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10 Jun 2024 01:25:03
Has there been any news on the young CB Nsiala from AC Milan? Only 20 and built like a tank

Also looking like Kabadayi is a goer based on him being in the UK recently, his agent following Rangers on social media and Koppen having previous relationships with Bayern (got Tillman to PSV when he was there)

Really hope we get the boy Garcia from Uruguay.

Still think Miovski would be a better option that Rrahmani but hopefully I'm proved wrong if he signs.


1.) 10 Jun 2024 06:15:38
He was in the UK for the Champions League final. Doesn't mean he was here speaking to us. Who is his agent? Had a quick look and can't see any of the agents from the agency that he's part of following Rangers on Instagram.

2.) 10 Jun 2024 06:50:29
“Still think Miovski would be a better option that Rrahmani but hopefully I'm proved wrong if he signs” - From what I’ve read Rrahmani likes to start from out wide, come inside, and have a shot. Miovski is a striker. So these guys play in two different roles. Rangers need wingers. The only wingers contracted for next season are: Scott Wright, McAusland, Matondo, and Cortes. More is needed.

3.) 10 Jun 2024 07:11:38
Generic, I'm pretty sure Rrahmani is a 9.
I do think he is as good/ better than Miovski and has a higher ceiling.

4.) 10 Jun 2024 08:02:04
Wright and Matondo - NEED moved on asap. Both are too flash in the pan and will not help us progress IMO.

5.) 10 Jun 2024 08:06:18
Yeah, you’re right. I’ve got him confused with Yusuf Kabadayi (the young winger from Bayern) .

6.) 10 Jun 2024 08:48:40
If the manager sticks with wright and Matondo I’ve got doubts about him. Matondo shows glimpses but we need consistency not glimpses. Wright has no end product. He’s fast that’s all. We need consistency up front not flashes in the pan.

7.) 10 Jun 2024 11:02:03
Matondo show glimpses because he only gets small runs in the side, any player needs a solid run of game to prove their worth.

8.) 10 Jun 2024 11:13:54
Of all the players we've signed recently I'd have loved Roofe, Jack and Lawrence to have stayed Injury free. Unfortunately, like Roofe and Jack, Lawrence is another who has talent, but offers little over the course of a tough season!

9.) 10 Jun 2024 14:42:54
Matondos only gets brief stints in the team becuase he is not good enough and is far too injury prone. First offer that comes in, he will be away.



11 Jan 2024 20:55:01
Seen something saying we are interested Greg Stewart. Surely that's a wind up.


1.) 11 Jan 2024 21:08:32
Good player, never got a fair chance imo at the time.
Ship has long left the port though.

2.) 11 Jan 2024 21:27:49
Difficult a wind up I'd say. can't see PC even looking at him.

3.) 11 Jan 2024 21:29:00
He never got a "fair chance" because he was nowhere good enough. C'mon, he was bang average at best! ?.

4.) 11 Jan 2024 21:29:18
Ha ha, no chance, love GS though, he turned up at another club, forget which, on first day of training with a full Rangers tracky on, no F*cks given, Rangers to the core.

5.) 11 Jan 2024 21:38:19
He's just wanting back to Scotland after being in India. He'd definitely do a job for a spl team just not us.

6.) 11 Jan 2024 21:46:06
He will go to Kilmarnock.

7.) 11 Jan 2024 22:05:28
If he's coming back its to be a chef for the Gordon Ramsay Indian range he must have learned to cook over there.

8.) 11 jan 2024 22:47:45
good striker, in the right place, not quite up to quality required,

i liked the boy tho,

9.) 12 Jan 2024 06:51:15
He’ll be back to sign with Johnstone Burgh.

10.) 12 Jan 2024 07:28:26
I think killie as well only se him at us for 6 month if we are loaning out lovelance and Stewart would be last pick striker.



08 Dec 2023 18:44:26
Based on PCs press conference I think Shankland is someone he wants. He started getting a bit twitchy when asked and then started laughing.

Are there any other decent strikers close to the end of their contracts?


1.) 08 Dec 2023 19:04:09
There's one thing we do know as clement actually said it himself ie yes we'll be signing a striker in january ?.

2.) 08 Dec 2023 19:40:02
Blue 89, not sure how u work that out.

Shankland has 18 months left so not near the end of contract.

3.) 08 Dec 2023 20:55:00
I’ll take anyone that can consistently put the ball in the back of the net.

4.) 08 Dec 2023 21:12:06
I'm not sure Shankland is the answer.

5.) 08 Dec 2023 21:28:12
John, I’m meaning any other strikers, who are out of contract. Didn’t mean Shankland was.

6.) 08 Dec 2023 22:23:23
Azul that won’t be shankland then as half his goals last season were pens and he ain’t getting them off Tav.

7.) 09 Dec 2023 07:33:36
There will b loads blue. We need to trust the manager and head of recruitment.

8.) 09 Dec 2023 10:08:45
Agree storm . I just want us to sign a decent striker who can score bundles of goals and stay fit for a full season… that would be ideal.

9.) 09 Dec 2023 12:29:03
I didn`t think the manager was twitchy I just think he is surprised at the amount of attention him congratulating a Hearts player ( and he wasn`t the only one ) has caused. This is just assorted media building on rumours that they started. I see Lee McCulloch saying that Hearts might want £2 million for him, at that price we might be interested but not for anymore than that. We would need to be convinced though that he could be effective staying higher up the pitch and in the box . Drops way too deep at the moment to be the player we need.

10.) 09 Dec 2023 12:43:27
I'd take shankland as a Scottish option but we are not going to pay the kinda money hearts would want for Thier top performer.

11.) 09 Dec 2023 13:09:41
It’s a funny old game, shankland has been excellent for his team yet some on here wouldn’t take him
Personally I think he’d flourish even more at Ibrox.

12.) 09 Dec 2023 13:39:45
Gofor is shankland a free hit for Europe, ie I think we have only three Scottish grown in squad. Ie Souttar Jack wright

Or does he count as one of three changes allowed.

13.) 09 Dec 2023 15:45:04
shankland Is good enough for rangers it is just the cash hearts would want that puts me off.

14.) 09 Dec 2023 16:23:18
Better off Picking up Morelos on a Free.
Especially now Danilo's out long term after the injury at the hearts game.
Santos have been relegated, they can't honor the rest of Morelos's contract, so he is free to sign, has been training like mad to increase hi fitness levels, still has one of the best ratings for a striker in Europe.
Also sell Cantwell he is mince, all he does is run about like a heedless chicken, he will never recover the form he had in his wonder EPL season for Norwich, take 3 mill for him. there is no way he is worth more than 3-4 mill on his form this season.
Bring Hagi back and play him in the 10 position.
Easily the best option we have for that position.
Another stupid decision b beale along with selling Sakala.

15.) 09 Dec 2023 16:54:45
With Morelos being a free agent, we could bring him in before the transfer window opens.

16.) 09 Dec 2023 18:19:40
Morelos already downed tools for us once and thought he was way above Gers only to realise the EPL links were smoke and mirrors.

I like El buff but his mentality is the reason why we dumped him in the first place.

17.) 09 Dec 2023 19:02:00
No we can’t mark. He had a contract.

18.) 10 Dec 2023 00:11:26
There are tons of good strikers going into last year of deal I get shankland would be good for home grown quota but if rather focus on winning league first then look at players for Europe after that.

19.) 10 Dec 2023 09:15:25
Cantwell is mince? He scored exactly the type of goal you want a number 10 scoring today and unfortunately chopped off, Assists game before, c'mon man get real in the 10 he is a good player.

20.) 10 Dec 2023 12:45:28
I don't see us signing Shankland unless we can pick him up for £1m / £1.5m. He is a good goalscorer but would he score against packed defences playing for us?

21.) 10 Dec 2023 13:17:50
I thought Morelos had been out for weeks with a muscle injury, so how can he have been training like mad? He was training like mad and got into good shape before signing for Santos and, was rotten by all accounts and then got injured . Who knows what he would be like by January fitness wise, he certainly wouldn`t be match fit. let's enjoy the good memories of him and move on.

22.) 10 Dec 2023 14:37:47
The opinions on here lately have been strange
Now we have Cantwell who’s Mince
That’s a definitely no he isn’t mince quote from me.

23.) 10 Dec 2023 22:18:29
Don't get the cantwell haters boy runs his heart out every game and it's 100% commitment every game.

Surely we can't be hammering him now other areas of team we need to look at first

Find these posts highly suspicious on run up to old firm game.

24.) 12 Dec 2023 10:48:39
"Cantwell is mince" have you ever watched Rangers play?



06 Sep 2023 15:12:31
Is it true Cantwell is injured? Read he was in a leg brace after the game at the weekend.


1.) 06 Sep 2023 15:43:00
Cantwell has been taking injections since b4 killie game.

2.) 06 Sep 2023 15:47:48
Was told on here he's been taking injections to play for a while. Time to get the injury treated whatever it is.

3.) 06 Sep 2023 17:06:30
He's been a shadow of last seasons player. Know why now.

4.) 06 Sep 2023 17:28:10
He wasn’t wearing a brace when filmed at the airport being harassed by a Celtic fan a few hours later.

Also, I seen Roofe posted a picture of him scoring a goal on Instagram but had to delete because of our own fan backlash. There’s Rangers fans all over social media absolutely slating Roofe and I have no idea what he done wrong.

Roofe scored a perfectly good goal and VAR stole it from him. If he knows that, and still wants to celebrate it on a personal level, he can. Bushy do Rangers fans need to take that moment away from him as well?

What is happening? ?‍♂️.

5.) 06 Sep 2023 17:51:41
Then why was he picked has to be the relavent question. Old Firm games are for players free of Injury that could and in this case did hamper performance .

6.) 06 Sep 2023 18:03:44
Deecee nonsense, he’s been injured every game he has played this season.

7.) 06 Sep 2023 18:21:25
Deecee you’d probably be surprised then at home many players are constantly playing with niggles and injuries, very rarely would you find a full starting 11 that’s fully fit. It’s just the different mindset of sun players. Those like Colak refused to play or train unless 100% perfect, others like Cantwell will try to play through the pain to help the team.

8.) 06 Sep 2023 18:36:22
Cantwell showed more energy, fight and enthusiasm than anybody else and after he got wiped out in the penalty and had obviously hurt his knee he came back on because we had used all our subs. He may not be as bright as he was last season but its obvious why he is playing with a niggle and an indictment of the rest that we cannot afford to rest him. The first 70 minutes against Killie showed why we need him.

9.) 06 Sep 2023 18:59:47
John 27 quite surprised tbh by your reply. and I must ask. hows it working out so far to play Injured players. especially with such a strong and injury free so it seems bench .

10.) 06 Sep 2023 20:05:47
If he's injured he needs rested and treated he cannot play to full capacity playing through injury.

11.) 06 Sep 2023 20:17:37
Injury or not Cantwell was woeful on Sunday and well below the performance we know he is capable off.

12.) 06 Sep 2023 20:59:58
Many careers finished early due to playing with injections, should not be permitted. Might be for some niggle or other but it's a dangerous game that.

Worked for a guy once who had been at Rangers, Airdrie and Durban SA and he had that done for several seasons and finished at 26 near crippled, that was knee problem that started as an occasional niggle

I understand players just not having it I knew Stephen Wright's father and the player would not do it, got real hassle over that and basically shipped out. Think he's running Dundee's academy now.

13.) 06 Sep 2023 21:29:22
Decee that’s the game mate.

Burt that’s why rangers were getting him to international break,

14.) 06 Sep 2023 22:21:30
Think that this forum has entered a new low if fans feel playing if not 100% fit is a standard that is allowed. if that really is the case inside the club with doctors etc then its no wonder that our trophy cabinet is gathering dust . once again very surprised with certain individuals on here who seem to feel that it's no biggy. Love the lad cantwell by the way but not playing with needles as a temporary fix. over-reacting. a big fat no.

15.) 07 Sep 2023 01:45:35
Deece to be fair sometimes players have no choice manager puts them in tough position instead of just saying no will play youth or move things about.

16.) 07 Sep 2023 06:51:58
It's got nothing to do with this forum deecee, it's been going on for years, tav played a lot of last season carrying an injury, whether people on this or any other forum like it or not it will continue to happen.

17.) 07 Sep 2023 07:13:28
Decee u really don’t understand football I’m afraid it’s been happening since the 60s.

18.) 07 Sep 2023 07:36:39
That's the risk of playing the game.
Especially in the premier League you.

19.) 07 Sep 2023 08:41:03
Decee, I take it you never played football just about every player wants to play every game and play on regardless of any niggle to keep his place in the team. It’s only in later years that you feel the pain.

20.) 07 Sep 2023 12:42:49
Tavernier, Lundstram, Kamara and Morelos were all known to be playing with injuries at times last season. Unfortunately the fans don`t always understand that and they get accused of playing badly or not trying. Tav went up to Dingwall last season in a separate car because he had the flu . He had shocker and got pelters for it but we did not find out what he had done to help his club until afterwards . By the way if Cantwell was woeful on Sunday I do not know how you would describe the rest of the outfield players because he was the best of them.

21.) 07 Sep 2023 12:45:30
If at least one of the coaches at least tried to look reasonably fit rather than porky I feel it would often help their argument when having a dig at a player and his fitness levels, wearing sporting goods only makes them look like dossers off on the bus to holiday at Butlins.

22.) 09 Sep 2023 13:46:07
Happening for all football history John

I'd just prefer Beale let the fans know

That way fans know who to cut some slack if performances dip.



27 Aug 2023 13:16:21
Hagi away on loan to Alaves.


1.) 27 Aug 2023 23:10:13
Good luck to him. But think it's a mistake by us.




Blue89's banter posts with other poster's replies to Blue89's banter posts


09 Jul 2024 15:20:39
The biggest concern for me right now isn't the stadium, it's going to be extremely difficult to shift average and injury prone players such as Dowell, Lawrence, Matondo, Hagi etc since they are all on good wages there won't be any incentive for them to leave. No club is going to match what they are on currently which could see them running down their contracts or leaving on the cheap.
It's clear as day we can't sign many more, especially experienced players, until we shift some. Looks like we still need a spine of the team (CB, CM, CF) along with a couple of wingers.


1.) 09 Jul 2024 15:36:13
Correct blue. I was saying this yesterday mate. Our player trading model is shocking. Just last year this board allowed Beales expenditure ?.

2.) 09 Jul 2024 15:47:27
thats our main problem shifting players that are on big wages for
a lot of othr teams.

3.) 09 Jul 2024 16:19:07
Probably going to be criticised, but I'd sell these players below their market value just to get them off the books.

4.) 09 Jul 2024 16:25:48
Do these players have a decent "market value" lol.

5.) 09 Jul 2024 16:45:07
Selling players not wanted has been a big issue since sg days and I agree we can't add till we get Rid of some guys.

6.) 09 Jul 2024 17:25:45
Mark I agree, will have to take hit on some players to get them off books. no point on keeping if they are not going to play.

7.) 09 Jul 2024 17:29:22
Yes, getting rid will be tricky but footballers know their career is short and some want something to show for it. eg Butland.

8.) 09 Jul 2024 18:04:27
This has always been a problem for Rangers for as long as I can remember. Will probably have to loan the guys out till the end of their contracts and hope they have a purple patch like Lammers did to generate some interest.

We shouldn’t allow that to hold us back tho!

It didn’t hold Celtic back when the still had Barkas, ajeti etc on the books.

9.) 09 Jul 2024 18:30:02
Am sure players can wangle some of the transfer fee into their own pocket to soften a wage drop and possible longer contracts at other clubs, a lot can come down too family and out all the players that might be leaving Ben Davies might be the one that might want too stay on to suit personal reasons and can’t blame him, others will probably move on one way or another.

10.) 09 Jul 2024 18:56:43
So Carluke, were the board not supposed to back Beales expenditure? If they hadn't and the team started badly, they would have been blamed for not backing him.

He was an imposter, but he was the guy a lot of the Rangers support wanted. Personally I never liked the guy and thought they were right to sack him but of his signings we should be able to get our money back for Dessers and Lammers, Sterling has been a great free signing, Butland is now valued at £15 million and he was a free.

Sima was a loan but a bargain loan and Balogun was a free who we've just given another year. Dowell hasn`t done much but he was free and we should be able to get some money for him and Cifuentes was poor but didn't cost much and we may recoup most if not all of it.

That leaves Danilo and he had two bad injuries so the jury is still out. Guys like Matondo, Hagi, Lawrence and Davies were not signed by Beale or the current board. So move on to your next negative post.

11.) 09 Jul 2024 20:28:49
Great points 4ever even Celtic have dead wood they can’t shift like Scott Bain etc every club has and half the folk said Beale was the brains behind sg.

12.) 09 Jul 2024 20:37:22
Wslgers it’s been failure after failure with them though.

It’s been 658 days since we heard from our chairman.

In that time he’s:

Sacked 2x managers and watched our rivals win 3 titles in a row.

Overseen a stadium upgrade which now sees fans being locked out of Ibrox with no real timescale as to when we’ll be back in, all after paying for Season Tickets.

There’s a lot more that could be questioned but I don’t want statement after statement but when it’s an issue which effects 50k of us who invest in the club each season and we still don’t know what is going on it is nothing but a fecking disgrace. Take yer blue specs off brother ??.



02 Jul 2024 23:05:12
Hi Eds, can we get a wee poll please.

Who would fans prefer us to sign, Rrahmani or Miovski?


{Ed033's Note -

Rrahmani or Miovski poll

1.) 03 Jul 2024 07:39:52
Nip and tuck so far?.

2.) 03 Jul 2024 07:57:58
Is this poll maybe influenced by the fact if we sign Miovski, it would mean giving the sheep dough, some may not want to do that. ?.

3.) 03 Jul 2024 08:14:24
Either would be good. Miovski knows the league, but signing the other boy would me lemon and his board not seeing eye to eye early on and that brings a wee smile to me.

4.) 03 Jul 2024 10:45:08
Fork I couldn't care less about getting 1 over the fans but I want a striker who can fire us to a league and imo Miovsky would help us towards that.

5.) 03 Jul 2024 11:14:52
If we don’t give the sheep the fee someone else will. I think he would be a great fit and settling in period not the same as Rahmani.

6.) 03 Jul 2024 13:19:50
I only said some wouldn't like it OWS, and the poll could reflect that, was non-specific as to who bud, and happen to agree with you btw.



26 May 2024 01:29:57
How would this look based on rumours so far:

GK- Butland? / Kelly/ Wright

CB- Cordoba/ Sanderson/ Souttar/ New CB, Balogun

RB - Sterling/ new RB

LB - Yilmaz/ Jefte/ Fraser

CM - Diomande/ Raskin/ L. Miller/ New CM/ McKinnon

AM - New one/ Stuart Armstrong/ Lowry

Wingers - Sima/ Cortes/ Mofokeng/ Danny Armstrong/ McCausland

Strikers - Miovski/ Shankland/ Danilo/ Lovelace

Cost - 25 million

Sell- Dessers (5 million) / Lammers (4 million) / Hagi (2 million) / Tav (4 million) / Goldson (3 million) / Davies (2 million) / Matondo (3 million) / Wright (500k) / McRorie (500k) / King

Release - Lunny/ Barisic/ Jack/ Roofe/ McGlaughlin.


1.) 26 May 2024 05:57:26
Blue I love your prices for selling players lol. now cut the price in half and possibly a little bit more. No wag we selling and getting that price for our players.

2.) 26 May 2024 06:08:57
Strange! No mention of Cantwell … Dowell . Lawrence ….

3.) 26 May 2024 06:55:48
Sanderson worse than goldson surely were not going in for him.

4.) 26 May 2024 07:12:53

Love your optimism regarding sales. Especially Tav. We won't get 400 quid never mind 4m.

5.) 26 May 2024 08:46:39
I think we'll have a squad overhaul, but I doubt we'll see in excess of 20 players moved on.

6.) 26 May 2024 09:26:26
I wouldn't have Soutter anywhere near the 1st team next season, he's an absolute scare. Playing him and Goldson ahead of Balogun and Davies was criminal and yesterday proved that. Send Soutter back to Hearts as part of the Shankland deal.



25 May 2024 20:20:46
Wissam Ben Yedder, free agent left Monaco and played under PC. 33 but proven goalscorer. I'd take him. Sell Lammers and Dessers and buy Miovski.


1.) 25 May 2024 21:15:23
Something has got to be done in the striking department because we ‘ve been absolutely terrible for a few seasons now for strikers we should have tried to sign Shankland instead of silva in January let’s hope PC can get us a decent striker who can play a full 90 minutes.

2.) 25 May 2024 22:24:41
Another that doesn’t get we couldn’t afford shankland.

3.) 26 May 2024 09:00:18
Storm I said tried to sign him instead of silva I know hearts were looking for about £5 million for him properly negotiated we could have sorted something out instead of signing the very over rated silva who literally offered us nothing.



14 May 2024 16:57:13
I've been thinking about the pros and cons of Clement.

This is not me saying he should be sacked or anything like that. He needs time. The only success has came when Gerrard had time.

Took a team that was abysmal within a few games of winning the league.
Won a cup.
Chance to win another cup.
Dropped Goldson, something no other manager has done.
Has stated there is a plan to stop injuries happening.
Knows the model of player we need to bring in.

Has been slightly stubborn with regards to set pieces.
Has shown tactical naivety on leaving massive gaps (Benfica corners, Ross County midfield) .
Did not learn any lessons from midfield that played at Ibrox and playing same again.
Loyalty to Lundstram when he knows he's leaving.

I fear the worst if the midfield is the same for the cup final. Hopefully it's Sterling, Raskin and Diomande further forward.


1.) 14 May 2024 19:46:27
Imo, the pros outweigh the cons. we're certainly better with Clement than Beale.

2.) 14 May 2024 20:14:46
It’s like watching paint dry .

3.) 14 May 2024 20:24:05
No sure mark, have u just watched that 1st half ??.

4.) 14 May 2024 21:37:18
Did you watch the full game, Paul? ?.

5.) 14 May 2024 22:37:36
Yes i did storm. Cheers. Does that take PC level on points with beale or still behind after same amount of games?




Blue89's rumour replies


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27 Jul 2024 01:06:13
Take a bow Nils Koppen.




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26 Jul 2024 17:03:24
Unless you’re a very close friend or family member of Jordan where has it been stated that he has said he doesn’t want to sign. What a load of single fish. If he didn’t want to sign then why would we be offering deals.




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23 Jul 2024 01:16:05
1.5m would get Shankland I believe. I think we’ll go for him as a worst case scenario if all other targets fall through and it’s near the end of the window.




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22 Jul 2024 18:19:14
Wonder if we could get Matondos agent to be our new CEO. The fact he was able to negotiate 32k a week is scandalous.




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21 Jul 2024 00:29:04
I think Cantwell and Tav are gone for sure. I’d be asking 4 minimum for Tav and 3 minimum for Cantwell.
Question is who would be priority signings with the money brought in

Rrahmani or Miovski
Lennon Miller
A number 6
A new CB.





Blue89's banter replies


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21 Jul 2024 14:58:26
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it’s Tav flying out to Turkey!




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21 Jul 2024 01:57:08
It has to be. Culture in the squad is probably crap. Bunch of players on high wages who have no drive to push themselves and now a whole team bar Butland that know they are dispensable. Hopefully we can shift at least half a dozen or I fear the worst.




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20 Jul 2024 20:33:37
A couple of things I find funny. Barron looks to be the best of the signings even though many turn their nose up at players from the SPL. Many said Sterlings best position is RB. What evidence is there for this? He literally played one game at RB last season against Morton and wasn’t good at all. Many fans slaughtered him. His best position by far is in CM where he can use his athleticism to dominate games. He is technically good enough to play there and played there when he was younger.




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16 Jul 2024 00:25:01
The big one for me is Matondo on 32k. Absolutely wild, no wonder the boy is always laughing in every video you see him in.




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15 Jul 2024 14:39:58
Agree David, giving Beale free rein was absolute madness. The board should take the blame for allowing that to happen.




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