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26 Jul 2024 12:42:38
Saw online that PNE and Derby are both in for Wright.


1.) 26 Jul 2024 12:57:59
I’m hearing we’ve knocked back offers for wright, supposedly clement wants him to stay.

2.) 26 Jul 2024 13:03:45
Walter, heard he is to get. Two year deal with agreed fee to sell.

3.) 26 Jul 2024 13:04:39
Scott wright is a low earner unless he wants another rw makes sense to keep him.

4.) 26 Jul 2024 13:04:58
Too be honest he's a decent impact player n has a goal in him n is more direct than others.

5.) 26 Jul 2024 13:05:42
God help us . He`s never going to be good enough, get him sold and use the money to buy Armstrong if we want a busy winger type. Interesting that the manager has stated that players will not be allowed to enter the final year of their contract and leave for nothing, on his watch, but am I not right in saying that Wright is in his final year . Surely we aren`t going to offer him another deal.

6.) 26 Jul 2024 13:19:44
Realistically he's been one of our better players in pre-season (maybe not hard) . He's home grown, isn't regularly injured, and has a good attitude. I think he's a useful squad player myself.

7.) 26 Jul 2024 13:26:26
We should sell wright and try to pick up alexi Piti on a free. wages would probably about the same with Pitu now without a club….

8.) 26 Jul 2024 13:31:46
From what I have seen he has been one of our better players and imo he is good enough to come on for 10/ 15 mins near the end of a match and on low wages well compared to others at rangers ?.

9.) 26 Jul 2024 13:34:10
Wslger4ever. that's not the managers choice. PC can say what he wants buf if a players under contract then it's up to the player. If pc thinks he can throw any player into the b team for final year and not play them then will that attract future players. if pc said this then maybe he should keep quite. he's a manager not an owned simples.

10.) 26 Jul 2024 13:34:53
Yes Wsl, hence why we r offering to extend

Why pay at least a million for Armstrong to sit on bench.

11.) 26 Jul 2024 13:45:53
I honestly cannot believe the nonsense I’ve read about Wright this preseason ??‍♂️ We deserve all we get if we think guys like him should be kept. A good impact sub, wow. 33 appearances, 4 goals, 0 assists. An absolute waste of a jersey 99% of the time.

Every single time he tried to take someone on last year he lost the ball or just ran into someone and fell. No end product. His only attribute is speed. The standard so many fans are willing to accept is frightening.

12.) 26 Jul 2024 13:55:29
Wright is way better than beep, beep, speedy Matondo who sprints for 10 yards then gets knocked down by a feather and has a first touch which is actually a clearance, we should sue the person who arranged his signing.

Welsh league too high a standard for him.

13.) 26 Jul 2024 13:56:05
He’s been our best player pre season.

14.) 26 Jul 2024 14:06:54
Tbh Wright is one of the only ones that’s looked good pre season he’s direct.

15.) 26 Jul 2024 14:09:21
He is probably on a fraction of Matondo's wage and can impact from bench - unfortunately this seems where we are cash wise - allows money to be better spent elsewhere so I can see the logic - longer term it is obvious he is not the answer.

16.) 26 Jul 2024 14:12:41
Watched Armstrong last night, good long throw and not much else but it was slidey wet on the cheap plastic carpet.

17.) 26 Jul 2024 14:23:16
I hate to be too negative especially about a wee Scottish guy who you rightly say is always available, but i am in the same boat as Coisty here. Pre season means nothing and his regular stats are frighteningly poor, especially considering he is a 'speedy, tricky' attacker coming on late into games for a typically dominant team against tired opposition. Must do better.

18.) 26 Jul 2024 14:28:11
Only my opinion but i rate Scott Wright better than Danny Armstrong, so why try to sign Armstrong to replace him? ?

19.) 26 Jul 2024 14:37:34
Pitu is an interesting one Andy. I would assume there's a few players that would be available from Bordeaux now.

20.) 26 Jul 2024 14:55:19
Think killie value Armstrong at £600k
That’s what I read a few times in regards to few English clubs enquiries about him.

21.) 26 Jul 2024 14:59:46
Wright new deal is the worst news I have heard am gona have a meltdown.

22.) 26 Jul 2024 15:23:19
Can’t think of too many times I can think of where Wright has impacted positively much at all, goal in Cup Final is about it.

Might be a small wage compared to others but with a transfer fee on top somewhere around £400-£600k, get him out of the door as every penny counts at the moment. He’ll leave with I am sure most of our best wishes but just not good enough, we need to progress.

23.) 26 Jul 2024 15:24:48
Armstrong had 9 goals and 14 assists in a Killie side last season.

24.) 26 Jul 2024 15:40:48
Coisty is Armstrong meet criteria as Scottish academy trained.

25.) 26 Jul 2024 15:51:27
Why would we want to keep someone who we all know is simply not good enough, he’s on a low wage? what exactly is a low wage at Rangers
Should we not have people on the bench that have the ability to be better than those in the starting 11 if not what’s the point. some of the thinking around our club is baffling.

26.) 26 Jul 2024 16:02:15
No idea John, just showing the stats as someone mentioned Armstrong but i’d rather take a chance on any young lad who does meet it over Wright who has had his chance and shown he isn’t good enough.

27.) 26 Jul 2024 16:18:56
Wright out and Armstrong in, really? Must be really big queue's for him and Shankland you might think but actually there isny it's just here as it 'appens .

But again Danny does a cracking long throw we could chuck to nobody we have that is suitable to receive it .

Btw he got 75 mins against Belgian nobodies and got hooked because he was mince.

28.) 26 Jul 2024 18:53:31
Armstrong 27, hardly a young lad, fact is Cerny Vaclav will play on the right

Belhaven not quite nobodies, some good players, especially Denkey.



04 Jun 2024 16:59:25
Anyone know if there’s been any talks/ approach for Connor Barron at all? If not I’d find that astonishing!


1.) 04 Jun 2024 17:21:10
I posted the other night Stuart. My mates a big Dons fan and he text me saying Barron has told the guys up there he is coming to us ??.

2.) 04 Jun 2024 17:47:47
Pretty sure it's been put on here about 40 times that rangers offered a contract.

3.) 04 Jun 2024 18:07:33
Stuart we were talking then he changed agents then demand went up significantly.

4.) 04 Jun 2024 18:34:32
There's an offer on the table from us. I believe he's got other offers as well.

5.) 05 Jun 2024 03:44:00
Any idea what the amount is he wants John.

6.) 05 Jun 2024 22:59:29
I see John. I wasn’t aware of that mate. I personally think signing that boy is a must! He will come on leaps and bounds wherever he ends up and I hope it’s with us!



30 Jun 2021 12:37:41
Just saw online that West Ham and Everton have made enquiries about Kamara….


1.) 30 Jun 2021 12:48:45
It's true but Rangers have named their price at 15m as have they for Morelos which is 17-20m

Morelos can go to Porto for at least 13.8m providing the add ons and the 20% move on fee is met

Porto don't seem to be budging from 10m and believe the add ons and 20% move on on top of that is more than enough.

2.) 30 Jun 2021 13:25:16
The higher the calibre of side in the EPL that is interested, the more money we will receive for Kamara.
Let the bidding war begin! 🤑🤑🤑.

3.) 30 Jun 2021 19:35:29
Why do you want rid of Kamaramph? Why do you want rid of ANY of our 55 heros? i'm saying keep the team together, strenghthen out of our season ticket money and see where we can go. I say bid all you like but Rangers in the CL are bigger than west ham or everton.

4.) 30 Jun 2021 20:19:07
Jyf because he got it so wrong about Kamara. 👍.

5.) 30 Jun 2021 20:27:27
Jyf all they clubs can pay more money and for players today cash is king.

6.) 30 Jun 2021 20:33:03
Might be bigger mate. But they can pay wages 3 to 4 times higher than our highest earner that's the difference.

7.) 30 Jun 2021 20:35:42
Jyf, rangers in champions league not bigger. Need to get there then mb six games.
Epl, two games city, United Chelsea Liverpool all in champions league.

8.) 30 Jun 2021 20:36:00
Think 1 players sale will have to go back into the club and any other sales will go towards the playing squad. 👍.

9.) 30 Jun 2021 21:07:46
We don’t it simple but we are run at a loss we need to sell a star player prob ever 2 seasons to balance the books and I’m ok with that.

10.) 30 Jun 2021 21:33:59
Jyf They pay more money than us though and that’s the main attraction unfortunately… it’s a short career! You need to maximise your earning potential!

11.) 01 Jul 2021 00:09:18
Jyf season ticket money does not cover the years bills never mind add to the team out of it. Nobody really wants rid of anybody but in order for us not to make a heavy heavy loss every season we need to start selling players on.

12.) 01 Jul 2021 17:21:06
Correct Paul86.
Some can't see the woods for the trees.
It's simple from a financial point of view. And we can only sell players that other clubs are interested in. It's why we will lose players from the team who brought us 🔴⚪🔵55🔴⚪🔵.

13.) 02 Jul 2021 08:24:39
Kja, my answer wasn't about who could pay the most, its about "let the bidding war begin" as if mph is excited about losing one of our best players. John are you saying playing AGAINST a CL team is better than playing FOR a CL team?
I'm well aware that ST money does not cover wages etc. but our turnover is not too far away and we are building year on year and if we make the CL then there would be no NEED to sell anyone.
My stance is let's keep as much of last years hero's as we can and see how far this team can go. Can't see the wood for the trees? We've been hacking our way out the jungle for ten years and just as we can see light you want to sell the machete!

14.) 02 Jul 2021 10:24:58
If everton are interested 25mil minimum with sell on i'd say👌💙.

15.) 02 Jul 2021 10:48:05
Need to get used to our stars moving on as that is our business model moving forward. Buy young talented players, develop and sell on at profit with sell on clause in every contract. We will sell at least 1 player a season but will replace them with quality young talent that will improve.

16.) 02 Jul 2021 12:07:17
I think that’s a fair statement bellshill I think what we’re all worried about atm though mate is there’s a chance of loosing up to 4 or 5 players just now if reports are true plus players refusing to sign contracts. It’s a dodgy wee situation mate and unluckily it’s all happening at the one time.



05 Jun 2021 14:28:56
Few articles online linking us with Dutch U21 midfielder Abdou Houarri (spelling) . Plays with Sparta Rotterdam.


1.) 05 Jun 2021 15:17:11
Seen that the other day mate. Apparently he’s contracted u til summer 23 so would cost a lot of money. I’ve seen us linked with an awful lot of midfielders online in the last week when in reality we’re probably only going to sign 1 more centre mid. Perhaps some of these guys are being looked at incase we lose aribo and/ or kamara though rather than just to bring in as such mate.

2.) 05 Jun 2021 21:54:56
Leeds and Brighton allegedly also interested.

3.) 06 Jun 2021 22:13:57
Think we will add at least 1 possibly 2 CMs during the window as we looked a bit short when injuries hit Jack and Arfield at the end of the season and zungu loan expired.



01 Feb 2020 12:02:11
I'm glad that we eventually got a couple of bodies in because they were needed. Are the signings we made any better than what we already have in the youth ranks? I was happy to see young Kelly head out on loan and start to get some experience but I firmly believe he is good enough for a run in the first team. Mebude should also get a run out to see how he does.


1.) 01 Feb 2020 12:20:10
The youth are not ready yet👍.

2.) 01 Feb 2020 13:01:30
From what I’ve heard and seen Hagi is head and shoulders above anyone we have in the youth team and Kamberi obviously has a lot more experience in the league than any of our youth. The reason the youth aren’t getting a chance is they’re not ready yet.

3.) 01 Feb 2020 13:12:11
Stuarty I agree but the prob is who do they replace in the team. If we manage to stop 9, then the pressure is off and I believe it will be then that they get the chance.

4.) 01 Feb 2020 15:49:40
Kelly has been out at ayr from start of season.

5.) 02 Feb 2020 09:43:09
I respect your opinion Coldo but when will they be considered ready. i'm happy with our signings and think they were needed but Mebude, Kelly, Kennedy, Hastie, Middleton, Patterson are all good enough to contribute. They are hungry for an opportunity and would fight for the jersey. 18-19 years of age is when you should be featuring from time to time if your good enough. Our youth team have done really well against some of europes biggest teams so why not give them a shot.

6.) 02 Feb 2020 10:11:22
To blue 89. Hagi has been loaned out from Genk just as they have taken the celtic midfielder misfit on loan. ( yabousse) spelling. so will reserve judgement on that one.

7.) 02 Feb 2020 10:16:29
Why aren't they ready? What's the Academy for if it's not to get 18- 21 year olds ready and able to play in the Senior team? If it's not doing that then why spend so much money, which is in short supply, on it?

8.) 02 Feb 2020 13:29:45
Coldo a wee question for you pal.
You like myself are a big fan of ryan kent and i'm sure like me you'll agree that kenty is playing particularly well at the minute but he will come good, i've got no doubt!
Do you think coldo, that gerrard should Continually play kent in this sort of inside left role, with a license to roam, or do you think gerrard should move kent back to his more natural left wing position? I think he should move kent back to left wing and play young hagi in the sort of no.10 role (inside left position), that kent is currently occupying. I then predict that these 2 are very capable of tearing teams apart. Too many of our supporters imo now spouting utter s***e, that wee kent is not got it and not worth the £7million we payed for him. He"ll prove he's worth that and much more as far as i'm concerned. He's a super talented footballer! 👍.

9.) 02 Feb 2020 21:08:05
Definately back to the left wing role coop. Same with the rw role, noticed aribo was constantly in central positions yesterday when he should have been wide. We lack width with this free roam nonsense. 👍.

10.) 03 Feb 2020 19:07:14
Hope and hate age profile of our academy all wrong. Hence reason most are being moved on.
We r great at 16 17 and 18. One or two older. Not quite ready for premier team.




Stuarty1872's banter posts with other poster's replies to Stuarty1872's banter posts


31 May 2024 01:52:04
I’m a bit frustrated, angry, perplexed that we haven’t snapped up Connor Barron!


1.) 31 May 2024 05:58:25
Were in for him, but he has more than 1 offer on the table.

2.) 31 May 2024 06:16:01
Got feeling if talk is correct then they are after McCrorie then some sort of deal may take place re Barron or better still Mijovski or even both?.

3.) 31 May 2024 08:26:37
Barron once again, is out of contract so Aberdeen have nothing to do with it. Yes, McCrorie could be a small makeweight for Miovski but you’re talking maybe £500k or so v £5m.

4.) 31 May 2024 08:36:26
I'd like to see us sign this boy.

5.) 31 May 2024 08:58:08
Ibrox, pretty sure there will still be development fee for Barron so club can use McCrorie in negotiations.

6.) 31 May 2024 09:10:32
Kasier it was said on here it would 350k the fee Barron.

7.) 31 May 2024 11:16:39
Miovski is seemingly going to Italy.

8.) 31 may 2024 15:21:35
shouldnt let things outwith your control make you feel those things mate, i'm not angry or perplexed, i just wait to see what occurs, chill man, the season only finished last week.

9.) 31 May 2024 15:56:59
Stuart what happens if boy does not want to play for rangers.

10.) 31 May 2024 17:11:33
TT good message mate i need to read ones like that sometimes myself lol.



05 Feb 2024 12:08:22
Not a rumour but I hadn’t realised the Turkish window was open until this coming Friday. Does anyone think Gala will come back in for Yilmaz? Surely we wouldn’t let him go at this stage anyway with only Barasic there and round Devine joining M/ Well… Just a thought/ worry….


1.) 05 Feb 2024 12:38:40
Hi Stuarty, I think Sterling and Yfeko can also play Left Back, I could be wrong though, either way, PC won't do anything I'm sure if it would leave us exposed in any area.

2.) 05 Feb 2024 12:41:31

3.) 05 Feb 2024 12:50:28
On the basis he’s one of the three changed in Europa squad I’d think he’s with us until at least the summer.
You never know though.

4.) 05 Feb 2024 12:53:43
Yilmaz is in the European squad and not going anywhere stuarty.

5.) 05 Feb 2024 13:40:53
G dog is SHOUTING.

6.) 05 Feb 2024 15:03:53
???? YES I AM!

Thank you!

7.) 05 Feb 2024 15:41:31
Great point CO2, no way he'd be in euro squad if going.



12 Jan 2024 07:31:36
Various news outlets reporting that Kent is touting himself for a move back. Not for me personally but could be interesting to see how he does under PC. Whether there’s any truth in it or not remains to be seen but if he were to come back he’d have to take a dunt in wages and would have a hell of a lot of making up to do… Don’t see it.


1.) 12 Jan 2024 08:19:09
Not for me.
Failed to deliver consistently enough first time around.
And wouldn't improve the starting 11.
Actually wouldn't get in the team in front of either Sima on the left or McCausland on the right.

2.) 12 Jan 2024 08:25:47
I do think we miss his ball carrying ability sometimes but I don’t want us to go backwards.

3.) 12 Jan 2024 08:42:11
Loan for 6 months would be decent business imo it's pretty risk free cover for sima while he's away offers more than other attackers at club and could allow sima to move into a central role on his return. Good stop gap until summer window when we've more time to source players.

4.) 12 Jan 2024 09:03:36
Agree J-zer.

Would be ideal to cover Sima, and maybe allow Sima to play/ cover CF.

Surely Kent could play the winger roll on the right as well as left.

6 months loan, prove your worth and see what happens.

5.) 12 Jan 2024 10:46:28
6 month loan with a 2/ 3million buy fee if rangers decide they want to keep him and I would not be against it I would not pay him more than 15/ 20k on a loan at moment.

6.) 12 Jan 2024 10:56:57
Absolutely bring back Kent, things you love to hear, Kent will tear you apart again?.

7.) 12 Jan 2024 13:25:04
Kenty - think u may just be an undercover agent for the Darkside as Mr D Vader would put it - either that or Kents actual agent?.



23 Nov 2023 22:08:29
See Van Veen apparently looking to return to Scotland. Worth a punt? Thoughts?


1.) 23 Nov 2023 23:14:18
I’d take van veen. ?
Thought he was smashing last season.
Great technique, great touch, eye for goal.
Seen him score goals from very difficult angles, I think he’s a great player and apparently availible on loan.
Could be a good shout if we’re not going to spend the money hearts want for shankland or if we don’t have the money for someone else.
I’d rather him than dessers, who we could in turn loan out and try to recoup money in the summer.

2.) 24 Nov 2023 00:23:30
Simply not good enough imho.

3.) 24 Nov 2023 00:35:37
Not defending Dessers in any way but I am old enough to remember Ibrox telling Ally to get to **** . Think that turned out ok in the end.

4.) 24 Nov 2023 05:51:09
Backward step too old.

5.) 24 Nov 2023 06:40:30
Penrith I think van veen is old enough to remember that as well.

6.) 24 Nov 2023 07:59:49
I don’t think that’s what we need.

7.) 24 Nov 2023 08:50:30
Great option off the bench for domestic games.

8.) 24 Nov 2023 08:56:30
Decent 2nd/ 3rd choice.

9.) 24 Nov 2023 09:07:17
Pentith, seem to recall doubts about mark hateley as well.
Not saying dessers is either hately or mccoist but we've given other players longer to settle in eg cifuentes matondo.

10.) 24 Nov 2023 09:25:35
He would get more game time than Dessers and Roofe lol.

11.) 24 Nov 2023 10:14:20
Doesn’t matter what age he is what matters is the immediate effect on the pitch.
He’s not costing any money other than small wages it’s a no brainier.
6 month loan deal with option to buy.
Totally makes sense in every aspect.

Manager has stated doesn’t matter if 17 or 36 if your good enough u will play.
Can veen is 33 I believe.
Plenty of players of that age have excelled at the club.

12.) 24 Nov 2023 10:26:34
Dessers should never be mentioned in the same breath as Hately and McCoist.

13.) 24 Nov 2023 10:38:09
Clement has ZERO interest in Van Veen.

14.) 24 Nov 2023 11:06:54
Van Veen? Jesus wept.

15.) 24 Nov 2023 11:38:46
Glad to hear that, Bornabear.

Van Veen has had 1 purple patch in his career, and that was at Motherwell.

For anyone on here who would be happy for us to sign him, can I ask you a question? You do want to win the league, don't you?

16.) 24 Nov 2023 11:46:06
Van veen is no Robert Lewandowski .

17.) 24 Nov 2023 12:00:09
The good ship Van Veen has sailed. we are better than this and will be celebrating #56 in 6 months.

18.) 24 Nov 2023 12:10:36
Even considering van veen show you how far some supporters will accept mediocrity.
We need better. Dressers can be our number 3 .

19.) 24 Nov 2023 12:14:22
Not for me, we need better.

20.) 24 Nov 2023 12:15:39
He’s more than able to perform in this league which is always the first thing we should look for.

He’s a goal scorer. Even has 5 in 10 this season. Fell out with manager and his child is being born in Scotland so he wants back to Scotland in January.

Clement may not want him, I doubt he does.
But he’s be a goo do player for us and wouldn’t cost much for a 6 month deal.
If Danilo got injured we can’t rely on Roofe and dessers isn’t great.
Makes sense to me.

21.) 24 Nov 2023 12:28:54
Let livie or killie sign him if he’s wants back .

22.) 24 Nov 2023 12:44:10
Can see hearts going for him given that Shankland is likely to go in the summer.

23.) 24 Nov 2023 12:55:52
I always said that Van Veen was too slow to be worth a punt for us however we managed to go out and spend a fortune on a guy who is even slower and less of a goal threat . In hindsight I wish we had bought him rather then Dessers but I don`t think he is the answer now, we need someone younger and quicker .

24.) 24 Nov 2023 14:44:27
Wsl we absolutely need to target younger players than van veen, he said in interview in his homeland the other day rangers were interested but he didn’t fit their player profile of younger players.

I’m not saying he’s the answer or the saviour, just think it makes a lot of sense everything considered.

25.) 24 Nov 2023 14:48:11
Stevie he scored 5 in 10 before the fall out with manager and it’s not a great record for the Dutch 2nd division there is goals galore in that league.

26.) 24 Nov 2023 15:49:31
I accept that aswell storm that maybe expect a few more goals from him in that league, it’s a good point mate.

27.) 24 Nov 2023 16:17:30

name me those plenty of players that have signed at the age of 33 and excelled at the club

Does he start ahead of danillo?

No! So how could he Excel at the club we are not going to play a 33year old ahead of an asset we paid 4.5 million for

Clement will have a remit to get more out of current signings while club try to get money back on them if possible

Also when teams in Scotland play the likes of Motherwell they don't have 10 men behind the ball, he got more time and space at Motherwell.

28.) 24 Nov 2023 16:18:57
Also if you look at his record in British football only really Motherwell could be considered a success.

29.) 24 Nov 2023 16:20:38
Also he's just signed for them so it would be a transfer fee for a 33 year old ?

We need to stop the stupid rubbish and start looking more at our own youth free transfers or younger players from other markets.

30.) 24 Nov 2023 18:47:12
Gofor u are wrong.

His club are willing to let him go out on loan if his wages are paid.

It’s been highly publicised last few days


De Boer (both) ?
Trevor Steven?
Ray Wilkins?
Dado prso was what 31/ 32?
Alex rae
Big Marvin

Listen some are right or wrong but there’s no limit on age mate.

31.) 24 Nov 2023 18:48:17
Doesn’t matter what his record is what matters if he can do a job or not that’s literally all that matters fu** his age and who he pamper for he’s a good player and he will score goals and he’s costing us pennies

Jesus mate it’s snobbery.

32.) 24 Nov 2023 18:52:51
StevieG2, the day after that article appeared Van Veen apparently rubbishd it as click bait.



23 Jul 2023 21:06:54
Just read online that Danilo is meant to be on around 39k a week if he joins!


1.) 23 Jul 2023 21:38:21
Think that was similar to what Kent and Morelos were on - could be wrong though.

2.) 23 Jul 2023 22:25:13
I'm not sure why we're paying him that sort of money, we can't afford this transfer not to work out.

3.) 23 Jul 2023 23:04:41
Got to be a few on there way out. Far to heavy up top in players and wages. I expect a few to be leaving.

4.) 23 jul 2023 23:23:53
he will be, and i would think butland too, its the price you pay to win things, we were paying that to lose.

5.) 24 Jul 2023 03:53:51
As someone above said, we are paying Danilo and Butland what we were paying Morelos and Kent.

Beale has totally transformed the team through the summer and brought the average age right down.

If he's proven right to have done that and we win the League next season, and that's a realistic prospect, then the value of the team will increase to the extent that these wages will be money well spent.




Stuarty1872's rumour replies


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26 Jul 2024 10:55:32
How much did we get? Pennies I reckon!




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25 Jul 2024 12:36:33
Was thinking the same mate….




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25 Jul 2024 09:51:10
Harry Souttar’s name will no doubt crop up again on the CB front.




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18 Jul 2024 07:56:02
Startling? Take your head out the sand man! Alarm bells are ringing for most sensible fans. There’s no sugar coating this one.




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15 Jul 2024 20:49:24
I work at Jewsons and I had a representative from the club approach me recently about a plank of wood that could replace Connor Goldson… I gave them a quote but have yet to hear back.





Stuarty1872's banter replies


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23 Jun 2021 07:59:40
They clowns are the reason I support my country from my couch mate. I couldn’t hold my tongue if I was in amongst that nonsense last night.




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22 Jun 2021 23:29:33
Aye Shergar himself 🙌🏻.




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