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20 Dec 2024 11:01:30
No doubt, this will seem a boring post, but I'm a philosopher (yes, really) and like therefore, to have thought experiments. A while ago, maybe 12-18 months, I asked for a poll here about AI. My logical argument would be something like this
1. Human error is leading to bad referee and VAR decisions
2. AI makes less mistakes than humans
Conclusion: therefore, AI should control VAR/ refereeing
The results of the poll were overwhelmingly that even though there are continual errors: biases/ deliberate cheating, that members of this site would still rather have a human referee than and AI one.
Which seems to me to be an unusual choice. Yes, a human/ humans still need to program the AI, but the SFA don't have the budget or ability to do that, so this technology would come from elsewhere and therefore eliminate local supporter bias.
So, a year or so on from my original post and in the aftermath of bad decisions, what is the temperature in the room now? AI as a future technology that can flag decisions/ take decisions and eliminate bias and human error or keep humans, keep being victim of the system and keep complaining?
29 Feb 2024 14:52:59
Every week in different leagues, although we are only concerned with one league and team, we see very controversial VAR decisions. My claim is not that VAR is useless, but that the efficacy is undermined by the operating procedures. Those procedures being that the flawed human decisions of one are being checked by more flawed humans.
I'm curious to see what other posters might think of a potential future scenario where VAR decisions are run by Artificial Intelligence. In this scenario, once VAR could be programmed with enough variants of every scenario, it would take decisions based on objectivity and would certain remove any suggestion of bias.
Although I'm sure that many fans would not want machine learning taking decisions, I wonder if there is an alternative that would be more correct more of the time?
Maybe that could be a poll, I don't know how that works but option 1 could be: train humans better to operate VAR and option 2: use machine learning in VAR
Thank you.
{Ed033's Note - Poll is: Would you like to see VAR operated by machine learning artificial intelligence computers or better trained humans?
VAR Poll
30 Jul 2022 13:25:03
Although I believe Barasic and McLaughlin had a role to play in the goal, Souttar hasn't impressed me at all. Whilst I believe that of course we need to give players a chance and that it takes time to adapt to a new style of play, I also don't think that a competitive match with points at stake is where you do your adaptation. I hope that Ben Davies will be integrated into the side soon.
23 Nov 2021 14:46:35
Hi everyone, I am a new user, but a long time reader of posts and I enjoy reading so much that I decided to join and share in the chat.
My first post would be to contribute to the chat around the captaincy. I firmly believe that Tavernier lacks the inspirational qualities to lead a team when they may be struggling and I don't see him as a great link up between fans, media, players and the manager. I just think he lacks that spark. that's not to say I don't think he single handedly won us many points, that's a different discussion.
I think a new captain should be: inspiring, hard headed and thick skinned, but also someone who is younger AND not anyone who might be looking to move on in the future, I feel the captain should be a loyal and totally committed role. I do think Ryan Jack has these qualities, BUT there has to be a caveat around his injuries. Its very difficult to be an inspirational leader if you aren't even on the battlefield.
As far as whether or not GVB will change the captaincy, well, I think its easy when all you have is a hammer to view everything as a nail. Real life is a lot more nuanced than saying who is or isn't more deserving and we have no idea on the interpersonal dynamics within the team, how they would react to that. Also, as it stands, it seems that everyone would agree that the team is very low on confidence and morale. GVB coming in the door like a whirlwind and tearing up all that is familiar is most likely a very ill advised strategy in terms of team dynamics and player psychology. Gradual moving of the needle in the right direction is probably a better option than drastic changes. The time for that is only when the panic button needs to be hit and with the team still atop of the league, its definitely not panic stations.
Thanks for reading y'all and I hope you have a great day.
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02 May 2024 13:56:45
Raise the Roofe. You stated that is makes no sense that one can’t prove something but believe it to be true. This does make sense. It is entirely possible to have an unproven believe. The existence of God being a good example. There is no connection between necessary truths and contingent truths. Like other posters here, I find your claim that Barasic faked injuries to be offensive. I would find it hard to believe a professional sportsperson would fake being injured and that a ‘fake’ injury would pass screening by medical professionals. If anyone were faking, the medical team would find this out very quickly and such player would be out the door. I really cannot agree with your claims or with your argument against the claims of others. This is not the first time I’ve commented on posts you have made that were false at best and highly offensive at worst.
21 Aug 2023 16:17:55
I’m not a supporter of players refusing to train or holding the club to their demands in anyway, but by the same token, it’s bizarre that in one post on thee forum, someone is saying our players aren’t treated well and then the next, someone is advocating a player be pinned against the wall and told what to do. This isn’t the dark ages, it’s 2023 and their thought is as archaic as the action. If players (like any employee of any company) don’t show to work and work isn’t of a reasonable standard, you look at how employment law helps you cancel the employment. You don’t physically threaten them.
09 Sep 2022 08:54:56
One thing I do enjoy about this site, is the ability to see the varying opinions on the same thing. Makes one realise that reality is a subjective interpretation.
Here is mine: I agree with the posters who say GVB wasn’t backed enough in the transfer window and that Ross Wilson is picking the players to be bought. You only have to look at bringing in Aaron Ramsay but not using him (even when he was able for selection) to see that’s not GVB’s pick of player. I don’t think GVB was wrong to make his claim that you need more money to be successful in the CL. However, I don’t think that he should be stating it publicly because it allows players to have a head drop and say…well we can’t compete and could be mentally damaging. Troops went go into battle and went over the top, it was a no win scenario for them in that situation, but they didn’t shirk the task. So I feel that he hasn’t been able to get into the psyche of the players because, massively talented or not, the team failed to get in about both Celtic and Ajax. The running stats and our own eyes tell us that. I personally think that the team need some sports psychology or GVB does, to understand his players mentality and get them fired up. I don’t think its enough to say they should be fired up to succeed for the Famous, because we can’t expect a player from a foreign country to understand that or feel it the same way when they first arrive. But there is clearly a big mentality issue. I’m not sure when it started, but i might correlate it with Morelos being put on the naughty step, perhaps the players were unhappy with that being aired publicly and felt it was the wrong way to approach things? Just a thought.
Either way, there have been studies on motivating athletes (i coach professional athletes- mainly UFC) and its all about trust, once trust is breached, its over and there are 3 elements to trust: ability, integrity and benevolence. If the players feel that GVB (or his team) don’t have the ability to help them reach their sporting goals, don’t have integrity between what they say and do or don’t genuinely care about the players and team over and above the fact they are paid to do so, then the game is up. To me, if i lost 0-4 in back to back games, I would be starting to question ability.
Sorry for the diatribe there!
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