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26 Jun 2024 10:47:27
I have been seeing lot's of people stating lately that we as fans give our players too much abuse and why would anyone want to sign for us when they see how much abuse we give them.

So what do we class as abuse? What makes our fans so much worse than other teams?

The only abuse I would consider to be that is what happened to Butland. Our fans booing bad performances or calling them out online to me isn't that bad and really comes with playing for any club if they are underperforming. I get it may be worse at our club as the expectations here are higher and they are expected to win every game.

They get paid pretty damn well and with the emergence of social media, I'm sure they must get some sort of guidance on how to ignore the online stuff.


1.) 26 Jun 2024 11:17:36
Time to man up.
If players are consistently crap then guess what. you are going too get stick from the fans. The fans that have supported the club a lot longer than these players have been on the pay roll. The ones that pay their hard earned money to watch and support their club.

If you want to be praised then do better.

Rangers love a legend but we don't give that title out lightly, you have to earn it. maybe this is just the sign of the times and players and some fans have gotten soft and think we need to be all cute and cuddly. F that.

Give me £20-30k a week and you can shout actual abuse all you want lol.

2.) 26 Jun 2024 11:25:09
Great Post bbj.

3.) 26 Jun 2024 12:05:02
Fully agree Ally, the first thing anyone who signs for our club should be told is that if they consistently finish 2nd the fans will not be happy. The expectations here are very high and as a supporter we can't accept second place as it's like finishing last to us.

God if they paid me that cash I'd not give a monkeys what anyone said but I'd use it as motivation to get better and shut them up! too soft for sure.

Cheers OWS.

4.) 26 Jun 2024 13:40:47
If they had put in the effort at start of the season they wouldn't have been slaughtered as much. Some of the effort under Beale was downright shameful and after the atmosphere changed once he was gone. Yes some of our fans can be over the top but give your best and no better support. Remember "Ibrox baby it's different", Jude Bellingham "WOW" and many other saying best ever experienced.

5.) 26 Jun 2024 14:45:25
The crowd are right on top of the players at Ibrox. It's a metal box stadium rather than a modern arena. It's what it is and some players love it and others can't handle it. All that I'll say is that some of the young guys that Clement is recruiting will try things and make mistakes. We need to be patient with that. I would rather see it, even when it goes wrong, than no see it at-all.

6.) 26 Jun 2024 16:26:00
Yeah Kaiser I think that's the thing, the way our season started and the effort of new signings who cost a decent amount had turned our support sour.

So many great footballers over the years have stated that Ibrox is just totally different to anywhere else so we can be the best support when we get what we pay for.



17 May 2024 14:28:45
Since our players have bottled the league and basically downed tools since March (not all players) I have started to see a good section of fans on here and certain FB groups even the official Rangers one. Starting to doubt if PC is the man for the job. Some want him gone before he wastes money this summer etc etc. Personally for me I want the man to stay, he comes across so well and I think he knows what he wants and what it means to play and also manage our club.

So Ed just for abit of fun and to gauge how we all feel can I have a poll to asking if PC should stay or leave. Appreciate it very much.


{Ed033's Note -

PC poll

1.) 17 May 2024 15:45:49
Thanks Ed :)

2.) 17 May 2024 16:17:43
The results on this probably end up in ibrox review or something similar.

3.) 17 May 2024 16:46:21
Cant believe so far 10 have voted to leave. Think some people are sadists and enjoy the pain. Changing managers every year solves nothing.

{Ed033's Note - It's likely a couple of voters are voting for the Green Party.

4.) 17 May 2024 16:57:37
Only a moron would want another manager sacked IMO.

5.) 17 May 2024 17:23:12
Well I'm glad that it would seem the majority of us have sense and want him to stay. Well done lads, wee bit of faith restored.

Well bgate least they cannot post anything negative pal!

6.) 17 May 2024 18:27:54
Can’t keep sacking managers, I do think our manager has made mistakes but who hasn’t. I believe pc has something about him though and deserves time and backing.

7.) 17 May 2024 20:15:01
Absolutely no doubt about it for me that clement has to be backed and given a few transfer windows, to get his own players together and geled as a team and a team capable of taking the league title off them ?.

8.) 17 May 2024 20:19:45
I do agree that a few of his selections have been strange at times but with the sheer amount of injuries he has had, I would say he has done well.

Let's look forward to the cup final and we have Sima and Ridvan back, wee win there and a nice summer and PC has said there is a bit of a rebuild incoming so fingers crossed we smash it!

100% Ed haha.

9.) 17 May 2024 22:17:11
This time next year, will the fans all love him? I think they will.



13 May 2024 13:11:55
SO after the dust has settled and my anger subsided slightly from that performance. Here's my take on things.

OOC players can all leave, their time is up. Couple have been decent but clear to see they are not the standard required.

Dowell, Lawrence, Matondo, Wright, Tav, Goldson, Yilmaz, Lammers all should be sold if we can find buyers.

Sima and Silva away back to their clubs, would keep Sima but now seems injury prone.

I have seen lots of names banded about in who we are after but January showed me that we will not be knowing the majority. Koppen seems to be looking in the right markets so I hope for 2 solid CH's 2 LB's a RB (sterling no 1) probs a keeper once Butland is sold. A highly mobile CM, cortez loan extended and followed by 2 more wingers. A striker than knows how to shoot!

Not much is it lol.


1.) 13 May 2024 13:36:45
Agree on most of that which is why I don't get why PC being discussed.

We don't have a good/ fit enough squad to play the way he wants.

Since its another summer rebuild he will need time to implement it which he probably will not get. Therefore we will be in same position this time next year.

2.) 13 May 2024 14:10:13
I never mentioned PC as I have seen some comments about him but just ignore those as it's crazy to question him so far. Honestly had it not been for him we would of been out of Europe at group stage and them lot would have title sewn up by new year. Won a cup and a chance of another. We also can't afford to sack him and need consistency.

He has had a rough deal with injuries etc and can only play the cards he is dealt so done very well in that regard, next season will show what he's really about.

3.) 13 May 2024 14:44:24
bigbluejim, I agree mostly about Big Phil but I am reserving judgement until the transfer window and the first half of next season. Remember how we lost that goal to Benfica at Ibrox? that was clearly a tactic that ultimately cost us the game. i am 68 now and never recall seeing any team with Nobody back at a corner ( apart from the dying seconds of a game when desperate for a goal) . Also some of his team selections of late have raised an eyebrow.

4.) 13 May 2024 15:44:29
We never had no one back for the corner tho we had a defender and a GK at least get the facts correct.

5.) 13 May 2024 16:32:23
Like I said he can only play the cards he's dealt and let's face it, a good majority of his better players have been MIA for a good bit now.

He needs time and his own team to implement what he wants done.

6.) 13 May 2024 16:35:16
Was only Butland in our half.

7.) 14 May 2024 06:35:40
Borna camps short of the halfway line at corners just about most times, seen raskin do it at times.



11 May 2024 11:26:04
Just seen the days line up

Butland - great stuff
Tav - Can't defend
Souttar - Mistake in him
Davies - No played in 6 months
Barasic - WTAF!
Lundstram - needs a huge game
Diomande - performance needed
Lawrence - WTAF x2
Sterling - Not a winger
Silva - may win a pen
Dessers - learn to shoot

Not confident in this team at all, mistakes all over that defence and that front 3 are useless (sterling great player out of position)


1.) 11 May 2024 11:54:04
With you Jim unbelievable mate.

2.) 11 May 2024 12:10:10
Davies played last week.



16 Apr 2024 17:52:31
Let's just remember that manky mob are just as likely to drop points at some stage too as they have been just as bad at dropping points against teams they should beat!

Boys have to show a massive step up in mentality and cahones!


1.) 16 Apr 2024 18:15:20
They have momentum on there side tho. Were struggling badly. Any team hitting us on the counter look like there going to score.

2.) 16 Apr 2024 18:30:35
Hearts us and killie 3 games on the spin is not easy for them. Excluding the old firm I actually think they have worse fixtures than us. Whether we have the bottle to go to park head and get anything or not is the big issue.

3.) 16 Apr 2024 19:11:46
The issue is we’ve lost the safety net of not having to go there and getting a result. I don’t see how our recent performances will lead to us winning 6/ 6 but we’ll see.

4.) 16 Apr 2024 19:57:14
Unfortunately, I think we are likely to drop even more points based on not just recent performances, but the knowledge that our players tend to bottle it under pressure which they have previous for.

5.) 16 Apr 2024 20:38:28
Worse fixtures we play same teams but they have more at home than we do which makes it easier IMO for them I don’t think they will drop many points and we will need to do something we haven’t done in a long time beat them when it matters.

6.) 16 Apr 2024 20:39:26
We have given the momentum back to them, our recent form is not great so difficult enough to win remaining games, and don’t like this Ally McLeod philosophy of looking at fixtures and trying to predict where they might drop points.
For me Sunday was a massive blow and our chances of winning it.
For those who think otherwise fair play.

7.) 16 Apr 2024 21:03:03
We are so bad at defending, who has the best defence in the league. Not on opinions but fact!

8.) 16 Apr 2024 21:56:23
I can see them drawing at least one so as long as we scrape wins against the rest now we only need a draw at their place tho obviously hope for a win.

9.) 16 Apr 2024 22:45:59
When your defence continually ships easy goals to your nearest rivals the record looks worthless.

10.) 17 Apr 2024 05:03:56
Livi see agin the best defence in the league where as it got us? 2nd ? I can’t believe people are still comin out with that after the way they played against mwell Celtic and Ross cty or form is horrendous and we ave lost 8 goals in this games.

11.) 17 Apr 2024 07:40:58
Livi bear

1. With the best defensive record in league - are we sitting top - NO
2. My eyes watch our defence week in week out - I see all the mistakes and schoolboy errors - FACT
3.CHs been run over for pace and ragdolled on regular basis -FACT
4. Inability on regular basis to mark at corner kicks - FACT
5. Inability to affect game in opposition box with our feeble attempts at corners - FACT
6. Gifts of goals given on regular basis - 3 against our biggest rival at home -FACT
7. Ran ragged by 2nd bottom team in league who has NEVER beaten us before now - FACT

So statistics say we are bloody brilliant and best defence in league - you are having a laugh - I know the vast majority of fans/ viewers would say different
Our defence has failed us for seasons and it seems ok to accept it - sorry I love my team but cannot understand the backing that a less than ordinary defence gets!
PC must see this and hopefully next transfer window we will see changes - or its more of the same next season.

12.) 17 Apr 2024 07:55:12
The difference between us and them is when they play bad they will take their chances more and better chance of getting out of jail, if we took one of our chances to go 2-0 up on Sunday the game was bye.

13.) 17 Apr 2024 07:56:18
But, but, but, who's got the best defense in the league? ? Blah blah blah!

But, but, but, whose defense has been crumbling before our very eyes over the last 6 weeks? That would be ours! A defense which has contributed greatly to us losing the lead at the top, and allowing our biggest rivals to steamroller us in 45 mins of football ultimately leading to us not being able to beat them.

Like I said before, there is no defending this defense because it is dire.

14.) 17 apr 2024 12:40:55
best defence my arse, only because of the keeper and the dross they usually play against

can't keep celtic out, can't keep even aberdeen or motherwell out, aye, the very best, thing is livi, they're up there for a very simple reason, most teams don't attack at ibrox and some don't even attack at home v rangers,

15.) 17 Apr 2024 15:58:02
Very poor defence, over a season it’s something like 45 goals conceded,




bigbluejim's rumour replies


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27 Jul 2024 00:10:04
If that's true I'll have what they're smoking. We might get arrested for that robbery.




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26 Jul 2024 20:05:51
Great stuff, we are finally getting deadwood out the team. Pretty sure we must be compromising on fee's but glad to clear these stupid wages and let PC get his players in.




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25 Jul 2024 16:33:51
If it's not loan to buy then we really shouldn't be bothering with this deal, it's Sima all over again. If he does well and we love him and want him here but Wolfsburg are like hey thanks for raising his price, that'll be £15m ta.

Not a fan of these loans at all. Just go get Adama Traore already.




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24 Jul 2024 08:26:21
Played 22 games too Lazlo so I can't see this one be lazy journalists making stuff up as we were linked before too.




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22 Jul 2024 22:45:46
Excellent john although definitely worried at no RW or CH on that list.





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24 Jul 2024 21:53:55
So my brother is a celtic fan and we watched the city game last night and albeit against a youthful city team, they had almost their strongest team on and was easy to see what they were trying to do.

I'm a big PC fan but he is starting to worry me as we have no style, too many players pass and stand still, we look very fragile every time we are attacked, players look as unfit as last year under MB. Not to mention he keeps changing the damn team, we need a consistent team starting and building up cohesion but it's a shambles so far.




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24 Jul 2024 09:13:33
He's some player Paul honestly. Shows up in big games too, look when they beat Real and he played a blinder. Should be an absolute no brainer since it's a position we need badly filling.




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24 Jul 2024 09:11:43
Exactly Fork, thing is the national team are qualifying for tournaments so they won't sort this out but once our better players retire and we have nobody to replace them, maybe then they'll see they screwed us by having no young guys to replace them.




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24 Jul 2024 08:31:10
Much rather traore tbf.




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24 Jul 2024 08:29:20
That's the spirit boys! All doom and gloom. Imagine if we make it instead of thinking EL, more than £5m.




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