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26 Jul 2024 14:35:29
Reports in Spain that we have struck a deal with Sevilla over Jordan however the player is reluctant to come. We have been here before with players we need to move on ?.


26 Jul 2024 15:07:00
Not surprised, why would Jordan or Klassen come to the current 2nd best club in scottish football when they will get better offers from clubs in higher quality leagues.

We only got Cerny because he is not wanted at Wolfsburg, and no club is willing to pay the money for him right now at 7 mill euros for his signature after 5 goals for the season, doubt we can afford him either.

He was never on out target list we got lucky on a Wolfsburg reject.

26 Jul 2024 15:11:39
Laudrup and we get lucky on fact Jordan and Klaassen r rejects as you call people.

26 Jul 2024 15:22:54
Why spend time negotiating with Seville if Jordan doesn’t want to come surely you sound the player out first. Either we are incompetent or the latest story regarding him isn’t true.

26 Jul 2024 15:25:07
Well we move on from him in my opinion you only getting to turn down a move to rangers once only want players who want to come here for the fight.

26 Jul 2024 15:28:14
That was stated when we were first linked with jordan that he didn't fancy coming to scottish football and was keen to remain in spain ?.

26 Jul 2024 15:29:11
rejected by their current clubs, happens everywhere John, think you took my comment out of context, no harm done.

26 Jul 2024 15:34:26
Spot on Walter, mind that being said??.

26 Jul 2024 15:37:27
Cheers laudrup I’d be delighted to see these players at rangers

Walter the player himself has not told rangers he does not wish to sign.

26 Jul 2024 15:55:29
Wishy, exactly my thinking mate, why go back with an improved wage offer if the player said no, can't see this being true, him saying that, think we would talk with his agent first before going back with an improved offer, hopefully a Rangers player.

26 Jul 2024 17:01:11
Smoke and mirrors .

26 Jul 2024 17:03:24
Unless you’re a very close friend or family member of Jordan where has it been stated that he has said he doesn’t want to sign. What a load of single fish. If he didn’t want to sign then why would we be offering deals.

26 Jul 2024 17:10:18
Neither Jordan or Klassen coming anywhere near rangers.

Jordan wants a deal in Spain, his value has plummeted from 30mill in 2021 to 3 mill in 2024, must be a reason for that.

Klassen likely will end up back in holland.

If Gerrard was still manager and we had a team of the quality we had in the unbeaten season, sure could see why they would join, but we have shed over a 100 mill off our teams value since SG left, selling quality players and allowing others to walk for free and reinvested most of that money into mediocre players, we are going backwards, another bad season and european campaign, and Clements on the chopping block, especially if they win the league and equal our league record.

1 Celtic 54 42
1 Rangers 55 34.

26 Jul 2024 17:10:35
Laudrup most signings are made because the parent club doesn't really want the player.

26 Jul 2024 18:43:51
Laudrup totaly wrong there manager changed to a 3 5 2 which didn't suit cerny as he's an out and out winger.

26 Jul 2024 14:22:03
Looks like our move for the young man utd midfielder, not as advanced as reported yesterday ?Man utd it's now reporting want to sell hannibal rather than loan him out, as he's only got 1 year left to go on his current contract ?That would rule us out, as we wouldn't be able to afford hannibal on a permanent deal ☹️It would have been a very good signing for us to.


26 Jul 2024 14:35:16
Sws that's a shame he's some1 who I'd have liked to see come in.

26 Jul 2024 14:38:29
Probably just used us to get in the press.

I thought he would be a really good signing but the Man U fans don’t seem to impressed, loads of comments about his over eagerness causing excessive bookings.

I’m happy with Cerny. Seems a sensible signing.

26 Jul 2024 14:41:27
He looks ok but my worry in clips was he went to ground a hell of a lot, I wasn't overly keen on him being a main stay player but I could be totally wrong, I just wish we had big Malik signed up, he would have been a quality signing.

26 Jul 2024 15:27:10
Matondo scored more goals than Cerny last season.

Cerny 22 league games played - 4 goals / 0 assists.

Matondo 19 league games played (mainly as a substitute / and played on the wrong wing) - 5 goals / 3 assists.

when are we going to buy some natural LWs? as we have far too many natural RW's, Matondo, Cortes, Wright, Cerny, Mcausland.

made the point before keep playing wingers on the wrong wing you get regular injuries, Matondo / Cortes / Sima proved that last season all injured playing on the LW. when all clubs before us played them majority of the time if not all the time in their correct position as RW.

Can't clement work that out?

26 Jul 2024 15:41:27
You’re talking nonsense, playing wingers on their ‘opposite sides’ is not why players got injured. Our crappy under Beale and poor medical set up were much more to do with it. And as for Cerny’s stats, Wolfsburg played a 352 the majority of the time and he was being asked to play as a wing back instead of a winger, that wasn’t his natural game and didn’t suit him. He has always played on the right cutting in on his left foot (much like Robben), he came through Ajax youth set up playing that way. But suppose you’re right, I mean what does the Ajax academy know?

26 Jul 2024 15:42:06
FFS. It actually doesn’t matter who we sign. People will never be happy. ?.

26 Jul 2024 16:00:41
Laudrup what are you actually talking about. this isn't the early 2000s almost every left footed winger plays RW and vice versa and playing in the opposite side of your foot causes injuries? hahaha what?

26 Jul 2024 16:07:18
Gers78! - what would i know about Ajax, only support 2 clubs, only sport i watch or follow, Rangers and Ajax.
Been that way since 1988.

But do go on, tell me more about this team Ajax . they sound super cool.

Are you really comparing Robben and Cerny - LMFAO.
Miles apart in quality.

So you are agreeing with me then that players playing in their wrong position perform less effectively?

At least Gerrard and Gio understand why you play LWs as LWs and RWs as RWs, something Clement can hopefully get right this season, but he will need to buy some natural LWs first, Tom Lawrence won't last all season,

all the other wingers at Rangers are RW's, next season will tell us if playing RW's as LWs gets us a lot of injuries again, but your right mate if so it's because of Beale and The medical staff from when he was the manager.
Thanks for the insight.
we should have played kent on the RW, that must have been why he wasn't scoring as many goals, we had to play him on the wrong side, and if he got injured we can blame beale again.

It's all Beale's fault, thanks for clearing that up.

26 Jul 2024 16:31:56
Matondo and Cortes even Sima were not getting a game on any wing before coming to Rangers so to judge that the way it was done on here is tripe.

26 Jul 2024 17:04:09
I would say Cerny is the only right winger at club, couple of right sided players and left wingers who can play out there, first one we have had in years, nearly every player and their granny have played out there ??‍♂️.

26 Jul 2024 17:18:51
Behave Belhaven, that is tripe, you do realise Sima has played the most games of his career on the rw, mostly left for us/ Rangers, many games has Cortes played not on the wing? and where has Matondo been played? even plays wide for Wales??.

26 Jul 2024 14:20:02
So transfers gathering pace. a lot of talk going about and rightly so - hopefully we can get lammers, Cantwell, dessers, Goldson, tav off to a new start and reduce wage bill and get a few new faces - I have trust in pc and nk to do their work well a think start of season could be shaky but so was ange's his first year - watp follow follow.


26 Jul 2024 15:12:33
Gazza u picking up any Tav wants a massive pay off to leave.

26 Jul 2024 15:37:01
He's on about 32k and 2yrs to go that's about 3.3m in wages?.

26 Jul 2024 15:50:34
Not more than that fork.

26 Jul 2024 16:11:40
Fat Ange got a new mention it's been a while, could be spelling the surname is too hard . Clement much easier of course so that's nice.

26 Jul 2024 18:09:05
hopefully the deals done in the next few weeks see more quality players brought in and more of the unwanteds / deadwood sold or loaned out, plenty work to do yet if we are going for 56, at a bare minimum, just over a month left until the transfer window closes.

At least we are seeing some positives regards ins and outs after the intial influx of new players, followed by the quiet spell of recent weeks.

26 Jul 2024 13:53:48
Nobody seems to have commented of Cifuentes joking Aris Thessaloniki, obligation to buy for £4.1m (€4.5m).

Great business.


26 Jul 2024 14:13:17
I did but it wasn't posted for some reason.

26 Jul 2024 14:13:38
Stevie if it is obligation that be be great news mate, over three times more than payed.

26 Jul 2024 14:30:12
We are never getting this, pure pie in the sky. Surely, this has to be a wind up?

26 Jul 2024 14:39:36
I read option to buy, not obligation?

26 Jul 2024 14:42:53
If we get that doe for him it would be a good bit of business by the club.

26 Jul 2024 14:53:42
Yeah Beale that’s what was reported mate.
Obligation after seasons loan.
Quote a lot of mo et so very well done to the club.

26 Jul 2024 14:53:59
That pays for Cortez next summer.

26 Jul 2024 15:06:41
It is option at end of deal not obligation?.

26 Jul 2024 12:42:38
Saw online that PNE and Derby are both in for Wright.


26 Jul 2024 12:57:59
I’m hearing we’ve knocked back offers for wright, supposedly clement wants him to stay.

26 Jul 2024 13:03:45
Walter, heard he is to get. Two year deal with agreed fee to sell.

26 Jul 2024 13:04:39
Scott wright is a low earner unless he wants another rw makes sense to keep him.

26 Jul 2024 13:04:58
Too be honest he's a decent impact player n has a goal in him n is more direct than others.

26 Jul 2024 13:05:42
God help us . He`s never going to be good enough, get him sold and use the money to buy Armstrong if we want a busy winger type. Interesting that the manager has stated that players will not be allowed to enter the final year of their contract and leave for nothing, on his watch, but am I not right in saying that Wright is in his final year . Surely we aren`t going to offer him another deal.

26 Jul 2024 13:19:44
Realistically he's been one of our better players in pre-season (maybe not hard) . He's home grown, isn't regularly injured, and has a good attitude. I think he's a useful squad player myself.

26 Jul 2024 13:26:26
We should sell wright and try to pick up alexi Piti on a free. wages would probably about the same with Pitu now without a club….

26 Jul 2024 13:31:46
From what I have seen he has been one of our better players and imo he is good enough to come on for 10/ 15 mins near the end of a match and on low wages well compared to others at rangers ?.

26 Jul 2024 13:34:10
Wslger4ever. that's not the managers choice. PC can say what he wants buf if a players under contract then it's up to the player. If pc thinks he can throw any player into the b team for final year and not play them then will that attract future players. if pc said this then maybe he should keep quite. he's a manager not an owned simples.

26 Jul 2024 13:34:53
Yes Wsl, hence why we r offering to extend

Why pay at least a million for Armstrong to sit on bench.

26 Jul 2024 13:45:53
I honestly cannot believe the nonsense I’ve read about Wright this preseason ??‍♂️ We deserve all we get if we think guys like him should be kept. A good impact sub, wow. 33 appearances, 4 goals, 0 assists. An absolute waste of a jersey 99% of the time.

Every single time he tried to take someone on last year he lost the ball or just ran into someone and fell. No end product. His only attribute is speed. The standard so many fans are willing to accept is frightening.

26 Jul 2024 13:55:29
Wright is way better than beep, beep, speedy Matondo who sprints for 10 yards then gets knocked down by a feather and has a first touch which is actually a clearance, we should sue the person who arranged his signing.

Welsh league too high a standard for him.

26 Jul 2024 13:56:05
He’s been our best player pre season.

26 Jul 2024 14:06:54
Tbh Wright is one of the only ones that’s looked good pre season he’s direct.

26 Jul 2024 14:09:21
He is probably on a fraction of Matondo's wage and can impact from bench - unfortunately this seems where we are cash wise - allows money to be better spent elsewhere so I can see the logic - longer term it is obvious he is not the answer.

26 Jul 2024 14:12:41
Watched Armstrong last night, good long throw and not much else but it was slidey wet on the cheap plastic carpet.

26 Jul 2024 14:23:16
I hate to be too negative especially about a wee Scottish guy who you rightly say is always available, but i am in the same boat as Coisty here. Pre season means nothing and his regular stats are frighteningly poor, especially considering he is a 'speedy, tricky' attacker coming on late into games for a typically dominant team against tired opposition. Must do better.

26 Jul 2024 14:28:11
Only my opinion but i rate Scott Wright better than Danny Armstrong, so why try to sign Armstrong to replace him? ?

26 Jul 2024 14:37:34
Pitu is an interesting one Andy. I would assume there's a few players that would be available from Bordeaux now.

26 Jul 2024 14:55:19
Think killie value Armstrong at £600k
That’s what I read a few times in regards to few English clubs enquiries about him.

26 Jul 2024 14:59:46
Wright new deal is the worst news I have heard am gona have a meltdown.

26 Jul 2024 15:23:19
Can’t think of too many times I can think of where Wright has impacted positively much at all, goal in Cup Final is about it.

Might be a small wage compared to others but with a transfer fee on top somewhere around £400-£600k, get him out of the door as every penny counts at the moment. He’ll leave with I am sure most of our best wishes but just not good enough, we need to progress.

26 Jul 2024 15:24:48
Armstrong had 9 goals and 14 assists in a Killie side last season.

26 Jul 2024 15:40:48
Coisty is Armstrong meet criteria as Scottish academy trained.

26 Jul 2024 15:51:27
Why would we want to keep someone who we all know is simply not good enough, he’s on a low wage? what exactly is a low wage at Rangers
Should we not have people on the bench that have the ability to be better than those in the starting 11 if not what’s the point. some of the thinking around our club is baffling.

26 Jul 2024 16:02:15
No idea John, just showing the stats as someone mentioned Armstrong but i’d rather take a chance on any young lad who does meet it over Wright who has had his chance and shown he isn’t good enough.

26 Jul 2024 16:18:56
Wright out and Armstrong in, really? Must be really big queue's for him and Shankland you might think but actually there isny it's just here as it 'appens .

But again Danny does a cracking long throw we could chuck to nobody we have that is suitable to receive it .

Btw he got 75 mins against Belgian nobodies and got hooked because he was mince.

26 Jul 2024 18:53:31
Armstrong 27, hardly a young lad, fact is Cerny Vaclav will play on the right

Belhaven not quite nobodies, some good players, especially Denkey.

26 Jul 2024 12:26:46
John you picking up Davy Klassen knocking up back?


26 Jul 2024 12:52:45
Union, I told this guy backup if we can’t get Jordan.

26 Jul 2024 12:59:33
He’s on a free is he not? Good player.

26 Jul 2024 13:00:26
Klaasen now linked to besiktas but it's good we seem to be linked with good quality.

26 Jul 2024 13:12:05
different positions surely John.

26 Jul 2024 13:33:38
We need that kind of player experienced pro played to higher levels would be happy with either.

26 Jul 2024 13:58:36
Cheers John, I wondered if we had looked at experienced midfielders as alternatives.

26 Jul 2024 14:06:35
Rob I’d say yes, but it’s called working to a budget.

26 Jul 2024 14:14:47
2 ex Jong Ajax players
Danilo, Cerny, now linked with Klassen lol, when do we sign Queensy Menig?

we going for a front 4 of ex Jong Ajax academy players.

Glasgow Ajax Rangers

fun fact Danilo / Cerny / Menig were the front 3 at Fc Twente not that long ago.

26 Jul 2024 14:15:10
Anyone know if hearts have a huge pile of offers for Shankland or is it just us and Melchester rovers ?

26 Jul 2024 15:03:37
Gio wanted to sign Klaasen but the board said no!

26 Jul 2024 12:23:03
Rumour doing the rounds that davy klaassen rejected a contract offer from us yesterday. What a player he wouldve been.


26 Jul 2024 12:53:18
Never nice to hear we've been knocked back, but good to see this is the calibre of player were after.


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