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22 Jul 2024 11:07:53
It's banter - so I would like us to sign Scott McKenna, Josh Doig, Lennon Miller and Ryan Gauld. Of course we'd need a lot of players to leave before that would be possible and Doig is maybe beyond our price range. Him and McKenna would give us pace and power on the left side, something we sorely lack. Miller maybe more of a project but he could be the holding player we need in the near future. Gauld has tremendous vision, threads passes and has a huge work rate . He has a brilliant left foot for set piece delivery. He's much physically stronger nowadays and made the MLS MVP list alongside Messi. I have bad vibes about some of the players we're supposedly linked with. I think these players would deliver. Tommy Conway is another we should be looking at.


1.) 22 Jul 2024 11:46:42
Cool Mcminn.

I’d like Rodri, halland, palmer and bellingh.

2.) 22 Jul 2024 12:12:13
Haha John that list is not that far fetched to warrant that reply.

however doig and miller would require considerable fees when we have a capable LB in ridvan, miller is a yes for me and Gauld plays football at snails pace MLS so looks like god, the land of no defending and poor keepers, definitely a no.

McKenna I could take or leave, would prefer we looked for better on less of a wage.

3.) 22 Jul 2024 12:13:44
We already have 2 left backs, don’t see us going for Doug unless Yilmaz goes.

4.) 22 Jul 2024 12:14:34
They maybe make our bench John and then end up on our treatment table.

5.) 22 Jul 2024 12:25:23
Me too. ?.

6.) 22 Jul 2024 13:09:02
Top banter John. Maybe David Murray should be the first signing.

7.) 22 Jul 2024 13:32:56
We have missed boat on doig I’m afraid, gauld is a no for me, miller yes but not at 4 million.

8.) 22 Jul 2024 13:45:57
Coully he asks who we would like, I said who I would like mate.



02 Jun 2024 15:26:48
I would like us to move for Ryan Gauld. We need a playmaker. He's much more physical than when he left Scotland, has bags of ability, a sublime weight of pass, and scores goals. Could play 6 or 10. I've also heard that Ross Barkley has become a fantastic player in the 6 position, but probably out of range for us.


1.) 02 Jun 2024 15:52:37
Barkley offered deal by Aston Villa.

Gauls cannot play as a 6 in Scotland or anywhere imo.

Don’t know what he’s doing in MLS but I know he’s performing well.
Apparently would cost a lot of money ie $5m+.

2.) 02 Jun 2024 15:53:19
From his own mouth he is not suited to Scottish football.

3.) 02 Jun 2024 16:02:29
Gauld is out our reach imo . Ship has sailed on all the young Scottish players that moved abroad in recent yrs .

4.) 02 Jun 2024 16:14:50
Not convinced he could withstand the physical demands at Rangers. One of the priorities we should have is availability, players that can play 40-60 games over a number of years. RG has never been able to do that in his whole career, average 31 per season. We need to learn from past mistakes these type of players don't suddenly become robust.

5.) 02 Jun 2024 16:32:59
Gauld earning 40k a week and not interested in Scotland.

6.) 02 Jun 2024 17:10:41
John have you heard anything on barron? Someone posted he's coming and deal was agreed in jan.

7.) 02 Jun 2024 17:26:38
Folk on here didn’t want Barkley ? ?.

8.) 02 Jun 2024 19:36:07
No Walter, not since I said we had withdrawn due to agents demands. Word is PC rates McKinnon.



12 May 2024 11:19:38
Players that should leave -

Jack (reluctantly)

Keep Scottish core -
McCrorie (only if first choice when Butland

Sign - Barron, Shankland, Lennon Miller, Kieron Bowie, McKenna.

Augment with 4 or 5 genuinely good overseas players (under 26).


1.) 12 May 2024 12:56:52
Financially we might not be able to rid ourselves of a number of players especially those that have been here for too long and are still under contract.
I'm not sure we will be able to sell Davies and he certainly isn't the worst centre back at the club.
I would add Lawrence to the list of those that should go and also Goldson and I'm not sure about Souttar. I just don't think he will ever be any better than he is.
Cantwell with the right players around him might be a good player, I would be tempted to let McCrorie go, he isn't going to be our number 1 keeper, (if we lost Butland we would need to bring in a new goalie) .
I'd like to see us sign Barron and Miller, Shankland is a big no unless we are picking him up for £1m or thereabouts. There has to be better players out there if we are doing proper scouting.

2.) 12 May 2024 12:59:09
Mcminn with that selection we should be ok for a top six place.

3.) 12 May 2024 13:20:01
Depends who the 5 genuinely good overseas players are. We need a Scottish core. Foreign players should be starting players, so 5 starters added to the above plus the players staying e. g. Sterling, Lawrence, Butland and we could win the league.

Butland or McCrorie
Yilmaz (prefer better) .
LM (would take Sima)

Subs. e. g. Keeper, King, Souttar, Lowry, Shankland, Bowie, Rice, Miller, McAusland, McKinnon.

4.) 12 May 2024 14:11:38
McMinn you want to keep Lawrence? You must be fecking joking and let Jack go reluctantly ???.

5.) 12 May 2024 14:17:32
Time Lowry went as well.

6.) 12 May 2024 14:23:33
That team won’t come 3rd mcmin let’s hope the board and koepen have loftier ambitions than you mate ?.

7.) 12 May 2024 14:29:11
Scottish core thing does my head in, we need good players I don’t care where they come from. Its pathetic to suggest only Scottish players no what winning is all about.

8.) 12 May 2024 14:42:26
Wishy, how do you know? It's missing the 5 top signings that I've promised.
I've seen some people say Lawrence's legs have gone. I don't think that will be known till after next preseason. No way can he be match sharp after being out so long.
Lowry has been injured - he needs a proper chance next season under a Rangers manager.

9.) 12 May 2024 15:40:11
King, Devine and Souttar are never going to take Rangers forward. Devine struggles to get game time with Motherwell and King is just a non-starter. It's true we can't get rid of everyone but, with all the injuries we've had in defence, King hasn't had any minutes - which speaks volumes.

10.) 12 May 2024 19:19:57
Why is Jack reluctantly? The guys hardly played in 3 seasons.



06 May 2024 08:14:21
At 3 - 1 up I thought the attitude of the players was disgraceful. Yilmaz sauntering over to take a corner and clapping the fans? He should have been sprinting - he'd only just come on. That game could have been 5 or 6 but the players were just happy to see out time. I don't think they're bothered if they win the league or not.


1.) 06 May 2024 08:49:10
Bit harsh mate the players created enough chances but as usual we missed too many.

2.) 06 May 2024 09:36:01
Dinosaurs never got to try dairy milk! Sorry,
Thought I’d follow up a stupid remark with another… players don’t want to win the league - jeez!

3.) 06 May 2024 09:57:50
Completely correct as soon as game appears won, we start taking it easy, passing ball around at back,

4.) 06 May 2024 11:10:24
Absolutely, I mean it's not like we have a huge game next weekend that players might have been told to preserve energy for.

5.) 06 May 2024 11:20:28
Think mcminn just a bit angry and rightly so, the tempo of the game dropped significantly when we went to 3 already mentioned this in a post. Keeping in mind they were down to 10 and absolutely knackered.

6.) 06 May 2024 12:02:24
Sollo They are not winners. A team hungry to win the league goes for the throat. We'll quite possibly lose the title on goal difference. Walter Smith would have gone absolutely ballistic watching them jogging around v 10 men when they should have been going up a gear to claw back the goal deficit. It's no good saying they had previously created chances - you keep going to the final whistle to create even more.

7.) 06 May 2024 12:29:13
That’s a new one Sollof!

8.) 06 May 2024 13:01:02
Do the bouncy, preserve energy for a game that's a week away and don't go for the goals that could potentially win us the league? Make it make sense mate.

9.) 06 May 2024 13:12:56
Don't know about that BB3, I'm still trying to work out Dinosaurs and Dairy Milk??.

10.) 06 may 2024 13:23:20
maybe in your mind there was an element of humour in your reaction, there wasnt, just stupidity as you said

the guy is 100% correct, we need goals, not nice wee waves to the crowd, there should have been no let up with attacks, hiw he kept dessers on the oitch is yet another managerial mystery, if its not working, change it, we should nit have slowed down v 10 men, but we did tet again.

11.) 06 May 2024 13:40:24
Scored 3 in the last 30 mins and 1 in the 93 min, are you just making stuff up.

12.) 06 May 2024 15:26:41
Football fans and especially ours are so damn fickle. The boy is right, we were against 10 men and once we equalise there was nobody sprinting to get the ball out the net and get kicked off. We needed to go for the jugular but they were happy with the 3 points. The pish about conserving energy for next week, utter dross. We have been mainly playing 3 matches a week so having 1 in a weeks time will be refreshing for those guys and no excuse not to be at it.

13.) 06 May 2024 19:01:44
Am with you fork, geez a shout if you solve it ?.

14.) 06 May 2024 20:00:08



18 Feb 2024 14:44:02
A great result. Well done Dessers, we went up a level when he came on and he created his chances himself.


1.) 18 Feb 2024 14:54:26
Certainly gets in the right positions, although I'd like him to be more clinical.

2.) 18 Feb 2024 15:24:01
Mark I’d like every player to be more clinical

Sterling header was up there with van vossen.

3.) 18 Feb 2024 15:25:15
The work rate and positions he gets himself in are superb, finishing lacking but hopefully he’ll pop up when we need him.

On the players out injured, what was the latest we’ve had or people heard?

Roofe and Dowell- no date I can see on potential return
Sima - at the time we were going to start seeing him early April?
Danilo - luckily if we see him again this season?

4.) 18 Feb 2024 15:32:23
And missed them all c'mon that's clutching at straws lol.

5.) 18 Feb 2024 16:40:16
Big dado it’s not clutching at straws nor is it out of the ordinary silva is not finding himself in these positions or making the runs of number 9.

Dessers isn’t good enough but he will score eventually which is better than not at all.

If we don’t win the league we all know why.

6.) 18 Feb 2024 16:58:11
Nothing like van vossen miss.

7.) 18 Feb 2024 17:19:00
To me, the biggest uplift came when Sterling came on.

8.) 18 Feb 2024 20:13:21
Baz an open goal from a few yards.




McMinn's rumour replies


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26 Jul 2024 08:46:40
Belhaven, Here you go.

McKenna scottish sun article




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25 Jul 2024 17:39:57
I think we need to stop the loans. If he's in the last year of his contract, buy him or move on. I see Birmingham just signed Marc Leonard for £500K. Very highly rated and Scottish. The type we should be going for.




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25 Jul 2024 16:58:49
Belhaven. McKenna isn't slow. He was the quickest at Aberdeen when they had that speedy right back and Wright.




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25 Jul 2024 12:46:51
Maybe Stuart Armstrong is "controversial".? A good player with energy and pace.




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16 Jul 2024 19:31:58
Regarding LCB, I do think we should be looking at McKenna. He's dominant in the air and has a lot of pace. Scottish helps, too.





McMinn's banter replies


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24 Jul 2024 20:30:10
Sanderson looks a very good player. Were we linked with him last season?




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22 Jul 2024 13:09:02
Top banter John. Maybe David Murray should be the first signing.




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12 May 2024 22:09:39
Wishybear. I agree Jack has to go, but when fit he's the best outfield player at the club.




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12 May 2024 14:42:26
Wishy, how do you know? It's missing the 5 top signings that I've promised.
I've seen some people say Lawrence's legs have gone. I don't think that will be known till after next preseason. No way can he be match sharp after being out so long.
Lowry has been injured - he needs a proper chance next season under a Rangers manager.




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12 May 2024 13:20:01
Depends who the 5 genuinely good overseas players are. We need a Scottish core. Foreign players should be starting players, so 5 starters added to the above plus the players staying e. g. Sterling, Lawrence, Butland and we could win the league.

Butland or McCrorie
Yilmaz (prefer better) .
LM (would take Sima)

Subs. e. g. Keeper, King, Souttar, Lowry, Shankland, Bowie, Rice, Miller, McAusland, McKinnon.




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