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Fergie1981's rumours posts with other poster's replies to Fergie1981's rumours posts
30 Jan 2025 14:01:50
Pic of matondo doing the rounds in hannover hotel with with ther sporting director marcus mann.
1.) 30 Jan 2025 14:45:48
Be hoping they take him fergie?.
2.) 30 Jan 2025 14:59:05
Heres hoping massive saving on wages be good to get a full transfer but i'd imagine loan with option.
3.) 30 Jan 2025 15:00:05
Oh please god.
4.) 30 Jan 2025 15:51:18
We badly need him gone. Complete waste of money.
5.) 30 Jan 2025 15:59:12
Fergie, loan with option, means he is coming back, should be loan with obligation imo.
6.) 30 Jan 2025 16:42:57
Bar, the obligation to buy doesn't suit every club. He can't come back in the summer no matter what happens.
31 Jan 2020 11:11:57
Matej vydra from burnley stv raman reporting, any1 know much about him?
1.) 31 Jan 2020 11:49:04
Bit of a journeyman, not done much in the last season, but done well in the championship. 26 Caps
Appearances and Goals (in brackets)
2008–2010 VysoÄina Jihlava 27 (5)
2010 BanÃk Ostrava 14 (4)
2010–2015 Udinese 2 (0)
2011–2012 Club Brugge (loan) 1 (0)
2012–2013 Watford (loan) 41 (20)
2013–2014 West Bromwich Albion (loan) 23 (3)
2014–2015 Watford (loan) 42 (16)
2015–2016 Watford 1 (0)
2015–2016 Reading (loan) 31 (3)
2016–2018 Derby County 73 (26)
2018– Burnley
Should be decent in this league.
2.) 31 Jan 2020 14:32:59
Marcovanhately cheers for that post pal, saved me from having too do it, lol.
3.) 31 Jan 2020 14:51:50
Strange he had 2 decent seasons on loan at Watford from reading that, but as soon as they sign him permanently, they loan him out.
4.) 31 Jan 2020 14:53:27
Ffs he’s had more clubs than I’ve had hot dinners. A move every season? Anyway I’d still give him a chance.
5.) 31 Jan 2020 15:24:02
Every Saturday same as Kent.
31 Jan 2020 10:09:12
Hagi confirmedðŸ‘ðŸ‘ðŸ‘ðŸ‘.
1.) 31 Jan 2020 11:06:29
Superb signing delighted.
2.) 31 Jan 2020 14:25:45
Do you know if there is an option to buy Hagi in the summer?
26 Nov 2019 10:55:43
Dave king to stand down in the new year.
1.) 26 Nov 2019 12:08:21
not good as he under writes a lot of debt why would you walk away now when we have a great chance in winning a cup or even the league timing stinks big games coming up hope dosnt affect the players think more to come from this and yep nothing about Alex Rae and his millions on its way the guy talks and always has pish not a happy bear today folks sorry.
2.) 26 Nov 2019 12:59:19
Read his very long AGM speech big blue .
It seems he's staying on in retail side to fight Ashley.
I also feel the speculation on a Chineese investor is looking more like it could be true.
3.) 26 Nov 2019 13:28:10
Some folk are just never happy man.
4.) 26 Nov 2019 13:44:12
Big blue bear you don’t have a clue.
5.) 26 Nov 2019 14:17:05
Dont have a clue use are the gullible ones if there was big money coming you would say at a AGM that's why its called a AGM said last couple weeks King won't continue spending money came true today said no big money was coming came true today yep i have no clue.
6.) 26 Nov 2019 14:26:50
I couldn't make our AGM this morning due to work commitments, but i was satisfied in the knowledge that dave king stated that he's not needed now and this is why he chose this moment, to announce he's standing down as our chairman. That in itself is good news in my thinking anyway.
I think there maybe something a foot here regarding investment and i don't just mean the new share issue in january.
7.) 26 Nov 2019 14:28:36
I also 100% think that julien wolhardt is going to be a prominent player within our boardroom, in all this.
8.) 26 Nov 2019 14:47:51
King said from day one that he wouldn't be here for the long term. We knew he would stand down one day. He's not stepping down because we are in the $h1t3.ðŸ‘.
9.) 26 Nov 2019 14:56:06
John 25 i know you were there today, what in your opinion was the general feeling of the fans/ shareholders who were there positive? i would think it wouldve been.
10.) 26 Nov 2019 15:00:22
As a season ticket holder and shareholder of many years, i would really love john gilligan to come back onto the rangers board, in some capacity. He's got a very good business head and absolutely worships the rangers. He's one of the biggest rangers fanatics that i know. He's got so much to offer rangers guaranteed.
11.) 26 Nov 2019 15:20:32
Very much so, and I really don’t get blue bear, it’s been announced that there will be a major share issue to take us forward. This is to avoid short term loans we have had to survive on. You tube has full agm speech and there is also an interview with king.
First time I have ever attended an agm that showed so much emotion.
The shareholders gave him a magnificent ovation. Also for those who doubt what he done, he put in well in excess of 15 million since the take over.
Really don’t get where blue bear coming from, how much has he invested.
12.) 26 Nov 2019 15:23:46
SGL tend to agree. Would make an excellent go between from fans and new chair. However, do not forget, Scott, Ross, leatham Taylor, both parks are life long rangers men who are exceptionally highly successful business men as is Wolhardt.
We are in safer hands than we have been for a very long time.
13.) 26 Nov 2019 15:37:22
Big blue . hope your more optimistic when mr king is invited to unfurl the league champions flag at the blue sea next year . Bet you never had any optimism for us to manuvre through two sets of European competition qualifiers? The only team in the history of the competition to go so netting us a good couple of mill . A lot to be positive about blue and it seems we are heading in right direction . As mr king said the pressure was incread, and he stepped in through a sence of obligation, and knew the flack he would get from doubters would be huge . He certainly wasn’t in it for gain . so all we can do is hope that he has lined up something meaty to drive us on .
14.) 26 Nov 2019 16:24:33
The share issue is to get us to end of season that's in black and white he also said we won't spend more than we bring in that means we have to sell our top players to survive that's also black and white in the mins didn't see anything that makes me think there is serious money problems still 11 million loss still to pay 7 million for kent 2.3 for hellander and require 10 million to end of season still got Ashely outcome and we will owe money for that we lot of use thought King would say mega millions coming in nothing was said interesting what Alex Rae says now fed unot the bits you want to hear p with all things rose attitude and its not we buried our head last time read the finacial facts of AGM not what u want to hear.
15.) 26 Nov 2019 16:27:47
BBB he did mention it? He spoke of the pending new share issue. That will be where future investment comes from, we just don't know how much. Stop being a moany git. And so what king wants to step down to BE WITH HIS FAMILY. he's lost 50 odd million in us, thankfully he i'd a supporter. Jesus christ be thankful we had him.
16.) 26 Nov 2019 16:48:13
Been told by a good source that Dave king hasn't actually put in as much cash as people think or he would lead you to believe, Douglas Park has invested an absolute fortune in us and has been the main source of our finance not to take away from the amazing job King has done. I think Dave King has done a terrific job at taking the club further forward and i know myself and many other fans will be forever grateful for what he has done for our club, you can tell he cares about the club especially when he says he felt like it was is duty to us. so thankyou Dave King and Co for putting our magnificent club in the best position it has been in for a good few years. Julian Wolhardt will take the chair i think with some potential investment coming from HK.
17.) 26 Nov 2019 17:00:33
bb bear would you answer me a question please? what age group are you in teens? 20's? or.?
18.) 26 Nov 2019 17:38:57
Big blue bear it is not, were u at agm. It’s to take the club forward, the ten million required to end of season is already underwritten.
Try look at king interview or recording of agm it is made clear there mate.
19.) 26 Nov 2019 17:50:07
Briangersfan bb bear's balls will drop soon. I, m very intrigued with King stepping down, I wAS TOLD PRE-season by a very in-the-know fan that massive investment would be incoming at the end of this season if King stood down.
20.) 26 Nov 2019 18:45:03
Totally agree with you John25.You're totally correct pal. I couldn't make our AGM this morning due to my work commitments, but i totally understand everything during dave king's speech. I also agree with your understanding of what it means. I'm positively happy with what dave king said, where we currently are and the way we're most definitely moving forward.
21.) 26 Nov 2019 19:03:12
Cool SGL mb guys like big blue don’t know they can see it all on line, heis obviously entitled to his view which I respect.
22.) 26 Nov 2019 21:28:25
Would anybody take Martin Bain back? I know he was the one behind the EBTs but he knew how to get a good player.
23.) 26 Nov 2019 21:45:41
Marco probably not, we just employed Ross Wilson.
24.) 26 Nov 2019 21:51:07
Thot it was incredibly honest when Mr King said at the end up when meeting Mr Park he would bypass the handshake and put his hand straight into his pocket .
To be honest I think the man should get an MBE. ( services to queen and country ) . what do you think mull and blue.
25.) 27 Nov 2019 01:31:13
Some people are deluded. He isn’t going to leave us in a bad place. and for saying he hasn’t put in as much money as he said he will, he said last week they have put in well more than the 30 million originally planned. King has sorted us out and given us a decent playing squad.
26.) 27 Nov 2019 07:46:59
that would meanwe would need a share issue every year to get through the season or reduce our top players the shares would be worthless.
27.) 27 Nov 2019 08:28:03
Southend rangers if you read what I'm saying I in no way criticise Dave King infact I praise the work he has done because it is fantastic, I was just telling what I've heard doesn't take anything away from king he has no doubt put money in, but from what I've been told by a good source is that the main source of finance has been Douglas Park who I've been told has pumped millions in.
28.) 27 Nov 2019 10:52:07
Big Blue you need to take a long walk in the country and relax. It means no such thing, the agm heard that the share issue would be used to stabilise the financial position and place the club on a sound footing. Following this the club would go forward on a basis much like any other similar sized club. Things are improved from where they were 5yrs ago and are still improving. The trajectory is upwards and with a final to look forward to and a real shot at European football after the New Year we should be very happy.
29.) 27 Nov 2019 10:57:04
Dave King saved Rangers - that's pretty much the long and short of it. If people can't see that, they are ignorant.
30.) 27 Nov 2019 13:05:43
In my opinion if King is stepping down its to benefit the long term future of our club. I would like to think there will be a plan already in place and probably has something to do with the possible new investment rumoured to be coming in the new year. I don't think anything will change with him. If rangers need him he will be there. Once a blue always a blue.
31.) 27 Nov 2019 15:05:43
I was at the AGM yesterday and there is no bad spin on Dave King standing down in 4 months time. He has done what he set out to do, you said why didn't he say at the AGM if there was big money coming? Well you have no understanding of how business works and to state such statements at an AGM or in the press would be neglegent and a breach of privacy to the future investors. King was clear there will be a share issue that is all he has to confirm, what value or amount will be raised will come out closer to the time. There were a number of interesting rumours from other shareholders regarding what is going on yesterday but again I suspect these are rumours or wishful thinking. The overall AGM and feeling was positive with some interesting things to look forward to.
32.) 27 Nov 2019 19:00:54
Well written det.
33.) 27 Nov 2019 22:19:11
Det ðŸ‘ðŸ‘ðŸ‘ðŸ‘.
23 Nov 2019 20:30:13
Daryl currie tweeting alfies still not back in the country, very much doubt hel be in tomorrows squad.
1.) 23 Nov 2019 21:19:34
So Daryl Currie must be right, let’s wait and see what happens.
2.) 23 Nov 2019 21:42:48
Lol no need get your knickers in a twist mate just posting what i read, strange why he'd say something like that though fingers crossed he's back n plays, if youve counted to 10 u can get back to your carry out bud🇬🇧.
3.) 23 Nov 2019 22:16:51
Fergie this is same twit that lies about our club regularly.
4.) 23 Nov 2019 23:58:54
Morelos will be itching to play, hoping for a good win and boost the goal difference.
5.) 24 Nov 2019 00:54:28
well sanchez played for spurs today and he played for columbia and got back to UK in time
reckon currie might be ‘mis-informed’ or just at it.
6.) 25 Nov 2019 07:49:07
Sure someone said Kamara was signing a new contract last week?
May have been an untruth.
7.) 25 Nov 2019 13:58:45
Tomster I wrote last week Kamara to sign new contract. At no time did I say it was to be signed last week.
It takes discussion and negotiations. There is no hurry as he is contracted to June 2023.
It is a pay rise based on how well he has done, these deals normally also extend contract.
Fergie1981's banter posts with other poster's replies to Fergie1981's banter posts
17 Feb 2025
New image uploaded to the
Rangers Player Sightings page entitled, Name the player
Click picture for larger image
1.) 17 Feb 2025 23:39:24
I'm guessing Steven boyak.
2.) 18 Feb 2025 00:24:04
That is him Alloa, I couldn't remember him name, I knew Steven but couldn't remember his surname.
3.) 18 feb 2025 00:24:14
i mind steven, decent young player.
4.) 18 Feb 2025 08:46:15
When I sold insurance back in the day I used to go to his house in Torbrex, Stirling. His mum's name is Lindsey. Nice family. Dundee utd fans unfortunately. Decent player as I remember ?.
30 Jan 2025 14:02:38
Sorry jimbo just put this on banter never seen your post bud?.
22 Dec 2024 11:10:19
Merry christmas to all posters and eds i don't post much but read several times a day can't get enough of it ?.
{Ed001's Note - merry Christmas Fergie, glad you enjoy it.}
30 Aug 2024 11:06:54
Really hope we get the albanian boy bajrami think he could make a huge difference good age good experience and good quality???.
22 Aug 2024 14:49:58
Seen pics and vids of ibrox looking really good don't think it will be long till done??.
30 Jan 2025 17:00:43
Agree would love to see him fill out and go up a level i just can't see it, if were getting offered close to a million i'd take it.
30 Jan 2025 14:59:05
Heres hoping massive saving on wages be good to get a full transfer but i'd imagine loan with option.
08 Sep 2024 11:18:24
Sinshine absolutely spot he was great until last couple of years my kids love him because that's all they have known, its now time to go and as u say don't ruin any legacy he may have.
13 Mar 2024 11:58:50
Cantwell on ssn training?.
01 Sep 2022 08:56:35
Here here bouncy cringeworthy entitlement rippin out some folk.
15 Feb 2025 10:20:01
100% agree TT was always going to be a long painful turnaround, now the pains kicking in its getting to much for some, alternative sack him and face another long painful turnaround, we have to get our finances i. e buying n selling correct before we get near them.