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11 Jun 2024 07:59:19
Reports in Romania that Rangers have agreed to terms with Rapid and Rrahmani on his transfer to us. Can anyone confirm if that's true?

Ger since 1985

1.) 11 Jun 2024 08:07:16
I hope you haven't been caught out by that tweet last night where someone claimed a deal was close. Attention seeking so and so.

2.) 11 Jun 2024 09:04:30
Rangers are a bit heavy in the striking department (Dessers, Danilo, Lammers, Lovelace). I think they will try to get one out before bringing another striker in. There is plenty of interest in Lammers so I don’t think it’ll be long before he is snapped up. Rangers play with a lone striker, and most teams with a lone striker only carry three strikers in their squad.

Danilo has just spent a season injured, so he isn’t moving anywhere. Dessers has just had a 20+ goal season and Rangers won’t sell the only striker they currently have that can score goals. Are they going to give up on Lovelace?

3.) 11 Jun 2024 09:11:46
Now is the time to cash in on Dessers. Off the back of a 20 goal season teams will take a punt on him and we can probably get our money back. He should not be our starting striker next season so we should sell while he holds some form of value.

4.) 11 Jun 2024 09:35:37
Prettt confident lammers won't play for Rangers again.

5.) 11 Jun 2024 09:37:32
How are we heavy in the striking department? We played half of last season with only 1 available striker, and he’s not exactly a world beater. Roofe has just left, Lammers will 100% be leaving, Lovelace has only ever made 2 first team appearances and tends to play right or left at times rather than through the middle. So really we only have Dessers and Danilo who has been out for 8 months with a serious injury. Of course we need another striker.

6.) 11 Jun 2024 09:55:52
“ How are we heavy in the striking department? ” - Well, it’s simple. Rangers play with a lone striker formation. Most teams that do this carry three strikers in their squad. Rangers currently have Danilo, Lammers, Dessers, and Lovelace, with yet another striker being linked. This means Rangers are heavy in the striking department and those numbers need to be brought down. I imagine Lammers will be gone soon given the level of interest in him.

We were short last season? Lammers was loaned out, Danilo was injured for an entire season, Lovelace missed several months due to injury, and Roofe was AWOL again.

All we need is three striker that can stay fit. We don’t need anymore than that.

7.) 11 Jun 2024 10:00:02
Lovelace has played like 2 games for the first team I don’t think he’s going to be the reason we don’t sign a striker. Lammers will be sold too. We lost Roofe so we definitely need a striker.

8.) 11 Jun 2024 11:16:31
Generic I have literally just explained above why we need another striker, at the sake of repeating myself, we all know Lammers is leaving, there is no way Lovelace can be classed as a first choice out and out striker, he may well be around the first team this year but likely to play either on the right or left. So as you say we need 3. Danilo, Dessers and A N other. It’s really quite simple, we WILL be signing another striker. It doesn’t matter if that is before or after Lammers is sold as he is definitely leaving.

9.) 11 Jun 2024 11:21:56
Heavy on strikers yet non available or hitting target.

10.) 11 Jun 2024 11:22:50
It's astonishing to think that anyone doesn't see the need for a new striker (or maybe even two) to be added to our squad. Bringing in a goalscorer in January would have won us the league. It's clear and obvious that we need quality up front.

11.) 11 Jun 2024 11:24:06
Roofe gone and Lammers hopefully on move too - this means we need two decent strikers in IMHO.

12.) 11 Jun 2024 11:24:22
I believe Rangers will sign a striker too. But someone will need to be sold as a result because Rangers are heavy in that department. Lammers has a lot of interest given how outstanding he has been in Holland so moving him on should not be a problem at all.

If Lovelace isn’t going to get an opportunity at Ibrox then Rangers need to let that young guy go. Questions should also be asked because the club spent a few hundred thousand bringing this promising youth player up from England, he hasn’t been given a chance, and he is stagnating just like many of our other youth prospects. The B team needs to be seriously looked at.

Most teams that play lone striker formations run two players for each position. Except for keeper and striker where 3 options are preferred. This alone would give you a 24 man squad. Rangers have a number of striker on their books, nut are really short of options elsewhere - Quality wide players, central midfielders, etc. If Rangers want to spend big they should do so on a right-winger. We have been needing one of those for many years and Scott Wright doesn’t look up to it.

13.) 11 Jun 2024 11:49:07
A think we are all guessing to an extent on in and outs up top, until July comes it might be clearer, Lammers will go is odds on, Roofe is away, most would thank Dessers and sell him and some would let Danilo go, a think we def are bringing one in most likely two but we all know we ain’t playing football manager and time will tell, just hoping am pleasantly surprised on what we have got at the start of Feb and then we can argue if or who we bring in once we qualify for champ league ?.

14.) 11 Jun 2024 11:53:55
Lovelace is a winger and will be deployed as so. Dessers has the right attitude to be a Ger but just isn't clinical but is a good option to have and knows the league. Danilo is an unknown, he didn't get enough action to fully adapt and did seem to miss a few sitters but that could be down to match fitness. Who says Clement doesn't plan on utilising 2 strikers at some point it's not like he had the ability to even try last season.

15.) 11 Jun 2024 12:00:52
Lovelace will play as a winger not a striker imo. He isn’t in the question for being too heavy with strikers.
Clement wants a new striker.

16.) 11 Jun 2024 12:14:37
Iam pretty sure the usual people connected have suggested that Lovelace wants a move back to England.

17.) 11 Jun 2024 12:16:21
You can spot the Celtic fans in here a mile away btw. Referring to rangers as they is a right give away.

18.) 11 Jun 2024 12:43:03
Lovelace got injured the minute he got into the first team and had he not I think he’d be the one in and around the squad not McCausland.

19.) 11 Jun 2024 12:43:36
See on follow follow that he’s following a place on byres road…. hopefully a goer.

The argument about being top heavy with strikers is nonsense because none of them are the quality we need. Lammers will be gone. Lovelace as 4th choice behind dessers and danilo i'm ok with. Dessers off the bench has a role to play i think but he’s not a 1st choice and we don't know what danilo will be like after injury.

20.) 11 Jun 2024 14:29:53
Get the big lump from Gorgie he looks great in slow motion, would ruin the team photo though.

21.) 11 Jun 2024 17:34:08
We're getting at least 1 new striker. We need 3/ 4 reliable, quality options. we don't have that at the moment.

Wouldn't mind a strike force of Rrhamani, Danilo, Dessers and Conway for this season.



04 Jun 2024 12:17:08
Does John or CF05 know if the Man City youth player out of Contract in the summer Rangers have made an offer to is the Winger Micah Hamilton? Boy looks a talent having scored on his City and UCL debut.

Ger since 1985

1.) 04 Jun 2024 13:40:40
Ger no I’ve not been told that name, would fit with our new model on age

U hearing anything or are u hoping.

2.) 04 Jun 2024 13:55:51
he does look good. Hopefully it is him.

3.) 04 Jun 2024 15:25:23
Thanks John. Yeah I had heard it independently then I think someone mentioned him on here yesterday so wondered if there was maybe more to it. Time will tell I suppose.

4.) 04 Jun 2024 16:07:37
heard that signing PL young players at contract expiry is something the club are looking to do hence the links with walters.

5.) 04 Jun 2024 16:13:47
I would really like this boy at Ibrox, looks a very promising player! Most likely though that a mid table prem team will take him and that's story over as we can't compete with wages on offer.

6.) 04 Jun 2024 17:36:20
We need a top quality midfielder .
Anyone remember stanciou played with sima and scored a cracker against us
Romanian fella .

7.) 04 Jun 2024 18:20:12
Belblu, a cracking player now playing in Saudi.

8.) 04 Jun 2024 18:41:53
We can't fill the team with young ooc players from the pl many are deemed not good enough but are seen good enough fir us? We need experience and quality and that costs money.

9.) 04 Jun 2024 19:06:28
Yeah Belblue, good player but he's 31. Wouldn't really fit in with the way we're headed with signings.

10.) 04 Jun 2024 19:53:33
Really excited by the players we getting linked to. Probably most won't come off but looks like we could have a young vibrant squad next season.

11.) 04 Jun 2024 20:28:32
Do you remember him - captain of Romania and also now playing in the Saudi Pro League.



25 Jan 2023 13:49:33
4th Official has posted Rangers and Standard have an agreement on a fee for Raskin.

Ger since 1985

1.) 25 Jan 2023 14:34:31
Ger, I think this deal is just a matter of time, looks like great business by our club.

2.) 25 Jan 2023 16:38:43
Mark, i agree it looks that way, i think he would be a great addition to our midfield, he looks the type of defender who can play the no.6 position and free up the other midfielders to be a bit more attacking minded.

3.) 25 Jan 2023 17:09:35
Out of the 3 Raskin is the one I'm most excited about. Definitely the type of player our midfield is missing.

4.) 25 Jan 2023 18:26:42
Totally agree NRD.

5.) 25 Jan 2023 19:22:05
We’ve been needing a goal-scoring RW for years. Having one of those to balance out the team, and give us a 6,3 lad who can help with the set-pieces, excites me no end. Raskin and Whittaker excite me far more than than Cantwell lad.

6.) 25 Jan 2023 19:25:07
Am I being greedy wanting a striker? ?.

7.) 25 Jan 2023 20:44:34
No NRD, everybody loves a striker, I'd also love a keeper, I guess that's being greedy???.

8.) 25 Jan 2023 20:52:14
McBurnie woooooo scarey, have we forgot about him? hope so .

9.) 25 Jan 2023 21:56:28
Need Keeper most now imo.



08 Nov 2022 09:23:39

Is it true that Jermaine Defoe is being viewed as a potential replacement for Gio?

Ger since 1985

1.) 08 Nov 2022 10:39:57
God help us all.

2.) 08 Nov 2022 11:11:02
Gers there was a long term plan he could be part off a management team.

3.) 08 Nov 2022 11:45:11
Hope not. If gio goes we need a tried and tested coach but as iv said already none of the names linked inspire me so I'd stick by Gio in the absence of a top candidate.

4.) 08 Nov 2022 12:21:12

5.) 08 Nov 2022 12:54:49
I heard, do u have anything constructive to post or u here to mock others,

6.) 08 Nov 2022 13:48:23
Looks like we can put to bed the new manager names for now, tomorrow night is a massive game for the club we simply must win it and preferably with a bit of style, if points are dropped it’s back to the manager rumours but until then I’ll support the team, I was angry after Sunday but have calmed down a bit and none of the names mentioned for next manager excite me and if it’s the case we pay off Gio and his staff and then are left with no budget to improve the team nothing will change but on the flip side can Gio change his style of play and give us a more attractive team to go on a winning run I don’t know but tomorrow night and Sat are going to be huge games for us.

7.) 08 Nov 2022 14:36:27
I was raging too on Sunday, I'm hoping gio and the team got the message, because they certainly will at ibrox tomorrow night if we don't get a good performance!

8.) 08 Nov 2022 15:31:35
I really don't see what would be wrong with Defoe he may not have a lot of Experiance a good no2 would sort that and he's highly respected in media and amoung players also ment to be a natural teacher of youth who likes to pass on knowledge.

9.) 08 Nov 2022 15:34:17
As much as I would love gio to turn it round I believe 95% of fans have had enough and have decided they want someone else.

Which I can understand been frustrated with some of decisions recently too and I'm not counting anything from champions league as I fully expected it to go that way with higher standard and injuries.

10.) 09 Nov 2022 16:26:14
But I would give him the chance to turn it round we afforded Gerrard that opportunity and he wasnt even a rangers man.




Ger since 1985's banter posts with other poster's replies to Ger since 1985's banter posts


22 Aug 2023 13:46:33
Seen a few posts that Kamara is set complete a move to Leeds Utd for 5.5mil. Does this then fund the Luis Palma move as Beale said he doesn't expect an addition to be based on qualifying for the UCL?

Ger since 1985



18 Jul 2023 11:24:35
With regards to the Danilo rumour debacle, is it not possible that both takes that have been put out there is somewhat correct.

John, Copland05 and Whitehorse have all said the deal is close or done, could that not be the case if Feyenoord are actively trying to find a replacement as has been stated and confirmed.

Also SWS and others have stated that a deal is not close and no agreements are in place and a deal is a away off, if feyenoord are looking for a replacement that could take a week or 2 and that could lead to the deal falling through, so different sources are coming at it from different points of view?

Ger since 1985

1.) 18 Jul 2023 12:23:57
Far too sensible Ger, go and find another site to post your comments ?? kidding!




Ger since 1985's rumour replies


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16 Jul 2024 16:18:31
Gazger, Its not reliable information though. Carluke has stated that Brian Hewitt the managing director of BHC has said that his company have zero to do with the works at Ibrox so I am assuming that Sharkey have stolen the BHC branded telehandler and lorry that's been photographed as part of the stadium works and also had signs made up which state "BHC working with Rangers on the Copland Road Stand Works".

BHC have been subcontracted to install the Steelwork and Precast concrete slabs package of the works.

So either Brian Hewitt doesn't know what's going on with his own company or someone is feeding Carluke absolute bollocks!

Ger since 1985



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16 Jul 2024 12:16:38
So I take it he is going to be reporting them to the police for stealing plant as there are pictures on the internet of BHC branded Delivery Wagons and Telehandlers on site?

Ger since 1985



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11 Jun 2024 10:24:04
So are we to miss out on a talented 19 year old who is probably going to take a year to settle and work his way into 1st team mins because matondo might not be sold. The fee is apparently 400k and he won't be coming in on anything like Matondo's wage. The talk above is based on Sima coming back which is far from a given at this point, IMO he is more likely to play somewhere else next season. Rangers need wingers, Cortes and Kabadayi aren't enough. The poor attacking options we had at the end of the season played a massive part in us losing the title.

Ger since 1985



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11 Jun 2024 09:12:40
SirWalter, John has already said that Matondo has been told he is free to leave, so I would assume that Mofokeng is then still a viable target as we will need a backup LW.

Ger since 1985



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05 Jun 2024 12:58:46
Thanks guys. If we were to land him do you think it would be as a CF or more as a 10, seems to produce better as a 2nd striker?

Ger since 1985




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18 Jul 2024 11:38:42
Clearly nobody has a sense of humour anymore Gazgers, was supposed to be a bit of a laugh to lighten the mood.

None of the Sharkey brothers have made a mess of the job so are trying to pass the buck makes any sense cause those signs have been up since the job started before anyone knew there was a delay.

Ger since 1985



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18 Jul 2024 09:06:38
Aye it was me that posted as Brian Hewitt, thought I was being funny but obviously not.

Gazger and Carluke are adamant the BHC Ltd have nothing to do with the works however can't explain why someone has went to the time and cost of getting signs made stating otherwise and also why BHC have plant on site. Also Michael Seafarer posted on the 26th April 2024 that BHC Ltd had been appointed principal contractor for the works and tagged the company's twitter account.

I could be wrong and Sharkey could be responsible however nothing I have seen have mentioned them being involved. Time will tell I suppose, especially when big Brian H sues everyone for Defamation of Character!

Ger since 1985



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17 Jul 2024 12:54:21
SWS I would say Niasse is a longer term signing and would be my preference because of this reason but in the short term Joan Jordan offers experience at the no.6 position in the short term with little outlay other than wages so should allow other positions of need to be strengthened in this window.

Ger since 1985



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24 Aug 2023 14:17:01
SWS is this an opinion or have you heard something mate?

Solbakken would be a great addition and you could probably get a buy option added to the loan deal.

Ger since 1985



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