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AMATO89's rumours posts with other poster's replies to AMATO89's rumours posts


29 May 2024 22:11:09
Have we signed jefte or just in talks with him?


1.) 29 May 2024 22:35:49
He's a rangers player, mate.

2.) 29 May 2024 22:45:31
Signed, but can't officially be registered until the window opens.

3.) 30 May 2024 06:03:22
Been all over Rangers social media of him in a Rangers top, interviews etc but yeah we haven't signed him yet ?.

4.) 30 May 2024 12:10:15
scot I've not got any social media only our rumours i don't fancy posting photos of my dinner or pouting my lips or flexing my mussles on media.

5.) 30 May 2024 13:56:53
I'm the same Amato, I don't participate in the social media experiment.

6.) 30 May 2024 14:25:51
I’m guessing we have signed him, otherwise we wouldn’t parade him.

You can sign a player anytime you like. You just can’t register them until window opens, but they are still officially your player once the contract is signed.

7.) 30 May 2024 14:50:55
Why would you flex seafood on social media ??.

8.) 30 May 2024 18:00:36
Dont think you need social media tbh, just type in Jefte to Google and it there instantly, easier to do that than ask on here surely.




AMATO89's banter posts with other poster's replies to AMATO89's banter posts


03 Jul 2024 18:45:49
Any maybes aye maybes naw players joining this week.


1.) 03 Jul 2024 20:28:33
Maybe ate maybe naw.

2.) 04 Jul 2024 02:58:18
Get big Harry Souttar in, ?.



16 May 2024 10:59:26
I honestly think P Cneeds to be brought to task for ahreeing to bring in Silva paying his wages suerly coulda been better spent bringing in the dons striker or shanks in jan its his fault and the boards faults were 2nd mean zilth P C was just too cocky another coach that under estimated celtic and scottish football i'd bring in Mcginnes now before its too late.


1.) 16 May 2024 12:46:33
Amato, it’s been stated many times there was no money to spend in Jan. Shankland and Miovski would have been too much. And not one person would turn down a 35m rated player if you are offered him on loan.

2.) 16 May 2024 13:02:23
Absolute p*sh! How is it Clements fault? When he came in he basically warned that this season was pretty much a right off and that he was looking to prepare and build for next season, the fact we won the league cup, got to the last 16 in Europa, are in the Scottish cup final and at one point had the chance to win the league were all probably more than Clement (and let’s face it most of us) were expecting when he first came in.
How on earth was he being cocky?!? Oh and in regards to ‘why we didn’t buy Shankland or Mirovski. Clement has clearly stated numerous times that we had no money to spend up front in January on signings. So we only had the options of loans or possibly loan to buys in the summer. Don’t really see Hearts or Aberdeen having agreed to that.
Your post is just nonsense.

3.) 16 May 2024 13:19:47
We couldn’t buy in January.

4.) 16 May 2024 14:17:22
Amato can you explain to everyone how we buy shanks in jan with no money? I would love to know.

5.) 16 May 2024 14:39:50
Nearly everyone on here creamed their pants at the thought of getting a £35 million rated player on loan. ?‍♀️
Now it's we should have splashed the Monopoly money ( well we didn't have any real money in January ) on a player that Hearts considered their top asset and would never let leave on the cheap.



18 Apr 2024 09:13:36
Did PC change our formation is this why our form has went down hill sterling should be in midfeild we play better with him in there don't no why PC stopped playing him there.


1.) 18 Apr 2024 10:17:41
He stopped playing him there because Ridvan is injured and Borna is worse than a man down.

I sympathise with PC to a degree. There’s no way he continually rolls Lundstram, Goldson, Dessers etc out if he had other options available. Those 3 were in decent form about a month ago but all 3 look extremely leggy, not sure they’ve been afforded much chance to rest, especially Goldson and Lundstram. Our injury/ fitness issues are coming back to haunt us.

That said, you’d like to think even with all of that, we would still be able to beat Ross County and Dundee.

2.) 18 Apr 2024 10:21:39
Unfortunately no real option. Yilmaz wasn't fit and Bornas clearly done.

3.) 18 Apr 2024 12:53:01
It was a terrible performance, a said on Monday we wouldn’t win another game this season, mostly in anger but if Rangers were not my team I would be piling onto Hearts on Sunday as our team will struggle to score (cannot even pass forward ) and we could concede a few easily, Clemont flinging everything at it hoping something will stick and nothing is working, my only hope is Ridvan can be back and get Stirling in midfield too stop teams running through us, our best chance of scoring is own goals and pens that’s how feeble we look up top, cannot bring myself to payout on my season ticket at moment and until at least they show me a bit of fight my cash is staying in my pocket.



15 Apr 2024 16:30:24
If it's true that Diamonde was out because of a sore thumb, he's never a gers player. can just imagine bomber brown or Stuart McCall walking into the dressing room and saying to the gaffer, sorry boss can't play today, I've had an Op on my thumb there. Would have been a mass brawl in the dressing room. We need rid of these weaklings in the transfer window.


1.) 15 apr 2024 16:55:20
completely depends on the surgery, you ever had surgery on your thumb, far too risky not to let it heal, one tumble away from agony, no thanks.

2.) 15 Apr 2024 17:02:27
Given the emphasis the manager puts on players being fit I highly doubt Diomande had any say in the matter. If he’s had surgery on his thumb days before it’s hardly a surprise he didn’t play.

3.) 15 apr 2024 17:03:09
and its very unlikely the doc would allow him to play after surgery,

4.) 15 Apr 2024 17:22:23
Pretty sure if you had surgery on your thumb you wouldn’t be at work ?, course he’s not going to be playing!

5.) 15 Apr 2024 17:33:47
I’m not sure what he got, I once got the nerves reattached in my thumb, was in a mini cask for 4 weeks.

It really is some statement without any facts.

6.) 15 Apr 2024 18:05:55
These days it's the docs who say if a player is fit and PC takes his lead from them but he's 1 who would start on Wed for me alongside sterling.

7.) 15 Apr 2024 19:11:58
Got to agree with majority on this thread unfortunately Amato your post is not a good one.

8.) 15 Apr 2024 19:15:47
It doesn’t matter what player it is that team on the park should have won.

9.) 15 Apr 2024 19:32:28
A think the medical team would have to say he can’t play even just for insurance purposes etc, let’s be honest tho he could of played no problem not saying he should of, players play with broken fingers etc all the time even broken wrists some don’t even know they are broke or fractured, anyone remember Gary Linker at the World Cup back on the day.

10.) 15 Apr 2024 20:39:38
Shocking Amato. That’ll take some beating even amongst all the bed wetting in the last 24 hours.



29 Mar 2024 18:05:21
Is Cantwell bk training yet.


1.) 29 Mar 2024 19:37:05
He was back training a few weeks ago and was on the bench v Benfica and i think he might have came on in that game.

2.) 29 Mar 2024 20:10:51
Yeah he played last half an hour against benfica so I’d like to think he’s fully fit now.

3.) 29 Mar 2024 20:14:25
AMATO89, cantwell was back our last game mate ?.

4.) 29 Mar 2024 20:44:32
Been back a few weeks mate.

5.) 29 Mar 2024 20:47:57
He played in our last game. Will start 2moro i would imagine.

6.) 29 Mar 2024 21:24:45
Did he not come on against benfica mate?

7.) 29 Mar 2024 21:53:02
Yes, he says he is in good shape, only players missing are Cortez, Danilo, Ridvan and Jack.




AMATO89's rumour replies


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25 Jul 2024 21:30:28
Danilo all over again.




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23 Jul 2024 08:36:30
Is Rhimani no injured spelling lol.




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03 Jul 2024 17:32:15
Bear in the big blue house.




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01 Jul 2024 19:20:41
Yately investors invest mate.




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27 Jun 2024 18:15:40
how many did lammers score in holland and look how he done for us.





AMATO89's banter replies


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25 Jul 2024 21:34:49
Travel Lodge you mean were skint.




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25 Jul 2024 13:04:27
Nah spring onion.




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25 Jul 2024 09:25:15
The thunder and rains been here for more than 12 years tho.




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25 Jul 2024 08:12:10
100 percent Sunshine PCs beginning to give me the fear.




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24 Jul 2024 11:29:02
Its going to be a long and depressing season any1 seen that mob playing there on fire n b4 any1 says it naw am no a tim i'm 1 of us were bang bang àverage.




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