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To Windy's last 5 banter replies


Windy's rumours posts with other poster's replies to Windy's rumours posts


25 Oct 2017 20:42:30
Pena injured my a@@e. He is done.


1.) 25 Oct 2017 22:56:26
Pedro is done after that display.




Windy's banter posts with other poster's replies to Windy's banter posts


22 May 2024 20:28:52
Right. Anybody hearing anything team wise Saturday?
I'm thinking Lundstram will start.


1.) 22 May 2024 21:37:36
Lundstram is banned mate ??.

2.) 22 May 2024 21:45:21
Lundstram shouldn't be starting way too slow to go against their midfield ?If sterling is fit it should be sterling, raskin and cantwell ?We need steel and legs in our midfield engine room to give us the springboard to have any chance of beating them ?.

3.) 22 May 2024 22:01:19
He starts I'm watching fa cup final.

4.) 22 May 2024 22:07:12
Windy I spoke to a friend today he thinks lunny walks back into the team, tbh if sterling is needed defensively we need 3 in the midfield so I'd be tempted.

5.) 22 May 2024 22:25:22
Loyal I thought it was a 2 game ban. ?.

6.) 22 May 2024 22:30:28
Carluke lundstrum is not banned.

7.) 22 May 2024 22:37:43
Based on his last performance, why would he even be considered.
Seriously, he was found wanting against this opposition last time out and nothing has changed. Its going to be a tough match please don’t play this man.

8.) 22 May 2024 23:22:24
Agree folks. I think Cantwell has to start even to man mark mcgregor. I hoping not but a mid three of Raskin, Cantwell and Lundstram is what I see. I think Diomande is a rabbit caught in headlights in old firm games. I’ll be wrong but it’s banter.

9.) 23 May 2024 01:23:35
His 2 game ban has been served. he's available sadly.

10.) 23 May 2024 06:26:36
So windy given he's costing 4.5m but can't play in our biggest match would you be paying that amount for diomande?

11.) 23 May 2024 06:53:32
Wish he was banned - after the selfish attitude and naivety shown by him during last OF - but being at bare bones no doubt he will be under consideration?.

12.) 23 May 2024 08:12:59
He is banned from my memory ? He should not start again in a Rangers jersey.

13.) 23 May 2024 10:24:20
OWS. He was signed for potential not the finished article. In both old firm games he has been lost, just my opinion. The fact he cost 4.5m means nothing, it’s what the going rate is and hopefully next year will see him kick on.

As for Sat I think PC respects Lundstram thus why I think he will play. Raskin I believe would be better next to him.

14.) 23 May 2024 11:06:52
It isn’t right but if lundstrum is fit I think he will start.

15.) 23 May 2024 11:22:06
OWS. Forgot to say I wouldn’t splash that cash but believe we will.



29 Apr 2024 10:19:15
Do I think we will win the league no, do I think we will do a cup double ?. Will we beat them at Parkhead, II can't really can't see it.

Thing is at Christmas we all agreed we needed a new team and nothing has changed except it's nearly May and in theory we can still win the league. So we keep pushing and hoping, that's all we can do, because no matter the formation or staff on the playing surface, we still need a new team. We can blame who ever or point the finger which I have done many a time but we are where are now. Which is 5 games left. Oh I believe Dessers will be here next year but Tav won't. ?.


1.) 29 Apr 2024 11:07:10
Meant I can’t see us beating them at Parkhead.

2.) 29 apr 2024 11:41:30
big issue is the guys who know they are leaving, that's a massive thing imo, that will definitely affect the mentality, energy and commitment when the going gets tough, will lundstrum put a 2m per year contract at risk by stretching every sinue at parkhead and hampden?

he looks like he's going through the motions jus5 now imo.

3.) 29 Apr 2024 12:06:13
I think at xmas, almost everyone agreed we needed a ch and a striker to win the league.
Call us what you will but most on here were correct.

4.) 29 Apr 2024 12:07:37
He needs dropped as he's been dreadful and his attempts at shooting have been worse that a 3 year old. overhyped bang average at best player, no wonder the Sheffield United fans were glad to see the back of him, I'll be glad to see the back of him too!

5.) 29 Apr 2024 13:02:04
Bar72 perhaps your right, maybe the board didn’t want to take the gamble, maybe FFP played is part or just no cash. we definitely needed a forward and got Silva. Still there though in the mix.

“Call us what you will” ?.



27 Nov 2023 11:55:59
Thinking. We are 5 points off the top if we win in our game in hand, we are in to the last 32 again if we win in Europe and in a cup final in December. Not bad for a crap team. We have issues and it's already been highlighted that our trading model needs to get better. Yesterday was a sore one but hopefully PC and the board will move to resolve glaring issues.


1.) 27 Nov 2023 13:40:26
Given the weekend fixtures the other mob would have been thinking that there was the chance to open up a bigger gap, at least that hasn`t happened, so although it was a massive disappointment not to close the gap at least we are still in there with sniff . Clement said there would be bumps in the road and this was one but we should calm down, take the positives so far and keep moving forward like we have been doing.

2.) 27 Nov 2023 21:25:32
Windy, I'm not sure how the Board can move forward to support PC if we don't appoint a DoF ahead of the January transfer window. Looking at the players signed since Parks has been Chief Scout we haven't exactly set the heather on fire with the quality of players signed. Medicare at best!

3.) 28 Nov 2023 13:06:29
Agree to an extend but with the changes to the back room and Coaching staff looking positive one has to have hope. DofF and January window will tell.



13 Oct 2023 22:57:42
Whilst all the managerial talk continues I feel the need to raise a point . Rangers are 7 points behind Celtic. Our goals against 5. Celtic goals against 5. I said last season and it seems it is the same this season. Our front line is the issue.


1.) 14 Oct 2023 06:41:09
Crikey Windy - nothing gets past you pal ?.

2.) 14 Oct 2023 06:49:11
The thing is Celtic haven’t had their first choice back 4 in most of their games and will improve can we say the same about our defence when that’s the best we’ve got and lose the same kinda goals every season.

3.) 14 Oct 2023 06:59:03
Agreed Windy, and until the rest step up and match Sima/ Tav, we are stuffed.

4.) 14 Oct 2023 07:24:31
I asked the question 6 weeks ago were was the goals going come from to challenge. Some smart arse replied the players. Sam Lammers and Dessers were never going score enough goals to contribute to a title winning side.

5.) 14 Oct 2023 08:01:22
The defence who can't defend set pieces isn't a problem? Would be more than 5 if jack butland didn't come to collect corners. Defence is every bit as bad as the strikers tbh.

6.) 14 Oct 2023 08:17:56
1872 cheers ?.

7.) 14 Oct 2023 08:18:49
Forgetting goals for and against. We have played them at home and also aberdeen at home while they have been away to us and aberdeen away. Should never be 7 points behind at this stage.

8.) 14 Oct 2023 08:19:23
Beadleabout. Goals win games and titles and like him or not for whatever reason Colak knew where the net was - so Mr Beale fell on his own sword for binning a guy he didn't like or says didn't suit his system to bring in two planks who did fit the system - WHAT EFFIN SYSTEM WAS THAT BY THE WAY? Colak is scoring goals in Italy and being lauded by his manager! An old saying goes Only fix things when they are broken - Mc Coist and Boyd ONLY scored goals but that won us games and titles - hopefully we will see those days back when a new manages assesses all our duds and rectifies the damage Beale has caused.

9.) 14 Oct 2023 09:19:03
Stating the obvious there Windy, but you're not wrong!
Yes, Beadle Dessers and Lammers are never going to score enough goals to contribute to our quest, and both are just not good enough. Lammers gets a bit more slack as he's not a true striker, but Dessers looks nothing more than worse than average.
Has anyone checked out Dessers league goals scoring record? It's grim! 77 league goals, over 9 seasons, at 8.5 league goals on average a season, with 22 of those coming in his purple patch in 2016-17 while he was at Breda. That's 28.5% of his league goals tally coming from one season alone, 6 years ago? That's pathetic! How in God's name did anyone think signing him was going to be a good idea?

10.) 14 Oct 2023 09:35:09
Anybody that questioned Lammers and Dessers in the summer was classed as a celtic fan or someone that never knew the game on here Raisetheroofe. Maybe we knew a bit more than some gave us credit for. Colak apparently couldn't play the Morelos way (whatever that even means) .

11.) 14 Oct 2023 09:55:50
Agree on Dessers, what we’ve seen so far is woeful. Lammers I wasn’t excited about when he signed but then I had a change of heart and thought he could be a good player, looking like I got that one wrong. Colak I always liked and think it was a mistake to get rid of him, especially when we didn’t upgrade for better. Jury is still out on Danilo but he looks like he could come good. Shame about the injury. .

12.) 14 Oct 2023 09:57:26
Blue Floyd Colak barley starts in Italy division two, beadle surely you can see Colak and Morelos are different types of cf.

13.) 14 Oct 2023 10:28:10
Yes but we can't keep using the Morelos way beale. We should've found a way to play Colak.

14.) 14 Oct 2023 10:36:43
BAF56 - He scored 20 odd goals for us with limited game time last season and at least you could see he had a football brain (so that was good enough for me) - unlike Mr Beale who personally I think vastly underestimated the task he had in front of him - stability with the correct manager is now needed and I will gladly support some immediate pain for future gain - unfortunately Beales buys and tactics showed great naivety and somewhat arrogance too!

15.) 14 Oct 2023 10:57:36
Colak played something like 8 / 10 games for us without scoring and had a dip in form .
He was getting slaughtered on here .
This site makes me laugh … such selective memory’s
Like a bunch of old grannies in the laundry house ?.

16.) 14 Oct 2023 11:23:22
The issue is Colak did not want to play or train.

17.) 14 Oct 2023 11:38:15
The old "I used to play the game" crap doesn't wash with me Beadle. These "ex players" have got a helluva more wrong on here than right with their "expert" knowledge.

18.) 14 Oct 2023 12:07:47
Colak started well, but faded badly, and was no better than Dessers. that's my opinion. Anyway, he is history.

19.) 14 Oct 2023 13:04:37
You're absolutely correct BizzmyBrox, with the exception that Colak could actually score goals (what a striker is meant to do), he is no better than Dessers! ?
Honestly, I love this place! ?.

20.) 14 Oct 2023 13:05:59
Colak is a far better goalscorer than dessers BizzmyBrox, by a considerable distance ? Shouldn't have been sold imo and nobody will make me think different, he's a terrific, natural finisher ?.

21.) 14 Oct 2023 13:07:31
Beadle but you weren't on here we they players you mentioned were signed must have been one of your other user names.

22.) 14 Oct 2023 13:23:50

That's he'll truism old fruit. Our previous didn't have where with all to get defence and filled attack with dubious. I'm still waiting for Sima to step up.

23.) 14 Oct 2023 13:29:40
Big Dado, Butland is part of the defence and as a goalkeeper should be coming out to collect crosses that is what we were screaming at Greegs for not doing. Every team would lose more goals if their keeper wasn`t doing his part . that's why all the top teams make sure they have a top keeper .

24.) 14 Oct 2023 13:37:43
P. S. were does it say about when players are signed? It says about 6 weeks ago and because I don't keep track to the day I posted that could mean anything from 4 to 6 weeks ago. Some of us have busy lives that doesn't revolve around Rangers banter page.

25.) 14 Oct 2023 13:48:48
Bizzmybrox colak had 13 goals at this stage last year, compared to dessers who has 3 of which 2 were deflections and am sure one was a penalty. To say colak is no better than dessers is at best laughable mate. To think where we could be if we only had someone that can actually score goals.

26.) 14 Oct 2023 13:51:17
Colak is at his 12th club since making his professional debut in 2013. That says all we need to know. He was never going to stay at us for long. He’ll be at a different team next season as well. He didn’t win a trophy with us and he’s history so let’s move on.

27.) 14 oct 2023 14:22:47
i wonder how many shankland would have scored by now, its a thought innit.

28.) 14 Oct 2023 14:23:03
Colak has started one game since his move to Parma I wish we would just move on from him he was a bad apple and we have to play and unfit injured Alfredo instead.

29.) 14 Oct 2023 15:24:40
Someone mentioned Beale not liking Colak because "couldnt play the morelos way" i think that comment sums up a big part of our problem too many of that squad are programmed if you like over a long period to get it to morelos, kent or tav. Now its just Tav. We let tav take every corner and every freekick. Its like we've forgotten how to play or find other solutions when we need to find goals another way. Tav is good with his head, in my opinion he should be in the box at set pieces.
A fullback at rangers should never be top scorer every season, pens or not. New manager has a tough job on his hands and another rebuild next summer.

30.) 14 oct 2023 15:52:24
absolutely correct dado, morelos way won nothing, beale way won nothing,

kent morelos became a joke attack, we should have played to colak in the box and stuck with it until we bought a new scorer, nfortunately beale wasted the money.

31.) 14 Oct 2023 19:00:08
Shankland has 1 league goal this season hardly setting the league on fire now is he.



03 Sep 2023 14:17:31
Well that was fun. To be honest an absolute brutal game and devoid of flair. There is a team there but this manger who recruited them doesn't have a clue how to use them. New board and hopefully ruthless in its approach as he needs replaced. I never wanted him as I felt it was a step back. He recruit players supposedly they were after 3-4 years ago, step back. He knows he's fecked just to look at him on the touch line.

To be honest struggling big time to see a shape, a positive spark that bodes well for the future months. Horrendous.


1.) 03 Sep 2023 15:06:27
Agreed mate, never wanted Beale, was a lazy and easy option from the board at the time, we need to pull the trigger now, get rid and get someone else in. I’d take souness to steady the ship right now.




Windy's rumour replies


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25 Jul 2024 18:11:17
Feck sake. Who have the other mob signed this season. Stop putting nothing and nothing together to reach meltdown. ?.




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12 Jun 2024 18:56:59
2pm tomorrow. Read the full paragraph. Then be objective in what it probably means.




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04 Jun 2024 16:53:03
Folks I’ve been a doomer regarding Tav but let’s look at the 4 mentioned. Tav would like to get rid but he is Captain. Maybe him staying gives a bit of stability in the dressing room, especially if you lose goldson. Yilmaz why sell. 2 quality fb on the left. Butland yes sell if crazy money but wasn’t exactly getting offers down south. Cantwell well at the moment it’s only raskin and dio. Better get rid of Dowell and Lawrence. . No one really knows but the board needs to back the manager so maybe he has indicated something. I’m sure others with inside knowledge will have better reasoning.




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01 Jun 2024 11:28:35
I’m lost mate.




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31 May 2024 10:18:08
About the money etc etc. when they are stripped, photographed and signed ?.





Windy's banter replies


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25 Jul 2024 13:38:46
Carluke our club are a shambles.

Imagine being the first building works that didn’t finish on time or require some flexibility. Don’t know any other club that had to play at Hampden whilst a re-build was going on. ?Still at least we are playing at the only other stadium that has a UEFA high ranking in Scotland.

The board and the manager WTF. Imagine upsetting players and trying to reduce our over inflated squad and wage bill. FFP allows without penalty I believe to invest in infrastructure, are we doing that ?The majority wanted a massive re-structure and that requires balls and individuals in place to see it through. It also needs a support to understand the bigger picture. How dare they upset Cantwell, Goldson, Lammers and Hagi. Eh oh what about the other 20 + players who aren’t complaining, they must feel left out ?

The other mob moan about not spending their cash. It’s simple and I’ve told friends who are supporters. Why spend high transfer fees and high salaries to win the SPL. The champions league money is spent on those fees and wages. Now as there is no direct entry do you spend on the hope you get there. I would not.

As for the friendlies, they are smoke screens and will have no bearing on the season ahead.




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25 Jul 2024 11:23:14
Highlighted my doubts last year especially against Celtic, but improved in the SC final when he had raskin playing next to him. Maybe needs players on his wave length around him. Barron is a prospect who should get better, however not expecting Ryan Jack talent yet.




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16 Jun 2024 20:55:19
Storm regarding timescale aye after and see were we are then.




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16 Jun 2024 17:51:14
Got to agree. Most of the players that went, we wantedrid off or they didn’t contribute. We have signed 2 and got another on loan. We need to a negative balance of in and out to reduce the size and balance. At the moment we’re definitely not weaker. Nothing changed really. So let’s wait until after euro”s.




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01 Jun 2024 16:16:55
Eh? No.




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