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03 Jul 2024 20:10:49
Update on Lennon Miller. We offered Motherwell £500,000 plus Robbie McCrorie. Motherwell have knocked that back as they value him at more. Clement rates Miller highly and isn’t satisfied. Hearing this from a current Rangers player who knows Miller from Scotland set up.

I am worried about the current state of our club. We ARE NOT being well run and this board will not back Clement in getting the players he want. Don’t know where we are playing our home games to start with this season which starts in 4 weeks. No communication from the board or chairman to valued season ticket holders. Our club is a shambles just how we deserve better ????.

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03 Jul 2024 20:19:46
If we have bid for Lennon Miller I'd expect it to be played out in the public. No chance someone from Motherwell or the boys agent etc would keep it quiet if we had bid for him.

03 Jul 2024 20:28:02
Any idea how much miller is valued at?

03 Jul 2024 20:35:55
Carluke so you’re saying Motherwell told Miller the structure of the deal and that’s where this has come from? Not suggesting it’s not correct just clarity.

Not sure how we can decide how well a club is being run on one deal for a 17 year old. Especially in a world where values are about as subjective as they come. We value McCrorie at say 1m, then we’ve offered £1.5m plus potentially sell on for a 17 year old who has potential. That’s all before we factor in what % of the pit that is that we have to turn the squad around.

03 Jul 2024 20:36:43
What’s got you worried mate, we’ve signed a number of players that PC wanted and we’ll sign a few more, perhaps Miller and perhaps not.

What statement are you looking for? Regarding signings?

03 Jul 2024 20:40:05
? the whole shambles thing is getting a bit boring now. Nobody actually knows what's happening.

03 Jul 2024 20:50:48
I'm not so sure Carluke,
1/ 2 mil and mcrorie probably valued around 1-1.5 m,
2 m is a decent starting offer, maybe up it to 1m and mcrorie and a sell on and it might get it over the line.

03 Jul 2024 21:02:43
Rangers have not made any bid for him
And mwell looking for 3/ 4 million. Don’t know if they will get it but that’s what they want.

I have also been told miller won’t be coming to rangers even if we are interested but I hope that is wrong.

03 Jul 2024 21:06:20
So not hearing from our current chairman since 2022 is reasonable given the current state of our club. This is coming from a current Rangers player lads. Usually nothing gets out from him but him stating Clement is not happy this is very worrying for me as I love Rangers ❤️??.

03 Jul 2024 21:24:58
What current player is it?

03 Jul 2024 21:39:50
Miller is someone i'd want but i can't see us offering anything this window, Motherwell certainly wouldn't sell him to another club in the league unless its very big offer.

03 Jul 2024 22:14:03
Im sure the wages we were going to give mclean could be thrown into a transfer fee for this boy. It makes too much sense tho.

03 jul 2024 22:24:31
a current rangers player he knows from the scotland set up? well, ure is gone so is it fraser, kelly, mcrorie, soutter, devine, ?

i don't believe a word personally, because your suggesting while we are spending money on ibrox and players, the manage4 isn't happy

did the manager tell one of those players this? and did the club tell this mystery player of they're offer to motherwell?

03 Jul 2024 22:45:25
Again, not questioning your honest from you’ve heard but having known a few players and know one very recent ex Ger, not sure how much a player gets told about a managers frustrations of lack of incoming players. I’d expect Clement to be keeping that very info from the players.

03 Jul 2024 22:58:12
I have some contacts at motherwell and they've told me we hold interest but there hasn't been any approach. They would be wanting in the region of 2.5m up front with add ons taking the deal to at least 4m. They are also in no hurry for Miller to leave. They do hold an interest in Mccrorie and I personally think that he would be a great fit at Fir park.

03 jul 2024 23:11:56
please tell me “ the current state of the club “

i would love to hear your view, because i know it hasn't been in a better “ state fir years and years.

04 Jul 2024 00:11:14
Miller looks a talent, but with EPL suitors the price is going to start at £2m and go up from there. McCrorie realistically couldn't command a fee over £500k given his lack of game time. Given we've signed Kelly, McCrorie might be a good bargaining cup, but I think we'd still need to drop a couple of million on top of that, and the lad would be worth it. He might have come through a bit early for us though, as I think our priority is a no9 and a center back at the moment.

04 Jul 2024 00:41:14
I may be wrong but I feel like I’ve heard we are valuing McCrorie at 500k. And Motherwell want around 2 mil for Miller so we’re about 1 mil short. I’d pay that in a heartbeat if I were the board.

04 Jul 2024 01:10:38
Can’t see Motherwell getting McCrorie, they are not losing at least 500k on him and wages will be too high for them, they will pick up a goalie for nothing that is well inside their wage structure, on the boy Miller one more season at Motherwell and he will ve outwith our price range, would love to get him once we get rid of some of our players, also think other side of city must be looking at him.

04 Jul 2024 06:23:57
EPL club could easy pay 3/ 4 million and just stick him in there under 18s.

04 Jul 2024 09:30:12
As far as the Board is concerned we need to remember that Bennett has only just taken on the role of Executive Chairman on a full time basis since the start of the summer and Bisgrove had only been in position for a year.
I don't believe that the club was being well run under Park and the previous CEO, DoF etc., but let's give Bennett time to get his feet under the table.
Of course we need new investment and new blood in the Boardroom but this will take time and getting rid of one or two of the current Board will not be easy.

It is also worth remembering that a new investor buying out someone like Park won't benefit the Club financially and if the Supporters Trust shares were sold, how would the related funds be distributed, (and I am struggling to see the benefit of Fan ownership going forward)!

04 Jul 2024 10:32:14
Posting what I have been told lads. I’m not going to name my source as that would be very silly. TT regarding the current state of our club. How many trophies have we won in the past 12 years?
How many players are we still needing shot off because this board allowed Beales expenditure?
How many first choice targets have we missed out on already? Cordoba, Kubadayi, McLean (Rangers diehard) and now Miller
We currently have no stadium to play our home games in. It’s disaster after disaster and I for one have had enough. We deserve to hear from our chairman Mr Bennett about what the contingency plans are if Ibrox isn’t ready. They must have these. Also need I remind you that they can equal our league titles and surpass our trophy haul if they are successful this season. In a season we cannot afford to lose it ain’t looking to great for starters for me. That’s my honest assessment it is what it is ????❤️.

04 Jul 2024 10:44:31
I've a pal who's well in at Motherwell so I asked him if he knew anything . "the boy wants to play and not in a youth team" was the response .

04 jul 2024 13:57:12
we have no stadium to play in

talk about ridiculous over egging the cake, we have a stafpdium mate, its called ibrox and its currently having a wee facelift

get a grip of yourself.

04 Jul 2024 16:41:09
TT are you aware Ibrox isn’t available for the foreseeable. Our board have provided no timescale on matters. Answer my questions rather than telling me to get a grip ?.



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