Rangers rumours 26651


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01 Jul 2024 00:46:23
Goldson linked to Birmingham in MSM and it also mentions Igamane and Kabadayi both close to completion.

Regurgitates the info that Tav had offers from Saudi, club willing to hear offers for Cantwell, interest in Dessers from PAOK and Sheffield Wednesday in for Wright.

Agree6 Disagree0

01 Jul 2024 08:18:11
Will be an interesting few days as that’s now the Saudi transfer window open and also all the contracts in England ended yesterday so will be interning to see what free agents we are actually in for like Ben Johnson etc… z.

01 Jul 2024 08:20:21
Please Birmingham (or anyone for that matter) take him off our hands. League one just about the right level and if we can get some money and him off the wages great.

01 Jul 2024 08:34:06
Andy was informed yesterday Saudi opens mid July bud, I thought the same as you mate?.

01 Jul 2024 08:42:05
Has he not built a house in that area, sure someone said that, if true could be ideal for him.

01 Jul 2024 08:50:09
Birmingham would make sense for him. Close to his new home that was built last year.

01 Jul 2024 08:53:44
Andy window opens 17 July in Saudi.

01 Jul 2024 09:11:51
Ah I heard it was meant to be today… oh well looks like we have to wait longer to see if tav is staying etc….

01 Jul 2024 10:17:33
Ben Johnson has signed for Ipswich.

01 Jul 2024 10:17:37
Cut and pasted this morning.

The summer transfer window in the Saudi Pro League opens on July 1. This is after the Premier League's summer window, which opens on June 14. The winter transfer window in the Saudi Pro league opens on January 1. The January transfer window in Premier League will also open on January 1.

01 jul 2024 10:18:22
as much chance of ben johnston as we have of making the cl semi final i think.

01 Jul 2024 10:46:24
Good to see you posting, Jfm. How u feeling mate?

01 Jul 2024 11:15:13
Then Johnson looking like going to Ipswich he is never coming up here.

01 Jul 2024 11:22:55
And I was laughed at a couple of weeks ago for suggesting getting Goldson off the books was going to cost a fortune, are birmingham City going to pay him 37k a week? Not a chance! We will have to pay up his contract! And the same will applyto others who are ob the biggest contracts they are ever going to get! I keep in touch with a lot of lads from my army days and couple of guys from the Midlands say this rumour is rife down there!

01 Jul 2024 11:34:47
Why would we need to pay him Kenny?

01 Jul 2024 11:35:41
Kenny if another club comes in for him on less money so be it. We don't pay up hos contract. he's still got couple years on his contract. They pay the money and he accepts or don't accept terms.

01 Jul 2024 11:40:24
Welcome Jfm63, how you been bud?.

01 Jul 2024 11:47:15
Jfm, could u let sky sports news known,

01 Jul 2024 11:51:34
I didn’t know Birmingham could afford to pay players £30k/ week in League 1. They weren’t even paying guys that in the Championship so why they would be willing to cover a players wages on £30k+/ week is a bit odd.

I suppose Goldson could just decide to walk away from his Rangers contract and go play for a lot less money down South. However, I highly doubt that.

01 Jul 2024 12:05:04

cut and pasted this morning as well ??

Saudi Arabia Jul 17, 2024 Oct 6, 2024 Opens in 16 days.

01 jul 2024 12:11:34
hope you're well, jfm.

01 Jul 2024 12:30:54
Good move for goldson back to his home town to live in the huge house he built for his family last year if true he's defos away I wish him all the best. Generic it's his home town club buddy it's almost as if you want Tav and goldson to stay much like the Celtic fans.

01 Jul 2024 12:37:12
Dado because he has a contract which says he is due 37k a week for the duration, Birmingham will pay 7-8 grand tops, which means Rangers will have to shell out the remaining 30K per week of his contract for the duration to get him off the books. I'm amazed people don't realise this is how it works. That's why it's called a contract, he is legally entitled to it.

01 Jul 2024 12:50:37
Kenny that is nonsense. On loan maybe yes. If permanent deal they buy him from us. His contract is void and he then moves on to birmingham contract.

01 Jul 2024 12:53:07
Why on earth would I do that john. I forgot how much you hate people that disagree with you.
No wonder people don't want to post on, here as often.
I saw a debate about the date it opened and googled it to get the answer. Maybe you should tell Google.
Ssfc and fork, thanks for asking.
I'm finding accepting I've had to leave a job I loved very hard.
Finished last Wednesday and having worked my whole life its hard to take. My knees just aren't up to it anymore and I've had a couple of nasty falls in the last two months.
There's worse off than me out there so I'll just need to adapt.
Won't be posting much but thanks for asking.

01 Jul 2024 13:14:18
Paul86 I don't mean any disrespect but that's just not how it works. He could in theory rip up his contract but who in their right mind would do that! If Rangers want him gone we are going to take a hefty financial hit! Would you move jobs for a 5th of the money when you have a legally binding contract? Of course not! The alternative is he stays for the duration of the contract. One way or another he will get 37k a week for the next 2 years.

01 Jul 2024 13:19:41
Jfm, love it what I’m saying u wish to point out I’m wrong, so r sky, fifa web site, and other posters on her. e.

U stay or get well.

01 Jul 2024 13:23:22
Jfm hope you are well sir. The last paragraph sounded like kemar roofes farewell too!

01 Jul 2024 13:24:58
When you buy a player who is under contract, you agree a fee with the club and then wages with the player . If this involves too big a drop in wages and he doesn`t want to go then he stays and the deal doesn`t happen . Its really quite simple.

01 Jul 2024 13:32:00
Kenny you really need to look at how it works, Birmingham agree to buy him and then they discuss personal terms with the player. It is then on the player whether he accepts these terms or not, if he does we pay him nothing. His contract would then be with Birmingham not us. Hence why they would have to pay a fee.

01 Jul 2024 13:40:00
Keep safe Jfm was nice to hear from you bud, chin up mate stay well??.

01 Jul 2024 13:41:33
John there was several posts saying July 1st, several saying July 17th.
I googled it and that's what came up. I couldn't care less whether you're right or wrong, suggesting I contact sky is your usual silly type of remark to anybody that has a different opinion from you.
It wasn't about you but you obviously believe it was.

01 Jul 2024 13:44:48
Kenny has to be on the wind up surely, nobody can possibly think that if goldson agrees terms on a contract at Birmingham for say 20k a week that means rangers would have to pay him the 10k a week to make it up to 30k a week. got to be a wind up merchant.

01 Jul 2024 13:46:40
Dado I've no idea what you're talking about but at least my physical condition gave you a laugh.

01 Jul 2024 13:48:24
Can see the probs with Saudi Transfer Window, lots of various sites listing different dates, some 1st others 17th, hence the differing on here, easy done?.

01 Jul 2024 13:50:08
Jfm, sorry to hear about your job pal, hopefully you find something to keep you busy. A lot of boys on here always look out for your posts, if your not going to post much then make sure to send us a we post now and then to let us know how you are. I googled that last week got Same info as you mate, which is obviously wrong, but your only posting the info you got no big deal.

01 Jul 2024 13:51:00
Kenny afraid u have got that wrong, if we sell it’s not our job to pay his salary

Tt Johnson was never coming to rangers, we enquired he wanted 60 k a week, end of enquiry.

01 Jul 2024 13:53:19
OK here's how this conversation goes after Rangers agree the transfer to Birmingham City:

Birmingham to Goldson: we can pay you 7K a week

Goldson to Rangers: I have a contract with you for 37k a week, if you want me gone you make up the difference, yes or no?

Then Rangers make the decision of he stays or goes.

This is why it's notoriously hard to get rid of high earners. Anyone who thinks this is not the way it works is in cloud cuckoo land!

01 Jul 2024 13:59:56
Miss Jfm being the grammar polis??.

01 Jul 2024 14:26:36
Kenny if rangers were to accept a bid that is suitable from say Birmingham for goldson then personal terms are down to the player, once we accept a bid it's nothing to do with us what he is offered, the player either accepts or doesn't, we don't have to make up anything towards a player's new contract at a different club, what planet are you on?

01 Jul 2024 14:29:42
Nonsense Kenny! Doesn't work like that at all . In loan deals yes not in a permanent transfer . Why would we pay someone 30k a week for not being with us . And why would we still get a fee? Would it no ge easier just to let then go for free . And get new club to pay a signing on fee?

01 Jul 2024 14:44:43
Kenny no disrespect either but you also have no idea what goes on. I know a few players. And as they get older and towards end or career your wages go down. That is 100% fact. You don't just pay players up there full contract even though there getting paid from there new job ?? that would be mental. If you got a new job would your old job still pay you?

01 Jul 2024 14:58:22
Kenny you are having a laugh, just because a player moves to a new club on lesser wages doesn't mean we make up the difference, that would be his new contract with that new club, nothing to do with us how much he would now be getting paid, and not up to us to compensate him now being paid less.

01 Jul 2024 15:15:59
How many player have come to us for less than they were getting elsewhere it happens especially if the player wants to move on.

01 Jul 2024 15:18:59
I started off hoping you are well jfm. It was more a light hearted joke on roofe not yourself. Forgot how serious you are welcome back grumpy.

01 Jul 2024 15:29:49
I'm sure his Grammar is a lovely old woman.

01 jul 2024 15:39:08

its actually difficult to know if your at the madam, you must be because your takking mire nonsense now, if connor signs fir birmingham that's it, he no longe4 employed by rangers, if he goes on loan then both come to an agreement,

your suggesting he signs fir birmingham, thus they own him

and rangers make his old wages up, aye your definitely at the wind up, nobody could make statements like you and be so wrong.

01 Jul 2024 16:10:01
Excellent cornhill??.

01 Jul 2024 16:25:37
Sorry Dado but maybe its easy to laugh at people when you don't understand their situation.
Comparing me to Roofe who is half my age and in one year had 10 times the sick leave I've had in my full life. Sorry you think I'm grumpy but being in pain 24/ 7 kinda does that to a guy.

01 Jul 2024 16:27:52
Mind boggling tom.

01 Jul 2024 16:34:23
Maybe the Saudis will offer tav 100k a week and he'll have to give us 60k a week ??.

01 Jul 2024 16:55:08
Is Kenny OK?

01 Jul 2024 16:56:20
Birmingham makes a lot of sense for Goldson and at this stage of his career a move to the English 1st Division to a Club with a wealthy owner that wants to take the team back to the premier League would be a good move.
I don't think it would be all about money, contract length would be a major part of any negotiation and I would like to think that rangers wouldn't be too difficult to deal with in terms of a fee.

01 Jul 2024 17:48:07
Jfm, good to see you posting again. I hope your health improves. we need badly need Goldson and Tav gone this summer.

01 Jul 2024 17:53:56
Signing Goldson will get them nowhere near the premiership.

01 jul 2024 18:36:40
its difficult to think they kenny play with firearms innit.

01 Jul 2024 19:03:08
Wow, some bitching going on with this post.
Re Goldson to Birmingham. Both arguments have some validity. If Rangers want Goldson off the books they can certainly help make the transfer process by taking little or no fee to allow Birmingham to give a signing on fee or Rangers and Goodson can agree to terminate contract at say 50% of the terms and Goldson becomes a free agent to encourage Goldson to take the offer from Birmingham. No way will this amount to the full value of his remaining terms.

01 Jul 2024 19:42:49
Connor Goldson like any player under contract can sit tight so if Birmingham don't match his wage we could end up having to give him a pay off just to get his wage of our books otherwise pay him 30k plus for 2 years I don't get why that's hard to understand.

01 Jul 2024 19:43:46
That's there lookout lammy, goldson staying won't get us near the title, I'm afraid.

01 Jul 2024 19:44:40
Jfm hope you stay well mate and keep posting as often as you can.

01 Jul 2024 19:57:54
It is often the case in football that a club wants to sell a player, a club is willing to buy that player, and the player himself is willing to make the switch.

However, it’s not always the case that the buying team can cover all the wages. So the selling team will often agree to pay a certain percentage of those wages to get the move through.

From the perspective of the club, they have cut a player they did not want from the squad, and are saving X amount on wages each week. A permanent deal with someone covering all wages would be ideal, but in the situation of Goldson I’d say that is highly unlikely.

Even if Rangers covered some of his wages I do not believe Birmingham could afford to pay him. I’ve seen people talking all day about how Birmingham have new American owners but FFP rules still exist. They won’t break their wage structure in such a spectacular way for Connor Goldson.

02 Jul 2024 11:42:50
64blue, onewaltersmith and GenericRangersFan. Thanks guys, you have probably explained it far better than me.

All the power is with the player on the fat contract.

I can't get my head around how people think we can just sell a player and it's up to him to negotiate with his new club! It's insane. He has a contract which has to be terminated one way or another and needs his consent. Of course if he is getting more money at his new club he is quite happy to do this. Dave King thought he could void/ ignore contracts and how many tens of millions did that cost us!



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