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05 Jan 2022 19:23:00
James Sands has apparently signed.

The Seeker

1.) 05 Jan 2022 22:12:45
Seen that Mate few good jokes going about as well.

2.) 05 Jan 2022 22:27:54
Aye saw that East Belfast. Hope he does well 👍.

3.) 05 Jan 2022 22:29:18
Signed on an 18 month loan with exclusive option to buy but the price so far is unknown, expected to be upwards of 6 mill if other MLS talent coming to Europe is a marker.

I think the City Group look at the 18 month period to grow his valuation at The Famous as we have some big scalps in front of us in Celtic and Dortmund which will only grow his profile if he gets games which I beleive he will as he is talked about as an oustanding talent and at 21 has won the Gold Cup for the States and the MLS Cup for NYC and apparently was on a short list as Gio wanted him now.

This may be that the guys know Kamara is getting sniffed arounf and may leave so better to have the optimal replacement in the door before he goes.

4.) 05 Jan 2022 23:05:12
Bob not a chance we will be paying six million, three at most.

5.) 05 Jan 2022 23:39:04
Celtic a big scalp?! Compared to who? Dundee?! Please! 🤣🙈.

6.) 06 Jan 2022 00:47:16
6mil? I hope not, his clips on YouTube look bang average, I’ll wait till I see him play properly but don’t have a good feeling on this one, reckon he’ll be back on the plane to america by the summer.

7.) 06 Jan 2022 17:19:18
Good deal with sands loan with option to buy after 18months, works out we sign him doesn't he goes back to america, no risk for us in this deal, I'd like us to do more loan with option to buy signings.



12 Nov 2021 15:28:22
Just been passed a rumour. Don't know how much truth in it. Apparently a squad member close to Bomber Brown has told him he's not overly surprised or disappointed the team has left. Meetings and tactics talks had lost their zip. Gvb, Van Gastel and Arjo Philips as manager and assistants meeting with Ross Wilson in London tomorrow. Van Gastel will join us when his contract in China is terminated.

The Seeker

1.) 12 Nov 2021 15:42:39
Heard its only between gvb and lampard. Bookies now also showing this.

2.) 12 Nov 2021 15:49:19
Will back any manager that comes in - not overly keen on lamps or mcinnes- am I only person slightly concerned about GVB I’m hoping of course but although won title with feyenoord he was 4th following season which worries me a little - quality player back in the day and no doubt will bring a nice playing system and style but will he be good enough to win the league - anyway I hope he will be good enough if he comes in - old villa manager I thought may have been a good shout - anyway whoever it is let’s get them in soon - SG was brilliant but maybe a change will be good and he stopped 10 so he goes with my best wishes 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧.

3.) 12 Nov 2021 15:49:50
Lampards wifes family all massive Rangers fans from Newtownards NI, if slippy gerrards wife can tell him to leave Rangers to go to Villa then Lampards wife can surely tell him to go to Rangers 🇬🇧🇬🇧.

4.) 12 Nov 2021 15:55:39
If its between those two who would be your pick?
I'm going for the Dutch 🇳🇱🍊🌷.

5.) 12 Nov 2021 16:06:59
the dutch aswell for me 3cheers, Lamps got pulling power from england but the wages n price tags some these guys are mad. Gio for me. Although if it was opposite which I doubt I would still back him to the hilt. We are champions with a better squad underperforming and still top of league. Who ever is manager the players will have to fight to impress and earn their place. No more undroppable favourites. This could push us on to higher heights. I'm very optimistic n can't wait to burst anges ball.

6.) 12 Nov 2021 16:39:25
Maybe Lampard and Terry as a double act. There's a thought!

7.) 12 Nov 2021 16:46:10
Doiger terry left Villa because he wants to be a manager in his own right.

8.) 12 Nov 2021 17:02:08
Maybe got a better chance of getting gilmour on loan if Lampard is boss. Just a thought.

9.) 12 Nov 2021 18:25:24
Windy why he is on loan to Norwich.

10.) 12 Nov 2021 18:59:11
I don’t want Terry anywhere near us. We have standards at our club.

11.) 12 Nov 2021 19:04:50
ST because it’s a premier league club and it is supposedly better for his development. In the starting surly. However He he hasn’t started the last few games at bottom club Norwich. Been on the bench. Wonder why. Anyone who thinks Gilmour is going back to Chelsea for a first team place is off the mark. Weren’t Chelsea hit with an player imbargo when gilmour came on the scene. As I said just a thought.

12.) 12 Nov 2021 20:08:53
As well as Frank Lampard's wife's family from northern ireland all being rangers fans, frank himself is a rangers fan👍.

13.) 12 Nov 2021 20:42:11
Lampard pulled out of Norwich, maybe he is in the running for the Rangers job. He would be my choice with Jody Morris as assistant.

14.) 13 Nov 2021 09:08:44
Scotty123 what do you mean by that? And when did this standards thing start?

15.) 13 Nov 2021 10:23:04
I like lampard but no way he's right for Rangers and as far as Terry concerned than man's a scumbag with no loyalty Gio all the way for me at least he is honest and up front. English over paid and over rated.

16.) 13 Nov 2021 12:05:57
The squad member in question is Arfield.

17.) 13 Nov 2021 15:16:37
Go for, m football is choc full of “ scumbags” as you call them, as well as cheats, liars, chancers, and snakes, they get bigger the more cash they earn.

18.) 13 Nov 2021 16:36:27
Dont get the he's a scumbag he wouldn't be welcome at our club. Weve had a few play for us that were idolised by the fans.

19.) 13 Nov 2021 17:08:00
My son spoke with Boyd tonight at Heathrow, Boyd's view is that it is a straight fight between GVB and Lampard. He also said that he reckoned that Gerrard was looking for a way out.



11 Nov 2021 15:52:48
I'm hearing Gio is at Ibrox just now.

The Seeker

1.) 11 Nov 2021 16:19:07
Eh where did you get this?

2.) 11 Nov 2021 16:33:49
Jan Wouters Being reported as his assistant.

3.) 11 Nov 2021 17:22:36
Would be happy with this. I just don't want McInnes or Neil!

4.) 11 Nov 2021 17:28:33
Sky just outside ibrox, they never said that, but they did say that Gerard signage was being quickly taken down.

5.) 11 Nov 2021 17:42:48
Somebody sent me a whatsapp 😂.



09 Nov 2021 07:45:46
Report this morning that Villa will ask Rangers for permission to speak to Steven this week. Looks like it will be down to the boss in the end. Positives for us are 1. He's desperate to win all domestic trophies and qualify for the CL. 2. He would go right into a relegation dpg fight down there. 3. He doesn't want to damage his reputation with failure when he has his sights set on the Liverpool job. 4. He doesn't need the money! Thoughts guys.

The Seeker

1.) 09 Nov 2021 08:01:48
would be surprised if luverpool took gerrard from rangers. Imo needs experience elsewhere.

2.) 09 Nov 2021 09:09:33
I can’t see him taking it but you never know. He may be good fiends with Villa chief executive but that doesn’t always work being friends with someone who is your boss.

3.) 09 Nov 2021 10:26:16
Another reason he might go is for family reasons it's less than 2 hours drive from his home in Southport will get to see more of his family.

4.) 09 Nov 2021 10:44:24
Guys. Stevie will not go to Liverpool from Rangers. He will need to go somewhere else before being offered that Job and if he won't go abroad then the premiership is the place to go. So I think if he is offered it he may take. 🤔 The only bright side is that he may come back for some of our players. That may bring in funds for a new squad. definitely see him come back for Kent and Aribo. Wait and see.

5.) 09 Nov 2021 11:33:48
Windy that’s great lose our manager and our best players can’t wait for that too happen.

6.) 09 Nov 2021 11:38:54
1 and 4 - - he isn't 'desperate' would be a nice to have, and money £££ talks no matter how well you are off.
Its a middle of the road table gig, that if he makes it reasonably successful in 2 years will line him up nicely for the Liverpool job - also as stated above, his wife and family are just down the road.
I think we need to be prepared to bite the bullet on this one.
christ knows who we get in place of him IF he does jump. we have no money and will have to sell in January.

7.) 09 Nov 2021 11:51:35
No reports of him distancing himself yet are there?

8.) 09 Nov 2021 11:52:09
Windy ; Souness went straight from Rangers to Liverpool in fact Rangers was his first managerial position then straight to Liverpool.

9.) 09 Nov 2021 12:35:04
Twacoos. Comparing Souness’ succes to what gerrard has won at Rangers. Souness Won it all in scotland.

10.) 09 Nov 2021 12:38:56
I think he will stay, also if he wins a few more titles then why would Liverpool not take him. He usually signs contracts and sees them out. The family might be an issue but football reasons he is better at Rangers.

11.) 09 Nov 2021 14:08:37
Can’t compare Souness to Gerard. Souness had a team full of experienced English internationals and won quite a lot of trophies. He also had experience of playing abroad and in a Liverpool team winning the league and a fair few European cups. Still think Stevie needs more experience with a bigger budget to play with.

Stormtrooper if he goes and it’s a big if, I hope he comes in for our players. He probably would pay more than other managers as he has seen them close up. So say he bought the 2 I suggested and it brought in say 22 million. If the new manager is given half that. Are we saying that we couldn’t find 2 players to take their place.

12.) 09 Nov 2021 14:11:26
Im not fussed if he goes. I want Kevin Thomson and Neil McCann in and give youth a chance.

13.) 09 Nov 2021 14:58:08
And what youth would u play livi.

14.) 09 Nov 2021 16:16:01
So livi would you be happy to play the youth and see another 3 trebles rom celtic before we win a trophy.

15.) 09 Nov 2021 16:21:43
Let Gerrard go bring in Thomson and McCann and play youth… happy to just hand Celtic this years title then? Jeezo.

16.) 09 Nov 2021 16:34:59
Agree John . what youth. you have a better handle on this from watching B team. i cannot thing of many other that Patterson who is ready. Certainly not Kelly hardly a youth and still not made break through, time to reassess youth/ reserve policy
21/ 22 year old not pushing on should be moved on.

17.) 09 Nov 2021 17:06:24
I guess it depend how ambitious Rangers are and how ambitious Gerrard is. I do worry that if we lose him then we will see a number of our better players leave and that could cost us the league. Kevin Thomson and Neil McCann is not the Dream team to take us to the next level and if we do lose Gerrard then we will need to bring in a top quality replacement, not someone plying their trade at Kelty Hearts! We will also need to have a significant transfer budget for the new manager. Indeed the lack of funds in the summer to bring in the quality we needed might be what tilts it in Villa's favour. I hope that I am wrong and that Gerrard stays with us. If he goes then we need to hope that the compensation for him and his management team is significant and that we can go out and get a top quality manager to replace him.

18.) 09 Nov 2021 18:52:40
I read earlier mccoist saying if gerrard were to leave he would want rangers to appoint dean smith as our new manager🤔.

19.) 09 Nov 2021 19:41:14
If and again a big if, we need to bring in a quality management team which will attract players. The big thing for me, to move forward we need to sell players and I think Stevie is reluctant to do that. That will always be a breaker for managers in Scotland. definitely at a crossroads in his time at The Bears.

20.) 09 Nov 2021 20:43:16
SGL, Smith would be a better option than some of those mentioned. The real question is whether he would want the job. We are an ageing team, we will most likely lose players that we really can't afford to lose, should Gerrard move on and where will we get the funds to bring in quality replacements.
My big fear if we lose Gerrard is that we will go backwards at a great rate of knots starting with the current season.

21.) 09 Nov 2021 21:25:30
I wouldn't solely play youth but I'd like them to feel they have a chance. Gerrard liked the youth players he worked with at Liverpool brought them to rangers on loan and played them over players who were much better I'd like Kelly and some of the other young guys get a shot before players that have no affiliation to our club. I want to see players come in and would be glad to see the back of goldson. I'd he wants to talk to them then he shouldn't be the manager. Imagine Walter or jock Wallace wanting to talk with other clubs.



31 Aug 2021 15:02:25
One of our guys (a tim unfortunately! ) was in at Auchenhowie today quoting for works. Ryan Jack was the only player in. Said he was hirpling good style though don't know if he was just trying to wind me up! I remember John25 saying it didn't look too good for the lad following his op. Really hope he is on the mend as we've greatly missed him.

The Seeker

1.) 31 Aug 2021 15:45:19
Excuse the pun, but I think his op was a 'hail mary', a last throw of the dice. Doesn't look good if he isn't even fully training yet.

2.) 31 Aug 2021 16:16:21
Hopefully Jack will be back soon we have definitely missed him.

3.) 31 Aug 2021 16:20:00
Saw Ryan Jack in the swimming with his kids the day we played Malmo, certainly didn't look like he was limping to me. Think he will be back fully fit in 6-8 weeks.

4.) 31 Aug 2021 16:42:42
Hope you're right John 👍.

5.) 31 Aug 2021 16:59:30
He certainly wasn't limping on Sunday when I seen him.

6.) 31 Aug 2021 17:24:35
Good news fifepl, the big eejit must have been at the wind-up 😡.

7.) 31 Aug 2021 17:50:31
The guy is still recovering. Knowing him he will be pushing hard to try and get back. If he has a heavy day there is every chance he may be limping as he is still recovering. Doesn't mean anything. The boy will hopefully be back soon and should be given every chance possible as on his game he is a midfield General that has everything in his game.

8.) 31 Aug 2021 17:58:22
No one at auchenhowie, it is closed down for a deep clean.

9.) 31 Aug 2021 19:47:15
Auchenhowie is completely shut down.

10.) 31 Aug 2021 19:55:15
Our guy was there at 2pm and saw Jack on his way round to quote for works.




The Seeker's banter posts with other poster's replies to The Seeker's banter posts


13 Jul 2024 15:47:31
How long will wee Raskin be out, do you think? Looked an awkward one. Hope this is not the start of it.

The Seeker

1.) 13 Jul 2024 17:16:59
Not again!
Anyone smell deja vu.



26 Jun 2024 19:05:15
Watching Ianis Hagi at the Euros. Looking very good and very sharp. Technically gifted. Looks to be over his injury problems. Would the manager have been impressed enough to bring him back to run the rule over him? Won their penalty and came in for some praise from the pundits. I'd like to see him given a chance. Hard hat on!

The Seeker

1.) 26 Jun 2024 19:34:41
Congratulations to him and Romania. Wish him all the best and hope he stays.

2.) 26 Jun 2024 19:42:13
Depends on if PC can fit him in a system - he played like he did a couple of years ago but is still a tad slow moving forward but his off ball position and tracking back to help defence was a standout.

3.) 26 Jun 2024 19:45:29
Think he has to come back after Euro's bud, won't do any harm if PC runs the rule over him, if he doesn't fit then he can move on.

4.) 26 Jun 2024 20:09:30
It depends if any offers come in. If not then I would bring him back and send macausland out on loan. ATM hagi is a better option to have.

5.) 26 Jun 2024 20:18:16
He was playing in arguably the least competitive game in the euros as the draw was always going to happen.

6.) 26 Jun 2024 20:26:53
Thought he played well, but again out wide on the right. If that's where pc sees him, I think we can get better. Can then I think he should get at least until January.

7.) 26 Jun 2024 20:48:29
I agree Seeker he’s been decent so far it wouldn’t do any harm for PC to run the rule over him in pre season.

8.) 26 Jun 2024 21:33:19
Rabbi the four teams finished with 4 points, of course that game mattered, what if Ukraine won.

9.) 26 Jun 2024 22:31:58
We are crying out for pace and that’s the one thing Hagi doesn’t have, so as technically sound as he is it’s a no from me.

10.) 26 Jun 2024 22:45:12
Hagi having a half decent game might just get someone interested in him, his time with us is over as both need to move on.

11.) 26 Jun 2024 22:48:53
Problem is we need to raise cash. And we would probably get a decent amount for him and going by his comments doesn't want to be here which PC won't like.

12.) 27 Jun 2024 05:13:07
Mystar if Ukraine win Belgium would've finished with 3 points. Every result in Ukraine vs Belgium meant Slovakia and Romania went through with a draw.



22 Apr 2024 13:48:11
I see Lundstram still getting a fair bit of criticism after yesterday. Agreed he has been poor lately but I thought he did much better overall. A couple of loose passes, yes, but thought he and wee Diomande did well. The wee fella is a player, some sublime touches during the match. Shout out to Todd, thought he was brilliant along with big Leon and Mr Dessers. Tav and Sterling very good, Soutter a bit shaky, but a good win. 3 points against Saints and we'll see what they are made if when they visit Dundee later in the day.

The Seeker

1.) 22 apr 2024 15:01:53
hi seeker, its strange that soutter seems to follow a good game with a very poor one, it seems to happen all the time,

yes cantwell git firward more, still love to see him shoot more, and dessers is an enigma, numbers great yet often looks awful, maybe he will finish with 25 goals plus, let's hope so mate.

2.) 22 Apr 2024 15:02:31
Thought he was ok yesterday but looked very leggy even in first half.
I’d like to see Diomande and Sterling in there would provide plenty of energy and both can keep posesession.

3.) 22 Apr 2024 15:12:36
He's not the answer imho going forward we need some1 more physical to compliment diomonde.

4.) 22 Apr 2024 15:19:50
Seeker totally agree. I also thought that Tav had one of his better defensive displays, From the of the whole team looked up for it, Hopefully it continues until the end of May.

5.) 22 Apr 2024 15:43:42
Hopefully Goldson never kicks a ball for us again. Give Balogun another years deal.

6.) 22 apr 2024 15:59:46
im not sure tav was any better defensively mate, i don't think he can defend fullstop but that's just me, i thought hearts made it easy for him.

7.) 22 Apr 2024 16:58:55
Tav was much better defensively yesterday. From the eye test anyways.

Not sure if it was Hearts lack of ability that made Tav look better though.

Though Balogun was great. Cantwell very good but a bit hesitant in front of goal.

Sterling is a beast, could be some player if user correctly.

Dessers. nah i'm not even saying it lol.

8.) 22 Apr 2024 17:10:00
Blackadder, I would also give Balogun a new contract.

9.) 22 Apr 2024 18:11:40
No brainer for me, Mark. he's our best defender by a country mile. Add two central defenders in the summer. Get rid of Goldson, Davies and Souttar.

10.) 22 Apr 2024 21:11:43
Can't see us selling Soutter Blackadder.



15 Apr 2024 16:15:13
I see it's just been announced that the alternative venue would be McDiarmid Park. Pitch inspection and assessment due on Tuesday when a decision will be taken as to where the game will be played. Fans are allowed in ?.

The Seeker

1.) 15 Apr 2024 16:46:12
Good info seeker ?.

2.) 15 apr 2024 16:56:15
so, exactly what they should have said last week seeker, pathetic innit.

3.) 15 Apr 2024 17:02:45
Just seen that Seeker, sounds a sensible move for both Clubs albeit a week late, but we just get on with it and get yesterday out of the system.



17 Mar 2024 18:18:57
Ed1 won't be happy but must say I'm delighted for Amad Diallo scoring the winner for Man U right at the end of extra time. 4-3. Looks like he forgot he had been booked earlier and whipped his shirt off when he scored to be sent off. Felt so sorry for him walking up the tunnel at the end. Brilliant entertainment, also shout out to McTominay who I thought was brilliant. John will definitely be very pleased!

The Seeker

1.) 17 Mar 2024 19:03:48
I’m happy, great match.

Seeker remember on here the boy mctominay not good enough.

2.) 17 Mar 2024 20:24:01
Aye I do remember that John. Couldn't believe my eyes tbh. I'm sure Philippe Clement would take the boy McTominay in a heartbeat. He always was a good player. My wife was going mental when Coventry beat Wolves. That's her home team so I'll need to root for them in the semi. To tell the truth it's not Rangerd so I'm not that bothered! Hope you enjoy the match John, will you be going to Wembley?

3.) 17 Mar 2024 20:46:19
John that was one of the craziest comments I've read on here, even my missus knows mctominay is a player, boy would be player of the year up here every single year, he's class. John are man u playing him further forward in the last year or so?

4.) 18 Mar 2024 09:01:09
I hope to get to the semi if it’s on the Saturday, unlikely to be at the final as I’ll be at Hampden.




The Seeker's rumour replies


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26 Jul 2024 12:34:59
I'd have Souttar before McKenna every day of the week. And hopefully Shanks is signed soon.

The Seeker



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25 Jul 2024 16:46:43
To be fair, Dowell has had horrendous injury problems. I actually think he is a very good player.

The Seeker



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24 Jul 2024 13:58:27
I've a feeling Shankland will be in soon. Hope so.

The Seeker



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23 Jul 2024 10:20:36
Shankland is a must now. He'd score a Barrowload in the spl for us, and he'd walk over hot coals to get here.

The Seeker



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23 Jul 2024 10:18:00
Take him in a heartbeat! Settle for Shankland right enough. He's the modern day Boyd, though actually a better player.

The Seeker




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27 Jul 2024 08:29:40
Zapruder shouldn't really have bothered, fork. We all know Scott Wright did it ?.

The Seeker



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26 Jul 2024 12:41:51
Remember well the sick feeling in the pit of my stomach in 2012. Really feel for the Bordeaux fans and players. Horrible time for them all. Hope and pray they can be rescued.

The Seeker



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26 Jul 2024 12:37:42
Liked the look of Lovelace when he started against Motherwell I think it was. Then got injured funnily enough ?.

The Seeker



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25 Jul 2024 16:56:03
Do you think he should, John?

The Seeker



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25 Jul 2024 16:53:33
Weir was some player for us, boo boo. Surely you saw that?

The Seeker



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