia.
The Turks are not fools and will only pay what they believe he is worth and will otherwise walk away. Saving his wages alone would be significant and securing more than £1m from a Turkish Team will be a bonus. Goldson is exactly the same, and anything that we can recover on him just to save his wage will be a bonus!





BerkshireBlue's banter replies


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24 Jul 2024 22:41:25
We still don't have a quality first eleven and we just need to hope that we get rid of Tav etc., in the next few days and have incoming conveyor of talent waiting in the wings and ready to sign!
When the best player on the pitch is Wright you know that you have problems!
The centre of our defence is scary and we need at least one quality centre back. I am less concerned at full back assuming that Tav is gone and I would still like a new midfield player with a bit of guile and a bit of bite.
As far as the other positions are concerned we need a winger and a centre forward that can score goals as a matter of desperation!

Then all we need to do is keep the first eleven fit and hope that the new recruits quickly come up to speed and that we get Danilo fully match fit!

Given time, PC will get it right but what a total shambles!




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24 Jul 2024 22:59:16
I expect to win against hearts and I expect to win every game. Just a shame that too many of our players don't have either the skill levels or the commitment needed. They need a Ferguson or a Souness, that would sort these wasters.

Right now we are at least four players short, we need two quality centre backs, a quality winger and a striker. If we could also get another quality midfield player then that would be an added bonus!




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24 Jul 2024 22:55:04
WATP, PC was right to tell them that they could go, unfortunately he clearly didn't realise how difficult it would be to find someone to pay what our Board wants for them. Most of them you couldn't give away!

It's difficult to see how we can put a team and subs together at the quality needed in less than 10 days before the season starts unless by magic we are able to get rid of Tav, Lammers, etc., this week and we have four or five quality players ready to sign. While they will not be fully acclimatised to Scottish Football they couldn't be any worse that what we have seen in the games so far!




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24 Jul 2024 22:49:52
It is totally embarrassing when Wright is our best player as was the case tonight. Too many of our players are simply neither good enough or committed enough. No fight, no skill and Tav is finished.
We still have time to bring in the quality needed but as PC is now finding out, it is difficult to get rid of rubbish, especially when we want money for them!




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24 Jul 2024 22:46:23
This is not PC's team, the vast majority of the players on show tonight aren't even fit for the non existent 2nd eleven. Bringing Tav back just highlighted that the guy is finished and if PC puts him back in the team then I'm lost for words, he needs to be shown the door, get him off the wage bill and bring in some quality players that want to win trophies and are capable of doing so!




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