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To Jfm63's last 5 banter replies


Jfm63's rumours posts with other poster's replies to Jfm63's rumours posts


01 Feb 2024 20:28:20
Si Devine not away on loan to Kilmarnock he's away to Motherwell.


1.) 01 Feb 2024 21:00:55
Transfer Scotland saying rangers offficials still working on a deal right up to last min for striker ?

I’d be delighted even if it was just a back up.

2.) 01 Feb 2024 21:17:22
Everyone tweeting our business is done. Transfer Scotland know ef all mate.

3.) 01 Feb 2024 22:42:58
Was just reporting what I seen Ned didn’t say they knew or not think everyone can see from posts over last few days that nobody was in the know and rangers kept things to themselves well.




Jfm63's banter posts with other poster's replies to Jfm63's banter posts


22 Jul 2024 10:15:59
I see the daily rag running the Connor Goldson to Aris story today. They have used the same picture of the guy with the SUPREME hoodie on that was on here yesterday. Some people still say that the media don't come on here for stories.
I think their article today speaks for itself in that respect.


1.) 22 Jul 2024 10:31:14
Yes Jfm that puts it to bed once and for all.

Also t the lad that posted the pic of Goldson I’d be contacting the papers and asking for money from the picture they have used.

Maybe Ed can advise, or anyone for that matter, would/ could the poster be able to get paid for the papers using his picture.

2.) 22 Jul 2024 10:55:01
I’m sure they do come on here but I’d bet more that they took that picture from twitter where it’s floating about. The guy who’s been on RR a couple times who knows Cypriot football has said there may be something in the rumour and that Aris can comfortably afford his wages if they wanted to.

3.) 22 Jul 2024 11:03:59
Jfm definitely scroll scroll on hear.

They will be running story ry About sagi soon.

4.) 22 Jul 2024 11:31:24
Stevie it was a policeman that took the pic according to the poster so he ain’t getting paid for it.

5.) 22 Jul 2024 12:12:53
David, I've been going to Cyprus twice a year for about ten year now. I always speak to the locals who are all football daft and in the last few years more and more have been telling me about rich Russians buying up 3 or 4 teams, while the top teams (for Cyprus) seem to be struggling financially these other smaller teams are spending way beyond there means. Anyone that holidays in Cyprus would know this as the locals are fuming about it. I honestly don't think they could afford goldson that's not what I'm getting at, just passing on knowledge locals have told me. So many Businesses in Cyprus also owned by Russian's. Cyprus played a huge role moving billions of dirty money even before Russia attacked Ukraine but even more so after. There is money floating around, but not the kind goldson is on, I don't think.

6.) 22 Jul 2024 12:15:25
Lazy journalism.

7.) 22 jul 2024 16:21:00
no, is the answer, he put it all over the tinteworld, and hiw many others saw goldson at the airport, , it diesnt quite work that way stevie, unless you cath goldson in bed with a donkey at 3am, , walter, m get a grip man, ,



18 Apr 2024 07:39:52
Getting away from how bad we were for a moment because it's painful, how bad was bernardo silvas penalty last night.


1.) 18 Apr 2024 08:07:33
Who cares?!

2.) 18 Apr 2024 08:10:59
Occasion got to him. having to wait for the ball from the crowd he had too long to think.

3.) 18 apr 2024 09:24:23
really, mate i'm gobsmacked.



15 Apr 2024 07:30:27
There was much wailing and moaning and gnashing of teeth. Dreadful lack of effort and performance yesterday. At least it gave the I told you so posters the chance to revel in their brilliance. What yesterday shows across the leagues is that there is no such thing as an easy game when teams near the bottom are fighting to stay in the league. Just ask Jurgen klopp and Arteta.

We hopefully have 8 games left this season and time to stop the finger pointing and get behind the team. Will we win all 8, it seems unlikely and we all know it's the hope that kills us but hope we must.


1.) 15 Apr 2024 08:54:12
We had a poor day, but hats off to Ross county who were magnificent. We failed to take our chances and it cost us. The league is still in our own destiny, we now need 6 great results.

2.) 15 Apr 2024 09:02:38
Honestly, these types of posts actually frustrate me more than yesterday’s performance and every big game performance by the same set of senior players over the last 3 or so years.

Rather than come on and accept that you’ve been wrong your now trying to spin this on a group of fans basking in our teams failure? Are you serious, in your opinion this is the best strategy for you right now? Have a go at frustrated fans and take a moral high ground that your a better fan?

Honestly, while you are initialed to your own opinion this type of attitude is part of the problem and why we’re destined to fail.

Please don’t have a go at a group of realistic fans who have had enough failure from that team and don’t think your a better fan because your heads buried in the sand.

3.) 15 Apr 2024 09:05:00
We need 6 great results - but won't get them. This team and certain elements within it have proven time and time again that they can't handle pressure or roll the sleeves up when needed.

4.) 15 Apr 2024 09:09:46
Bizz. Ross C, missed a hat load of good chances as well mate, hate to say it but I think we got off light.

5.) 15 Apr 2024 09:16:55
Or it could just be that we have too many prima donnas that think they are better than they are.
Everyone wants to get behind the team but when players are not even trying, (and I will highlight Lundstrum in the last two games), they really don't deserve our support.
As for the manager blaming the Dundee debacle, what kind of players do we have these days. In the past days, days when we had players that fought for the jersey, they would have played in mud, travelled anywhere and been back on the Saturday for another game.
We seem to have an unenviable ability these days to sign cowardly losers that don't know what it means to play for rangers.

6.) 15 Apr 2024 09:25:09
Never said I'm a better fan dado.

7.) 15 Apr 2024 09:27:50
Exactly Dado! That was a terrible post, Jfm, truly awful.

8.) 15 Apr 2024 09:29:59
The fact your saying hats off to Ross County says it all, we got humiliated by the team 2nd bottom of the league who is most likely going to go in a play off game to stay in the league.

9.) 15 Apr 2024 09:58:14
Was it rtr, I didn't come on yesterday because I knew what it would be like. We were dreadful and I said so, some of the posts after the game were verging on hysteria.
The I would drop the whole lot of them, replace them with who, the I would drop tav and bb, do people think Sterling can play both rb and lb at the same time.
As Dado said I am entitled to my opinion, and before you say I am comparing Liverpool to rangers I am not, simply the situation, Liverpool despite their riches and a manager who I think is one of the best list to a team fighting to get out of the relegation fight.
Arsenal list to a team trying to secure a cl spot.
Ross County deserved their win they are fighting hard to avoid the play off and could now overtake st Johnstone.
I too was shocked by the lack of effort and performance yesterday, but will I come on and vilify individual players, no I won't, I'll leave that to the usual suspects.

10.) 15 Apr 2024 10:58:31
People are entitled to have a go at players not at their best JFM, we all invest in our club in many different ways, too many not interested yesterday imo, think a few will be going too.

11.) 15 apr 2024 11:10:37
at least 7 deserve to be villified, I've never sdeen such an abject defence, they didn't even look like football players, and the cf is just a joke, sadly.

12.) 15 Apr 2024 11:38:26
Jfm, that's some post mate. Just because we called it as it is, we are revelling in our brilliance? My heart is breaking every bit as much as yours mate, gives me not one bit of pleasure to come on here with these posts, would rather be apologising to you guys that I got it wrong. Come on mate we are all hurting. We are no less fans because we call it how we see it.

13.) 15 Apr 2024 11:39:48
Good post Jfm, too many I told you so types on here, think they would take rangers getting beat every time if they can be proved right.

Beat Dumdee and we are a point behind, we are still in a title fight without doubt.

14.) 15 Apr 2024 11:52:28
Bb3 show one place where I said you or anybody else is a lesser fan.

15.) 15 Apr 2024 12:12:21
Bb3 I actually consider myself as a lesser fan, I've not hidden the fact tgat I can o longer go to games and haven't been able to for the last two years. I genuinely feel for those that continue to pay for their football. I have said on the discussion posts page that I will never give the other lot the satisfaction of seeing me trading into our players. Bad enough they are gloating over the result without giving them the added pleasure of that type of post. Just as our posters look at their site they look at ours.

16.) 15 Apr 2024 12:17:57
Id put my mortgage on ross county losing their very next league match.

They smelt blood due because they knew they could attack a weak defence who were wide open, and a postman up front trying to put a something through the letterbox with his teeth. that's what its like watching him trying to score.
Instead of demoralising them we gave them hope at every turn. This was not a spectacular performance from RC. But it was the beginning of the end for a lot of our squad.

17.) 15 Apr 2024 12:35:10
Jfm, I never said you said it mate, was just pointing it out that's all. You'll never in my eyes be any less of a fan because you don't go to games mate.
Tommygunn, worst post I've ever seen you know nothing about me to know how much I'm hurting right now, but yeah would want to go through years of hurt just to be right, absolute nonsense from you. You have supporters who blindly follow, supporters who call it as they see it, the latter gets vilified for thinking/ seeing things differently why?

18.) 15 Apr 2024 18:17:56
Hats off to Ross County!
That result was god awful, embarrassing call it what you will, we are going for a league supposedly and a team who struggle to stay in the league outplayed us and had more effort and heart.

Sorry Bizzmy there are defeats but that type of defeat should never be accepted.
The only positive might be is that it shows that a clearout is needed and these players stop thinking they are better than they are.



26 Mar 2024 07:28:52
I see someone has objected to Scott Arfields renewed application for planning permission to open a bar on copland Road stating it is a family area, makes you laugh, the premises in question was a bookies, not sure how that would have benefited a "family area".
They have also said that there are flats above the proposed pub, they need to take a walk around Glasgow and they will see how many pubs have flats above them. I await the council decision with interest.


1.) 26 Mar 2024 08:05:47
Jfm, everything I'm reading lately seems to be anti Rangers.

2.) 26 Mar 2024 10:25:58
Not sure how objecting to a pub is anti rangers.

3.) 26 Mar 2024 10:41:10
C'mon guys, please refrain from this tin foil hat conspiracy stuff. That sort of thinking belongs in the East End.

4.) 26 Mar 2024 10:46:07
Id say glasgow council are more anti business and entertainment than simply anti rangers. The snp government and councils want Scotland to look more like east Germany. No to business, investment and free speech. Soon they will start shooting those trying to leave ?????.

5.) 26 Mar 2024 11:52:59
Never said anything about conspiracy rtr. Just commenting on a story that I read on Google and the objections raised.

6.) 26 Mar 2024 12:07:05
Rtr u r 100 % correct.

It’s worthy of note that the council granted licences for all hospitality in the stadium
For EH
For the new sports bar in the old Rangers shop
Tents for old firm game.

Not withstanding the louden bar has an licence which covers an extensive beer garden,
Masonic next to proposed new pub

Wee rangers club

Couple bowling greens which fans can use on match days

Mb there is an over provision, however it’s for rangers to satisfy the objections.

7.) 26 Mar 2024 13:53:14
Sorry arfield.

8.) 26 Mar 2024 15:08:52

Copland Road ain't exactly family area, but any objection can't simply be two word 'no thanks'. Objections have to be carefully worded letter highlighting areas of possible negotiation. And LBH Copland Road ain't exactly area natural beauty. Planners are weirdos, but if existing building, any moans are dead, and even more so, if existing empty building, planners will be usurped by DOF thinking new employment oppos.

9.) 26 Mar 2024 15:28:15
Bit severe MBW, l actually think the Copland Road area is a tourist attraction, infact the other day as l was walking down the Copland Road, l met a couple of strangers!

10.) 26 Mar 2024 15:47:46
Like I said the objections raised were the flats above and it being a family area. The previous occupants were a bookmakers which doesn't fit with the family area argument. Take a walk down Dumbarton Road and just about every pub, has flats above them.
He was already denied permission and has addressed the areas he was denied on and has re applied.
Nothing to do with conspiracy I just thought because it was Scott Arfield and copland Road some on here would have been interested in the article.

11.) 26 Mar 2024 17:00:20
I hope and pray scotty arfield receives the permission to own his own bar on the copland road ? He's a cracking fella that i've always had time for and a big mate of mine knows him well from the dechmont/ broxburn area ?I've met scotty arfield myself through my mate and he's a very good, very witty fella who loves the rangers and our supporters, unlike his brother who is a big supporter of that other mob.

12.) 26 Mar 2024 17:40:47
Jfm, don't think the tin foil hat thing was aimed at you mate.
Rtr/ John totally agree, seems every time I look at the site last few weeks, it's been conspiracy against rangers, we slaughter that lot for it leave that stuff to them it's there favourite past time.

13.) 26 Mar 2024 17:56:54

14.) 26 Mar 2024 18:43:29
You are correct bb3, it was the same when the dundee game got cancelled.

15.) 26 Mar 2024 21:55:18
Boy blue on the button.

16.) 27 Mar 2024 11:19:41
guys licencing act demand the council to consider the impact of premises in the community. consideration of how many premises that already exist in the general area. so scotty could do everything desired for those premises to satisfy objections and still be refused simply on the basis that the council consider that there are already enough similar premises in the close proximity.



16 Mar 2024 14:55:59
Don't know if anybody watched Wolves v Coventry. What a great game of footie and a well deserved win for Coventry.


1.) 16 Mar 2024 15:51:21
Jfm, some finish to the game.

2.) 16 Mar 2024 15:54:04
Seen bits of it, don’t know how the wolves boy stayed on the pitch with a high footed challenge.

3.) 16 Mar 2024 16:05:04
Brilliant game jfm, I'll watch 3rd 4th division footy if its on jfm, my poor missus is starting to know players and teams as it's on that much.

4.) 16 Mar 2024 16:05:50
Thought that ex hearts striker simms done well.

5.) 16 Mar 2024 16:38:26
2 ex targets scoring for coventry i see.

6.) 16 Mar 2024 17:52:36
I noticed that Paul86.

7.) 16 Mar 2024 19:45:58
king and ulster i liked him when he was with hearts. Wiuld have taken him not a problem.




Jfm63's rumour replies


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25 Jul 2024 22:14:55
My dad's been dead 26 years so he probably is.




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25 Jul 2024 21:00:47
Gaz your so full of bull you must've slept in a field with your fanny in the air.




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25 Jul 2024 20:48:20
Gaz your comment re my health is as pathetic as your rumours. I'm not looking for sympathy. Several posters asked after me and I let them know my situation. To have a go at somebody in I'll health just sums you up.




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25 Jul 2024 20:14:36
It was Tavs wife.




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10 Jul 2024 14:33:42
Wow somebody he didn't know was staying at a hotel. There are lots of people staying in hotels that I don't know. I wouldn't come on here telling everybody a source told me so.
He claimed to have broken the Silva news.
Claimed shankland and doig were coming and Ridvan was away. All from the same source that told him about a guy he didn't know.
Good for a laugh if nothing else.





Jfm63's banter replies


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25 Jul 2024 17:21:53
Couldn't see him for all that hair.




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23 Jul 2024 19:31:27
So is every player that's up for sale, maybe you think they'll all be here next season.
Pretty sure you said last year that shankland was 100% our top striker target.




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16 Jul 2024 14:56:33
I just saw on national news that Gazgers called other fans on here moonhowlers. Someone must have carried it to the press.




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16 Jul 2024 14:53:28
Don't believe a thing regarding transfers in the media. If they were all true we'd have a first team squad of about 60.




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16 Jul 2024 10:15:34
Kaiser a free isn't actually free. There will be a signing on fee which can be substantial.
So let's just give our players away for nothing and pay a signing on fee for a replacement.




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