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26 Aug 2022 21:10:13
is there any more rumours regarding outgoings i. e Katic, Kelly, McCrorie, Zukowski, Roofe and Sakala who have all been linked with a move away recently.


1.) 26 Aug 2022 22:47:03
Mccrorie required for CL.

2.) 26 Aug 2022 23:08:18
Maccabi Haifa have enquired about Katic, not sure if they’ll sign him.

3.) 27 Aug 2022 07:28:46
I heard Kelly wanted to go to Dundee utd but Rangers blocked the move.

4.) 27 Aug 2022 08:57:47
Sweep not true, we have told him to move on so we ain’t blocking moves, only one offer from Scotland, which is hearts.
From a family member.

5.) 27 Aug 2022 09:19:18
Again only what I've heard before all the "sweep1 you only speak negative about Rangers brigade come out" thanks for the reply John26.

6.) 27 Aug 2022 22:42:12
Been reading there's a Polish team in for zukowski.

7.) 28 Aug 2022 12:22:50
I saw that gvb, wonder if a loan or we sell, he cost us 500k.



29 Jul 2022 10:46:46
Any further info on players leaving? I read somewhere this morning we had accepted a bid from Dundee Utd for Middleton. Also any further rumours about additional incoming?





Coisty83's banter posts with other poster's replies to Coisty83's banter posts


21 Jun 2024 23:26:50
Budanaukas in the B team is now 22 and no longer counts as a B list player for Europe.

Is this lad any good and is he fighting it out with wright for 3rd choice next season or will they both likely be moved on and another lad promoted to third?

Also what's everyone's thoughts on King, Devine and Lowery? last 2 contracts are up next summer, is it worth offering as part of a deal for Miller or Watson.


1.) 22 Jun 2024 00:08:04
If we could give all three and cash for Lennon that would be great but not sure if it could happen - don’t really see any of those players being good enough for us moving forward - good players for Motherwell though - plus would throw in mcrorie ??????.

2.) 22 Jun 2024 00:58:36
All above players mentioned won't make it at rangers but we need a squad and also homegrown quota comes into play so I reckon if someone comes in with an offer then they would move on otherwise probably see out their deals.

3.) 22 Jun 2024 08:16:41
I had high hopes for King but as we seen at the end of the season he’s not good enough just now. Perhaps if he had 100 games under his belt it might be different but I’m struggling to see him getting in the team this season.

4.) 22 Jun 2024 10:35:39
Don’t think king will make a cb at rangers unfortunately and would say he now needs games if he’s to develop. Devine I think jury is out, needs games. Lowry probably needs a kick up the arse and a run of games somewhere.

5.) 22 Jun 2024 10:39:46
If they haven't broken into the first team and getting minutes by the time they are in their 20's then there is something wrong with our development process imo.

6.) 22 Jun 2024 12:32:35
This Lowry debacle has gone on long enough. Move him on now. The other 2 aren’t what’s required moving forward either.

7.) 22 Jun 2024 13:09:12
Devine looked good when he played under Beale, don`t know what gone wrong since then . King looks as if he needs games, he was pretty poor in the last couple of games but he hadn`t started a game for over a year, so a loan may work for him. Lowry is a talent, I would hope that Clement makes it clear what is required during pre season, if he does it we`ve got a player, if not he will be gone. The goalie situation is interesting, personally I can`t understand why Wright is still there, he`s the new Firth, I would think Hogarth would be next in line to be home grown back up and Munn looks outstanding though a bit younger.

8.) 22 Jun 2024 13:17:58
The lads need to go out and play football. The matches I seen Devine play last year for Motherwell, he was a standout. Another season like that and we bring him back for the 1st team.

King and Lowery need to do the same. Not a hearts where they are squad players. Go to a team where they are regulars.

9.) 22 Jun 2024 13:26:02
Still think the Champions League was a chastening experience for King, think it set him back tbh.

10.) 22 Jun 2024 13:56:57
Move him onto who if no one comes in for him Captain Tav, his loan period was cut short by Hearts due to issues so that won’t make it easy, I gather he’s on a decent salary aswell. Not easy just moving players on.

11.) 22 Jun 2024 15:58:52
Zikos Lowry went to Hearts to play make no mistake about that, Not all about ability why he didn’t feature a lot for them.

12.) 22 Jun 2024 18:02:04
Does he have a lifetime contract like?



04 Jun 2024 23:21:13
With such a big rebuild required, additional funds needed to invest in every area of the squad, and with most people saying they would be happy with Dessers as a back up but not main striker.
My question is this, can we afford to have a player who cost around £4m + and is a top earner (heard around £27k) as a back up?
After the goals he's scored this season, his stock should be decent enough to maybe get money back, should we cash in now and re invest the fee and wages back into squad?


1.) 05 Jun 2024 01:04:58
We will have Danilo dessers and hopefully sima plus another striker to be successful we need goals it's a position that we can't afford to be light in.

2.) 05 Jun 2024 01:23:59
I would sell Dessers all day. Not having a dig at you Coisty but why do a lot of our fans always undervalue players? We should be asking for more than we payed for Dessers if we do sell. We bought him for 4.5m apparently and he had about less than 10 goals to his name in the previous season. Why can we not ask for 6 or 7 million based on his “stats” since that’s what everyone goes on nowadays?
Same goes for Lammers. We should be looking to make a profit.

3.) 05 Jun 2024 06:34:24
Does anyone know if belgian striker batshuyai is available and out of contract ?He would score a barrowload of goals for us in scottish football imo ?.

4.) 05 Jun 2024 07:43:30
If we get a good offer for dessers I would sell but a hell of a lot of fans think he is rotten so why would another club buy?

5.) 05 Jun 2024 07:43:51
He would coops but wages would be a problem IMO.

6.) 05 Jun 2024 08:01:04
Walter I've no idea, but we couldn't afford his wages if he was.

7.) 05 Jun 2024 08:04:51
I can't see us spending big on a striker when we have Danilo coming back.

8.) 05 Jun 2024 08:55:46
Depends how much another decent backup would cost. Unless we made a decent profit then I'd keep him. A new main ST, then Dessers and Danilo can rotate/ battle it out.

9.) 05 Jun 2024 09:02:24
There’s no one in our current squad that wouldn’t be sold if a decent offer is made, who in our team is indispensable? Sadly we have a team lacking in any real heroes, hopefully we bring a couple in this summer.

10.) 05 Jun 2024 09:06:04
Blue89, a year older mate and has scored goals in a lower league than the one you’re comparing to. I’d be hopefully for money back but tbh, I’d keep him. We overplayed him with lack of options but we do need 3 good strikers in the squad at least.

11.) 05 Jun 2024 10:29:01
Coisty we just had three years roofe, Jack helander being back ups.

12.) 05 Jun 2024 10:35:57
I would sell all day long, the problem is who would buy him? Might have to put him on loan like Lammers.

13.) 05 Jun 2024 13:33:55
Sell sell sell.
Sign 2 strikers and Danilo.



24 May 2024 17:58:24
Whats happening with Cifuentes, is he not on loan and due back in the summer aswell? Not heard him mentioned much by anyone when talking about players that need to be moved on etc.


1.) 24 May 2024 18:29:15
1 year loan with either option or obligation to buy. Don’t think we’re expecting him back.

2.) 24 May 2024 18:44:03
Not back till December I think?

3.) 24 May 2024 19:21:28
Still trying to get 100% fit i believe.

4.) 24 May 2024 19:42:22
I don't want him back. hopefully we can sort some kind of deal out.



01 Jul 2023 17:58:20
I have to say i think this transfer window is going fantastic so far. the business we have done by the 1st of July is remarkable, whilst some teams have barely started.
if we get the rumored deals of Trusty, Dessers, Cifuentes and Danilo then we won't be far away from the squad beale is wanting for the 23/ 24 season.
now the its the 1st of july we should start to see players moving out and i think we could finish this window without spending a fortune once the sales balance it out.
looking forward to seeing what the next 2 weeks bring, i think most of our incoming business will be done by then.




13 Jun 2023 17:55:33
Does Zukowski, Mayo, McPake and Williamson who are returning from loan all go to B-team or main squad due to age?
if they are in the main squad that's us currently sitting at a squad of 33.
add in the expected arrivals of Dessers, Maja, Panzo, Lammers, Cifuentes and most likely whittiker that's 39.
beale has said he wants a smaller squad, ideally 2 for each position with extra GK, DC, number 10 and striker that's roughly squad of around 26 maybe 27 with steven davies.
are we going to be able to sell approx 13 players this window?
not many been linked with sales.
is their any rumours about anyone other than kamara?


1.) 13 Jun 2023 18:53:51
None of them good enough.

2.) 13 Jun 2023 19:19:33
They will be moved on when window opens tomorrow.

3.) 13 Jun 2023 19:35:56
These guys will all be released in some way, no sales yet as the transfer window isn`t actually open. We are doing business early because we have an early start with CL qualifiers but other clubs will wait until later in the window to buy players.

4.) 13 Jun 2023 20:11:44
going to be an interesting and exciting window. i see Everton have offered Tom Davies a new contract, would have been a good bit of business if we could have got him on a free contract.

The chat on Coco from Nantes has went cold also, his contract up at the end of the month.

would like to see Barisic moved on, can't go another season with him and Tav as fullbacks both over 30 now. if Yilmaz is staying then Borna needs to move.

5.) 14 Jun 2023 09:49:26
Coisty83 james tavernier won't be going anywhere soon my friend ?.




Coisty83's rumour replies


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16 Jun 2024 15:47:36
Saw had a bid of £1.5M accepted. Wonder if he is seen as a 3rd choice, if that's the case and keeping Dessers that's probably our 3 strikers going in tonext season with lovelace backing up.




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07 Jun 2024 19:47:31
Lowery plus cash to motherwell for Miller, maybe devine back on loan aswell ?

Yfeko, he's 21 this month so if PC not seriously considering him and going to give hime game time then i'd sell and add in a decent sell on %.

Wright plus cash to killie for Watson. Maybe king on loan.




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04 Jun 2024 23:24:19
If he's not interested then we move on, plenty of buisness to be done and club already proved with Cordoba that they will not be held to Ransom.




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29 May 2024 00:09:23
Window isn't even open yet so plenty of time for someone to come in, there will be a lot of teams currently assessing their squads to see what they need for next season.

Jack i can't see getting another year, it is his time to move on.

As much as we would all like to have a full clear out its not possible to do in 1 window.

We are going to have to be clever in this transfer window. We might have to lose players we don't want to go to help finance it.

I think we will sell at least 3 of the following to help fund the rebuild - Butland, Yilmaz, Dessers, Lammers and Cantwell.




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26 May 2024 16:02:51
Is his contract not up next summer? Sell him now with a sell on clause or a buy back.
Would rather use him as an exchange with Miovski though and just pay the development fee for Barron or give them a player on loan.





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24 Jun 2024 13:23:33
he qualifies for the B-List of players as only need to be U21 and with the club for an uninterupted period of 2 years.

Last season with Lowery, McCausland, Devine, McKinnon and Frazer all being eligible for B list. if they stay, then for the 25/ 26 season they take a spot in the 25 man list.

i might be wrong but was looking into this the other night when trying to work out who currently classes as Homegrown or B list.




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23 Jun 2024 11:40:44
If we go for any of those strikers then there needs to be movement out the door.
I can see Dessers getting moved on.




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22 Jun 2024 13:45:00
Is goldson not highest earner at club on around 37k per week, he needs moved on ASAP. if anyone would take him. Nearly £2m a year in wages could massively be better spent.




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17 Jun 2024 09:18:40
Window only opened on friday calm yourself.




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09 Jun 2024 22:43:07
I think we could eventually end up with all 3.

Garcia and Galdames contracts are up in Dec but i think we will only go for Galdames if we sell Yilmaz as we have Jefte and young Frazer for LB.

I think RRahmani is incoming but i think any other signings will be Free Transfers, Loan to buy or Loans until we start making sales.

Kabadayi fee would most likely be covered by the money owed by Bayern for Tillmans transfer.

Free transfers been mentioned as possible interest on sites are

C. Barron
L. Kelly
B. Johnson
S. Alzate
P. McNair
R. Walters

The Walters or/ and Johnson ones would probably depend on what's happening with Tav.

Would really like us to go for Miller and Watson, and use some players as exchanges or loans to reduce the fees.

Be interesting to see what PCs plan is for Lowery, King and Devine. Is it time to cash in on these guys and make way for the next academy boys. Would like to see more of Rice, Lovelace, McKinnon and Frazer next season.

Wage bill needs to come down also, its going to be a very interesting window.




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