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Drew2701's rumours posts with other poster's replies to Drew2701's rumours posts


27 Jun 2024 21:03:40
Heard another issue with Ibrox today at work whilst speaking with some chartered surveyors that ibrox is suffering from subsidence, built on an old flood plain for the Clyde soft ground didn't say how bad it was but club are aware and it's being kept quiet for now.


1.) 27 Jun 2024 22:15:23
Doing a great job of keeping it quiet!

2.) 27 Jun 2024 22:18:22
With no idea where we play our fixtures surely to goodness some1 from the club has to inform the fans what's going on its now ridiculous after several weeks no1 came out.

3.) 27 Jun 2024 22:20:49
Dont worry all the asbestos will prevent her from going under. The funny thing is that she has stood there for a long time and nobody has ever noticed. I slipped off my seat a few times and silly me thought it was the bevy but at least now i know it was subsidence.

4.) 27 Jun 2024 22:23:02
More bs is from Timmy.

5.) 27 Jun 2024 22:24:16
??? . keep them coming!

6.) 27 Jun 2024 22:25:54
Maybe I'm a bit more dumb than I think but can you please explain how Ibrox is on the flood plain of the Clyde when the flood plain of the Clyde is 5m above sea level but Ibrox is 21m above sea level and not exactly right beside the Clyde?

7.) 27 Jun 2024 22:29:57
What a pile of mince.

8.) 27 Jun 2024 23:04:47
This is the Tim rumour that’s being going about for over a week.

9.) 28 Jun 2024 00:18:02
What next. Ibrox hits an ice berg .

10.) 28 Jun 2024 01:24:58
Basically, ibrox is on a volcano, its going to erupt any day.
It also has a few sinkholes etc etc.

11.) 28 Jun 2024 04:53:16
Not saying this is true but was there not going to be an issue if they lowered the pitch due to the water table under it due to the Clyde.

12.) 28 Jun 2024 07:36:23
Three cheers ?? nearly spat my coffee out there.

13.) 28 jun 2024 07:52:01
there’s always been an issue with ibrox and the clyde as far as i know, it’s the reason you can stand on one touch line and you can’t see the other, just a hill in the middle, and it’s actually very pronounced, from the dugout to jardine stand, the clyde issue is nothing new, btw the deeds of ibrox are locked up in a safe in my girls work, and kebmvin clancy is one of very few who have access to it, bit ironic that innit.

14.) 28 Jun 2024 08:33:05
Tom is there not a camber on most pitches to allow water to run off? Not sure that's much to do with proximity to the water table? I could be wrong tho. I do know that's the reason we can't dig down to increase capacity though.

15.) 28 Jun 2024 08:42:03
Paul86, I asked about this many years ago, when I was a lad in the old enclosure, .
Was told then it was for drainage, pitch has been relaid and maybe even lowered since, same camber. this is a non story.
They'll be telling us the Easter road slope was to combat the tide from portobello next!

{Ed001's Note - it is the amount of rain fall that decides the camber, same as on roads. A bigger camber drains quicker but it is not so good if the weather is dry because it is more difficult to keep the higher points watered.}

16.) 28 Jun 2024 08:43:48
Ed van, can you tell if people are posting under a false name? Cause surely some of them are just wasting your time, sad little men, haven't got the baws to post under their normal name.

{Ed033's Note - Every poster in this thread is using their usual username. If you look at Drew2701's previous posts, they appear to be a Rangers supporter. Maybe Drew2701 heard this subsidence 'rumour' from somewhere and decided to post it.

17.) 28 Jun 2024 08:58:58
“Speaking to chartered surveyors” what next! ???.

18.) 28 Jun 2024 09:33:14
John2561 seems false to me??.

19.) 28 Jun 2024 09:49:45
A heard from a great source they had dug up a woolly mammoth and which died off from the first covid e-coli and measle strain so it could be a few months before we get back in, a did offer to drop it off in the east end in my transit van if it helped but no reply so far, a keep you lot posted.

20.) 28 Jun 2024 10:15:04
I was thinking the same Ed033, Drew's previous posts do not indicate one bit that he is a tim.
I could be wrong, but I would harbour a guess that the guy has heard a rumour, and came on to post it, and that's it. Somebody should have warned him of the impending pile on by some. ?.

{Ed033's Note - That seems the most likely explanation.

21.) 28 Jun 2024 11:08:42
Drew is correct as I have been talking to someone in the know and apparently we are considering attaching wheels to the foundations and pushing Ibrox up towards Helen St and away from the soggy Clyde ridden land.

22.) 28 Jun 2024 11:12:34
how come i can't post then i am using my username, been trying for months, i get nada replies from edds seems childish to me.

{Ed033's Note - Half your posts are derogatory towards other posters. Maybe stop that?

23.) 28 Jun 2024 11:40:14
Thanks Sunshine, and Ed, i'm indeed a rangers fan been a season ticket holder for 20+ years, work in a property / construction role so speak to surveyors and others in the industry frequently and always chat about Rangers. if the topic comes up and mentioned the issue about the issue with the Broomloan yesterday with a couple guys were using for some consultancy work and they mentioned about the subsidence.

Note: subsidence is an issue across a lot of buildings with varying degrees of severity! Not saying the stadium is going to disappear into a sink hole, but its something the club are aware of and as they should be just like the asbestos unless a building was built post 2000, most buildings before this will have asbestos in some sort even in gaskets of heating systems!

24.) 28 Jun 2024 13:46:01
We have built three new stands, put an extra stand on top of the main stand and did lower the pitch at one point to get extra seats in but it is only now that we have a problem with subsidence, what a load of crap. If the other mob can build their dump on top of all the mine workings and shafts under the east end of Glasgow, then it must be possible to build anywhere.

25.) 28 Jun 2024 14:14:46
Not a pile on drew, just nothing much happening and people want a laugh, do not think you are one of them either.

26.) 28 Jun 2024 14:23:53
Drew don't be put off keep posting, welcome mate. We do get a lot of undesirables over here, but had a look at your few posts before Ed/ sunshine had said what they said, couldn't understand why you were getting called Timmy. Keep your roumers coming.

27.) 28 Jun 2024 17:09:18
Ed deserves an ooft??.




Drew2701's banter posts with other poster's replies to Drew2701's banter posts


27 May 2024 20:31:35
What does everyone think about Lennon Miller at Motherwell? Think the lad would be a great prospect.


1.) 27 May 2024 22:29:40
Hi Drew. I think Lennon Miller is exactly the type of player we should be targeting: talented, Scottish and young. I would love this to happen but I’m sure he will be coveted by many clubs around Europe.

2.) 27 May 2024 22:42:46
Would love to see him signed right now.

3.) 27 May 2024 22:44:41
If Rangers can get him at a good price around 2m mark I would have him in a heartbeat and send Bailey Rice out on loan to sweeten the deal along with Leon King.

4.) 27 May 2024 23:22:07
Prytz, if he goes to Europe it will be a million or less!, why should we pay double fee and probs double wages?

5.) 28 May 2024 01:38:09
100% but the bigger key would be actually playing him regularly. The Italians are starting to take note of young Scottish plasters, Hickey, Ferguson, Doig. We should be snapping them up and then selling them on to teams like that for a profit and sell on %.

We should be all over him, Watson and Barron.

6.) 28 May 2024 04:16:01
agree 100% blue.

7.) 28 May 2024 05:25:41
BAR72 for the best HG talent in the league if we can't find them ourselves we must be prepared to pay a premium or lose them . Plays beyond his years. Scottish, is level headed. Rather move now than watch another ship sail out of the harbour. This is the type of boy you can build a team around and stick an armband on, in a couple of years.

8.) 28 May 2024 05:58:30
Great prospect and a good Rangers man.

9.) 28 May 2024 07:47:12
If we don’t sign him it’ll haunt us just like Ferguson.

10.) 28 May 2024 08:05:45
Sign him he’s a talent.

11.) 28 May 2024 08:40:38
After this season coming we will not be able to afford Lennon Miller, usually get one shot at these players.

12.) 28 May 2024 08:41:19
Bar because Miller is worth 2m all day long, should be players like him getting signed couple of years we'll not afford him.

13.) 28 May 2024 09:23:03
Agree Blue, wish we'd paid the money for Ferguson, when he was nowhere near rangers class and nobody wanted him.

14.) 28 May 2024 09:45:19
If he's that good? Fair do's
For me 1 mill. Plus same in addons over length of his contract.

15.) 28 May 2024 10:06:55
The number of times I've read 'not rangers class ' when patently many of these players such as Ferguson Doing etc were Rangers class. And if not the so called football experts should spot future talent. Get young Lennon signed up. Whatever the cost hell be more expensive in the future. We have players on the books that could sweeten any deal and make an absolute bargain.

16.) 28 May 2024 11:49:23
He will go down south, more than a few prem clubs after him. Can’t compete with them financially but guaranteed immediate first team football could be an incentive.




Drew2701's rumour replies


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28 Jun 2024 11:40:14
Thanks Sunshine, and Ed, i'm indeed a rangers fan been a season ticket holder for 20+ years, work in a property / construction role so speak to surveyors and others in the industry frequently and always chat about Rangers. if the topic comes up and mentioned the issue about the issue with the Broomloan yesterday with a couple guys were using for some consultancy work and they mentioned about the subsidence.

Note: subsidence is an issue across a lot of buildings with varying degrees of severity! Not saying the stadium is going to disappear into a sink hole, but its something the club are aware of and as they should be just like the asbestos unless a building was built post 2000, most buildings before this will have asbestos in some sort even in gaskets of heating systems!




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22 Jun 2024 11:50:16
Looking forward to seeing this lad play, hopefully got a bit about him that kloppen and Clement have saw to bring him in.




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07 Jun 2024 20:52:30
What have you heard?




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06 Jun 2024 21:32:54
Don’t see the problem with McLean think he’s a decent player, we seem to be linked with a lot of players in the 18-22 bracket need some experience as well, he knows the SPL well would be worth a crack on a 2 yr contract.





Drew2701's banter replies


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21 Jun 2024 10:30:27
Yately, this will 100% be the princiapl contractors cost, this is a project with QS involvement don't know who is acting as the principal contractor but they won't be making any money now on this job.




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19 Jun 2024 21:13:10
Can’t believe Souttar wasn’t picked ahead of hendry and Hanley!




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