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16 Jan 2024 10:33:54
A couple of FB forums saying Viktor Dujanovic, left winger from Hammarby is an imminent signing but I can't see anything to corroborate it.


1.) 16 Jan 2024 12:16:28
DeBoer i mentioned this yesterday regarding our interest in viktor dukanovic mate ?Time will tell i wonder if CoplandFront5 or John227 have anything on if we're definitely interested in dukanovic ?.

2.) 16 Jan 2024 12:30:40
That lad would be a sensational signing but as its FB its likely ?.

3.) 16 Jan 2024 14:57:46
Dujanovic looks like a good signing, loves a goal from long distance, only 18, Montenegro international and currently Hammarsby's best player.
LW, valued at 3 mill euros, Swedish league hasn't started yet.
Chance to play in the europa with us, lads won 3 cups already, and finished top scorer.
just the kind of player that would do well in our league, and make us some good money in the long run.

4.) 16 Jan 2024 16:02:11
Looks the type of player we are screaming out for when we play against teams in a low block.

5.) 16 Jan 2024 17:08:19
Dujanovic looks the part and ticks all the right boxes to be fair, we can all but hope, a think it could be easier to release money when when it looks a good investment but more than likely just a name someone threw out there.



28 Dec 2022 11:25:57
Reports saying that Raskin wants to go to France. No direct quotes from him though. Hopefully we still have a chance.


1.) 28 Dec 2022 13:42:06
Let him go that's his choice we don't want or need people that are not going to play for the shirt we need to bring in players like Gilmore scottish players that know what the club is all about even uk based young talents instead of a player that you don't know will work out.

2.) 28 Dec 2022 15:09:24
oh you mean the gilmour who ran off to england at the first sniff of a payout, hardly playing for a shirt is it?

3.) 28 Dec 2022 15:13:06
This boy would work out tho Stephen the boy is that good.

4.) 28 Dec 2022 15:23:12
Gilmore left for England that’s hardly playing for the jersey??‍♂️.

5.) 28 dec 2022 16:29:24
how do you know anyone will work out stephen, no guarantees on any player, we’ve paid millions on “ superstars “ who didn’t work out

it’s a lottery in that regard.

6.) 28 Dec 2022 17:09:29
Wild ideas that! We'll buy the best players available for the positions we need and that are happy to come to us regardless of their motivation. It's then up to management and the player to make the most of the opportunity.

7.) 28 Dec 2022 17:39:07
Honestly think we may have missed the boat with Raskin should have done n sealed it last window, so many teams in for him now.

8.) 28 Dec 2022 17:42:24
There is no chance storm raskin coming to us if he's that good and getting linked with players in the papers never happens and billy gilmore never got his chance got his big move to the epl who would turn that down the chance to move that young has worked out so bring him home he's a rangers fan and would love to wear the shirt and you know he would play for the shirt.

9.) 28 dec 2022 20:52:41
he doesn’t want to come “ home” 8, his heart is set on being a successful player in england,

10.) 28 Dec 2022 20:57:23
That’s different to what you said before Stephen you said go for Gilmour instead of a player you don’t know that will work out ? how do you know either player will work? Gilmour left when he was 16 so it’s not that he didn’t get a chance here he went plain and simple but he could have stayed and played for the jersey like you said he wants to do now ?.

11.) 28 dec 2022 21:43:01
silly infantile emojis ain’t my style stephen but i have to say there’s better options at the cost than gilmour, i’m not certain that is what we need right now.

12.) 29 Dec 2022 01:56:53
Who would turn down the chance to go to epl at 16? I for one, would rather stay and okay for the club I always dreamed of playing for, whilst potentially making a comfortable living, but money nowadays is often the main factor for many.

13.) 29 Dec 2022 03:43:28
Anyone who thinks Gilmour's move to Chelsea was solely motivated by money are extremely delusional.

14.) 29 dec 2022 09:09:23
seriously deluded? bit ott mate
85% of his decision was financial, anyone, like your good self thinks otherwise is, mildly deluded,

he secured his and his family’s financial future, at the stroke of a pen

i’m not seriously deluded about that.

15.) 29 Dec 2022 10:15:29
Gilmour says in a interview he didn’t want tackled of brown and the like. Puts me off him acting scared a that clown.

16.) 29 Dec 2022 13:55:56
Of course it was primarily motivated by money, only one delusional here is you gunn if you think otherwise. As tomthumb said, set himself and family up comfortably.

17.) 29 dec 2022 13:56:55
don’t know why that would put you off , he’s played against the toughest in england since, and i’m sure if he said that he was either tongue in cheek or still a wee boy, no player is scared.



19 Jul 2022 11:29:06
A report from Nigeria says we aren't signing Thompson Ishaka after all.

John25 any info?


1.) 19 Jul 2022 11:50:50
De boer not hearing anything, said last week his agent wanted 8k a week, no chance we will pay that.

2.) 19 Jul 2022 11:59:56
I read an article which says that, as he is not 18 yet he isn`t allowed to sign for a European club . He turns 18 later this year.

3.) 19 Jul 2022 12:14:14
Thanks John. 8ksounds steep.

4.) 19 Jul 2022 12:22:10
We paid Bassey 5.

5.) 19 Jul 2022 13:11:30
We can't pay him anything near 8k per week, if we did every agent would want that for their player, must admit i would like him with us, looks a good player, scored a fine goal against Glentoran.

6.) 19 Jul 2022 13:23:20
Why bother bringing him in at all. I am sure the wage demands will have been known before the trial was agreed.

7.) 19 Jul 2022 13:53:33
Agree Cambiger, we must have known rough wage expectations before he came in on trial.

8.) 19 Jul 2022 14:26:11
£8k/ week is what a Rangers squad player would get. This lad Ishaka seems to be too good for the B team where’s he’s ripping it up already. Why don’t they throw him in with the first-team squad during preseason to see how he gets on? He can play RW and is naturally left-footed so could be a bit of a wildcard option in a position we need some young talent.

9.) 19 Jul 2022 14:29:45
If he's wanting 8k now when he doesn't have a club just think what he would be like to deal with if he actually broke into first team? already sounds like trouble before he's even signed . no thanks must be a reason nobody snapped him u yet.

10.) 19 Jul 2022 17:13:26
He’s very raw but has clear ability but obviously his wage demands aren’t realistic until he has proved himself more over a longer period of time.




DeBoer's banter posts with other poster's replies to DeBoer's banter posts


09 Oct 2023 14:34:39
Looks like a lot of Rangers fans think Eustace was about to take the job and that Birmingham sacked him because of this and turned their backs on a wad of compensation! Too funny.


1.) 09 Oct 2023 15:36:45
Nah they want Rooney decision was already made to part company went on a bad run they made decision then team won next two games ?

Just an opinion.

2.) 09 Oct 2023 15:37:52
Personally I find it strange Birmingham sacking Eustace, he has then playing really well and they are in a good position in the league. If Rooney comes in, it can only mean that these new American owners they have want their own man? It could backfire on them like Bournemouth, their new American owners sacked a good manager and brought in a Spanish guy, they haven’t won a game yet and the manager they sacked is doing a good job at wolves.

3.) 09 Oct 2023 16:20:47
Birmingham’s technical advisor Craig Gardner got Eustace the bullet because he wasn’t using the players to their abilities as Gardner had signed most of the players he’s covering his own backside. Eustace was told Friday night after West Brom game he was finished . Nothing to do with the Rangers job what so ever . Eustace is a decent coach but no where near Rangers expectations.

4.) 09 Oct 2023 16:29:04
De boer exactly what happened with warburton and weir.
Went for an interview at forest. Rangers determined that both had effective resigned.

5.) 09 Oct 2023 16:35:32
Good info brummie. R you hearing anything re eustace speaking to rangers Saturday.

6.) 09 Oct 2023 17:16:25
Yea they made sure McKay ( who was playing well at that time ) never resigned for us and they took him with them.

7.) 09 Oct 2023 18:09:41
John if you are Birmingham and your manager goes for an interview you're looking at millions in comp if he gets it. Why sack him?
They sacked him because of Rooney. Eustace is not coming to Rangers.

8.) 09 Oct 2023 18:16:29
Mols he wasn’t playing well with us at all.

9.) 09 Oct 2023 18:35:04
Sorry John 227, I haven’t heard anything as regards to Rangers but they did mention Sheffield Wednesday might be his next appointment.

10.) 09 Oct 2023 19:09:44
SKY sports said this morning said that Eustace refused the chance to talk to Rangers out of loyalty to Birmingham. How must he feel now that he has been sacked to make room for Rooney just because the new owners wanted a big name manager . It will all end in tears.

11.) 09 Oct 2023 23:34:48
Was he not quoted at a transfer possibility of millions to a European team .
If he wasn’t playing well why were we offering him a new contract that was on the table for months that he wouldn’t sign .
Barry McKay was playing well for us when he left .
He didn’t at times but he was when he left .
I remember it that way oh one of such superior knowledge… I bow to you once again ?.



10 Sep 2022 09:33:22
I don't believe these rumours about Gio trying to get the DoF job for the Dutch National Team. I'll tell you why.

He's been building a management team with Roy Mackay etc and the sports psychology guru who came in recently.

What would all those guys be thinking if they though he was going to cut and run? I think they'd be raging.


1.) 10 Sep 2022 13:28:57
They would be thinking "the board has let the gaffer down, hope he takes us with him" I reckon.

2.) 10 sep 2022 14:59:39
who knows,



08 Sep 2022 16:27:30
I'll tell you who I want to be our new manager.

Giovanni Van Bronkhorst.

We have lost two games. We need to respond and if we get behind him and the team then we can get to the January window as close to Celtas we can. Then if the board listen to the fans we can get a few players in.

Fear no foe. We are the people!


1.) 08 Sep 2022 17:15:19
He's our existing manager mate lol.

2.) 08 Sep 2022 17:37:08
Gio is the manager. Players need to remember who they're playing for and stop being a bunch of jumped up pampered pr***s. We are Rangers, do the job you're paid for . It's surely not too much to ask for.

3.) 08 sep 2022 17:56:07
wouldn’t be very new though

it’s the manner in which we lost

has he lost the confidence of the players, or more important the board?

has he been speaking with dutch fa behind they’re back?

have we got this wrong and all is fine?

nothing will come out today that’s for sure


4.) 08 Sep 2022 18:12:57
Problem with this is. Would you trust gio with transfer funds? We have spent 14m in this window and it's no good looking so far. Ross Wilson a lot to blame as well.

5.) 08 Sep 2022 18:32:19
Excellent post parlane60??.

6.) 08 Sep 2022 18:49:41
How quick we forget … Gio for me .

7.) 08 Sep 2022 21:59:02
If gio gets sacked ross wilson should follow all he does is waste our cash he actually gave himself a page on the back for giving coward goldson his ransom money and also he knew roofes and souttar injury records but hey it's not his money so sod it!



03 Sep 2022 14:57:13
Anyone want to come on and tell us how good a transfer window we've had?


1.) 03 Sep 2022 15:21:07
Weak…we are weaker than last seasons team yet brought in millions from sales. The CL money takes care of everything else (which we didn’t know) yet we still went bargain basement IMO. Defence weaker, midfield position ally stronger but Davies and Kamara are stale and have been for a while. Tillman needs more time but only seems to have 55 mins in him at best. We have not got a RW and Kent is an absolute passenger with no competition. Contract situations need addressed and the club take a stronger stance, sign or sell and replace. On current performances we would not be worse off if we took that stance.

2.) 03 Sep 2022 15:28:12
DeBoer, yes very happy with that transfer window. That's a winning team.

3.) 03 Sep 2022 15:34:20

12 million spent 5 points behind and 17 goals behind and they haven't kicked a ball.

4.) 03 Sep 2022 15:58:32
@ Baxter
I’m assuming your a Celtic man then
I too would be happy with your transfer window your players blew us out the water i'm not going to hide from that fact so fair play mate

5.) 03 sep 2022 16:38:11
there are a couple of tim’s here stig, but i don’t think baxter is one,

6.) 03 Sep 2022 17:17:52
Thestig, how dare you mate. I'm being very sarcastic.




DeBoer's rumour replies


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26 Jul 2024 10:32:06
Aris Thessaloniki.




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25 Jul 2024 17:40:26
WeAreReady, to be facing administration we would need to owe people money who went to court regarding our debt. Who do we owe money to? No one really except our own directors. Unless you think John Bennett is going to court to get his money which he controls anyway? Is your mate a season ticket holder at the machanodome?




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25 Jul 2024 17:08:38
Hello, hello . Clarice!




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25 Jul 2024 12:46:58
TikTok league premier division teams only.




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25 Jul 2024 12:46:17
The club will bring in a CB if Goldson leaves.





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25 Jul 2024 22:24:13
Mcburnie signed for Las Palmas.




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25 Jul 2024 11:49:50
We have Souttar as well.




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25 Jul 2024 11:49:15
When did he say Tav was leaving?




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11 Jul 2024 08:47:08
I think Lithium has been on the lithium! You can't sell everyone that quick and what if they don't want to leave? It'll take at least 3 transfer windows to get rid of all of them.




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09 Jul 2024 13:22:03
G4 so you are happy with a title every four years?




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