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30 Jun 2024 15:02:43
Any more details on the signings of
Igamane, Kabadayi and Rrahmani also mofokeng?

See Rramani now good be sold for 2.5 million if press is believed? Were we ever interested if so wouldn't have thought 2.5 million would have put us off especially as some on here thought we'd bid over 4 million?

What about ben Davies did Forrest put an official offer in eventually have missed this one too
And derby on yfecko?

What about Damien Garcia is that definite dead then?

And any official bids on lammers and Dessers as yet

Plenty of time as window opens officially tomorrow supposed we will see if any of above come to fruition.

Agree1 Disagree0

30 Jun 2024 15:36:07
if davies goes to foŕest it will be
forrest green rovers lol.

30 Jun 2024 15:51:41
Goalkeeper from Falkirk singing better than Goram aprrlrnly.

30 Jun 2024 15:52:27
Keep Davies he's the best ever.

30 Jun 2024 16:05:12
Stig, i heard a wee whisper last night from a person that i know well and trust their info 100% regarding James Bisgrove. Apparently you might have been onto something and quite rightly repeatedly questioned about his situation. My source says he was in fact pushed before he jumped for his mistakes.

He is also a guy who holds grudges from all accounts and undoubtedly is plotting his revenge. Others are well aware of this and he will need to act quickly because the wee guy that pushed him into the pool at his hotel goes home tomorrow.

30 Jun 2024 16:38:05
What goalkeeper from falkirk are we signing, that's allegedly better than andy goram Boo Boo ?.

30 Jun 2024 16:59:06
Igamane being unveiled for over a week now ?.

30 Jun 2024 17:36:41
Did Bisgrove not sack the trusted kitman for taking a couple of sweaty training tops? John defended Bisgrove if I remember correctly.

30 Jun 2024 17:42:07
Boo that's got to be irony.

30 Jun 2024 20:19:09
Yes I did, the kit man should have not taken property that was not his, lammy what would happen to you in your work if you removed stuff.

30 Jun 2024 20:37:44
I think it's prob going to ramp up before we depart for pre season trip we certainly need to get 2 or 3 more in as we've only replaced the ooc players who left.

30 Jun 2024 20:46:31
Lammy, I think you call that stealing and it’s a sackable offence in any company.

30 Jun 2024 22:23:56
Plotting his revenge put the beers down mate.

30 Jun 2024 22:24:46
The thief should of been sacked end off.

30 Jun 2024 22:50:34
Plotting his revenge ???.

01 Jul 2024 08:00:02
The court of law disagreed with you because he took us to the cleaners for unfair dismissal.

01 Jul 2024 09:30:55
Jim never stole anything! You should be ashamed of yourselves taking the side of an absolute slimeball over a good, and innocent, Rangers man. Hang your heads!

01 jul 2024 10:37:33
its a court of session, and has very little to do with whether he did it or not and more to do with procedures, rangers still sacked the lad.

01 jul 2024 10:38:01
hardly “ taken to the cleaners “ really is it.

01 Jul 2024 12:43:39
That much of a thief Gerrard took him to Saudi. Gerrard obviously thinks the guy was unfairly treated and doesn't believe he's a thief.

01 Jul 2024 13:38:17
Don`t know the rights and wrongs of the case but ultimately Rangers lost because they failed to follow their own procedures. The court have the right to order Rangers to reinstate him but they didn`t, he got a few months wages in compensation . Hardly taken to the cleaners.

01 Jul 2024 13:47:31
He's not a theif Bb4, and was stiched up by that wee weasel Bisgrove. You are spot on regarding Gerrard. Why would he employ a so called thief?

Honestly, the way one or two on here continue to tar this innocent lad as a thief, gives me the boak! Shameful!

I'd like to see them repeat their accusation to the boy's face. Or infact, to the family of Jimmy Bell who have stood with Jim throughout this. Believing a slimebag like Bisgrove before a true Rangers man, who gave his all to the job, speaks volumes about those few on here.

01 Jul 2024 14:23:33
I also heard Jimmy bells family went into ibrox and removed many of Jimmy's things, they were fuming with what happened to Jim, then Gerrard makes a point of giving him a job so soon after he was allegedly stealing? Doesn't take a genius to work out he stole nothing, or his name would be mud in football.
It happens in industries all around the world, someone in power takes a dislike, or they just don't get on, accusations fly, then the guy at the bottom gets booted, nobody can tell me it doesn't. Always felt there was something not right with bisgrove sunshine, could never put my finger on it!

01 Jul 2024 16:14:48
It was not Bisgrove who got rid of kit man, it was someone from football department,
As tt points out rangers did not have him charged by police.

Individual took RFC to employment tribunal for not following correct procedure in dismissing him for Gross misconduct.

01 Jul 2024 16:38:40
That's BS John, sorry!

Bisgrove and Jim had a fallout, and after that, he was falsely accused of gross misconduct.

It's common knowledge that Bisgrove was hated around the club, by staff, and players. The guy suffered from a severe case of thin skin and held personal grudges with anyone who answered back and never danced to his tune.



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