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Rfc55loyal's rumours posts with other poster's replies to Rfc55loyal's rumours posts


29 Jul 2023 16:46:16
John27,Copland or storm. anything on club bringing in defenders? after watching that I fear the worst. balogan going off aswell doesn't look good.


1.) 29 Jul 2023 18:36:06
RFC Balogun yefeko cantwell Barisic and couple others had a sickness bug.

2.) 29 Jul 2023 19:49:19
really, need too get defensive
re- enforcements, totally lackluster, n if that's the way forward, i really fear, the better teams will burst us.

3.) 29 Jul 2023 19:56:10
I thought it was the 4 who did not travel who had the sickness bug? Balogun injured again, no surprise there .

4.) 29 Jul 2023 20:11:41
Sakala and tom lawrence also had the sickness bug John27.

5.) 29 Jul 2023 21:21:49
john have we dropped intrest in the panzo boy, though he looked a solid option, also young enough too have a good few years out him.

6.) 29 Jul 2023 21:30:36
Manager said four left at home, and it spread to several players involved today.

7.) 30 Jul 2023 02:33:24
Balogun had cramp according to the manager so not injured.

8.) 30 Jul 2023 09:03:02
Is Beale getting excuses in early ? sorry but I don't want to here it.


Having said that it's a friendly game I will not judge Beales record on these games. It's a worrying sign yes but as long as they get it together for start of season.

I'm starting to fear we let a better forward go in colak than dessers looks slow and wants too many touches lammers looks a real good signing so far but again it's only friendlies we all remember matondo start in friendlies and also tilman didn't start the best.

Long ball in behind our LB and RB has been a weakness for years don't know why people acting like it's a new problem been targeted as far back as young boys games.

Having seen Genk the other day qualifiers are already a worrying prospect

? We are ok v killie and restore a bit of optimism.

9.) 30 Jul 2023 09:03:42
Bring back the tennents 6's as we would win that easy now.

10.) 30 Jul 2023 09:54:55
Harthill lol loved that tourney as a kid was bizarre likes of woods playing in it and getting injured in early days.

11.) 30 Jul 2023 15:00:02
Agree gofor, I liked colak, he would of gave a different option more direct and will score goals. Dessers might not be fully fit but up to now not impressed, slows play down as you say wants that extra touch, hopefully we will be proved wrong.

12.) 30 Jul 2023 18:02:07
Blue dreamer I think he is second choice and hinges on Davies moving.



15 Jun 2023 18:36:15
Anyone heard any rumours regarding Britt Assombalonga?


1.) 15 Jun 2023 18:46:46
Maybe about 8 years ago.

2.) 15 Jun 2023 19:47:09
Posted about this the other day.




Rfc55loyal's banter posts with other poster's replies to Rfc55loyal's banter posts


25 Jun 2024 13:10:50
Looks like Ben Johnson going to Ipswich, I know he was mentioned but not sure how serious we were to sign him, wages would have been an issue.


1.) 25 Jun 2024 14:40:22
RFC my grandson a very good friend of Ben Johnson he says no interest whatsoever, the lad point blank would not entertain move to Scotland
Also as u say we could not afford wages and his signing on fee.

2.) 25 Jun 2024 16:24:27
Think it’s hard for us to attract players of EPL standard to the club. Scottish football is a hard sell to anyone and we just can’t compete with the riches available down south. Happy that we have done some business early in the window but think the days of signing the big names are long gone. Hopefully we have unearthed a couple of gems that can earn us a profit in a year or two. Unfortunate the truth is we are going to be a stepping stone for younger talent to move down south, if that’s how it’s going to be I’d like to see us blood our own youngsters. Think there is a big change in the clubs mentality regarding transfers and youth, although I think it will be beneficial in the long run, I’m not to optimistic about next season, time will tell tho.

3.) 25 Jun 2024 19:47:19
Never thought for a moment Ben Johnson was a realistic target
Why would you drop out the best paid league in the world for the SPFL just never made any sense at anytime.



13 Jan 2024 15:07:43
If there is a deal for yilmaz to leave the club I'm surprised to see him starting today. Maybe an exit isn't as close as being reported?


1.) 13 Jan 2024 15:54:26
Was thinking the same thing. Maybe the "experts" have got this one wrong! I mean you don't have to be a rocket scientist, if you are selling a player, for £3-4m whatever it is, you ain't going to risk that by playing him in a training session friendly.
are you?

2.) 13 Jan 2024 16:20:58
Foolmonty…. Correct wouldn’t be wanting to risk it and if Verona are watching then they should be having second thoughts as yilmaz was shocking, along with numerous others. Before anyone starts saying it’s a kick about, only a friendly and the pitch is crap, well it’s also a chance to impress the manager and stake a claim, if you pull on that badge whether a training top or full kit 100% effort is the minimum requirement and far to many swan about like they could give a monkeys.

3.) 13 Jan 2024 16:27:18
Yeh something doesn’t add up on this.

4.) 13 Jan 2024 16:34:41
It’s a loan not a fee foolmonty.



05 Oct 2023 21:26:50
After watching Davis interview can't help but think that the board have hung this guy out to dry. You can tell by the way he answered the questions from the media that he is still part of the playing staff and finds it hard to criticise his team mates. Tonight is up there with the niedercorn result absolute disgrace so it is. Some of the signings Beale has made has set us back massively and on a night we expected a reaction it shows the character of these players, half of them don't deserve to pull the royal blue ever again and as for our experienced players they need to hang their heads in shame and need shown the door. This situation is only going to get worse the way things are going. What an absolute shambles things are right now from the board room down. It's an embarrassment the way the club is just now and for me it comes down to the boards poor decision making. We need massive change at every level or it's going to spiral out of control.




01 Oct 2023 21:06:43
First of all I wish michael Beale all the best in whatever lies ahead for him from here on in. sadly It hasn't worked and it's time to move on. Second good luck Steven Davis on the massive task on trying to sort this mess out. it's a huge ask being manager/ first team coach of rangers but it's also a privilege and he's a true blue at heart. My issue is this whoever comes in is going to have to work with the dross that mb has brought in, personally I think someone can get a tune out of lammers and Danilo, as for dessers not a chance. horrendous and he looks amateurish at best. Tav for me should be stripped of captaincy, his time is up and so is goldson's. I may get shot down for my opinion but it's time for new blood. Our defence is a massive issue and they two are a huge part of the problem. Whoever comes in I wish them the best of luck but there is no quick fix to this mess. ?⚪️?.


1.) 01 Oct 2023 21:18:57
Paul Daniels couldn’t get a turn out of Sam Lammers! Awful.

2.) 01 Oct 2023 21:30:02
Yately its opinions mate. Cifu, sima and dessers have all been bad. But lammers for me is technically better than the 3. None of them have been anything to rave about and we will see what their character is all about in the weeks ahead.

3.) 01 Oct 2023 22:12:21
No he isn’t RFC Lammers is the worst of them all.



01 Sep 2023 17:08:11
John27 Copland yous guys hearing anything? Personally I think we are well enough equipped heading into the end of the window, yes supporters would like another ch to cover left side, I myself would rather have a flair player winger but as it stands once players have fully adjusted and settled got back from injuries I think we will be reasonably strong enough to compete on 4 fronts. Yes I would like a couple more, but financial stability and a good financial operating model mean more to me.


1.) 01 Sep 2023 18:17:21
RFC nothing doing, Souttar said no yesterday is my info.




Rfc55loyal's rumour replies


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26 Jul 2024 20:36:41
Would like to see a few players in the door John but yes it is positive by the club, still a couple to go tho, which would be ideal.




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19 Jul 2024 19:44:35
Who would be potential new owners John?




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19 Jul 2024 19:09:39
Our club is bigger than tav…folk going on like he is the best thing since dani alves. He has been a magnificent signing for the us and been a brilliant servant but his time is up along with 5 or 6 others, The squad has been stale for the last 2 or 3 seasons, along with poor judgment on players by previous managers and the board has put us in a poor situation. Now PC and NK have to sort out the mess left behind, that’s going to take a lot of time. Lack of finances are forcing the hand now, so it time to sell and get what we can. We need to move on as a club and try and get stability back in place. If that means bringing through youth players or signing young potential talent then so be it, it might not bring instant success but it will help us be be a more financially stable and better run club.




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16 Jul 2024 17:45:12
Nobody wants him or he would be away by now.




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29 Jun 2024 13:30:23
The stigno…there are a lot of season ticket holders from the east end of the country and the north who have to travel to ibrox week in and week out. It’s not ideal but it is what it is.





Rfc55loyal's banter replies


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23 Jul 2024 23:09:48
We all want champions league cash but as things are with the squad, we just can’t compete at that level would much rather have a decent Europa run than get embarrassed in the CL.




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19 Jul 2024 22:54:54
Daily Rebel reporting…. Mario Jardel staying at 1D medical pending.




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19 Jul 2024 22:51:20
It’s a possibility…. would imagine transfer budgets etc would have been discussed when he was offered the job, if he feels like he’s not receiving the backing from the board, who could blame him?




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17 Jul 2024 22:33:45
Agree kaiser…. I think throwing him in the B team is quite insulting. Obviously he hasn’t set the heather alight here, but he was in cracking form during his loan spell. It doesn’t look like he will be leaving so why not give him some minutes in his natural position as striker during pre season for the first team? If he’s not moving on then we need to try and get the best out what we have got.




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15 Jul 2024 18:53:45
John with all the uncertainty surrounding the club just now ie ibrox fiasco, lack of finances and player transfers I think we will struggle anyway. We do need dead wood moved on but players on big wages will be hard to get rid of and of course other teams need to want to sign the players. Think the last 4 or 5 years of poor judgement and decision making by the board will seriously bite us in the arse this year. It’s sad really as clement is probably the best manger we have had in a while and won’t get the money required to do the job he wants to do. I don’t think he will be with us much longer, if we make a poor start to the season then the knifes will be out. Sad times at ibrox just now.




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