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15 May 2024 09:04:44
Slightly disappointed, the manager didn't give Borna a substitute appearance over Dowell last night. Whatever people think of him he has been a great servant over 6 years at the club and probably deserved to come on for a proper send off.

Really liked the look of fraser, can only remember him touching the ball on two occasions and twice put in an excellent delivery. As Clement said in the presser we need academy squad players, whether this batch are good enough long term remains to be seen.


1.) 15 May 2024 09:52:10
No sentiment in football.
Game of football to be won first and foremost.

2.) 15 May 2024 10:17:18
No room for sentiment. we have to be ruthless this summer. we've been far too loyal to players over the years. these players will leave very wealthy men.

3.) 15 May 2024 10:21:55
Agreed re bb.

4.) 15 May 2024 12:02:05
Think there is room for sentiment in football when you are 3-2 up, in a meaningless game, with 6 minutes left and the opposition have barely touched the ball all half.

the guy for all his faults has played near enough 150 games for us and was a big part in taking us to an European final amongst other things. Should have been gone a year or two ago but after 6 years feel he deserved an ovation before the stadium emptied at the end.

5.) 15 May 2024 12:03:54
A lot happier to see the youth coming on than Borna, can get his send off after final so make sure we win it ??‍♂️.

6.) 15 May 2024 12:38:57
Barasic didn’t deserve to be put on last night.
Fans greet no youngsters, then PC puts youngsters on and fans greet Borna should have been on.

7.) 15 May 2024 12:41:48
it wasn't a meaningless game, the Eastenders lose tonight and there is still hope! It would have been nice for BB to get even 5 minutes at the end but as we saw, the fans have had enough and bringing BB on wouldn't have changed that. The atmosphere was not good at Ibrox last night and memories of the past have gone. Sadly, BB like others should have been moved on and replaced. That is not the player's fault.



09 Apr 2024 11:24:23
Has there been a recent update on Roofe? was really surprised to not see him in the squad on sunday - thought he was left out vs hibs to wrap him in cotton wool for the game. Manager said he was close to being able to play 90 minutes physically post hibs too so seems strange to go with no striker on the bench two games running.


1.) 09 Apr 2024 11:30:42
Maybe the cotton wool fell onto his toes and broke a couple.

2.) 09 Apr 2024 14:45:01
I know it’s tempting but can we just stop talking about Roofe and will he be fit.
I just don’t care anymore because he won’t be with us next season, since the day he came through the doors the question is always will he be fit the answer is no never ever will he string 4 games together, a colossal waste of money.

3.) 09 Apr 2024 15:41:39
Both roofe and raskin were involved in the warm ups.



07 Dec 2023 15:37:32
Saw an article that McKenna and Worral have been told to train alone and they are free to leave Notts Forest in January.

Tongue in cheek of course re Worral but could do a lot worse than McKenna if the price is right?


1.) 07 Dec 2023 16:46:09
Worryall is a horrible defender for Scottish football decent on deck but any high balls and he's lost.

McKenna lol is just a thug and has been found out at Forrest.

We have now become a club that Forest cast offs are a priority ? we should be getting players from other markets before teams have deemed them not good. enough.

Getting younger players from England is ok for youth team.

2.) 07 Dec 2023 16:47:00
There has been rumours a wee while back regarding either McKenna or an other premiership centre half joining on a free in 2024.

3.) 07 Dec 2023 16:47:14
Worral has improved massively since he was here, he was literally a kid at us. Could do a lot worse than any of the 2 of them.

4.) 07 Dec 2023 17:04:55
Both would be a distinct improvement over what we have IMO. i'd love us to sign McKenna and he is out of contract in the summer but Worrall only just signed a contract extension so not sure what fee he'd command. Wage wise we could afford them but honestly I can't see either heading to Scotland. More likely they'll end up in the Championship.

5.) 07 Dec 2023 17:11:08
Damn predictive text should be getting players from abroad before teams have taken chance not after they have moved to a team and flopped

Wages alone would kill us long term

We already have the biggest wage bill and getting nothing for it.

6.) 07 Dec 2023 17:13:18
Nah wouldn't touch any of them.

7.) 07 Dec 2023 17:21:09
Fenerbache in for mckenna and offering him a lot more than what he's on at forest.

8.) 07 Dec 2023 17:23:59
Funny I remember people saying same over Davies being an improvement over what we had.

I also remember telling people we overpaid

And isn't balogun starting over Davies now? ?

You want players aiming up in Thier career not people who have accepted Thier time at top level is done and on way down.

We need to be scouting players before these teams not accepting Thier cast offs.

9.) 07 Dec 2023 18:20:26
People were right on Davies though.

10.) 07 Dec 2023 19:07:20
As long as everybody realises " free to find another club" doesn`t mean they are on a free transfer in January . They would still cost . Not a fan of McKenna but he has the advantage of being Scottish and left sided which gives us more balance . If we could get him in and Davies out would we be any worse off? I actually think Worrall is better than McKenna, can`t see him leaving Forest though, he may get a reprieve when Cooper is sacked and a new manager decides to ditch a lot of the over rated foreigners they have imported and that have destroyed the spirit in the team.

11.) 07 Dec 2023 19:41:07
Told a couple of weeks ago we want McKenna.

12.) 07 Dec 2023 19:51:28
Worral was absolutely horrendous at rangers.

13.) 07 Dec 2023 20:42:31
Worral wasn’t that bad to be fair.

14.) 07 Dec 2023 21:14:11
Paul, players can improve, you know.

15.) 07 Dec 2023 21:29:14
Yes i am aware of that. He failed 1st time tho so don't make sense taking him back. Would rather have kent back, and that's saying something ?.

16.) 07 Dec 2023 22:12:52
He was only learning the game his first time.

17.) 07 Dec 2023 22:28:06
A reason McKenna not getting a game for Forest, last time a seen him for Scotland he was all over the place, positioning, timing and decision making way off, giving stupid money to enough duds without bringing him in ??.

18.) 08 Dec 2023 00:07:05
Almost the time of year where we will be getting linked with central defender Jake Cooper again. Been definitely signing every winter and summer transfer window for about 5 years now. ?.

19.) 08 Dec 2023 02:39:50
Liked Warhol’s video in the back of a taxi with a couple of young ladies singing rangers songs. Done it for me and they were gorgeous.

20.) 08 Dec 2023 08:54:06
I think both players are just holding fire as it’s more likely that the manager will be leaving first.



10 Nov 2023 13:10:21
Apologies if this has already been discussed, but does anyone know what we actually did during pre season?

All we heard from Beale in the summer was how hard the players were working and how double sessions were impacting pre season performances. Yet now we have Clement bemoaning our overall fitness in most of his early pressers, and several players mentioning they are now fitter after games.


1.) 10 Nov 2023 14:48:07
The fitness issues PC has raised are related to over training.

GVB and his team had a similar approach to PC in terms of smaller more targeted training sessions that are specific to individual players - something the players didn't like under GVB.



27 Oct 2023 15:51:05
As much as it may not be a priority for domestic games, we surely need to invest in a bit more pace in the team.

Maybe it is just fitness as PC alluded to, but we seem very open as soon as a team has space to break into.

We aren't blessed with great speed anywhere on the pitch (excluding sima, matondo and wright who struggles to use it) and the likes of lundstram and tav are made to look like they are running in slow motion at times.


1.) 29 Oct 2023 17:26:43
Agreed CP175.




CP175's rumour replies


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26 Jul 2024 12:38:54
Not bad business, slightly surprised we didn't give him a chance now Cantwell is away but can only hope that is because a better option
will come through the door.




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18 Jul 2024 14:05:15
By the sounds of it the big man would have liked to have come back, but if we don't have the money what can you do. Never fall in love with a loan signing folks.




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17 Jul 2024 10:41:54
Agreed my star, 30 is short sighted but bringing davo back at what, 35/ 3 ended up being one of our best midfield signings in however many years. no substitute for quality.




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05 Jul 2024 12:14:15
Would have been happy to keep him but equally not disappointed to see him go. Treated poorly by us at times and always gave his best but got to be ambitious and try and look for someone that will turn more of those chances missed this season into goals.




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03 Jul 2024 12:23:15
2.5 up front with achievable add ons to potentially double it based on appearances/ goals would be an ideal scenario. Was quality second half of the season but we run the risk of it being a flash in the pan by not selling now. Always thought there was a player there but not one that we will see in Scotland.





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11 Jun 2024 10:11:03
Offer in from Derby for Yfeko per John the other day, he would need a loan at minimum to have any chance of making it at us I would think.




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22 May 2024 09:06:12
Good shout Prso, can't say i seen much of him either but Hibs top scorer from a 6 month loan and decent pedigree playing all the way through to U21s for France.

Value has dropped significantly in recent years from £8m to £700k (transfer markt) so wouldn't break the bank and now knows the league and has performed in it.




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16 May 2024 15:49:23
Thought he had as good a season as you could reasonably expect with what was in front of him last year. would be a solid back up - if wages aren't ridiculous.




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16 May 2024 09:19:57
Silva screams as a signing we made because we couldn't afford to spend any more of the budget on a striker after the summer. Had his moments but far too few for a player of his valuation and wage. Will be interesting to see how he does in the final as I actually thought he got the better of Johnstone last time out.

Has Diomande not now played the equivalent of more than a full league season? Think I've seen enough to give him next season after a break/ good pre season behind him.

Cortes looked the real deal, although didn't see nearly enough due to injury unfortunately. Seen an extension to the loan being discussed and I think that would be our best option (as long as it keeps some sort of option/ obligation at the end.




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15 May 2024 12:02:05
Think there is room for sentiment in football when you are 3-2 up, in a meaningless game, with 6 minutes left and the opposition have barely touched the ball all half.

the guy for all his faults has played near enough 150 games for us and was a big part in taking us to an European final amongst other things. Should have been gone a year or two ago but after 6 years feel he deserved an ovation before the stadium emptied at the end.




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