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22 Jun 2022 11:23:14
I've been on the waiting list for a season ticket for 3 years now! Has anyone heard any rumours about the potential to expand the stadium. We must be costing ourselves money over the long term especially with our sell out European nights and the fact its always a struggle to get tickets for some of the league games.


1.) 22 jun 2022 12:09:14
i may be wrong mate but i don’t think there’s any plans to enlarge the stadium or capacity,
others might have better information than me.

2.) 22 Jun 2022 12:20:47
I'm sure (Could be wrong) that it was discussed last season about adding more seating but any long term plans wouldn't be moved any further forward until the New Edmiston House Museum was up and running. They did say until such times that they could add more seating at the Argyle House hospitality section at back of Sandy Jardine stand. Think that was a short term solution.

3.) 22 Jun 2022 12:24:03
I think it’s just your luck mate. I was only on the waiting list for 6 months before getting offered a season ticket for last year. Had to be quick to accept though.

4.) 22 Jun 2022 13:59:51
Has it not been rumoured for a number of years about adding another tier to the govan stand?
Obviously we’re limited to what we can do to the stadium due to the main stand being a grade A listed building.
Can someone answer is there a way to fill in the other 2 corners? While keeping to health and safety etc?
What an arena that would be. 3 tiers on the main amd govan and 4 corners filled.

Throw in the new Edmundson house museum and supporters park or whatever it’s called and we really would have something extra special on a park with anything imo.

5.) 22 Jun 2022 18:12:44
Starting to think the waiting list is just a con to get more money outta the fans because from what I've been hearing it depends very much on who you know in ticket office. stadium does need more seats or maybe even a new stadium which would need to happen eventually so I'm not over precious about stadium as is love going but way I see it will have to change eventually.

6.) 22 Jun 2022 18:12:47
It would cheaper and easier to remove the screens and fill I the corners, than put a third toer on the Govan. It was discussed at the AGM last year that they would like to do the corners but we would need Edmonton house done first. Also the way the world is costs are ridiculous.

7.) 22 jun 2022 20:44:02
if your not “ precious “ about ibrox stadium then you supporting the wrong team

ibrox is our home, where some of us have spent 60,70 years or more, i have my name in the bricks of ibrox, i’m proud of ibrox but you have obviously not got that connection, i feel sorry about your disconnect from our club,

anyway, in your world, how much do you think a stadium for a club the size of rangers costs, no idea i would imagine

any rangers man who doesn’t care about ibrox is not a real rangers man.

8.) 22 Jun 2022 22:14:15
Agree Tom 110%, I could never imagine watching rangers anywhere else but ibrox.

9.) 22 Jun 2022 22:31:55
Tom thumb, what I'm saying is from a practice view at some point all buildings need replaced or upgraded . that's all i ment . it would still be Rangers if it was in a new stadium ? so by your account all those supporters that are old enough to remember the old stadium are not rangers supporters because they now watch the game in a different stadium ?

10.) 22 Jun 2022 22:39:28
What I'm saying is original Ibrox was a diff stadium to now so if we did something else it would still be Ibrox but just diff or altered stadium some of you are too touch all of my time has been in current stadium bit my dad was at the Ibrox disaster and he always seen it as a diff stadium. Otherwise your kinda like trigger in only fools and horses that had same broom for years but replace the head so many times and the shaft so many times ???.




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09 Feb 2023 10:38:16
I seen on sky sports there is fresh plans for an 80 team European super league, Would people be for or against Rangers joining that if it was a goer?

Personally I think its the only way to stop all the money in football going to the EPL, its mad that some massive teams across europe can't compete financially with the likes of Wolves, Bournemouth, etc.


1.) 09 Feb 2023 11:01:01
Not sure what the format is as its only 14 games a season? I would be all for a superleague though.

2.) 09 Feb 2023 11:01:52
Mw it said in a divisional format with a gaurentee of 14 games minimum. That possibly sounds like clubs will play domestically and it will prob replace the European tournaments in my opinion.

3.) 09 Feb 2023 11:19:01
It's a no for me feel it would destroy league's all over Europe and teams would be getting left behind. Ppl complain about England's money it is what it is someone's always on top they have marketed and sold there game brilliantly. Just my opinion mw1872.

4.) 09 Feb 2023 12:11:13
For me I'd love to see us join a European league, so long as we can retain a Colts Team within the Scottish pyramid.

I don't think we'd merit a place at the top table mind you, so something like a regionalised "Not Quite Super League" would get my vote.

{Ed001's Note - the proposal for the new ESL would not take teams out of their domestic leagues.}

5.) 09 Feb 2023 12:12:39
Boy blue old firm fans complain about the difference of money to epl the rest of the spfl complain about the money compared to the old firm. It’s hypocritical IMO old firm fans complaining about that when it’s the same as in our league with the rest.

6.) 09 Feb 2023 12:17:44
Proposed by Real Madrid, Barca and Juventus -same protagonists as before. Will be interesting to find out the small print.

7.) 09 Feb 2023 12:34:12
Everyone was up in arms at the last one but now it’s seems alright if their team is involved. I’d prefer no as it will effect some leagues but at the end of the day we don’t owe anyone in Scotland any loyalty. At the end of the day someone is looking to make money. Again I would prefer no but fear we would be left behind if we don’t participate.

8.) 09 Feb 2023 12:42:02
Had a look at this, looks to me like an almost like for like replacement for the champions league and Europe league minus the europe conference league.

Format is slightly different with more games but just looks like they are trying to oust UEFA and have a competition where clubs have power instead of UEFA.

Actually think it's more elitist than current euro set up with far less teams involved. I also think it does not solve any of the issues with regards to the EPL finances and competition across the continent.

Might be good for the old firm but does nothing for the hearts, hibs etc. of this world. Current set up is better for them. For that reason would be against it.

9.) 09 Feb 2023 12:45:44
I think the problem Storm is the wealth that is dished out to the smaller teams in the EPL which is the equivalent to the likes of Ross County being offered large amounts of money to be financially better off than the teams that generate cash through their size and fan base. In my opinion this is not being hypocritical.

10.) 09 Feb 2023 12:52:19
ED, would it do away with the champions league?

{Ed001's Note - yes that is the plan.}

11.) 09 Feb 2023 12:52:57
My issue with it is I think the 60 teams is smoke and mirrors tbh. It’ll be 4 leagues of 15 playing 14 games each from what I can tell. If we were to join we would be in the bottom league or at best the 3rd one. There’s surely no way we’d get more money from that than we would for qualifying in the champions league.

12.) 09 Feb 2023 12:53:59
If we ever got the chance it's a no brainer.

13.) 09 Feb 2023 15:23:17
Ed if that was for me that wasn't what I meant re taking teams away from there league I was meaning financially mate. If it wasn't for me my bad. Storm agree it wouldn't be a good look would it. Orygbmb why is it these smaller teams in epl shouldn't get that money? As I said they marketed and sold there game amazingly so why not? Do you think because we are a bigger club with bigger fan base we should somehow be entitled to it.

{Ed001's Note - it was just for EHL who was talking about putting a second team in the SPFL pyramid.}

14.) 09 Feb 2023 17:05:57
Gotcha Ed cheers mate.

{Ed001's Note - no worries.}



29 Oct 2022 08:34:11
Just read that Kemar Roofe is injured again! he reminds me of a guy i used to work with who would go off on the sick and just as his pay was about to be effected he would come back for a couple of weeks before going off again.


1.) 29 Oct 2022 09:23:22
Can we not just agree a deal to pay him off. Even if full wage. Maybe harsh but its a waste of time and energy and a place in the squad trying to get him back in. He's never going to play regularly.

2.) 29 Oct 2022 09:41:43
Soutter could give him a start in his coffee shop.

3.) 29 Oct 2022 09:43:29
Is Roofe in the final year of his contract?

4.) 29 Oct 2022 10:12:44
My son-in-law who lives in England is a Leeds United supporter told me when Rangers signed Roofe that we was a very good player but was always injured. It is a shame but why on earth do we sign players that are injury-prone?

5.) 29 Oct 2022 10:18:43
2024 baz.

6.) 29 Oct 2022 11:03:32
Thanks gvb. So we are stuck with him and his 35k for another 18 months.

7.) 29 Oct 2022 11:15:58
There is no question about Roofe as he is a very talented footballer but we have too many players on our payroll who are injury prone.

8.) 29 Oct 2022 12:25:02
Reminds you of Tin man from wizard of oz, has no heart, think that's his biggest problem.



03 Sep 2022 15:13:26
Anyone still thinking they wouldn’t touch Ross Barkley?


1.) 03 sep 2022 16:03:23
very good point.




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31 May 2024 11:50:56
Also not 100% sure how the home grown for europe works but he was in our youth system for a couple of years.




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31 May 2024 11:46:50
Got told this earlier in the week as well, Tbf if it was low cost i would be for it. Good experience, knows the league and he played 52 games last year so good availability. definitely not a big game starter but could come on off the bench to shore things up.




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15 May 2024 13:01:09
I’ve watched Gunn chuck a couple in for Scotland! I think he’s a decent keeper, but not Rangers' level.




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06 Oct 2023 10:32:09
Thought the Muscat interview wasn't until today? take it that didn't go well. Will be gutted if it's Lampard, I reckon the fans will be on his case before the first game never mind the first defeat.




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29 Aug 2023 12:57:25
Stevie G, Don't forget that there would've been a fairly high pay off to get Gio and co out, with also compensation paid to get Beale in. There's also big plans for the stadium on the horizon by the sound of things.





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09 Nov 2022 13:42:07
is Ryan Jack anywhere near fit?




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01 Nov 2022 13:02:39
Is the game on tv or getting streamed?




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26 Oct 2022 09:05:11
John, how's Kevin Ciubotaru playing? had high hopes when i read that spurs tried to get him before us.




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25 Oct 2022 21:30:09
Is he the LB we got from Leicester?




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13 Oct 2022 13:33:07
Was it not Mark Allen that signed him.




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