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23 May 2024 11:33:59
I think it's a sign of the leadership at our club, when these mugs think it's OK to tell their own fans to shoosh and post shoosh burger captions along with photos of scoring in a draw with hearts, while our biggest rivals are picking up another title. Silva got plenty backlash for it, then Todd does it weeks later, why is this? Is nobody in our group calling them out for it, is our captain doing nothing about it? Seems like nobody's instilling what it means to play for our club, into these clown it's ridiculous tbh.

Boy blue 3

1.) 23 May 2024 11:58:19
Tav couldn't lead a conga line let alone try and instil some discipline in these guys!

2.) 23 May 2024 12:18:12
Should the management team not be dealing with it?

3.) 23 May 2024 12:22:57
Agree boy, if we're winning trophies and titles then nobody would care, but it's this sub par second rate standard that has engulfed our dressing room in recent years that makes silly social media and celebratory behaviour like that all the more unbearable. Do the talking on the park.

4.) 23 May 2024 12:44:52
Maybe we have lost our identity, no goughs fergusons, browns, mccoists any more. Maybe these guys don’t get it and no body in dressing room to put them straight although it’s rumoured Alec Rae lamped silva. Who knows.

5.) 23 May 2024 13:14:30
Cammy I think it should come from management, captain and the leaders in the dressing room mate.

6.) 23 May 2024 13:21:42
bgate, it is the players we are signing! Butcher, Roberts, Gazza, Laudrup etc., were not Scottish but they got it! Maybe the problem lies further up the tree.

7.) 23 May 2024 14:21:55
Something isn't right Bathgate, how they think they can do these things then walk into the dressing room with nothing being said tells us everything.

8.) 23 May 2024 16:35:02
His online behaviour is embarrassing, he's won nothing to give him a head the size of his. Let him go.

9.) 23 May 2024 17:49:07
The two Fergie's would've decked him.

10.) 23 May 2024 21:17:37
It's just a different world now with human resources, agents and even the law getting involved.
The hand round the throat tactics aren't accepted now I'm afraid. Not saying it's OK but it's just how it is, pretty sure Lennon got the bullet from Hibs because he threatened Kamberi.

11.) 24 May 2024 04:47:10
No lennon got sacked for spitting chewing tobacco at russell latapys feet in the happy hibee player lounge.



23 May 2024 11:13:40
Hats of to atalanta, thought they were brilliant. Absolutely love the way he sets them up, pressing all over the park, even if it means leaving them 2 on 2 at the back, so much trust in his players, basically man for man, brilliant to watch. Did anyone see the documentary south of the river I think it was called? The boy lookman was on it, came from a quite a poor background, felt so happy for the boy last night, what a player. So many on here gave atlanta no chance last night, understandably with leverkusens form, but just felt after watching them destroy Liverpool home and away, they could get a result.

Boy blue 3



19 May 2024 18:35:23
I have concerns about pc, we give him credit for topping the group and winning the cup, so surely he needs to take criticism for our mighty collapse. I keep hearing it's not his team, granted it isn't but no matter how bad some are, we should be capable of beating teams like motherwell/ county/ dundee/ hearts etc. I expect the odd bad result here and there, but this has been unacceptable imo. I think the 4 goals in 2nd half masked one of our worst performances of the season against Dundee. When you bang on about 1 point better than rivals, it leaves you wide open, when it goes Pete tong, was actually cringing when he was saying that. I didn't like his handling of Sterling incident either. Someone said yesterday he wasn't brought in to win the league he was brought to steady ship, I don't believe that for one second, if that was the case we were giving up the league 7 points behind with over half a season to go, no chance! Has he steadied the ship? I'm not so sure, has he not got a worse points total in same amount of games as gio and Beale? Lbh 2 of his 3 signings have been poor, silva has been a failure, diomande has been poor, saw a few posts say he needs better players around him, that's nonsense if your a player you'll stand out he definitely hasn't imo, cortes looked good but can't really be judged, his signings haven't exactly filled me with confidence tbh. I really hope he rams those words down my throat, I have been wrong before think it was March 1991 ? all jokes aside I know many will not like this, but I'm just being honest about how I feel.

Boy blue 3

1.) 19 May 2024 19:04:32
I give up sack the manager again then where are we? Clement is a good manager we need luck at the right time our injuries have crippled us.

2.) 19 May 2024 19:04:37
I'm not here to gloat. Your time will come although having suffered during your 9 in a row, I know how hard it is to bear (no pun intended) . If it's ok saying, you need to give your manager the chance to weed out the deadwood and the losers and in a positive slant, bring in his players and put his stamp on things. Shoot me down but get rid of Tav for eg. Anytime I see him in the tunnel before a Parkhead match, he looks petrified and that must transmit to other players. But back your manager, new season, new hope.

3.) 19 May 2024 19:10:17
If he told players they had no future in the middle of a title race that's got to be regarded as very bad mismanagement. Some of his quotes remind me of Pedro.

4.) 19 May 2024 19:11:14
It's a true reflection imo, no delusion amongst the post.

5.) 19 May 2024 19:19:13
Nothing much has changed because its the same players. He now knows what he has on his hands now. The team won't be recognizable next season.

6.) 19 May 2024 19:46:21
Actually finished a point further behind celtic than when he came in. Monumental collapse.

7.) 19 May 2024 19:48:15
Last month has been a major disappointment. But never thought we'd be in a position to challenge not just because of bad start but simply don't rate many of our players. Think PC did amazing to begin with but has made errors too, but how much is this down to poor squad, injuries, running down contracts or his decisions. Feel far more confident that he will be better once he able to change squad around. He showed enough to show he's got something about him.

8.) 19 May 2024 20:11:22
So are you saying we sack him now before he spends any cash and get a replacement? If so who would you like us to appoint? Harry Potter? Then he can come in and wave his magic wand and make players not get injuries and fix all the issues this squad clearly has. Jokes aside I don't like the post clearly as we are way too quick to jump on this manager who has done a great job so far. If Beale stayed they would of had the title by new year and we would of been out of Europe!

The man has had a severe amount of injuries to deal with, Sima was a great goal threat and basically had to do without him for second half of the season and I agree Silva has been pish but he was originally brought as a striker but moved due to Sima injury. Diomande is a good player and you'll see this next season trust that.

Them lot are going to lose a few key players over the summer and I don't think big Brenda will be making amazing signings if I'm honest so they could be there for the taking.

Let's cut this nonsense and give the manager time to get his signings in and a full pre season before we judge.

9.) 19 May 2024 21:35:11
55rangers/ bigbluejim the only people who mentioned sack him in this thread are you 2. There's not a chance he should or would be sacked, he needs to be given a chance, no matter what my opinion is, he could turn out great, I just don't think he will. Jim you talk about Beale being in charge and how bad it was, what does that say for pc that he finished on a point less mate? Its nit picking i know but is what it is.

Also I think it's worrying if silva was brought in as a forward, having scored 0 goals in 13 games for wolves, doesn't matter his price tag, who signs a striker with that record? Jim diomande could become a player I've saw flashes, but that's about it, I had high hopes after his great start, but that faded after a while mate. Agree Jim that they will lose key players, hopefully o'reiley would be glad to see the back of him, there best player by a distance, hopefully lose a couple more mate.

10.) 19 May 2024 21:50:11
Let's be honest, it would have been 20 points behind under Beale.

11.) 19 May 2024 22:13:04
Better rangers teams than this 1 have lost to teams we shouldn't but don't get rid of the manager, personally I'm tired of changing managers every year with no success we've seen what PC can do but needs players in who want to play for him and us and have quality to deliver otherwise before we realise we, re trying to stop another attempt at 10iar.

12.) 20 May 2024 01:02:45
BigDado, 100% we would have been and out of Europe too.

Boyblue, I get the frustration I do but PC can't have any negatives against him due to inheriting a terrible team short of confidence and proven bottlers. When he first came in the boys bought into what he was saying but it's clear the leadership group have started downing tools and playing like they don't give AF about winning. Tav has had such a decline this year and a good few others.

A don't like Silva at all but he moved to Wolves way too young and we all know the prem can ruin young players, he was shipped out wide for Wolves most the time as a sub and Scottish prem ain't easy for most who first come to it.

They will definitely lose O'Reilly and maybe Vickers tae so be an interesting summer.

13.) 20 May 2024 06:37:59
Aye - At least 20 BigDado -PC imo WILL be the man to take us forward but we have the most overpaid underachieving bunch of non triers who have ever pulled on the light blue in the history of this great club and some want miracles to happen overnight -from top to bottom - medical through coaching to scouting it is obvious we have been stale for years and with every manager change we have taken at least one further step back (sometimes more) We need to allow the man some latitude and support him to do the right thing throughout our club - I believe he is a very good man manger but to be critical of him now and to put the boot in is hard to believe - he tried to polish a turd and for a few weeks and players moved with the manager and raised their already low standard of game and then the old creeping malaise came back and just like all the other managers before he could see that certain players just gave up the ghost when games became crucial - he will bring good times to the club -GIVEN TIME AND SUPPORT! Potential still for a cup double - who would have given us that chance under Beale last October? I rest my case.

14.) 20 May 2024 08:35:06
If they lose oreily or ccv they can go out and spend big money to. replace them whilst we need to look at players ooc or unknowns for less money.

15.) 20 May 2024 08:53:27
Kaiser, I agree.

16.) 20 May 2024 10:50:34
Walter when have their board ever really backed a manager with decent cash to spend? They tend to buy cheap and sell on and pocket the rest. Brenda ain't going to be given a £40m war chest to spend and even if he was not like they would be getting top quality/ proven players in through the door. So they would be gambling on getting a few bargains etc let's just see how this summer pans out!

WATP! PC and Koppen have got this!



18 May 2024 14:22:12
1872blue, seeker, mark44 cheers lads.

Boy blue 3

1.) 18 May 2024 14:47:44
Tavernier is defensive play is poor, King isn’t good enough neither is Davies.

2.) 18 May 2024 16:03:00
Boy blue ?.



17 May 2024 13:17:57
Would really love for big Phil to get one over that arrogant little judas in the final. If he doesn't I'm afraid he'll start next season under pressure right from the off. One draw in 4 games won't sit well with many of our fan base, so would love for him to at least go into next season with that monkey of his back.

It can't be nice walking those corridors, knowing our history and not having a win as our manager v that lot, would imagine it could become an absolute pressure cooker at times. He needs this win badly imo, try telling the fans he needs time if he loses cf then first o. f, don't think it will wash with many. We also need a bit of luck in these games, to score first see how they react.

Boy blue 3

1.) 17 May 2024 13:52:17
"Arrogant little Judas"! Strange thing for a Rangers fan to call him a "Judas", is it not? That's what I would expect from a tim, and not one of ours.

2.) 17 May 2024 14:05:29
Boyblue we must allow him time to build his own team at the moment Celtic are a better team, look st the squads we have maybe two or three players who would get in their team so until we match them it won't change, we need to get some stability at our club build a team that can match them let hope for a good summer window.

3.) 17 May 2024 14:17:21
Boy blue I get your point but he's under pressure if he sets up the same way next week as the last 2 against them he must understand midfield is there strongest area so must match up to give us a hope.

4.) 17 May 2024 14:29:36
Yeah roofe, I don’t understand why any rangers fan would call him that.

No matter the result in 8 days PC needs time.

With the squad we have I can’t see us beaten them next week they are massive favs.

We can’t keep getting rid of managers in the hope one may finally work or we will end up light years behind them. No rangers fan likes being 2nd best but unfortunately that’s where we have been for the last 12 out of 13 years.
It will take time to build a squad. Fans may not want to hear that either but it’s the way it.

5.) 17 May 2024 14:31:30
Nearly as bad as some people calling their rat of a captain cal mac.

6.) 17 May 2024 14:58:19
Tbf rtr, don't care what you expect, mate. I'll call him whatever i like, thanks ?.

7.) 17 May 2024 15:00:12
Rtr, he is meaning the Celtic fans?

8.) 17 May 2024 15:08:42
Yes ror a strange choice of words.

9.) 17 May 2024 15:57:52
That gives me the heave, Wishy. Honestly, I just don't get some of our fans. If they're not watching their games, they're calling them by their pet names, or congratulating them on winning the league. ??.

10.) 17 May 2024 15:59:49
Exactly John! For me, that post was personal and oozed resentment.

Fair play BB3, I wouldn't expect anything else.

11.) 17 May 2024 16:53:25
Rfc it's not hard to understand mate, just someone reading it how they like.

12.) 17 May 2024 17:15:29
Clement is also saying today that it is the "end of a cycle" for this Rangers team and I take that to mean that he is going to hose-out the stables over the summer and start again with younger, fitter, faster and more motivated players that will listen to instructions. I like the intensity of the guy.

Jock Wallace is just a distant memory and he was too intense for modern-day football, but a chip off the old block, as Clement is, will be OK. It's a sad day when a player from Africa can understand instructions more clearly than a player from England, but that is what we are seeing just now and what we have seen all season.

13.) 17 May 2024 19:23:45
BB3 is one of us, I have no doubt. Why the need to bicker and squabble amongst ourselves. We all think differently, but BB3 is a Gers man and there is no need to have a crack at him over his wording. He didn’t call BR the Messiah, did he? Quite the reverse in fact. Give BB3 a break FGS.

14.) 17 May 2024 22:15:38
Boy blue is one of the good guys, and is 1000% a bear. Why has this even been brought up?

15.) 18 May 2024 09:06:00
Seeker I agree.




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25 Mar 2024 21:44:00
Yeah thank goodness our potential player of the year is away, couldn't stomach another game of him being best player on the park.
Would love jl to stay, but wouldn't grudge the guy one big final pay day, as it could be his last tbf.

Boy blue 3



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16 Mar 2024 16:24:56
Aye welcome colinsburgh, best to introduce yourself mate instead of coming in way a bit of a dig.

Boy blue 3



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03 Mar 2024 00:18:50
Fork don't stress about it, we all have a mare on here at one time or another. I was just catching up reading the posts there the way that all unfolded was mental. Obviously yer mate got the info online, you weren't aware of that, that's all it all boils down to. 99% of roumers are off a mate, no matter how he gets the info. Your heart is in the right place fork keep posting, you've swept into this forum like a whirlwind, but I like it ?.

Boy blue 3



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02 Feb 2024 00:43:07
Bar72 how do you know we've no money? We didn't spend a great deal in the summer if you count the transfers we sold compared to what we brought in, we've also made it further in europa than expected. Imo it's nothing to do with money we just couldn't find the right player, that's fair enough, we can just buy a player to appease the fans. I do believe it will cost us though.

Boy blue 3



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01 Feb 2024 14:10:09
Good business for all parties. Feel it should've been done last year.

Boy blue 3




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25 May 2024 22:12:18
Same port, absolutely demented mate. We were good in 2nd half just needed that little bit of luck. Thought wee ridvan looked really nervous today had a bit of a howler tbh.

Boy blue 3



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26 May 2024 01:20:09
We ain't paying 10m for anyone, to many positions to add to so can't see it.

Boy blue 3



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25 May 2024 14:30:33
True Walter, think some might be playing with injections. No excuses today probably best team we could put on the park at present.

Boy blue 3



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25 May 2024 13:08:15
Storm, hopefully we get a result might make you feel a bit better, good luck mate. Storm, do you have a bad cough? My missus and son are ill with it just now.

Boy blue 3



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25 May 2024 13:01:47
A think we're doing to do it to dado ?.

Boy blue 3



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