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Wilkinssscreamer 999's rumours posts with other poster's replies to Wilkinssscreamer 999's rumours posts


25 Jul 2024 14:20:09
Wise John, got any insider info?
Pretty pretty please?

Wilkinssscreamer 999

1.) 25 jul 2024 19:59:10
maybe a good joke will entice john

do you know any.

2.) 25 Jul 2024 20:17:20
Wilkins, nothing new, Man U lad a goer, also as I said last week Jordan

Lad from Germany very close, May join us in Berlin.



12 Jul 2024 16:19:27
No rumours? anyone?

Wilkinssscreamer 999

1.) 12 Jul 2024 23:51:44
Honestly 3 years at the club between 15-21 if we are not all in. And willing to play them every week we should then move them on.



21 Jun 2024 17:17:22
Has anyone heard about this asbestos problem or is it timtalk again?

Wilkinssscreamer 999

1.) 21 Jun 2024 17:41:13
Tim talk.

2.) 21 Jun 2024 17:57:29
No cause I don't listen to those mob.

3.) 21 Jun 2024 18:05:47
Falling for Tim nonsense.

4.) 21 Jun 2024 18:11:13

5.) 21 Jun 2024 18:15:31

6.) 21 Jun 2024 19:02:15
Well if it is true it's sheer negligence! Why take on work without doing your homework. I reckon it's not true though!

7.) 21 Jun 2024 19:04:27
Before any Construction work is carried out on any projects, a variety of feasibility studies would be carried out.
These would include looking at the possibility of Asbestos.
And would either be included in the current scope of work by the MWC or carried out by a separate company before the main works were started.
No expert or privy to any info but calling BS from the Tims.

8.) 21 Jun 2024 19:13:02
There's posts on follow follow and Ibrox noise from regular contributors saying they believe its genuine. A pal of mine who was in the trade reckons he would be surprised if there wasn't asbestos in the stands simply because when they were built it was almost always used in construction! Although I have to stress he is just speculating.

9.) 21 Jun 2024 19:18:07
It's the usual from the entitled bedwashers.

10.) 21 Jun 2024 19:41:40
Think at that time of the initial rebuild, industry was well aware of the effect of asbestos and the associated lung diseases that accompany it, special-ist companies were removing it in a factory I worked in late 70's early 80's, and of course horror stories emerged in various industry sectors as to its use.

11.) 21 Jun 2024 19:43:41
Our club would know about any asbestos as a survey would be carried out prior to any work. There would also be asbestos documentation for any area that has it present in the stadium. I've seen a few videos from people doing work and they don't appear to have any asbestos protection.

12.) 21 Jun 2024 20:06:33
They are just biting back with something because It’s been said for years about their stadium being built on the cheap. I wouldn’t be surprised if the guys were expecting to find it before they started.

13.) 21 Jun 2024 20:17:52
That lots heads are full of asbestos and of course the curious case of incurable RANGERSITIS ?.

14.) 21 Jun 2024 20:38:06

15.) 21 Jun 2024 22:00:45
Wouldn't be surprised if there was just depends what type and how much depends on how long the delay . They'll have done an R and D survey prior to start but it doesn't pick up everything sometimes you uncover it while your working.

16.) 21 Jun 2024 22:06:15
Any Engineer or Architeque would know this is utter nonsense. Yes there will be asbestos in Ibrox like every other staduim and building built pre 1999 in the UK. Ibrox faciliteis management will know where all the asbelstis is as by law. If left undisturbed asbesots is complety safe. If removed a specilast company is brought in to do this.

17.) 22 Jun 2024 11:36:51
Tjbb not true different levels of survey for different things. The asbestos register you legally need is pretty much a walk round and mostly non intrusive as an employee is not likely going to knock a wall down. R and D survey is more intrusive but still not 100% going to pick everything up it's why most sites tell you to still be aware even if a survey has been done.



24 Apr 2024 15:57:54
Anybody know about stevie g interest in tav. how much etc?

Wilkinssscreamer 999

1.) 24 Apr 2024 16:20:30
Just what the record is saying today.

2.) 24 Apr 2024 16:40:28
How much could we expect as a fee? I'd hope for 5/ 8m given he's our captain and has I'm sure 2 years left.

3.) 24 Apr 2024 17:03:36
If true we must sell. Hoping many more will leave end of season. Big changes needed.

4.) 24 Apr 2024 17:44:20
We could be looking at losing butland tav borna lunny maybe dessers poss goldson so before we replace the out of contract players we've a tough job.

5.) 24 Apr 2024 17:55:11
Hopefully it's true. We'll get a few million, he'll get a big payday, and it's a win win all round.

6.) 24 Apr 2024 17:54:43
Anything is a profit realistically. His replacement is already in the door, as is a potential back up out in loan.

It's time.

7.) 24 Apr 2024 18:13:20
Tavs goals and assists this season I would hope for £12million plus it’s to Saudi plus I think tav can still play at this level for another 3 years.

8.) 24 Apr 2024 18:22:15
The rumours of tav possibly going to saudi are getting stronger and stronger every week now but i have a very strong feeling he'll remain at rangers for the rest of his career and be here for his testimonial season next season ?.

9.) 24 Apr 2024 18:44:12
Testimonials at big clubs are usually just given to charity now, been a while since it mattered to players finishing their careers where they paid off houses and bought pubs etc, a couple of seasons in Saudi is life changing to them and family, to be honest Tav, s stats their should be clubs sniffing around but a think the daily record just guessing as they did last year when Gerrard went, it will be Goldson next week.

10.) 24 Apr 2024 18:50:34
lets be honest if tav, butland barsaic and goldson that's a whole new defence required add lunny, jack
roofe, that's a fair chunk of a midfield then there is lammers dowell hagi raskin asking a lot of any manager.

11.) 24 Apr 2024 18:56:14
Walter fgs let him go, I know you like the player, but tjn's spot on bud " its time" testimonial year won't make a difference, let's get a few quid off the Saudi's.

12.) 24 Apr 2024 19:05:32
Ows every player you mentioned should replaced apart from Butland, i really hope Gerrard does make a move for Tavernier and he'll not turn the wage down.

13.) 24 Apr 2024 20:45:51
I’d like to see Tav with a couple of decent centre halves.

14.) 24 Apr 2024 20:46:40
Rfc22, 3 years? Are you kidding on?
He's already lost 2 yards of pace. He has maybe 1 more season as a starter for us.

15.) 24 Apr 2024 23:19:44
£12 million? somebody eating too much cheese before bed time, or was rupees the idea?

16.) 24 Apr 2024 23:40:56
Unbeliever, I am sure our current CB's would love to see a RB that can defend also.

17.) 25 Apr 2024 00:32:28
Tjn who is the potential back up out on loan, i hope you’re not referring to the boy who can’t get a game for Motherwell.

18.) 25 Apr 2024 05:43:55
Ok to everyone on here. How much do you think we should get for tav if he's sold ? Obviously taking everything into account ie. his age, still has 2 years to go on his contract, his ability and what he brings to the table, for a possible buying club ?.

19.) 25 Apr 2024 06:30:00
In paper today that he is making it a double swoop tav and goldson. That would be lovely. £5m for both and massive wages off the wage bill.

20.) 25 Apr 2024 06:52:09
5 million for goldson and tavernier.

21.) 25 Apr 2024 07:05:54
2 ginger bottles each the non returnable ones??.

22.) 25 Apr 2024 07:17:21
I'd like to see a couple of decent CH's with a new RB, Unbeliever?.

23.) 25 Apr 2024 07:51:19
Considering everything from length of contracts left and what both tav and goldson bring to the table, i'd say from a saudi club, £8million for tav and £5million for goldson ?.

24.) 25 Apr 2024 07:55:12
Hopefully Tav moves on at the end ofthe season.

25.) 25 Apr 2024 08:00:41
If I was tav I'd be looking for minimum 2 year deal. Leave his family in the UK and go make that big big payday. Highest scoring uk defender. Our captain then I'd be looking for hopefully 6 million plus. Combine that with a possible butland sale and with our transfer kitty we could be looking at far more than 20 million for new players. never mind possible sales of Davies, lammers, hagi etc.

26.) 25 Apr 2024 08:18:57
SWS if we managed to get they figures you have quoted i would definitely urinate oneself.
Id be happy to get anything for CG. Tav would probably get a tidy sum.

27.) 25 Apr 2024 08:46:10
BigDado, saudi clubs will pay big money and big wages to a player they definitely want to sign mate ? It's not as if tav and goldson are almost free agents, as each have 2 years to go on their current deals, thus why we can command decent fees for both, if both indeed wanted to go ?.

28.) 25 Apr 2024 10:02:54
Tav on his own should be a minimum of £5m for a move to Saudi, add a couple on for Goldson. I reckon that would be fair price for them.

29.) 25 Apr 2024 10:10:33
I would let both go.

30.) 25 Apr 2024 10:18:51
Lads -Its all conjecture re money on offer so let's just wait and what SG/ Saudis offer - if indeed they are interested - Saudis will realise that buying from Scot Prem will be a lot less than the riches of English Prem League, so if its true the club will go through a major overhaul - which lbh has really been needed since our return to the big league - will be keen to see who Koppen/ PC want to bring in and hopefully we can have a decent spine to team with players who won't shy away from winning - its a big ask but can be done! - but truthfully this will take a good few windows imo!

31.) 25 Apr 2024 11:43:30
The fact is their time has come and imo on the decline. I don't really see any reason to keep them if cash is on offer.

32.) 25 Apr 2024 12:04:32
I can think of a few reasons to keep tav especially ?.

33.) 25 Apr 2024 12:31:38
Tav is a goer been rumoured since January and goldson hasn't look too happy lately, so can see both away in the summer but how much for is anyone's guess.

34.) 25 Apr 2024 12:55:56
Will be over the moon if SG takes them both. Pair of serial losers that constantly blame others for their own mistakes.

35.) 25 Apr 2024 14:07:34
A said yesterday the rags would have Goldson going to Saudi by next week, I was six days out, we ain’t that lucky for the Saudis to give us cash troops.

36.) 25 Apr 2024 14:48:50
I'd take anything for goldson I think his legs have gone and getting him off the wage bill would be great for us moving forward. I'm not tavs biggest fan either but I'd especially like Phil to bring in his own captain and completely rip up that defence. I'd be surprised if we get more than 7 million for both combined if they do leave.

37.) 25 Apr 2024 15:42:45
17 goals and 8 assists in the in the league alone 24 goals and and 10 assists across all competitions so far this season and folk want to sell him for £5million get a grip ohh aye and the fact he’s a f##king rb way they numbers.

38.) 25 Apr 2024 16:54:03
Tav is a difficult one, however players can't go on for ever and now might just be the right time for him to go providing the money is right.
Gerrard knows him well and with his track record Tav will certainly be a player that will attract the crowds which is what the Saudi's want to interest the population in football. Money is no option to these guys so it would be nice to think we might get as much as £10m.
Goldson on the other hand, I struggle to see him being box office but if Gerrard believes that he will strengthen his team then to be honest, I would take what I could get for him. Hopefully £2m
As far as others are concerned I would happily get all of the players that are at end of contract off our books to release funds for new players.
If we can release £15k from the sale of players like Tav and Goldson and generate some income then add that to what we will get for players currently out on loan then hopefully we can add £15m or more to our transfer kitty. Objectively that would give us £25m+ for transfers without the need to sell Butland, (who is the only player I would like to see us keep for the rebuild) .

39.) 25 Apr 2024 18:04:10
Tav having his best ever season with us stat wise and you say 5 million? No wonder this club can’t keep up with Celtic on the money side of things.

40.) 25 Apr 2024 20:26:52
I totally agree with both Rfc22 and Raskinloyal ?Some of our supporters on here regarding tav my strong message would be -be careful what you wish for ?.

41.) 25 Apr 2024 21:32:24
If it’s big money we can’t knock it back especially at his age.

42.) 26 Apr 2024 06:16:42
Dujon Sterling at R/ B, not a bad wish to have???.

43.) 26 Apr 2024 06:38:27
Tav is box office and will attract the crowds, not sure Saudis will be up on spl, be luck if any would know who he is.

44.) 26 Apr 2024 14:43:13
Gers58, Rangers are definitely a Club that is well known in the Middle East as are their exploits in Europe and Tav will definitely be a name that is known to the people that matter. What is more if Gerrard wants him then he will be wanted by the Club owners and I have no doubt that he will prove a box office attraction.
We need to get away from being hype critical of our Club just because they play in the SPL, it has not held us back from doing well in Europe.
Tav wouldn't be the first football player from Scotland to go to the Middle East for Big Money and he won't be the last!

45.) 26 Apr 2024 16:32:03
Think people are forgetting tavs 31 and lost a good couple of yards of pace. regardless of saudi he's not a high profile signing for them so personaly 6 millions a great deal in my eyes.

46.) 26 Apr 2024 17:52:47
Many missing the point re tav and Goldson, first only worth what someone will pay, I’d take 5 million each, but to have their wages to reinvest massive

Tav 1.5 million plus x two years
Goldson 1.7 million x two years

That is over 6 million.

Also PC clear no players in his time at rangers will see out contracts, reiterated this today.




Wilkinssscreamer 999's banter posts with other poster's replies to Wilkinssscreamer 999's banter posts


25 Jul 2024 18:21:54
Well said mr Balogan. I think u get it.

Wilkinssscreamer 999

1.) 25 Jul 2024 18:39:37
Don’t tell us tell your colleagues, tired of hearing Rangers players admitting it wasn’t good enough. James Tavernier was ridiculed for expressing similar sentiments.

2.) 25 Jul 2024 18:58:48
Tav comes out with the same speech every time we get beat we will learn from it etc… that's why he gets in the neck sima as they haven’t learnt.

3.) 25 Jul 2024 19:20:23
Haven't learned because too many simply aren't good enough.

4.) 25 Jul 2024 19:32:39
Don't think Tavernier has ever bad mouthed any performance, same all the time with time.

5.) 25 Jul 2024 19:35:09
Correct storm, my whole body used to cringe every time he said that honestly, used to think you've been here 9 year, if you haven't learnt from by now your never going to mate .

6.) 25 Jul 2024 19:35:42
Speed bumps incoming!

7.) 25 Jul 2024 19:37:54
Thinking the same thing storm.



20 Jul 2024 16:51:45
We should be fitter.
They should be better?

Wilkinssscreamer 999

1.) 20 Jul 2024 17:14:26
Y mention tav.

2.) 20 Jul 2024 17:33:33
Because we need money in to buy a striker!

3.) 20 Jul 2024 17:46:46
Maybe because he's the only 1 we've received a bid for.



13 Jul 2024 19:51:00
I really hope lowry doesn't turn into charlie miller. please no!

Well done kelly, barron, lawrence and jefte today.

Wilkinssscreamer 999

1.) 13 Jul 2024 20:25:27
Charlie miller was a quality player, the players around the team at that time were a very high standard, I'm a little dumfounded by this comment being honest.

2.) 13 Jul 2024 21:10:57
Miller did nowhere near enough with the ability he had imo I think that's the ref to Lowry.

3.) 13 Jul 2024 22:55:39
I saw Chsrlie Miller get player of the tournament, I think, in the ni milk cup many moons ago. he could have been special, better than he turned out. (opinion) .

4.) 14 Jul 2024 00:02:55
? The same Charlie that played with world class players and held his own.

5.) 14 Jul 2024 07:23:30
He wasted his talent that’s what the guy means and it’s 100% true miller wasted his own career.

6.) 14 Jul 2024 14:19:18
Charlie miller got 1 cap for Scotland.1 cap.



07 Jul 2024 14:36:02
If we sell dessers we can get rhamani?

Wilkinssscreamer 999

1.) 07 Jul 2024 14:53:11
I suspect we’ll try Wilkin.

2.) 07 Jul 2024 15:17:31
Wilkins 100%.

3.) 07 Jul 2024 15:45:04
What I can't understand is this fascination with foreign players. Are proven Scottish Players no longer suitable for our club? We've wasted millions of pounds on foreign duds over the past few seasons.

4.) 07 Jul 2024 16:12:50
Portger, what proven Scottish players would you go for?

5.) 07 Jul 2024 16:16:10
Unfortunately, the evidence is there in front of us at the Euros, portger. The foreign players are miles in front of the Scottish players.

6.) 07 Jul 2024 17:32:51
John, is there any concrete interest in dessers?

7.) 07 Jul 2024 17:49:38
My personal choice is Miovski, not sure if we are interested and there is interest from other clubs, no doubt Aberdeen will try to get as much as they can for their top asset and that’s understandable, he’s proven he can score goals up here and is a tidy finisher, with a bigger club he will get better.
If we are going for a striker for around 6 I would test Aberdeens resolve.

8.) 07 Jul 2024 19:03:25
Cmac I’m told we have accepted two offers and given the player permission To talk to them, however I believe he’s lookin at france and Spain as well.

9.) 07 Jul 2024 19:12:52
Would not be giving Aberdeen 6 million he’s a decent player aye but better out there.

10.) 07 Jul 2024 19:47:18
I agree, Miovski would be my choice as well. We have just signed a prospect, we don’t need another. We need tried and tested and with Miovski we are guaranteed 20-30 league goals (maybe more) .

Give them the £6M and try and mend some of those bridges at the same time. Fed up with the amount of rivals we have as a club when others only have 1.

11.) 07 Jul 2024 20:02:38
zikos, every club is our rival, they all want to beat us more than that other mob and always will, I personally take great pleasure in it, even when we are not the best team in the country we will always be the biggest club.

12.) 07 Jul 2024 20:36:22

It's not fascination, just reality. I realise Scottish contingent a must but this rule hampers us. We're a party little country who should play who we want, not be hampered by EUFA rules, regs. They will see error ways when larger population countries like France, Germany begin dominate.

13.) 07 Jul 2024 20:36:39
Yes go for Miovski, but bridges being mended, that just won't happen, their hatred of us runs too deep, plus you know they will jack the price up.

14.) 07 Jul 2024 22:00:51
Coopersdad, if we are to start signing the best talent in Scotland then we need to have good relations with other clubs- at least off the pitch.

Some of the best Scottish players we have had came from other clubs. Goram, Gough, etc. even Cooper!

15.) 07 Jul 2024 23:18:36
Hi guys, I was thinking in particular, Shankland or Miovski and possibly Armstrong from Killie, basically guys who know and have done well in our league, and also whom I feel would improve with better players beside them, just an opinion folks.

16.) 07 Jul 2024 23:22:51
Zikos I absolute hate Aberdeen mate. More than Celtic.

I’ve a lot of Celtic minded friends and family.
Don’t have any Aberdeen n I just hate that club.

However I totally agree with u that we should be starting to try to put these past problems behind us and as u out your mend relations in order to both better our relations and better the league and country as a whole.
Maybe that’s just too much common sense mate eh.

17.) 08 Jul 2024 08:19:11
Mend relationships? With hate. good start!

18.) 08 jul 2024 14:04:39
lol colonel, i thought that.



06 Jul 2024 16:03:19
Any names anyone?
Not rumpelstilskin.

Wilkinssscreamer 999

1.) 06 Jul 2024 16:59:49
Humpty Dumpty?.

2.) 06 Jul 2024 18:01:01
Pippy Longstocking.

3.) 06 jul 2024 18:01:19
enoch powell.

4.) 06 Jul 2024 18:14:22
No again.

5.) 06 Jul 2024 19:30:59
Never heard of him white horse.

6.) 06 Jul 2024 19:51:44
"Rivers of Blood" TT.

7.) 06 Jul 2024 19:56:11
Benny from Crossroads.

8.) 06 Jul 2024 20:30:45
Des and Daphne neighbours.

9.) 06 Jul 2024 20:46:38
Fred Scuttle ?.

10.) 06 Jul 2024 21:18:56
Auld lizzy birdsworth, prisoner cell block h.

11.) 07 Jul 2024 11:31:42
SWM okay miss Diane ?????????.




Wilkinssscreamer 999's rumour replies


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26 Jul 2024 20:38:16

Wilkinssscreamer 999



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25 Jul 2024 23:57:29
Means diallo?

Wilkinssscreamer 999



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25 Jul 2024 17:51:10
I smell timothy.

Wilkinssscreamer 999



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24 Jul 2024 12:19:04
Im not that interested in his personality, more his football playing.

Wilkinssscreamer 999



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22 Jul 2024 19:42:27
Cheers wise John.

Wilkinssscreamer 999




Wilkinssscreamer 999's banter replies


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25 Jul 2024 19:24:31
Jordan, cerny and hannibal-
Sounds quite exciting.

Wilkinssscreamer 999



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23 Jul 2024 22:59:52

Wilkinssscreamer 999



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21 Jul 2024 17:23:33
The blue van is the paparazzi.

Wilkinssscreamer 999



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20 Jul 2024 13:12:04
He's a record breaker.

Think on that for a minute booboys.

Come back anytime tav.

Wilkinssscreamer 999



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16 Jul 2024 20:24:29
Rotting in the rangers reserves? (oh no, we don't have reserves anymore? )
Tick follows tock.

Wilkinssscreamer 999



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