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29 May 2024 10:54:06
Rangers Review confirms that Rangers has ended the pursuit of Jose Cordoba.


1.) 29 May 2024 11:05:29
Club are rightly fuming. Been at Ibrox and Auchenhowie several times the past months, medical was organised for today.

His agent told the club that Norwich had made an improved offer and asked if the club would be willing to match it, obviously told no.

2.) 29 May 2024 11:10:26
Read that and maybe for the best if he's not fully commited.

3.) 29 May 2024 11:13:29
That’s a dent in the plans losing our first choice when it was close to done.

4.) 29 May 2024 11:29:47
We will sign bigger and better players than him, let him mess about in a small club like Norwich.

5.) 29 May 2024 11:31:26
Correct coully, but we should not be held to ransom by player or agent.

6.) 29 May 2024 11:43:15
Proves the player is money driven and his mentality. We want players who are committed to the cause not those who use our interest to get a better deal elsewhere.

7.) 29 May 2024 11:45:17
Right decision to not over pay.

8.) 29 May 2024 11:52:20
Seems like a bullet dodged tbh. Guy clearly has no principles. Hope he enjoys his European football at Norwich.

9.) 29 May 2024 11:58:37
Dado. A club that earns at least ten times the money from tv as any in Scotland.

10.) 29 May 2024 12:02:07
Tbh, I didn't think he was going to be a starter anyways. Looks very rough round the edges.

We need players that are going to improve the starting 11.

11.) 29 May 2024 12:04:06
Harry soutter? Since cordoba seems to have diverted his plans to Norwich.

12.) 29 May 2024 12:05:38
Only want players committed to the cause and not the dollar signs - so no big loss - apart from being strung along we can do better and let him languish in the second tier of English football hoping for promotion - Old firm definitely get their share of string alongs with players using us as bait to catch the bigger fish - his loss at the end of the day IMO.

13.) 29 May 2024 12:06:47
Not sure about that prso. Weve seen what happens when we don't get first choices we end up with the dross.
Its probably a sign of things to come. Agents these days they are like salesman just want to con you.

14.) 29 May 2024 12:32:17
Harry Souttar is completely out of our price range. The model is buy cheap, develop and sell. That won't change.

15.) 29 May 2024 12:33:16
Superb. Any players or agents start messing about they should be told to bolt immediately. If they aren’t buzzin to come and play here that should be the end of it.

16.) 29 May 2024 12:34:06
Correct decision, the club should never be held to random. Never seen a highlight reel make a player look so mediocre.

17.) 29 May 2024 12:46:05
My granny could improve that starting 11 and she's dead.

18.) 29 May 2024 12:52:36
So was the guy any good seen lots of people saying his highlights make him look rubbish but he's our first choice centre back?

19.) 29 May 2024 12:53:17
I wouldn't be surprised if it was a ploy by his agent to try get more money and its backfired and now Norwich is their only option. Ah well enjoy midweek games in front of 20k, could have had Ibrox midweek euro nights. We move on.

20.) 29 May 2024 13:39:43
Really like the Aussie lcb that plays for hearts Rowles.

21.) 29 May 2024 13:40:30
From what is being reported his club is hoping to secure a bigger transfer fee, good luck to him if he goes to Norwich. Norfolk is like the land that time forgot! Oh well, everyone to their own!

22.) 29 May 2024 13:43:07
From the YT reel he looked powerful but showed he loved his drag backs and dribbling inside and outside his own box. How many goals would he have cost us? He chose Norwich. Whatever.

23.) 29 May 2024 13:52:17
To an extent I agree big d, but it’s May and I’m sure we’ll have multiple targets both link and missed out on between now and September . I think the worry comes if he knocks us back late August and we’re starting to look at anybody to fill a space in the squad.

John - yeah it’s a travesty the money in football but bottom line, he won’t win anything with Norwich as they’re a nothing club. He’ll be lucky to get a move to the EPL from them.

Honestly, I’m sure he’d have been good for us so this isn’t a ‘he wasn’t good enough anyway post’. I think in May there’s no need to over pay and let’s see what the Arginine centre half is like.

24.) 29 May 2024 14:15:52
Was excited by this but f. him and his agent - the right move to walk away ??????.

25.) 29 May 2024 15:08:13
Agents are always scheming to squeeze the £ at every opportunity, prob the agent trying to play each club off, if its the player about cash, cheerio.

26.) 29 May 2024 15:30:58
Going on the highlight, I seen he looked an accident waiting to happen at CB as mobile as a bag of cement just a big unit of a guy and that’s supposed to be his best bits!

If manager wanted him though I trust his judgement much more than my appraisal of some YouTube clips, but if a guy would rather go to Norwich in the Championship then you would imagine he would of wanted out at sniff of first piece of interest when he was here.

I just hope Stevie G gets chequebook out for Goldson as he’s on £38k a week it would be good to have a couple of Million and that wage to reinvest on a new CH.
I liked Goldson I just think bows the time to cash in as he has started to slowly decline IMO.

27.) 29 May 2024 16:37:16
The moral outrage of people on here at a player getting best deal available for himself is stupid and if club outraged when the player has not signed anything then sorry but that’s just stupid or naive at best.

The championship is above rangers in pecking order. anyone that doesn’t think so just needs to look at all our players that were cast offs from these teams.

Tav, Goldson, balogun, McLaughlin, Cantwell, Dowell, Lawrence and a few more in the past.

Truth is, if we want the better quality players we have to act faster and be more ruthless. the amount of time this player info has been out here and how long ago someone on here said about Norwich had him, just shows how bad things are going. I fear we will see Goldson and co. lining up again next season!

I hope to god I’m wrong.

28.) 29 May 2024 17:36:17
100% correct gofor and see all the posts he is rubbish anyway coming out now ? embarrassing.

29.) 29 May 2024 17:42:07
His loss. we move on.

30.) 29 May 2024 18:06:36
Correct decision by the club, me must be prudent with our fees and wages. We move on to the next target.

31.) 29 May 2024 18:39:41
Agents doing what agents do. The player will trust his agent and money talks. I’ve never met an agent that puts players career first, it’s always the best financial deal at the current moment.

32.) 30 May 2024 14:53:33
Sir Walter, when have we been that prudent we paid fees early for Raskin, Cantwell, Cifuentes when we could have waited and signed them on a free.

Sure, it would risk losing the player, but you would also find out if the player was truly interested in joining rangers and not just chasing money.



01 Feb 2023 18:59:37
No Ardield in the squad tonight. A massive leap on my part, but I wonder if he's off to the MLS for a final pay day?


1.) 01 Feb 2023 19:29:05
Or maybe Arfield is just injured.

2.) 01 Feb 2023 19:39:00
I would prefer Lowry needs games Arfied will go in the summer.

3.) 01 Feb 2023 19:54:03
No offside in colombia obviously?

4.) 01 Feb 2023 20:11:11
I take back my previous jibe - morelos does still know where the goal is.

5.) 01 Feb 2023 20:36:51
1872, strong possibility, but believe is it’s hibs next season.

6.) 02 Feb 2023 05:14:49
Have you good info that scotty arfield is going to hibs this summer John27 ? A few hibs supporters i know have heard and are saying the same John27 ? I know someone who knows arfield and he reckons he's going to either america or canada mate ? Time will tell but i have a lot of time for arfield and wouldn't want him playing in that hibs jersey next season ?.

7.) 02 Feb 2023 07:07:07
They want him in this window but arfield would not take the wage drop

We don’t want him he goes where he thinks he will get game time.

8.) 02 Feb 2023 10:14:10
Cheers John. The MLS window is currently open, so it may prove to be an option for Arfield to maintain his wage level. Time will tell, but like Coops, I would prefer him not to go to Hibs.

9.) 03 Feb 2023 03:54:45
Honestly I'd let arfield go if he wants and woud comp him the difference in wages as a thank you for service.

We need to be looking at giving the likes of Lowry game time. him not getting a proper chance just sends out warning signals to every other youth player saying what's the point when you can score hatricks and wonder goals and free kicks in youth league and youth international football and don't get a chance you should run away as fast as you can from the club there is no point in anything you do you will still not get game time even if we are 3 nil up manager if your very very lucky or very appreciated by fans you will maybe just maybe still only get on as an 89th minute sub ?.

10.) 03 Feb 2023 03:55:38
Rant over sorry our so called youth policy or "pathway" just annoys me.



07 Jan 2023 10:47:18
DR reporting Mexican side, Tigres, interested in Morelos this month.


1.) 07 Jan 2023 10:51:07
Check book out then tigres, hopefully enough to help fund a replacement.

2.) 07 Jan 2023 10:58:19
Good - hope he goes - his time with us is finished as last Monday finally showed.

3.) 07 Jan 2023 11:18:39
If we sell Morelos, I think Rasmus Hojlund from Sturm Graz would be a good shout. He's a big physical unit of a lad, good finisher and he's pretty decent in the air. I think Atalanta were looking at hom though so, that may be too far out our reach.

4.) 07 Jan 2023 11:23:06
Christ! don't tell me we are taking the DR for accurate info.
10 mill at a push, take 7.5.

5.) 07 Jan 2023 11:29:33
Last Monday was the last straw with him!

6.) 07 Jan 2023 11:40:07
Get him sold. Talented, but petulant child who can't even stay fit! To think we apparently knocked back 18m in the past. Be lucky to get a quarter of that now.

7.) 07 Jan 2023 12:05:02
Would prefer to get him signed and fit like the old buff. Give him a yr if not working then punt on for some £££.

8.) 07 Jan 2023 12:07:14
Reports isn't from DR, it's from Mexico. They're just forwarding it.

9.) 07 Jan 2023 12:09:18
Give Alf three year deal.

10.) 07 Jan 2023 12:12:02
If Morelos is to leave this month it won't be anything above 5m imo.

11.) 07 Jan 2023 12:28:52
5 g/ a in the 4 before the OF, playing injured and the manager having nothing but praise and desperate to keep him. Will take his opinions over any of yours. The backlash on morelos is absolutely pathetic. Kris boy was the same size as morelos but got lucky because kits weren't skin tight 15 years ago. Grow up.

12.) 07 Jan 2023 12:31:20
Give him a deal, To replace him costs 5-10m plus hefty wages anyway, he’s a great player.

13.) 07 Jan 2023 13:09:43
Totally with you John27 ?I would hope rangers can agree a 3 year deal with morelos to stay ?I honestly can't see alfie going to mexico to sign for tigres if i'm honest ?
Seemingly tigres wanted the other colombian borre but couldn't afford him and allegedly their 2nd choice was morelos ? Hypothetically speaking guys if we were to sell alfie this month and i hope not ?
how much at the most do you reckon we could/ would get for alfie ? What do you think yourself John27 ?.

14.) 07 Jan 2023 13:10:54
Yip Tjrfc some have short memories pal! I most definitely want to keep alfie ?.

15.) 07 Jan 2023 13:16:39
100% John unbelievable some of comments against rangers record European goalscorer.

16.) 07 Jan 2023 13:16:44
If fredo is to leave this month, we won't get more than £2 mil for him. Worth far more but as contract is up soon then his value is rock bottom.

17.) 07 Jan 2023 13:27:42
If, say, Morelos was to sign an improved contract I wonder how the rest of the players would feel about him being rewarded when clearly nowhere near his best? I've always been a fan but I don't see any sense in getting him to sign up just on the hope he turns things around and that he'll attract a better sell on value. Mike Beale may be cutting him a bit of slack just now but how long is that supposed to last? It's tough because we all know there's a real player in Morelos but how likely is it that he'll perform to that level going forward? It's for that reason that I'd move him on in this window or let him go in Summer.

18.) 07 Jan 2023 13:36:22
Stormtrooper, much as Morelos is and will probably remain our record scorer in European competitions, that doesn't guarantee he'll reach the levels of performance of the past. It may be more likely that any hunger he may have to perform in another country may give him back his edge and improve his levels, but I fear he's not enthralled enough with the prospect of playing any longer in Scotland, even if he was to secure an improved contract.

19.) 07 Jan 2023 13:38:06
I’m with you John get him tied down and get him fit and we have a top class striker., I see the digs regarding Monday but the manager said in his press conference yesterday he is carrying an injury and if others had been fit he wouldn’t have played he’s still our best striker and to replace him would cost a tidy sum come on Alphie get that deal signed.

20.) 07 Jan 2023 14:07:06
I dint think Morelos would pass up the opportunity to go to Mexico in all honesty. Better weather, Spanish speaking, and much closer to his homeland.

21.) 07 Jan 2023 14:14:37
Could pop down to Columbia for a session anytime from Mexico.

22.) 07 Jan 2023 14:43:27
Great comment sweep superb positive too ?.

23.) 07 Jan 2023 14:59:30
Hes had long enough to get fit.

24.) 07 Jan 2023 15:01:20
VA morelos won't go to tigres in mexico imo mate, no chance ?.

25.) 07 Jan 2023 15:07:17
The daily rebel for info is it, ok let's just give up, who reads that? somebody that works in a chip shop?

26.) 07 Jan 2023 15:27:16
We didn't knock back 18milluon behave yourself.

27.) 07 Jan 2023 15:29:57
Va is on the glue I think ?? and so is anyone else that thinks we will get near 5 million for Morelos when he can sign for anyone now for free.

28.) 07 Jan 2023 15:31:44
£7.5mil for morelos??. Lucky to get 750k. Another huge club in for our top striker?. Why would we give him a 3 year deal, he'll still won't be fit in 3 years. I hope to god he goes. We need better.

29.) 07 Jan 2023 15:54:51
John why does morelos deserve a 3 deal.

30.) 07 Jan 2023 15:56:48
Another new excuse to add to the list. Kris boyd's kit was baggy back in the day, Morelos looks fat because kits are skin tight nowadays. ??? its hard to keep up.

31.) 07 Jan 2023 16:07:00
Why would it cost us millions to replace morelos? Wouldn't cost us a penny as we already have better in Colak.

32.) 07 Jan 2023 16:25:12
Gofor the Lille chairman told us all
They offered 16million for him also confirmed by our club but yeah there wasn’t any offer because you say so.

33.) 07 Jan 2023 16:28:56
I agree John, would welcome a 3 year deal for Alfie if MB can get him fit and firing.

I also don't see Alfie playing his trade in Mexico, Coops, but it gets him to a reasonable league closer to his home, so you never know.

34.) 07 Jan 2023 16:42:42
BAR72, aye but they're surely bound to get something right eventually? Or maybe not.

35.) 07 Jan 2023 16:51:24
Rasmus Hojlund At Atlanta now cmac went for 17 million.

36.) 07 Jan 2023 16:52:50
Sorry John could not disagree with you more Morelos does not deserve a new contract would be bad for moral and would set a bad example giving him a new deal to the rest of the player he’s had more than 1 chance now time to get rid for me.

37.) 07 Jan 2023 17:16:29
Because he is our best striker and I am entitled to my opinion

People on here want to replace him with dykes shankland simms et al. Let’s gets used to being also rans.

38.) 07 Jan 2023 17:38:45
But he isn't our best striker John but yes you are entitled to your opinion even if it is humourous.

39.) 07 Jan 2023 17:47:40
John27 we’re currently also rans….

40.) 07 Jan 2023 17:57:57
Gofor stormtrooper is spot on as lille 2 years ago did bid £16million for alfie not including add ons which would have taken the overall deal to around the £18million mark ?Rangers wanted around £18million plus add ons taking the deal to £20million, with a 20% sell on clause also inserted in the deal ?
This was confirmed at the time by our club and lille! We definitely turned down £16million for morelos.

41.) 07 Jan 2023 18:02:58
I'm a big big fan of colak and rate him a terrific natural finisher ?
But for me if alfie gets back to his best, imo he's the best all round striker we have at rangers ? Nobody else can occupy and bully opposition centre halfs the way buff can when he's at it, plain and simple for me ? Alfredo at his best and he'll get back to his best, is unplayable when he hits his best, no doubt about that whatsoever and the way some rangers supporters have turned on him and the things they're calling the guy is absolutely shocking imo ?.

42.) 07 Jan 2023 18:42:49
all the morelos haters is actually depressing. if i was him i would be off, some of the worst supporters in the world support rangers. Morelos, prior to injury was close to his best. i think colak is a great striker too but doesn't torment defenders like Alf does.

43.) 07 Jan 2023 18:54:58
Bang on coops about Alfredo being the top striker when fulling firing, brilliant to have Colak as a different option.

44.) 07 Jan 2023 19:08:13
Otters u r correct and we will continue to be.

45.) 07 Jan 2023 19:09:31
King u r humorous. More suspensions than Alf.

An out and out bully.

46.) 07 Jan 2023 19:20:05
Realy hoping Alfredo signs a new deal also, he's had his injury problems this year but hopefully will shake them off and get bk to his best. at his best very hard to replace.

47.) 08 Jan 2023 10:27:26
Reporting of Lille offer initially had it at 16 million but was actually closer to 12 from reports after that initial story.

Also there is quite a difference from a player bang in form and top scorer in European campaign than a guy overweight unfit just been out for half a season with his other issues as well like fact he's FREE NOW to talk to others

Storm behave yourself!

I will say although I said we will not get anywhere near that fee I would still however like him to sign a new deal and get himself right.



26 Jul 2022 10:22:21
There was a good bit of chat a couple of weeks ago about Gio bringing in a very highly regarded coach to assist. I don't remember the bloke's name but he was supposedly into sports psychology and many other things. John25, CoplandFront5, or anyone else, do you have any info on this?


1.) 26 Jul 2022 10:32:11
Ceri Bowler it is. My info is that it’s happening and he’s in the process of finishing up at Man City.

2.) 26 Jul 2022 10:57:46
Thank you, hopefully another good appointment to the coaching team.

3.) 26 Jul 2022 11:38:17
Yes we have also added ex Queen’s Park manager to academy set up.

4.) 26 Jul 2022 12:09:40
Was he at the game on Saturday, I`m sure Gio was talking to someone I had never seen before on the touchline.

5.) 26 Jul 2022 12:55:11
Laurie Ellis is an academy appointment,

6.) 26 Jul 2022 14:41:40
Cheers John. Do you have knowledge of Laurie Ellis and an opinion as to the impact he may have on the academy talent?

7.) 26 Jul 2022 15:22:26
He was the manager off Queen’s Park and has a very good reputation within the game.
The little knowledge off him I have is that he will be a good addition to our academy staff. I believe he is a zeb jacobs appointment.

8.) 26 Jul 2022 16:23:38
Cheers John, appreciated. Jacobs seems to have a cracker of a reputation so hopefully this guy will be good.

9.) 26 Jul 2022 17:20:30
Laurie Ellis has a fantastic reputation as a coach.

10.) 26 Jul 2022 17:21:40
Jacobs is, was mentored by Beale.



10 Jun 2022 14:32:17
Rangers have been linked with Aston Villa U-21 striker Cameron Archer.

talkSPORT say the Ibrox club have joined Middlesbrough and Watford in the hunt for the forward.

Archer spent the second half of last season on-loan with Preston North End, scoring seven times in 20 appearances.

I've never heard of this player before reading the above this morning. Has anyone else?


1.) 10 Jun 2022 21:27:47
Archer scores a double for England U21s v Kosovo.

2.) 10 Jun 2022 21:37:32
Cameron archer scored two for under 21 tonight.

3.) 10 Jun 2022 21:38:03
He scored for England u21 and has good potential I'd have him the problem is unless we can find a position right or left no1 will replace Alfie whilst he's still at the club.

4.) 10 Jun 2022 21:50:39
This boy is an excellent player I'm sure he scored a hat trick for Villa in a Carling Cup game 1st part of season before going to Preston on loan scored decent amount at a bang average Preston team would be a very goodsquad player to rotate with volume if games we will have would easily score goals up here if played on a regular basis even off bench like a young Tammy Abraham who was a success at a good few of his loans before getting chance.




1872BLUE's banter posts with other poster's replies to 1872BLUE's banter posts


02 Feb 2024 06:52:41
I heard last night on Rangers Review that our Europa League squad changes had to be submitted by midnight last night.

Does anyone have any insights as to the changes? I’m guessing Ridvan, Balogun and one of Silva, Diomande or Cortes will be in. If 2 of the new boys have shown up well, maybe Balogun will remain out as we’re pretty well covered at CH.

Outs will be Lammers, Danilo and Cifuentes, although Roofe and Dowell could be others to the lis

It’s a real puzzle for our manager.


1.) 02 Feb 2024 07:16:18
It's not Europa submission is today.

2.) 02 Feb 2024 07:19:50
1872 dowell won’t be an out S not in squad.

3.) 02 Feb 2024 07:19:56
Ooops, in typical numpty style, I fat-fingered the submit button before I finished fixing the fat-fingered typos I made ?.

*Dowell and Roofe are others who could be on the list to be swapped out.

4.) 02 Feb 2024 08:14:25
Oh aye, that rings a bell John. ??.

5.) 02 Feb 2024 08:15:01
Cheers Fork ??.

6.) 02 Feb 2024 08:32:16
Imo pointless puting Balogun in. He can't manage 3 games in a week i'd keep him for league.


Barasic/ sterling and Souttar are there for europe instead of balogun and ridvan. I don't like barasic but i'd rather have better attacking options in than using a change for left back.

7.) 02 Feb 2024 08:49:14
Good solid defender and pace for an older player, not better to have than have not, understand you thinking though.

8.) 02 Feb 2024 09:05:00
Ridvan top priority, 3 forward players are nice to have. I’d like all 3 but simply can’t with Ridvan being needed. If BB is set to leave, Ridvan must be given priority for game time. (Assuming form of Ridvan isn’t poor) .

Plus to say we should sign up to playing Europa with 1 left back who’s had his injuries is bonkers.

9.) 02 Feb 2024 09:44:57
Understood Dado and I see where you’re coming from. However, PC felt that the Europa squad was imbalanced and not adding a left sided defender or two would see this imbalance continue.

Thanks for the responses.



20 Jan 2024 17:06:53
Well, the DR is now reporting that Rangers are expected to test Hearts’ resolve this month by making a bid for Larry Shanks. From what reputable source does this transfer bombshell come? Tam McManus no less.


1.) 20 Jan 2024 19:14:05
Why have we not offered him a pre contract yet if we really wanted him then offer hearts to take him now.

2.) 20 Jan 2024 20:11:06
I have been told off a former rangers player Shankland will sign next week.

3.) 20 Jan 2024 21:53:25
No pre contract until 6 month left on current contract Davie mate.



08 Dec 2023 15:28:34
Does anyone know if DK19 is ok? I’m fair worried about him. I phoned the polis and the hospitals and the vets but nobody knows if he is ok or not. Please help.




07 Dec 2023 14:22:59
Does anyone know the logic behind only the full backs taking corners? I thought it was because PC prefers outswingers but now that I think about it, I think Sterling took one at the end last night and that one would have swung in?

The only thing I can think of is that it is to ensure the full backs are able to get back into position quickly for defensive cover in transitions? Can anyone educate me please?


1.) 07 Dec 2023 15:02:22
Not sure but the young Hearts fullback ( Cochrane? ) was doing a Tav last night taking corners from both sides and adding long throws to his repertoire!

2.) 07 Dec 2023 15:16:32
1872 - Our corners this season have been terrible to say the least - we played a daft short one last night and within 5 secs nearly lost a goal at other end - why waste putting our big lads up and not trying to find them - don't get constant outswingers either as Jam Tart fired in some inswingers last night and caused all sorts of panic in our box - we need to mix up the set pieces as we don't benefit enough from these imo.

3.) 07 Dec 2023 15:35:37
Think they are just the best crossers of the ball we have to be fair.

Not to say there isn't a tactical reason in there somewhere.

4.) 07 Dec 2023 16:03:22
1872 the outswinging corners and free kicks is a pet hate for me too we probably have worst numbers for goals from corners yet we keep doing same thing over and over Tav to goldson attempt everytime it's pathetic when's last time anyone remembers goldson scoring header from corner.

5.) 07 Dec 2023 16:04:08
At least in swingers chance of OG or dropping to a forward just need to try keep it away from keeper.

6.) 07 Dec 2023 17:13:25
Left footer right side right footer right side

See it all the time with other teams.
The other thing that drives me nut is Tav insisting on taking all throw ins slows up our play.

7.) 07 Dec 2023 17:14:42
I said it last week and last night mate. When PC came in it was all in swingers. Now it's all out swingers! When was the last time we scored from a corner?

8.) 07 Dec 2023 17:24:35
Right footer left side lol.

9.) 07 Dec 2023 18:02:39
Thanks all. I can’t figure out why no inswingers either and I would have thought Cantwell, for example, would have been a better crosser than Ridvan or Sterling. If the same player took them all (which probably wouldn’t happen because it would be too predictable), you’d get a nice mix of i swingers and outswingers.

I think we should get in a set-piece coach, like Culshaw or Austin MacPhee (even on a part-time basis) and I also wonder if a specialist strikers coach would make a huge difference. I remember Aberdeen brought in such a coach from England to work under Stephen Glass and he was really highly regarded by Harry Kane amongst others. Both these coaches would be worth the wages if they added goals to our team.

10.) 07 Dec 2023 19:11:44
Probably because Barisic and Tav are our best dead ball takers and crossers even in open play. Don`t know if he`s done it under Clement but I`ve seen Cantwell taking corners and Davies did it in Cyprus. Apart from that you want your big centre halves in the box along with your strikers and any other big guys in your team.

11.) 07 Dec 2023 20:30:13
All this talk of crossers and swingers I was wondering what site I was on.

12.) 07 Dec 2023 20:44:34
I think the last corner we scored from was cantwell that took it or it’s not fair of being the last one.

13.) 08 Dec 2023 00:08:20
James "it's my baw" tavernier.

14.) 08 Dec 2023 08:39:21
Let's be honest, opposition must lap it up when we get corners or free kicks, we are terrible at both, and have been for a while. (Our defending at corners is just as bad)



06 Dec 2023 21:58:36
PC gave Shankland a big cuddle after the game - didn’t do that to any other Jambo as far as I could see. Interesting…….


1.) 06 Dec 2023 22:04:07
Seen that.

2.) 06 Dec 2023 23:29:30
1872blue saw that and actually wrote the post out then deleted it, thought people would think I was clutching at straws because I would like us to go for him ? probably am but good to know I wasn't alone in my thinking.




1872BLUE's rumour replies


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12 Jun 2024 20:54:19
Really hope so Carlukeloyal - he’d be my top pick this window. Thanks for the info.




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11 Jun 2024 14:38:04
Generic, I agree with your sentiment about needing more Scots. However, Conway is English and qualifies to play for Scotland through his grandfather. I believe he’s spent his career to date in England so there would be no benefit in terms of home-grown status for UEFA competitions.




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01 Jun 2024 13:18:36
Worth £4M IF and only IF he again becomes the player he was before injury. I’d like to see him play again for a few months before pushing the button.




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30 May 2024 18:59:06
Well done Allyg. Booyakasha, as they say.




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29 May 2024 14:31:37
Your info has been good and appreciated as always John, you just cannot legislate for deals collapsing. Doesn’t mean you weren’t right.





1872BLUE's banter replies


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25 Jun 2024 20:40:32
Hey TJBB, the reality is that if we don’t give them £6m somebody else will. I guess the benefit is that if we give them £6m, we get a decent player for the cash and if somebody else gives them £6m, we get nothing and the sheep still get the cash.




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23 Jun 2024 15:13:43
Well said wsl.




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23 Jun 2024 13:42:40
I am flabbergasted that this pill is so close - I expected 90%+ to say No - Bennet should stay. It’s like turkeys voting for Christmas.




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23 Jun 2024 11:58:06
I would definitely keep John Bennett. It would be a ridiculous knee jerk reaction and a big mistake to get rid of him. I have no doubt he has the club’s best interests at heart and this season he should be able to dedicate far more time to our cause than he did previously.




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17 Jun 2024 18:29:44
Fork, I genuinely value your opinions. Each of us will have our own unique views and I appreciate the points made. by all genuine Gers fans, of which you are definitely one. Chin up pal and please keep posting.




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