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30 Jun 2024 07:41:50
Ed poll please my friend. Tav stay or go. My thoughts are go cheers.

{Ed033's Note -

Tav poll

Agree2 Disagree0

30 Jun 2024 08:29:27
Half expecting a bid for Tav, possibly Goldson too from Gerrard tomorrow, guess we'll see, then again who knows who'll stay or go.

30 Jun 2024 09:00:38
It’s not a straight forward answer as I’d want a decent fee and deal to let our captain go.
So the answer is yes he can go if we get a good enough offer.
Stay if the offer isn’t good enough.
If we get a good enough offer he’ll go with my best wishes and thanks.

30 Jun 2024 09:53:45
It’s straight answer for me C02

I want him to go but don’t think he will be away.

30 Jun 2024 10:29:27
Going by the poll I'm in the minority here that wants tav to stay. If he does go I hope we get decent money for him.

30 Jun 2024 10:29:59
Do you think he listens to The Clash?

30 Jun 2024 10:35:05
Said it before I’ll say it again far bigger issues in the playing squad than tav.

30 Jun 2024 10:43:32
Think it’s best he moved on but would go with my best wishes. Met him and is such a nice guy but time to go.

30 Jun 2024 10:43:43
Keep unless we get offered +£5m.
Rotate him and Sterling to see if Sterling has enough to make it as first choice RB.

30 Jun 2024 10:44:11
We held onto Morelos, Kent, Lundstram and few others for to long and it ended the way this will end if Tavernier and Goldson stay. 2nd place again.

30 Jun 2024 10:56:15
Fork Saudi window opens mid July.

30 Jun 2024 11:12:01
I'm not sure what the question is. Is it do I think he will go, or is it do I want him to go?

I clicked stay, because I think that's what will happen.

30 Jun 2024 11:17:40
How blue89 was his daddy a bank robber. ??.

30 Jun 2024 11:19:13
Thought it was 2morro John the international window opened, so Saudi is not international?

30 Jun 2024 11:33:38
Big tav fan but he was so slow end a the season think time is now to go.

30 Jun 2024 12:06:18
Fork google it windows across the world are all different, look at Saudi, USA Brazil as examples.

30 Jun 2024 12:23:41
No worries bud? cheers was unaware mate.

30 Jun 2024 12:35:45
Conceding goals is a big issue and we do concede a fair amount from our right, not wanting to start a debate with some and a lot will disagree, continue playing Tav at right back will lead to more of the same whether we like it or not, I also don’t buy into this it is other players responsibility to cover him is the issue, he is a right back and yes he contributes goals but for us to be successful he has to defend like a right back also.
For me I’ve been wanting a solid right back for a few years now and would gladly swap his goals for that as we can hopefully add more in the forward areas.
A team that dosent concede much will never be far away from the main prizes at the end of the season.

30 Jun 2024 12:42:41
Spot on bud?.

30 Jun 2024 13:06:26
I’d demand £10 from Saudi for tav maybe accept £8m

Goldson I’d happily let go for £2-2.5m.

30 Jun 2024 13:07:13
I'd only sell tav if we get a min 4m, I do think he should go but he's not the biggest problem our defense has.

30 jun 2024 13:48:04
maybe accept 8 million,

fir a 30 something guy who getting slower by the week and is awful in defence, aye, i would maybe accept 8m too stevie.

30 Jun 2024 14:32:16
You don’t buy into it’s a team game? So if butland let's in a goal you won’t say the defence had a part in it as well?

30 Jun 2024 14:34:18
Aye but Tom he out scored our whole squad out assisted them and scored in a final no bad for someone so terrible wile being up for player of the year lol yet you want McLean who is decent at most hard tackler but doesn’t score or assist very much from midfield never mind defence.

30 Jun 2024 14:59:33
Shame he can't defend though?.

30 Jun 2024 16:39:53
Name them then R1 instead of just saying bigger problems.

30 Jun 2024 16:42:59
He cost us more goals than anyone else you forgot to mention raskin.

Stevie if its SG team we won’t get 10 or even 8
For him as they aren’t cash rich not every team in Saudi is but not many actually know this.

30 Jun 2024 20:05:35
Well that was close 77-23?.

30 jun 2024 22:31:16
raskin, try to take it in. nobody has ever said he hasn't been a great scorer.

we can't win anything because we can't defend, is that something you can't understand or just ignore?



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