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27 Jun 2024 22:43:28
Guys James tavernier has been some ambassador for the club he has been with us for some time and played some great football gave us some great memories hit some fantastic numbers for a right Back
and let's be honest he's did his all whilst been at our club and captain he can't be fully blamed for failing's at the club over his time those failures can be placed at the people at the head of the club with bringing in players who can't perform and contribute to the same effect as James tavernier has
By keeping himself fit and prepped to play most games whilst others would rather sit in the sick table collecting supporters hard earned cash let's remember that?

he's not been the most successful captain but he has been a successful right back one who has more or less converted 99% od his spot kicks in all competitions including big European nights
Not a lot of the top footballers in the world has Tavernier nerve when it comes to spot kicks I've seen so many crumble under the pressure and that's no lie, yet James seems to find the nerve to convert them time after time yes he's missed a few but let's let's be honest theirs multi million pound players out their who miss far too many for what they have been bought for
James tavernier compared to them was bought for peanuts and has scored some crucial goals
it's not his fault some players over his time in our history have not lived up to expectations imagine James under a team when Walter was manager or frame souness or Alex Mcleish
When we had title winning sides and goals getting scored from all over the park imagine a James tavernier contribution to those teams he would be hailed as a superstar would he not?

Our scouting and player transfers during James tavernier stone with us has not Ben anywhere near perfect so many positions we have tried to find the correct players for and many times they have not lived up to expectations whilst James has continually played his individual part for the team hitting consistently high numbers for his position whilst many others has let us down either playing not up to scratch or not laying at all on the sick whilst taking home thousand of pounds of the clubs and supporters money

after everything I have said and backed James tavernier up
I do think his time is up at the club and he needs to realise he needs to give us up and let us move on forward as a club without him and let someone else take the captaincy and lift us up to another level with our new management team for as much as I have full respect for James tavernier I have to be honest with myself and say James has lost a yard or two he is getting on in age and we needs new captain who can pull players up off the ground and tell them off when its needed he has had his time done his best o salute him and honour him but his time is up and if he loves our club and supporters as much as we have loved him for everything he has given the club he needs to move on let the club get some money and let someone new have the captaincy

This is my own personal view not everyone of anyone will agree but it's my firm view

James tavernier if you read the pages this is intended as a true heartfelt post mate
But we need to move on ??.

Agree15 Disagree0

28 Jun 2024 01:58:04
Well said stig, tav has gave his all and will always be remembered for that. The time is now, or he could really ruin his time here. We need a rb to do what a rb should do, be a good defender, then help out as much as possible with any other part of the game.

28 Jun 2024 02:52:04
Good post stig. won't be a popular saying this but I'm hoping he stays this year.
It is looking likely that we'll have a lot of new, young players in the team and he is exactly the guy you want to help integrate them into the squad. His personal drive to win has been and is, the best we have and at times, he's been the only one in the team, willing to take people on and have a go.
His style as captain maybe hasn't been to every-bodies taste as he's not an aggressive, shouty type, preferring to lead by example but he takes on that responsibility on the pitch and constantly looks to get the ball forward. Maybe this year with a more dynamic midfield, he'll be able to concentrate more on his defensive duties but still be available to pop up on the edge of the box to deliver a cross or a screamer of a volley.
Anyhoo, think with a good preseason and being more defensively minded, the yard of pace he's apparently lost will not be so noticeable and his overall contribution will be more valuable to the squad.

28 Jun 2024 05:48:38
Spot on Stig your saying what most have been thinking for a while bud, he's been a fantastic servant but is slowing and has been for a while, time to go and we'll put bud??.

28 Jun 2024 07:13:10
Totally agree duccablue ? very good post mate ???.

28 Jun 2024 07:33:00
Great post stig, totally agree with what u say. Thanks for all the amazing goals and moments, shame we never had the players around him to match. Yes he has defensive frailties but that's the big prob with most modern full backs style. Down to managers to get best of formation to cover for them. Even Walker at city gets criticised sometimes and he's about the best.

28 Jun 2024 08:27:31
I hope he comes out this season under Phil and with a full pre season of tactics and Phil building his own team captain tav has his best season in a rangers jersey and brings home the league title and a last 16 champions league run.
Testimonial agains t his beloved Leeds united and we let him play a half each.

That’s the send off I want for tav.

What a player he’s been for us.

So terribly disrespected by so many.

28 Jun 2024 08:39:44
I would hope for that too Stevie, so would most of us, but most of us are just being realistic, would love to be proved wrong. We'll find out one way or the other.

28 Jun 2024 09:16:15
He has been a good servant but it’s time to go. Every player has a shelf live at a club and his has past IMO

Mph do you know the stats on Tavs pens? I have no idea but it ain’t 99%.

28 Jun 2024 09:32:42
Great post stig agree with you on all counts mate.

28 Jun 2024 09:56:03
Not to many full backs scores the amount of goals he scores, though he has failings at defensive play. But he is definitely a true Ranger.

28 Jun 2024 10:03:47
"Last 16 Champions league run"! Jesus Christ on a bike! Pure pie in the sky StevieG2.

Tav's numbers have contributed a helluva lot more to his individual stats, records etc than what they have to Rangers as a club. They have allowed him to release more personal season "highlight" videos than lift trophies, so please tell me, how does that benefit our club, or us the fans?!

James Tavernier has been richly rewarded by our club, but under his captaincy, we have been a total failure of a club while he has been at the helm. If he stays, and remains as captain, then the league is gone, and so will PC.

28 Jun 2024 10:05:11
Stig good post, however 99% of penalties scored miles out, scored 67 and has missed 19.

28 Jun 2024 10:16:23
Tavernier has been a cracking signing for us, most know it's time he moves on, he'll NOT be a Rangers player for very much longer, because he models our home kit others think different.

28 Jun 2024 10:26:07
Sunshine, absolute crap talk imo ie. if tav stays the league is definitely gone and so will clement ?How can you or anyone else for that matter guarantee that, you can't!

28 Jun 2024 10:42:42
That’s actually a poor convertion rate for penalties John.

28 Jun 2024 10:46:37
Tav has been a good servant.

Nothing more, nothing less.

Rangers greats ( and captains ) are known for delivering multiple trophies, driving the team on and standing up to be counted when the going gets tough.

Tav fits none of the above.

28 Jun 2024 10:52:55
Wouldn’t think I would need to say this
99% penalties a bit tongue and cheek

But a RB and price we paid for him many years ago we can’t complain about his conversion rate on penalties
Come on guys he’s done very well in that department ?.

28 Jun 2024 10:56:55
Ronaldo has a conversion rate of 83.5% on penalties

James tavernier 80.04 %

Not too bloody bad at all ?.

28 Jun 2024 11:04:04
So stig is rest of post younger in cheek, goodness sake bgate u will be called a tav hater soon.

28 Jun 2024 11:07:22
No offence here Stig, but there's no league title, or Champions league entry, for penalty conversions. Again, the majority of success his penalties have brought is for his own personal numbers.

28 Jun 2024 11:18:34
No it’s not John
I meant what I said
John I’m not getting the Just of your reply?

are you actually arguing/ saying tav has a terrible conversion rate?

Just so I’m clear on what your saying

So I have put up his stats not 99% - 80.04 to be precise I would that’s good
What about you?
What about you Bgate?

28 jun 2024 12:47:00
great record of goals fir a right back, bit like bomber broon was in that respect, different levels of player,

bombers badges would cover tavs living room wall, big difference in quality, , first left back to score a hat trick v rangers, , i digress a little

tabs been great at stages, nowhere near a good defender, we need 4 good defenders, it’s the reason we can’t win titles

time for change.

28 Jun 2024 12:48:16
Stig no imstating a fact it’s not 99%.

28 Jun 2024 12:49:13
Here here, great post stig.

28 Jun 2024 12:53:54

Tav isn’t at the helm

Bisgrove bennet park etc at the helm

Not tavs fault we are where we have been as a club.

He’s done more than any other player in his time at this club for our team.

No body comes close.

28 Jun 2024 15:28:24
Tav has a better pen rate than Messi. Our next captain who could be butland will struggle to deliver more trophies than tav that’s a fact we are not the rangers of old and bomber brown is a old guy accept it folks get with the times. Usually suspects talking about players from 30 year ago living in the past.

28 Jun 2024 16:46:08
Raskin many fans live in the past as we have no present day heroes. Three trophies in twelve years is shocking.

28 Jun 2024 17:05:20
Sooner its sorted out the better, cba listening to this for next7 or 8 weeks. Was good not so much now, scores goals and is at fault for others, pace gone, time he was gone, IMHO.

28 Jun 2024 17:43:01
My star i hope this post gets shown and is directed to yourself mate as i posted the same yesterday but unfortunately didn't get posted ?I'm stating our club captain james tavernier is definitely staying at rangers this season you're saying he's off So i propose the one that is proven wrong here, gives the one that's proven correct a small donation to their chosen charity, how about it My star ?I'm extremely confident that tav is staying ?.

28 Jun 2024 19:25:23
A man with the courage of his convictions ?.

28 jun 2024 19:52:55
what about it raskin, pretty certain youve sooken of 55 more than a few times eh.

28 Jun 2024 21:16:38
So we didn’t win trophies on the way up you always just miss those years out? We weren’t in the top flight for the last 12 year and you know it.

28 Jun 2024 21:17:34
Tom, you spoke more about Duncan Ferguson than you did rangers at one point. pretty sure you wanted dykes as well.

28 Jun 2024 21:20:03
Coldo, am a huge tav fan but we can’t have him being so run down at the end of the season like this year he was a man down after the split after having an amazing season up until it.

28 Jun 2024 22:02:57
People have polar opinions bud you have yours they have theirs, criticism fine, abuse no, the lines are always blurred when a player, who was without question excellent, starts to falter, time unfortunately waits for no one.

29 Jun 2024 11:41:41
Raskin u make a good point in winnning stuff on way up, ie a priemier cup via Peterhead and three leagues.
So should that make it we r going for 59 league championships and not 56

Also who is coldo posting under this week.



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